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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 170 KB, 1074x1600, Gottlob-Frege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17635105 No.17635105 [Reply] [Original]

>founder of analytic philosophy
>responsible for the linguistic shift
>helped provide the foundations for modern logic and mathematics
>never memed on /lit/

>> No.17635202

>also a rabid antisemite

>> No.17635221

kek I didn't know this

>> No.17635244

/lit/ is retarded when it comes to logic see the constant shilling of Aristotle.

>> No.17635247

There's an amazing article about his correspondence with Hilbert, highlighting the moments where they clash over the validity of formalism.

>> No.17635867

The two things my Philosopher professor taught me about Frege in our History of Analytic Philosophy court was that his logical system is outdated/archaic (compared to how it's been refined since he introduced it) and that his life's work got btfo by Russell.

If anyone else had a similar education, then it'd be their impression that Frege is both contemporaneously irrelevant and a failure. He is like an old popular Atari game.

That is why he is not memed nor popular---aside from the fact that logic is dull to the majority of people.

>> No.17635874

*History of Analytic Philosophy course

>> No.17636147

He is an important stepping stone of modern logic. What is Russel famous for? His meme book? A self referencing set riddle?

>> No.17636525

>muh morning star
>muh evening star
>muh sinn
>muh bedeutung

>> No.17637424

Anons on this board are insecure about mathematics so they lash out at any thinker or subject that uses it.

>> No.17637431
File: 28 KB, 499x481, 3slkto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17637462

Bro, Frege is still incredibly relevant for people working in proof-theoretic semantics, proof theory and even in philosophy of language. Read Dummett, for example.

>> No.17637722

This. Lit can't understand anything rigorous, because the potential that they could be wrong makes them seethe

>> No.17637739

A worthy thinker. People like him and Peirce should be discussed more often.

>> No.17638693

your professor is a retard

>> No.17639202

Frege made the greatest advancements to logic since Aristotle. People dithered around for thousands of years focusing on logical trivia until he invented predicate calculus. The philosophy of semantics has gone through massive shifts since his time, but he is definitely the father of formal semantics. His work is still foundational to the field today.

>> No.17639229

Frege was sort of filtered by Meinong