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/lit/ - Literature

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17635288 No.17635288[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Following its publication, there were reports of young men committing suicide in a similar manner to Werther. Some even had copies of the book with them in their final moments. The book was considered so dangerous that it was banned in Denmark, Italy and Leipzig. The latter also banned Werther’s traditional costume. Suicide contagion following the suicide of a famous person is today known as the Werther’s Effect.

Lmao do 18th century incels really?

>> No.17635301

bad bait

>> No.17635338

I actually have a little fantasy where I write a book so philosophically powerful that it would make people commit suicide in droves. I didn't know someone already did that, cool.

>> No.17635348

also, nice tits

>> No.17635350

Whatever happened to the /lit/ read along club

>> No.17635357

Evil fucking whores. The muslims have it right

>> No.17635408

None of these women are attractive. Makeup, suntan and getting your tits out is not going to make up for the fact that they are 5/10s at best.

>> No.17635495


This is the only reply your thread is worthy of receiving. Fuck off cunt.

>> No.17635522


>> No.17635537


>> No.17635553

It's only based if 312 means girl 3 is best, then girl 1, and in last girl 2. Although I would take 1 over 3.

>> No.17635589


>> No.17635603

>t. Werther fan

>> No.17635823

>His genes do not yearn for the tall girl who will birth the fastest runners.

>> No.17635865
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3 is obviously the most attractive
this is now a tits thread post webm

>> No.17636037

It's 2 women 1 man

>> No.17636053

The perfect woman would be
3 face, 1 tits and 2 height

>> No.17636063

>tall woman
How big do you want her penis fag

>> No.17636067

God damn, I had this exact same thought a couple of minutes ago but didn’t post it. Great taste.

>> No.17636080

Women will be tall and men will be small in the future.

>> No.17636083

Honestly, the only reason people don't find this kind of shamelessly cloying and attention seeking behaviour to be embarrassing is because they want to fuck the woman.

>> No.17636092

Her disgusting, dirty-ass room is too distracting.

>> No.17636093

Do you want you children to be short? The genes that code for your sons' height will come from your wife as well.

>> No.17636098
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this is girl is too beautiful to be doing stuff like this. no homo, wish her dad was more involved

>> No.17636105

Small men are superior and men will all be small in the future.

>> No.17636135

>I actually have a little fantasy where I write a book so philosophically powerful that it would make people commit suicide in droves. I didn't know someone already did that, cool.
It only has a chance to work if you practice what you preach and others will hopefully follow suit.

>> No.17636275

Sorry we had dirty rough sex the night before

>> No.17636277

I'm a manlet and I strongly disagree with this, between 185cm/6ft and 190cm/6ft2 is perfect manly height, everything below is too weak and everything above too unwieldy and prone to health issues (with exceptions of course).

>> No.17636371

I'll explain it generally without going into the math.
Every additional inch of height exponentially increases the amount of energy you need to survive.
Small males are exponentially more efficient than large ones, and they are better equipped to live in technocratic societies and they are better infantry. They are not too weak to perform any task that is required in civilization, they are better at fighting with firearms and in the military, and they do it all for exponentially fewer resources.
Energy and land expenditure in agriculture is among the largest investments our species makes and reducing this by just making people small is one of the greatest investments a nation can do. This remains true regardless of any advancement in technology. No nation will pass this up just because it's "weird". The moment one nation begins to do it, all the others will need to follow to remain competitive.
You could say "we'll just make fewer men but they will be bigger" but then you're just rendering yourself uncompetitive, you get a smaller nation for more money and energy and food, which is retarded.
Women need to be larger though because female fertility/fecundity is directly tied to their size, larger women are better at reproduction because they have bigger bellies and wombs. Not fat women, tall/large women. And women's metabolisms are naturally slower than men and they use less food naturally given the same height anyway so it's not inefficient to make them large, while all the health complications related to reproduction (which are huge) become less common so you save money in terms of healthcare. And the big girls can just help with physical labor if needed along with the males.
Small males and large females are unironically superior to large males and small females at a nation level.

>> No.17636718

Women never have to earn anything in life because no one feels threatened by them or expects them to be anything other than sexy children in adult bodies.
Equality will never be equality because women aren't expected to earn it while men are.

>> No.17636737


Correct answer.

>> No.17636747

suicide contagion is still a thing, most news outlets never report on suicides for this reason

>> No.17636845
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>> No.17636856

This level of cope

>> No.17636864

>Honestly, the only reason people don't find this kind of [...] behaviour to be embarrassing is because they want to fuck the woman.
This is all male/female interactions.

>> No.17636867


>> No.17636872

That's what it means
I've always numbered the women from left to right then listed best to worst numbers. Don't tell me people rank in numbers and list those from left to right...

>> No.17637025

Cant stop evolution

>> No.17637107

Nah, in the fantasy the book acts as an Ubermensch filter, and anyone who dares to read it that isn't a master of their soul will be compelled to an hero.

>> No.17637264

Manlet cope

>> No.17637281

Can't stop evolution.

>> No.17637298

>Napoleon Bonaparte considered it one of the great works of European literature, having written a Goethe-inspired soliloquy in his youth and carried Werther with him on his campaigning to Egypt. It also started the phenomenon known as the "Werther Fever", which caused young men throughout Europe to dress in the clothing style described for Werther in the novel. Items of merchandising such as prints, decorated Meissen porcelain and even a perfume were produced.

Napolean was an incel well he was manlet so that explain everything