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File: 74 KB, 449x599, Allen_Ginsberg_1979_-_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17629142 No.17629142 [Reply] [Original]

The best American poet of the later half of the XXth century?

>> No.17629152
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Not so fast:

>> No.17629156

That would be James Merrill

>> No.17629163

b-but he was a pedophile

>> No.17629187

And Ezra Pound, the best American poet of the first half of the XXth century, was a fascist. Is American poetry inherently amoral?

>> No.17629300

One of the best, certainly.
But I am not much familiar with the others. Their works are very hard to find here in my country.

This >>17629152 for instance is impossible to find here.

Anyway, I also very much appreciate the works of Richard Wilbur, A.R. Ammons, Anthony Hecht, some Ashbery...
I suppose Rothke, Bishop and Lowell are more "mid-century" poets than "latter half" ones.

Fun fact: Krasznahorkai wrote one of his books while living at Ginsberg's apartment.

>> No.17629340

That's all normal.
Fascism, for instance, was immensely popular. Pretty much all great artists from the first part of the 20th century held fascistic, communistic, militaristic, or sometimes even Nazi views *at some point* in their lives. George B. Shaw, Sartre, Celine, Pirandello, Pessoa, Borges, Yeats... You name it. Some still support dictatorships such as Cuba's and Venezuela's, as well as going to war against Syria or Iran.

>> No.17629556

he was a jew, also made up a story about how Ezra Pound renounced his antisemitism, that fucker;And yes, I've never read his poetry.

>> No.17629841

But that's a good thing

>> No.17629846

wait, Sartre was a fascist?

>> No.17629939

i want to puke every time i look at his face

>> No.17629956

god damn he was ugly

>> No.17629958

He was so fucking ugly even when he was young I don't know how Neal Cassady could bear to have sex with him but Howl is truly a banger.

>> No.17629963

Reread my post.

>> No.17629979
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>> No.17630013

You can see his body, if you prefer. There are quite a few nude pics of him.

Other authors who appeared nude:

- Whitman
- G. B. Shaw
- D'Annunzio
- Mussolini
- Lenin (seminude)
- Simone de Beauvoir (not a beautiful sight, though)
- Germaine Greer (much better)
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Valter Hugo Mãe

If anyone knows some other author who appeared nude, just add them to the list.

>> No.17630156

Being a chomo is way worst than being a "Fascist. On the yard you'd get a sharpened toothbrush put in your neck bitch

>> No.17630166

great list of authors to avoid

>> No.17630185

>one wants to kill every non white in the world
>other wants to bring pleasure to someone
keep seething fag trump lost

>> No.17630203

>some Ashbery...
Which Ashbery anon? I picked up a collected works of his but right now I'm reading Rilke. I'm planning to make an effort to only read American writers after this collected works of rilke.

>> No.17630232

Fascism isn't the same as promoting non-White genocide and Trump, of all people, is neither a fascist nor a promotor of any kind of ethnic cleansing.

>> No.17630241
File: 52 KB, 200x200, dannunzio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whitman, Shaw and D'Annunzio are great.
Pasolini is good.

>> No.17630245

Some poems I've read in anthologies.
His books are hard to find in my country. Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror is a very interesting poem.