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17636965 No.17636965 [Reply] [Original]

is richard dawkings mentally handicapped?

>> No.17636992

No. He actually knows perfectly well what the question is. It’s impossible to deliver atheist apologetics for as long as he has and still not understand the challenge to justify something.

>> No.17637008

Who is this Daniel Dennett guy by the way? I’ve seen him with Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris on their ridiculously named Four Horseman podcast but I’ve not heard of anyone being as disingenuous and hubristic as the other 3 prior to seeing that.

>> No.17637052

>I’ve seen him with Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris on their ridiculously named Four Horseman podcast

>> No.17637077
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>> No.17637088
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New atheism was a think-tank creation with clear political agendas. An uprooting of a generation, if you will. All to prepare them for whatever lackluster nuhistory they have in mind.

>> No.17637099

He believes consciousness doesn't exist because we can't measure it.

>> No.17637101
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>what is the evidence for evidence
Do th*ists really?

>> No.17637217

t. actual retard that hasn't touched a philosophy book since high school

>> No.17637231

He has been corrected on so many mistakes but he persists. I think it's all a grift because he clearly doesn't care about the truth. There at least was a place for a loud obnoxious atheist, even if his arguments are bad.

>> No.17637297

He's been on the Epstein plane. Not much room for truth once you go there.

>> No.17637364

To be fair the guy is asking the question in the most bizarre way possible and then some guy in the audience simplifies it into a softball that doesn't reveal his circular reasoning. The standards for intellectuals are so fucking low.

>> No.17637390



>> No.17637410

>Four Horsemen podcast
Jesus christ

>> No.17637411

So should I read the Selfish Gene or not?
Does it go into retard atheist shit?
I just want to learn about genes and stuff

>> No.17637419

It's a very good book. It's not about atheism.

>> No.17637420

It's his best book supposedley. I've heard that a lot of biologists think its wack. But I haven't read it.

>> No.17637464

>what evidence is there that evidence is a necessary standard for a belief system?
Think about this for a second.

>> No.17637482

The guys problem is not emphasizing different types of evidence. If you're an empiricist you only believe we can get truth out of our senses and the natural world. But you don't get that belief out of your senses or find the existence of empirical truth under a rock. So it's a self-refuting position. That's what the guy was really asking but Dawkins just sidestepped into asserting pragmatism over and over hoping that if he says IT WORKS IT WORKS IT WORKS 5 times the dummies won't question his assumptions.

>> No.17637487

Yes. This which "work" in the practical world justify themselves if the essence of the question is: "Why do we do what works?"

>> No.17637509

To say that its true because it works is to say that it matches up to a system of value that you already have and haven't justified (in this case, empiricism). He is question begging.

>> No.17637528

You guys are why regular people don't take philosophy seriously. While you're jerking each other off with word games, other people are actually making the world a better place.

>> No.17637536

(you) now fuck off

>> No.17637543

Sure. But if the premise is anything BUT "why do we do things which work," the questioner wouldn't be in an auditorium speaking into a microphone to a scientist asking him why he believes evidence, by definition, isn't self-evidently an argument for something's truth. He should instead be grunting noises and gesturing in the general direction of the most truth-looking man in his vicinity, hoping to received some not-necessarily-sense-based reply to his gruntings.
Some premises become justified by the manner in which we can't help but inquire about them.

>> No.17637545

Wah, wah, wah...

>> No.17637556

Forget regular people, Dawkins is an oxford educated biologist and he is too low IQ to grasp philosophy.

>> No.17637594

Yeah the questioner believes in these things, and so does Dawkins. These are preconditions to discuss anything. But that's not the same thing as actually justifying them and making them make sense within the totality of what you believe. Dawkins and this redditor >>17637528 seem to think that justification doesn't matter because in their opinion it 'works'. Fine but an opinion is not a justification.

>> No.17637639

>Yeah the questioner believes in these things, and so does Dawkins.
As well as everyone in the audience, everyone watching the video on youtube, and you and I discussing it. It's a premise so deeply embedded in our manner of existing that to deny it is, as the whiney bitch above noted, a masturbatory/semantic ritual which itself relies on the premise that some pure, objective "truth" insulated from practical reality is possible, useful, or true.

>> No.17637645

>Fine but an opinion is not a justification.
With Descartes devil experiment there's really nothing we can truly prove other than we exist (and mathematics).

The scientific method acknowledges this which is why it's based on subjecting models to sustained challenges only with the most rock-solid taken as effectively proven (and even then the door is still open to further challenges).

You might consider this a cop-out but as Dawkins said, this approach has worked and thus should be followed until something better is found to replace it.

