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17624721 No.17624721 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17624723

it always boggles my mind how deeply and irrevocably indians can fuck up an organization.

>> No.17624756


>> No.17624793

Isn't the prime symbol of Egypt and China basically the same according to this chart?

>> No.17624819

praise the lord the wwoym thread is not viral marketing for shitty pop music today

>> No.17624877

no. completely different

>> No.17624907

what the hell? where are the asian girl feet?

>> No.17624927

In a way yes, as they both draw their Ur-symbol from rivers, but both of those have their own unique world feeling. The river being the main, and possibly only similarity between those cultures.

>> No.17624938

>be swedish
>half of all swedish ninth graders report having been victims of significant crime in 2019
>I grew up pretty chill
it seems we're breeding one of those tough generations. I'm a real softie. I'm gonna be useless to these hawks

>> No.17624948

Although Spengler was undoubtedly right-winger his books not so much, it is a pity that such a label prevents other thinkers from explore and dialogue with his interesting ideas.

>> No.17625107

I dont know much about Spenglers concept of historical development and culture soul. I have only read Prussian Socialism and Man and Technics. I enioyed them, but I know that I cant really understand Spengler until I read his magnum opus.
What i am curious about is the cultural blending happening in the United States. I live in the South West and obviously we are latinizing. I often see flags that are half American and half Mexican. I have talked to american born Mexicans who feel alien when they visit family in Mexico. Marriage stats are showing that white/latin couples are becoming the norm. I see them adopting many of our celebrations, holidays, and values while also retaining many of their own. Clearly this is not happening evenly and without incident. But I would be really interested to see what a Spenglerian would say about this. Is it the birth of a new high culture? Can high cultures syncretize?

>> No.17625341

I think I'm too 4chan brained to get along with normie art peeps.

got invited to one of their events and never asked back, they didn't say why and now no one will talk to me. im struggling to figure out what I did wrong. if it was like a faux pas or whatever

>> No.17625389

Why would you use feet as a marketing gimmick?
You make the next one then.

>> No.17625530

We are on a boat in the middle of the sea, surrounded by water, discovering with each attempt that it is unable to quench our thirst. So much it easier would it be to perish in a desert!

>> No.17625745
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It's a testament to how fucked up I am psychologically that it feels uncomfortable and weird when I'm doing good and have an upbeat mood.

>> No.17625773

nigger :(

>> No.17625783
File: 687 KB, 820x543, 2020-11-01 10.44.13 contact.photoshelter.com edca16571e8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im such a loser I dont have any pictures of me for my curriculum, so now I have to take photos with my notebook's camera with a futon as background, like Im some kind of dysfunctional person.If I get through the first selection phase I'll have to pretend to want this internship during the interview and the group dynamics and whatever other bullshit they throw at the candidates

>> No.17625980

man if I had some prawn or crawfish or something to add to this ricedish I just made, boy that would be smashing. it's good as is but just some seafood and maybe some aioli and it would be at 11

>> No.17625987

what’s in it already?

>> No.17626024
File: 92 KB, 1199x675, Robert Walser, found dead of a heart attack, in a field of snow near the asylum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you considered it’s both and perhaps my depression is at least in part because of my work?
Yes, the connection between your job and your depression has crossed my mind. However, we were not really talking about the causes of your depression, but about the question of whether a writer can write interesting stories about working (for example) in a supermarket. I have taken the position that interesting stories can be written about it. One of my favorite authors (Robert Walser) spend his life writing about office scribblers and similar creatures. These stories are among my most cherished reading experiences. I don't question that depression can stifle creativity. And it's clear that not everyone can write about every topic. Whether or not it's a topic for you remains unresolved until you shake off your depression and look at the world with a little brighter eyes again.

>> No.17626029

basically I just boiled whole grain rice in a mixture of water, crushed tomatoes, fresh black pepper, good amount of salt, good amount of indian chili powder I got from a bengali shop, one chopped yellow onion, about a tablespoon and a half of balsamic vinegar. I wish I had some green herb, like maybe a little oregano, but I was out. Added a clove of garlic toward the end. I'm trying to eat cheap as hell to save money but still keep it pretty good, and this is pretty good. Thought I had yoghut, could have been good with a spoon on top

>> No.17626038

>fresh black pepper
fresh ground*
oh and a small amount of sugar

>> No.17626040
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I got you, bro.

