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/lit/ - Literature

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17627441 No.17627441 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17627447
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The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.17627453

Don't have one. But I really liked the Oresteia by Aeschylus

>> No.17627456

Bel ami.

I'm a sucker for rags to riches stories.

>> No.17627487

napoleon's death by Simon Leys

>> No.17627514


>> No.17627520

Under the Volcano

>> No.17627522
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uhhh The Aeneid, complete works of Vergil if I could choose that

>> No.17627529
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>> No.17627542

Marcus Aurelius's meditations

>> No.17627544
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the unconsoled

>> No.17627550

Gravitys Rainbow

>> No.17627559

Kafka on the shore or stoner

>> No.17627563
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>> No.17627575
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I can’t tell if most of the posts so far are sincere or meme answers.

>> No.17627580

Mins was sincere

>> No.17627603

Your diary desu :3

>> No.17627690


>> No.17627711

IDK hard to choose

Moby D
All Quiet on the Western Front
The Odyssey
The Sirens of Titan
Count of Monte Cristo
Blood Meridian
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

>> No.17627716

What is tbk , friend?

>> No.17627728

The Big Kock

>> No.17627737

By whom?

>> No.17627744

the brothers Karamazov

>> No.17627749
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Heisman's suicide note

>> No.17627753

Okay, thanks.

>> No.17627770

You're welcome.

>> No.17627777

please stop posting this schizo ramblings

>> No.17627790

2666 and/or The sound and the fury

>> No.17627792

No offense but I don’t understand the value of Androids. I loved it in high school but having re-read it now a couple times it doesn’t hold up compared to Valis or High castle. Would like to hear your thoughts since Moby Dick and BM are both on my list.

>> No.17627814

i'm not him but holy fuck you sound insufferable. wow how can someone like the book i don't, so confusing

>> No.17627827


>> No.17627830

The sun also rises

>> No.17627836

Black hand anon

>> No.17627840

Moon does too

>> No.17627844

Fyodick Cocktoychevy

>> No.17627849

Infinite jest

>> No.17627861

Yeah, I thought that one might raise some eyebrows. I also read it at a pretty young age and was just really fascinated by the sci-fi concepts that were new to me. It made me think about what it means to be a human, what a soul is, what consciousness is. It turned me on to a lot of other sci-fi and just helped foster an interest in reading so I kept it on the list. Basically, I just think it's cool.

>> No.17627862

Wasted quads

>> No.17627863

Ovids metamorphosis

>> No.17627865
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A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.17627872

Naked Lunch

>> No.17627880

Right now The Stranger, but I just read it, so that could change. I really loved American Psycho and the Naked Lunch because you can flip to any page and within a few paragraphs be totally engrossed/disgusted.

>> No.17627879

three little niggers

>> No.17627907

come here and watch me rape your ass faggot i know youd like that

>> No.17627912


>> No.17627915
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>> No.17627919

the idiot

>> No.17628024

'The Stars My Destination' by Alfred Bester

>> No.17628192


>> No.17628223

a river runs through it

>> No.17628227
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>> No.17628236

i like you

>> No.17628243

Is it cheating to say Riverside Shakespeare?

>> No.17628270

I don't really have favorites. I have favorite parts of different books and such but I never really have favorite books or films etc. Is this weird or am I right in that it's just some arbitrary bullshit like favorite color?

>> No.17628276

Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas

>> No.17628293

The first line was enough to filter me. Did you have a notepad by your side when you read it or are you one of those guys with more than two brain cells.

>> No.17628330


>> No.17628371

American Psycho

>> No.17628374

Mein Kampf, very unironically.

>> No.17628438


>> No.17628451

>Dont have a favorite book

>> No.17628972
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>sit down to write jermin lit phd thesis
>due tomorrow
>choose mein kampf
>refer to it as "the magnificent crescendo in german literature"
>submit it without revising
>fly to antarctica
>kill myself

>> No.17629347
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Other than that, this book. Dont know if its been translated

>> No.17629363

Sickness unto death

>> No.17629382

me too :)

>> No.17629419

i literally cannot choose right now my life is mush

>> No.17629444

Barabbas by Par Lagerkvist - the only book that communicates faith and the divine such that I, a heathen, can understand and even be drawn to it

>> No.17629507
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I am a simple man.

>> No.17629529


>> No.17629617
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The Bible
Favourite novel is TBK

>> No.17629693
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unironically The Great Gatsby

>> No.17629700

he's okay

>> No.17629768


>> No.17630216

a rebours

>> No.17630224

my dairy

>> No.17630255


>> No.17630316

I had to read it for my ethics class and I ended up really liking it.

>> No.17630387

Les Deux Etendards

>> No.17630388

Lord Jim

>> No.17630406
File: 674 KB, 1651x2481, My War Gone By I Miss It So book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My War Gone by, I Miss It So by Anthony Loyd. An incredible true story about a novice journalist's first-hand, gonzo account of the war in Bosnia and all the tragedy that came with it, as well as a telling of Loyd's odd sense of satisfaction and completeness war and conflict brings him.
A few of my other all-time favourites are Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger (1960 version, haven't read the 1929 edition yet), A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway, House of Leaves by MZD, The Hobbit by Tolkien, The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch & several other books by Philip K. Dick, On the Road & The Dharma Bums as well as Desolation Angels by Jack Kerouac...