By all means, try and find a better approach but while you do, the rest of us will continue on in the existing manner in which work is conducted, imperfect as it may be.

I guessa question I would have is: so what? If there is no flawless justification for the scientific method, what should we do? What is your suggestion? Do we simply stop everything until someone works out a perfect indisputable system to replace our current one?

>> No.17637691

>With Descartes devil experiment there's really nothing we can truly prove other than we exist (and mathematics).
to even formulate the thought (using words, which you didnt invent yourself) implies the existence of consciousness that isnt yours but that understands your perspective.

>> No.17637705

no one in this thread is
questioning science functionality

>> No.17637762

Because they appeal to the Redditor masses. They don’t know what it means to justify a claim and neither does their audience. They are rhetoricians who say things they like and nothing more so they get away with it. Just look at the comments.

>> No.17637777

I find Hitchens the least insufferable because of this video

>> No.17637800

>everyone converts to [the EXACT religious beliefs you hold RIGHT NOW] when they near death

>> No.17637828

>Anti-gay attitudes in Africa today can be traced to Colonial Christian missionary activity.


>Reparations for Slavery Could Have Mitigated U.S. Covid Infections, Harvard Study Finds


Science wins, wear the mask.

>> No.17637839

As admirable as the declaration that he wouldn't try to convince the last religious believer had he the opportunity is, he prior argument that fine-tuning suggests some deity or designer is actually more thoroughly explained/disproven than almost any other theological argument.

>> No.17637843

Not muslim too? Curious.

>> No.17637850

There is a flawless justification for it but only if you affirm metaphysical truth. Empiricists want to cram everything into the physical and that's why you end up having no way to justify any of the basic, abstract universal beliefs you have and have to appeal to pragmatism over and over which is just a plastering over the top of universal abstract beliefs which aren't found in the physical world.

>> No.17637867

muslims were very tolerant of homosexuality before they encountered the west and before Wahhabism, just like Japan

>> No.17637883

What's admirable about it? Seems like false humility to me.
>If I was such a big brained atheist I could conver- I mean convince everybody to agree with me I'd leave the last guy alone because I'm just that nice of a dude.

>> No.17637917


>> No.17637950

It's admirable because he seems to admit for all the rhetoric surrounding theology/anti-theological debates, he admits to appreciating the flavour and flare that comes with having religious people around rather than having some uniform ideology ruling the world.

>> No.17637975

All it does is propose a superior model for evolution (which, after reading the book myself, does seem superior at explaining the mechanism of evolution). There is no religion, except for the last chapter on memetics where he claims religion is an idea which is successful for the same reason superior genes are successful. You can skip this chapter though, it's nothing very insightful after you've read the important part of the book.

>> No.17637999

Maybe he means that but it comes off kind of unconvincing by framing it as the last religious person. That persons views would be completely irrelevant so it doesn't matter either way.

>> No.17638069

>With Descartes devil experiment there's really nothing we can truly prove other than we exist (and mathematics).
That's cool and all, except that Descartes was proactively refuted by Aquinas.

>> No.17639290

how do men sit like that my balls get crushed

>> No.17639313

When you are thin enough on the leg department you can do it, even with a sizable sausage.

>> No.17639325

i always thought it was to hide boners, wouldn't want mine to pop out of my belt

>> No.17639338

It's not wack, just outdated. But still a good introduction to gene selection theory.

>> No.17639360
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This is relevant again

>> No.17639365
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>> No.17639366

It only works when it's pre-emptive, it's impossible to get that position with a boner on.

>> No.17639373

>Still doesn't understand that theists are the ones with the burden of proof

>> No.17639380

Theism exists, so it can only refer to things that exist. The nature of Theos is the only thing not understood.

>> No.17639398

>where is the proof that you need proof
Dawkins use of Pragmatism in the answer is absolutely fine. I say this as a Theist who hates Dawkins. What's the anger here about?

>> No.17639469

Well? What is it? The claim that the world which comes to us via our senses is all that can be talked about is faith based in itself.

>> No.17639576

See >>17639469 The validity of Dawkins idea of proof must itself be proven, but proof cannot prove its own validity any more than we can physically step outside ourselves. You might say that the fact that it "just works" is proof enough, but a lot of Idealists would say otherwise. No doubt the men in the cave also thought the shadows "just worked" and that this was enough. You then get into this problem of sufficient reason which no atheist has managed to actually undermine conclusively, so they tend to either ignore it or say the question is meaningless.

>> No.17640077

Quite so.

>> No.17640082

He actually did good work in journalism before opting for the fedora lifestyle.

