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17624823 No.17624823 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on this. How do I make my brain less female and obsessed with petty things such as pride and social status. When I realized a woman can never have a deep thought and experience and all her existence is defined by men it made me have an existential crisis.

What books can help me through this.

>> No.17624930

So I take it you want to get recommended some books preferably by men who'll explicitly describe to you how you should define your existence making you even dumber than you believe women to be?

>> No.17625110

Learn about the concept of virtue. Read Plato. That is my advice if OP is a girl. If OP is a boy, grow the fuck up retard.

>> No.17625121

Fuck off, LARPer

>> No.17625136

Funnily enough your fear of having a "female brain" and your attempt to escape it is caused by your own "female brain" and obsession with petty things.

>> No.17625245


>> No.17625423

Brain sex is fake and is only invoked insofar as it is able to justify that "woman is a feeling," (by men who want to wear your skin) so I can tell you that at the very least you're not female brained. You just need to shift your priorities. I suggest starting by cultivating a healthy suspicion of men. You can transform that into anger and then eventually acceptance that most of them are worthless, and then you can stop caring and stop looking for one, and enjoy the genuine surprise you feel if and when you meet a good one. Read Andrea Dworkin (most of her work is available for free on radfem.org) and get mad. After you become sufficiently insane and distrustful, make it a habit to read something you like - not necessarily feminist text, just pursue SOME interest - every day. Make a list of things you want to figure out that have nothing to do with men or your social circle or whatever. Bootstrap your way into feeling some kind of passion about something and your break from chasing men and status should ensure that whatever you are interested in is really Your Thing. At this point you shouldn't need to LARP as an interesting person with actual goals anymore and also you will know that men are slaves to their libido and women are slaves to male approval etc etc and you can be happily detached and then if you choose you can re-enter some new social circle that is primarily based on your shared interest, and you'll be able to actually contribute, which feels good. (This all only works if you are actually a woman. If you are a man just go watch anime or whatever stupid shit that it is you like doing.)

>> No.17625461

>Brain sex is fake
Yeah? Your mom gave me pretty good brain last night

>> No.17625549
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Just lift and start with the Greeks, bro.

>> No.17625642

I love aggressive women

>> No.17625662
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You just need to channel it the right way. Read Savitri Devi's Lightning and the Sun.

>> No.17625676

You’re not capable of deep thought. Don’t bother reading. Go rise some bread and stare at the wall until bedtime.

>> No.17625695

LARP. A woman would never engage in such introspection however low level.

>> No.17625700

Are you hot? Because I'd be down with it if you were.

>> No.17625706

Post feet.

>> No.17625716

It is simple. Find one of these men who wants to cut off his johnson. Lie in wait. You want to jump out from behind the anaesthetist, punch out the doc, cut it off intact, then put it on ice. Go elsewhere and sew the penis onto your body. I suggest against sewing it to the vagina,mouth or anus as this will obstruct other functions. I also suggest against sewing anything to the brain directly due to motor signal interface complications. Otherwise, be creative, you're your own man now.

>> No.17625722

Unironically have sex

>> No.17625729

I'm literally laughing at you OP. Wether you thought this would be a funny bait, or wether you are genuine, you are a pathetic piece of shit.

>> No.17625739

>When I realized a woman can never have a deep thought

its over

>> No.17625748

But pride is good, you're confusing pride with vanity (as observed by your follow-up "social status")
Caring about vanity and social status is for weak untermenschen faggots. Caring about pride is very important, pride is the opposite of vanity

>> No.17625775

>terf hates men and asserts her independence from their desires and gaze
>man: "that's so hot can i lick your feet"
>terf hates men more and desires independence even more
>man: "that's even hotter can i please lick your feet"

TERFS don't know it yet but we are actually preparing them to be the saviors of humanity, and to lead us into a new age of enlightenment. They will soon become so tired of the (repudiation of male gaze)-coom-(repudiation of male gaze)-coom cycle that they will realize there is no escape from the cycle except "upward" and out of it entirely, sublating its present antinomies into a higher level of development, and reforming humanity entirely in the process. Then we will truly lick their feet.

>> No.17625797

Look at this, OP. I could not have asked for more perfect exhibits of male uselessness. Why would you live your life vying for this? Do you see how readily available coom is? Who gives a fuck about it. Go read ANY book. ANY book you want. Just focus on bettering yourself in some way, and make sure you take off the rose-tinted glasses you're currently viewing males with.

>> No.17625813
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You post feet?

>> No.17625818

Get married and have children. That will put your female brain to good use.

>> No.17625830

You are only making me hornier.

>> No.17625846
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*coughs* *spits* post a picture of your cunt

>> No.17625858
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grug hear there women in thread

this true?

>> No.17625880


>> No.17625884

Man you need emotional intelligence or soft skills/social skills else you won't get far in life and you will be manipulated at every turn be frustrated and do mass murder or suicide.

>> No.17625907

Dominate me god damn

>> No.17625934

OP I don't know if you're actually a woman or if you're fishing fot (You)s but I hope you find something to help, good luck
>inb4 simp

>> No.17625963

yes but i already called dibs, she is mine

>> No.17625996

What do you mean? There's not a person on this planet that doesn't care about social status, anyone who says otherwise is full of it. You just lack the agency to build your own thing, which is true of many men anyway.

>> No.17626361

While this resonates so much with my personal struggles, I feel like the conclusion - to contribute to something to your interests is a weak conclusion.
With all sincerity, doesn't internal cultivation of interests and exploring the complexity of existence within oneself satisfactory? I've romanticized isolation to such a degree that I feel the ultimate goal to return to the social realm to lose the importance of doing this just for one's own benefit.

>> No.17626383


I would love to tickle your pussy

>> No.17626412


I don't care about social status, although I do find it useful. I guess most people want it for its own sake rather than its use for other ends

>> No.17626428

It isn’t really a conclusion so much as it is an option for re-integrating into a culture of sharing/building knowledge for someone more socially inclined than you are. Some people who are not be socially inclined may end up putting the benefit of either raising consciousness about the thing or learning about the thing from others before their own benefit and also end up in some kind of thing-oriented group or structure. It is fine to isolate too, but it isn’t a betrayal of self-motivation to socialize.

>> No.17626434
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>> No.17626438

Unga bunga! AWOOGA!

>> No.17626443

Jacking off hard to this

>> No.17626474

bros do you think she’s a screamer?

>> No.17626482

Do steroids.

>> No.17626487

Dagny Tabbert pls

>> No.17626501
File: 195 KB, 609x528, 5840C4EA-97DB-4894-9C49-46A5FE08ED38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For your consideration, OP...this is what you define yourself by. Boys, thank you for your help.

>> No.17626508

read a goddamn cookbook and go back to the kitchen
You will never be a man

>> No.17626522

Daily reminder: before replying to bait threads on /lit/, think to yourself
>Do I know a book for this retarded idea?
>Would I read a book about this retarded shit? Or would I just skim it on the ragemachine of my choice on the internet?
>Do I actually want to discuss books with these people or do I just want to pretend my life on the internet is interesting and not something I regret every hour of?
Only you can stop making yourself retarded.

>> No.17626532

Listen to Spiderland by Slint.

>> No.17626542
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>my brain less female and obsessed with petty things such as pride and social status.
Men being well known for their lack of pride of course.

>> No.17626628


>> No.17626633


>> No.17626743


>> No.17627183
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Imagine spending so much fucking time on this website your brain is literally fried and you think you're some subhuman because incels on a board rationalise their hate for women 24/7

>> No.17627190

>pride and social status
these are masculine

>> No.17627193


>> No.17627209
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Pretty based.
t. man