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17627625 No.17627625 [Reply] [Original]

What does the forbidden fruit symbolize? It’s usually taken to symbolize sex, but I’ve heard claims that it symbolizes some wacky shit the adoption of agriculture.


>> No.17627637

It likely has inherent sexual connotations to the majority of people but depending on how it's used, it can mean anything.

>> No.17627707

>I’ve heard claims that it symbolizes some wacky shit the adoption of agriculture
This is way less wacky than it symbolizing sex.

>> No.17627717

In the bible it's knowledge of good and evil.

Meaning morality itself was the first transgression.

>> No.17627742
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The foreskin

>> No.17627769


>> No.17627794

In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve didn't have to work. When they get kicked out, they are cursed to "eat in the sweat of their brow." How are you not seeing this?

>> No.17627809

The allure of ontological independence?

>> No.17627956


>> No.17628001
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What? You wanna talk to the foreskin?

>> No.17628613
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The simple fruit symbolizes plenitude; its metaphysical analog —that of the tree of knowledge— contains the sap of wisdom; the fact that Ialdabaouth forbade to eat of it is not a factor to this.

>> No.17628959


>> No.17628976

temptation and bad mistakes

women often misuse forbidden fruit to symbolize "something I want" completely forgetting the whole fall of man thing that came afterwards. Stephanie Meyer thought it meant "choice."

>> No.17630729

Eating the fruit elevated humans from animals to sapience. It is the fall because now, unlike animals, we live apart from the concordance of nature, and most importantly, construct our own values of good and evil, attempting to usurp God and put ourselves at the forefront of universal importance.

>> No.17631142

Consciousness...the moment eve took a bite she was doomed to know Death, so she tempted Adam so she would not be alone in Death.

>> No.17631147

Conciousness, fucking obviously.

>> No.17631150

Loss of innocence.

>> No.17631156

This. It's the biblical equivalent of the fire theft.

>> No.17631170

Some symbolist poet said that sexuality was the fruit of death on the tree of life.
Heard that self-consciousness was the fruit on the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But also heard that it was agriculture too, think it was an anarcho primitivist that said that.

>> No.17631204

Conciousness is fundamental for agriculture. The whole notion is planning for the future and thus understanding that there is a future.

>> No.17631209

This, not to mention that it is what allows for the knowledge of death.

>> No.17631216

Your posts aren't of high enough quality to warrant a trip, fag

>> No.17631320

Just remembered it might of been knowledge of the destructive power of sexuality that was the fruit of death on the tree of life. Not just sexuality itself.

>> No.17631344

No symbolism, it's literally the ingestion of Satan into the constitution of man

>> No.17631351

Man was created to be different from the animals, created in the image of God. Adam named the animals

>> No.17631352

They ate the snake egg?

>> No.17631356

The knowledge of good and evil, it's literally stated in the text. There is possibly a connection to sex as Adam and Eve become aware of their nakedness. Also, in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enkidu becomes civilised by having sex with Shamhat.

>> No.17631359

The knowledge of good and evil is just consciousness.

>> No.17631516

Define "consciousness"

>> No.17631521

define define

>> No.17631534

Knowledge. Cunning, basically. They saw they were naked and they were ashamed, because they saw how they could exploit the other one to get their own desires, and that made them realize their own vulnerabilities. Very different from being a simple creature that merely accepts what is given to it.

>> No.17631542

Idk man go ask a fukken dictionary

>> No.17631547

No, it is not; consciousness pertains to the tree of life.

>> No.17631581

gonna cry?

>> No.17631600

Who, or what, then, was the serpent?