>> No.17640097

It just works was how we thought of Newtonian physics until Relativity came along. It's cute. I would also like to say that I'm tired of calling it scientific method when we only do that to deify it as it's proper name should be the Baconian method for Francis Bacon, it's inventor.

>> No.17640140

He is an absolutely based and talented writer. If Christcucks and liberals would just ignore his post-2002 religious and foreign policy writings, they'd be able to enjoy three-decade-long series of essays and articles which articulate why writing is so great and important.

>> No.17640145

Newtonian physics do "just work" unless you're going near the speed of light. The model still has uses and people didn't dismiss Einstein's work because it conflicted with existing models. This isn't the slam dunk you think it is.

>> No.17640156

They also do not work at quantum scale anon. The analogy does work as I am comparing it to the Baconian method itself which has limiting factors in both that which is immeasurable and that which is irreplaceable.

>> No.17640171

>Theism exists
You mean the belief in god exists? Yes it does

>> No.17640200

>They also do not work at quantum scale anon.
True, and when that was discovered people created new models to understand the new physics. So far all is working as expected.

This whole thread is one of the most desperate I've ever seen on /lit/. A bunch of people are essentially trying to say that because most scientists don't have a perfect philosophical foundation to their work, their work is meaningless and basically refuted. Meanwhile, the top minds of /lit/ either think they have said perfect method (which is never elaborated on) or they think that acknowledging that they know nothing means they know more.

Or simply: "Huhuh at least I know I know nothing while you incorrectly think you know something ergo I'm better than you"

Truly desperate coping.

>> No.17640246

the fact that newtonian physics has been disproven is not a negative reflection on the scientific method because the scientific method is about the iterative honing of knowledge, not the derivation of final absolute truths. relativity will one day most likely be improved upon in the same way to better match new experimental data. this is not a point against the athiest's use of scientific method but for it.

>> No.17640261



>> No.17640275

Incorrect. The method as an algorithm cannot be used for any study of knowledge that cannot be measured or cannot be replicated. In the same way the Newtonian formulas are limited to only one realm of application and cannot be used for the very large or the very small. You are completely misunderstanding the comparison.

>> No.17640276

The problem with that kind of thinking is that it rests on the assumption that a final, complete theory of physics will be similar to the physics we currently have. It is entirely possible that a complete theory of physics will require including things which they do not currently include, such as consciousness. Quantum theory really does look like it will have to include consciousness to be completed.

>> No.17640284

Would be tough considering one of them is a bit dead

>> No.17640305

>it rests on the assumption that a final, complete theory of physics
it does not rest on any such assumption. in my post i made very clear that there is no "final, complete theory of physics" (>not the derivation of final absolute truths)
if one of the iterations to come includes a theory of consciousness outside of the physical phenomena we currently understand then so be it. i suspect you may be waiting a long time but that is irrelevant.

>> No.17640311

They're actively attempting to discover the Universal Field Theory anon.

>> No.17640355

good for them lol. classical physics was once considered 'universal' and complete as well. the scientific method is iterative and never-ending, this is acknowledged by all good scientists.

"In science, there are no universal truths, just views of the world that have yet to be shown to be false." - Brian Cox, Why does E=mc^2?

>> No.17640380

Sorry, the 'unified' field theory is attempting to bridge quantum with astrophysics with a new formula. As of late it is apparently stigmatized to even attempt to do so as physics stagnates to only string theorists. It seems to me the only field worth perusing in stem if you want to advance humanity and make a difference NOW is in materials and manufacturing research. Materials is the most interesting thing going on right now.

>> No.17640383

>The method as an algorithm cannot be used for any study of knowledge that cannot be measured

>> No.17641429


>> No.17642101

i can actually fold my legs another time around

>> No.17642115

Atheists have no less judgment about worldly matters.

>> No.17642148

He's right, though.

>> No.17642203

I know they like to pretend they're not doing this so they can avoid answering legitimate questions, but atheists are also saying something about the universe. When somebody asks you why you believe the things you do it's not enough to say that other people also believe things. It's a shame so many of the influencers of atheism like Bill Nye or Lawrence Krauss have adopted anti-philosophical attitudes because it has ingrained a lot of bad thinking in the movement. Consequently you guys do what a lot of ignorant people do in conversation, which is repeat pithy sayings without really understanding what you're saying or who you're saying it to.

>> No.17642301

The evidence would be necessity wouldn't it? If we don't make the assumption that logic is 'true', and that everything flows from that, you don't have grounds to think anything.

>> No.17642334

Another thread where scientifically illiterate pseuds and youtube comment section tier christians circle jerk over the problem of induction?

>> No.17642732

You can't refer to things that do not exist. Heck, some things exist because of faith - things like money and laws.

>> No.17642770

There are different kinds of Logic.