>> No.17630409
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>> No.17630715

That book sounds fascinating anon. Do you have any other recs about the recent wars in Eastern Europe?

>> No.17630740


>> No.17630762


>> No.17630885

No, I honestly don't, but I'd like to know of some, especially post-2010 about Russia and Ukraine.

>> No.17630901
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>> No.17630971

Lampaansyöjät on kanssa hyvä, mikäli sikäli et ole vielä lukenut.

>> No.17630979

>genre fiction
Literally the lowest form of literature.

>> No.17631093
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I don't classify books with descriptors like "favorite" but I find myself thinking of A Scanner Darkly on a daily basis almost.

>> No.17631180

Moby Dick

>> No.17631183

I couldn’t tell you. I haven’t been able to genuinely like things for quite some time.

>> No.17631236

>t. Shameless Clarkesucker

>> No.17631249
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>> No.17631451

the strange case of dr Jekyll and Mr hyde

>> No.17632539
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>> No.17632588
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>> No.17632936
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>> No.17632994

>Based except for that godawful ending like every NS book
>2/3 of the story is lead up to big event with a lot of handwavey science
>last 1/3 is time skip with poor resolution
It could have been a lot better. Why is it your favorite vs all of his other works?

>> No.17633004

Watership Down. Maybe I’m a brainlet, IDGAF

>> No.17633024

based and bunnypilled

>> No.17633115

Wake in fright

>> No.17633212

Tbh i haven't read any of his other stuff, the first third of the book really carried it for me. The hopelessness of it all, the pettiness of the politics, idk it was really gripping to me.

>> No.17633347

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.17633356

Kafka on the shore

>tfw no hot reverse trap qt gf or hot mommy gf

>> No.17633387

Under the Volcano is also my favourite book.

>> No.17633484

Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima

>> No.17633519

Paradise Lost

>> No.17634307

The Darkness that Comes Before by R Scott Baker

>> No.17634310


>> No.17634315
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Beckett's Trilogy

>> No.17634341
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Nobody really talks about it here but picrel is the book that got me into reading seriously and is also why I’m autistically obsessed with books written in specific or made up dialects

>> No.17634957
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>> No.17635140
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>he doesn't know good poetry

>> No.17635309

Thud! is a strong contender.

>> No.17635334

I like his stuff but read one you've read all, down to the mandatory rape/non-con/dub-con sex scene with the spunky female supporting character.

>> No.17635427
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A darkness at Sethanon

i read it as a child and honestly cant remember any of the plot, i just remember loving it

>> No.17635744

Lord of the goddamn rings, sue me

>> No.17635774

I like the Odyssey. When the dog he raised from a pup died as he tactically ignored him and walked by, I cried :^(

>> No.17635896
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Crime and Punishment.

>> No.17635899

idk, Animal Farm

>> No.17636944


>> No.17637009
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>> No.17637024
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>> No.17637338
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>> No.17637387
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he said no offense and then asked the poster for his thoughts, you fucking goon. mf is just trying to have a discussion.

>> No.17637490

Temple of the golden pavilion

>> No.17637921

I served the king of england is the last book i finished i remember really really liking so that. Highly Reccomend

Also Chess Story by Stefan Zweig

>> No.17638230

I reread Snow Crash recently and I suddenly realized how horny Stephenson is. He wanted to fuck YT so badly. Almost every passage about her described her body or the way she moved her body, he describes how horny she gets more than once, and of course when she actually gets fucked toward the end of the book. Stephenson is a dirty dog!

>> No.17638474


>> No.17638501
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Fiction Watership Down
Nonfiction. Blood and Thunder by Hampton Sides

>> No.17638606

Mode One, Mode One Hardcore, and Oh Say it Again by Alan Roger Currie. They're basically three parts of the same book.

>> No.17638681

Somebody update this image pls. The Judge is in tattered clothes and the retard is with him. Put a squinting Apu on the leash somebody.

>> No.17638699

a canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.17638714

Williams' Stoner

>> No.17639135

Just read this for the 1st time and it rocked my cock. Definitely up there for me. When Bob's with Donna for the last time... good gravy

>> No.17639146

The Rings of Saturn

>> No.17639154

Crime and punishment

>> No.17639157
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>> No.17639159

Fight club
Also this is my first /lit/ post.

>> No.17639286

is it better than the movie? I heard a bunch of mixed things about it

>> No.17639306

Not him but it's good, better than Choke.

>> No.17639552

Anything similar to this

>> No.17639561


>> No.17640624

go back

>> No.17640772

Based and book-pilled

>> No.17640990

Ishiguro is really good, haven't read this one yet tho

>> No.17641047
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The Trial

My fags

>> No.17641057

Don segundo sombra
I don't know if it has been translated to english really, but is a fucking masterpiece

>> No.17641095

Starship Troopers by Richard A. Heinlein.

>> No.17641132
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Is Watership Down actually that good? What puts a kid's book in your favorites?

>> No.17641147

not a bad book, but as a balkaner could not stabd his anglo takes.

>> No.17641186

Tartar Steppe by Buzzati

>> No.17641986

my diary desu