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File: 360 KB, 844x1280, buddha-1281263_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17628511 No.17628511 [Reply] [Original]

What would the Buddha think of cocaine?

>> No.17629813

clearly that it's an indulgence of the ego and will only bring about more suffering

>> No.17629818

he'd be sniffing it off a tiktok thot's ass crack

>> No.17629880

>*sniff* you see, this world we live in is one of constant suffering due to our incapacity of truly fulfilling and thereby ending our desires. We always need more and more and this - hold on, babe stay still or you're gonna spill it - and this desire for always having more, this overindulgence in the sensory pleasures stems from like *sniff* this fake reality because everything, and I mean every person, bird, ant, fuckin plants and trees and probably the air, and like woah even the fucking air itself, and so anyways uh there's this false reality which is like a veil and - BABE I SAID STAY STILL - and it divides us, you and me and this dumb bitch that makes me want to slap the shit out of her, and this division comes about because of desire but this desire that creates division is actually the root cause of our suffering because to fulfill our desires we have to take away from someone else. Like you can't kill a, I mean you can't eat something without killing it first. And everything is just one giant massive thing and everything obviously experiences pain and loss and suffering, even the air probably I mean what if one like wind becomes really good friends with another wind but they're both their own wind so they have be divided and this causes suffering and like tempests and everything I bet. And so anyways the cure for all that is to just stop desiring and realize that you are completely one with everything else that has ever happened and - BABE WHAT THE FUCK
>[the woman spilled the coke, the Buddha flies into a fit of rage and beats her face in with a crystal ash tray, the viewer sees in that instant how indeed he himself is both the coke-carrying tiktok whore afraid of spilling the nose candy, the screen buddha ranting about something he believes to be deeply important for everyone to hear while being afraid that his dumb tiktok whore would spill the cocaine, and every other viewer being shocked and entranced by this spectacle, and he understood that in fact he was the spectacle itself in all its facets]
>[the viewer ascended within an instant of his realization]
Yeah I could see that

>> No.17629951
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It's an intoxicant so it is obviously banned for monks and lay followers. I'll paraphrase how he speaks on intoxicants

Imagine you were to happen upon a bowl of water. In the reflection you see yourself and the world as you truly are. Now imagine you were to put red or yellow dye in the bowl. The bowl is your mind and drugs are the dye. They change the hue of the world and you do not see it as it truly is. You cannot reach enlightenment without seeing the world and the debts of your consciousness as it truly it.

>> No.17630005
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>> No.17630088

Nice anon

>> No.17630112

This nibba died of poisonous mushrooms that he thought were hallucinogenic. He definitely would use cocaine.

>> No.17630317
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>Making up random nonsense