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1763190 No.1763190 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/

I was curious if you had any books in the genre of drugs such as psychedelics that also touch on philosophy, etc. For example, I have read PiHKAL, TiHKL by Alexander Shulgin. I have read DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Strassman. I have read Leary's The Psychedelic Experience, as well as McKenna's Food of the Gods.

Thank you in advance!

>> No.1763196

I own the spirit molecule (bought it when i was in amsterdam) and i fucking loved it. That book combined with a recent mushroom trip has affirmed in me the belief of something beyond us.
I'm really interested in food of the gods.. how is it?

also look at huxleys 'the doors of perception'.

>> No.1763211

Teachings of Don Juan or whatever it's called by Carlos Castaneda I think

>> No.1763214


Excellent will do


Much appreciated as well, thank you

>> No.1763217

So what psychedelics have you doe, OP?

>> No.1763224


Well, that's a bit of a dissapointing story tbh. I have done 25C-nBOME, 2C-I, as well as 25I/E-nBOME. Right when I was beginning to start getting into more serious psychs (acid, shrooms, mescaline) I had a string of bad 2C-I trips that resulted in panic attacks. I think I had roughly 5-6 in a row where I thought I was dying. Afterwords I gave up psychedelics. It has been probably 4-5 months since then and I am thinking of giving it another shot. I have 2 microdots of acid for when I feel the time is right

>> No.1763225

I've done acid twice. Had a really great time. Hoping to do more in the future. Have fun, and be safe.

>> No.1763229


Will do. I hope to have optimal set and setting and will be doing both (I've been told they are 130ug each) when I get around to it. I'm just scared I guess. I am thinking about trying to find some benzos or anti-psychotics to have on hand just in case. Maybe it will provide me a mental safety net that will be sufficient.

>> No.1763234

OP here. I must step out for a bit, I will post when I have returned. Thanks to all participants!

>> No.1763240

i have done acid probably 100 times and shrooms almost that many times, and also salvia twice. and i am twenty years old.

bow down before me

>> No.1763549


Nice. Any symptoms of HPPD? I have horrible HPPD. It really blows

Anyways OP here, I have returned

>> No.1763954

A Scanner Darkly by Philip K Dick

>> No.1763985

LSD : My Problem Child by Albert Hofmann.
Offers little in regards of philosophy, but it's a great account on the cultural history of LSD and psilocybin use, and a nice read as well.

>> No.1764008

I'd wait with tripping again until the HPPD symptoms have subsided or are at least easily manageable.
From all i've heard, 2Cs are particularly nasty when it comes to this stuff (haven't tried them myself, particularly for that reason), although there's no reliable research into that so far.
Acid seems to be less problematic in this regard, and psilocybin even moreso. I've had a few minor flashbacks after a kinda rough acid trip, but they went away pretty soon once i got used to them and didn't let them freak me out anymore.
We know very little about the causes and treatment of HPPD (except that we haven't found an organic cause for it and it's most likely an entirely psychological phenomenon, probably comparable to PTSD), but it's sometimes hypothesized that they are a symptom of the user's psyche struggling with unintegrated material from the trip. Coming to terms with the symptoms and integrating the experiences from the trip into your normal world view seems to be an integral part of the recovery process in many reports, and i'd second that from personal experience.

>> No.1764011

Semi-related question: Are there any books that focus on or reference the use of MDMA? Any drug use in books usually seems to be pot or hallucinogens...

>> No.1764015

Nothing deep about MDMA. It just makes you horny and happy.

>> No.1764028


I never said there was anything 'deep' about it, I merely asked if there were any books in which it plays a role.

>> No.1764036
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I can recommend Acid Dreams

>> No.1764455

OP here again. Thank you for the continued suggestions, I am taking note of all of them

I'm fairly certain that the HPPD will not go away unless I stop ALL substance use, not just psychedelics. The days after I use a stimulant seem to see worsened HPPD symptoms. I can't see myself stopping all use.

Also if you are curious one David S. Kozin, a neuroscientist, is doing some HPPD research. He also admins hppdonline.com, which I have found as a great resource.

>> No.1764462


New testament. Jesus clearly on e

>> No.1764574

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test was something i enjoyed when i was younger, also Fear & Loathing is great tho neither are very philosophic.Food of the Gods was the required reading in my Entheogens class at the state Uni (awesome right?) and I found it very eye opening (if implausible)

>> No.1764607
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>Entheogens class

I'm so jealous of you right now.

>> No.1764623

> very eye opening (if implausible)

how does that work?

>> No.1764685

I'm surprised there's no mention of Daniel Pinchbeck, he's become the modern doyenne of this kind of trip-lit.

Baudelaire's Les Paradis Artificiels is interesting. Confessions of an English Opium Eater (DeQuincey) is also a handy reminder that they didn't invent drugs in the 1960s.

Robert Anton Wilson's Cosmic Trigger books aren't specifically about psychedelics, but they are. Nope that makes no sense.