>> No.17626096

Is anyone else only tormented by images of things they want to lick and fuck? All my mind does when I see this is remind me of how nice it would be to touch it for real. There is an unbreakable barrier between my imagination and the real thing and I can't immerse myself in the imagination and forget the absence of the real.

Pornography is necessary not to go insane but it hurts more than it helps. You end up in an endless spiral of responding to an acute pain by taking a painkiller drug that slowly builds up a much worse permanent pain that is always there in the background.

>> No.17626195

I just realized that I own more books than I will ever actually read. Should I get is of.my excess stuff?

>> No.17626229

US culture was a potential high culture that was aborted in its crib a hundred years or so ago, just when the american people were on the precipice of a genuine ethnogenesis. It's just a hazy melange of everything that surrounds it now.

>> No.17626262

the amount of racism the US is built upon could never sustain anything "high"

>> No.17626279

So fucking tired of the endless whining from people like you living within western countries. Fucking savages never created anything for themselves so they have to come here, consume most of the welfare and reap most of the benefits while getting constantly apologized and pandered to, and still find time to whine and complain endlessly. You are the unwanted stepchildren of humanity. I would say go back, but the people back in your home countries are usually decent and wouldn't want your whiny faggotry either. You are the lowest form of humanity ever created, pure parasite, permanent children who require an indulgent "parent" group to nanny you forever.

>i'm white
No you aren't and we both know it. You're one of two things.

>> No.17626288


>> No.17626378

There's a fucking faggot biologist in my twitter feed that only posts things about sex, dicks, orgasms and transsexuality

fucking hell, and they have the face to say they are not degenerate

>> No.17626574
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>tfw i dont know what i want, what im good and plagued by never ending doubts and excuses so i just stay at parents place because i'd be eaten alive in real world in mere days.
guys, this might be fun when you're 13 but being in my position at 28 really makes me completely give up on everything. Any books recs with protags who went from complete zero to hero?

>> No.17626643

I want zoomiversity to be over. And I don't care if it means I'm in the same camp as the conspiracy theorists.

>> No.17626696

Isn't enough time in the day to do what I ought to do and live how I ought to live. The years will all slip by like this one, most likely, and my life will come to an end lopsided and 1/4 fulfilled.

>> No.17626732

I want a family so much right now that I could cry. I have an overarching primary goal and sense of purpose that I'd feel complete achieving, family or not, but lately (and at some times more intensely than at other times) I feel like I'm really missing out by not having a child. I am posting this in every WWOYM thread lately but it is ON MY MIND A LOT NOW! I really want to experience unconditional love, and I feel like having children is in general a net positive even if I do end up with some failure to attach initially. I want to witness the miracle of life as a family!!!!!!!! I want to do gay family stuff like playing a board game with a five-year-old and taking a toddler to a children's museum and saying grace over dinner and going to stupid pumpkin patches in the fall and going to church on Sundays with strollers and sunhats and all that STUPID SHIT! I LOVE BABIES!

>> No.17626826

When I read Death in Venice it stuck with me how Aschenbach saw that Tadzio was sickly and was glad, it's rather bracing to imagine his waifish wiles advancing upon middle age, with a paunch and thinning crown and all. A balding Tadzio, just imagine! But then I watched some interviews with Bjorn Andresen and it looks like he kept his hair and stayed in shape so I don't know what to think any more. Of course the charms of Andresen are quite different now, no more long flaxen hair - I wonder if Mann, the pederast he was, would find him yet unreduced, I am thinking traditional conceptions of orientation, that is male versus female as the object of objectification, don't quite hit the mark, it might be more like masculine vs. feminine that people really align themselves around. I would readily wager that the majority of people seeking out trap/femboy porn wouldn't want anything to do sexually with the average guy, (but perhaps I'm stating the obvious here). Anyhow, since feminine qualities tend to taper off with age for men these types who aren't so discerning when it comes to their partner's femininity would be attracted to women and then ephebes, like a variation upon the Hirschfield taxonomy. I think we can muddy the waters even further here though, I remember one anon talking about when he was 18-19 he was a beautiful twink that would sleep with masculine men, but once he began to age out of his looks he lost interest in such partners because it no longer fulfilled the "aesthetic", that is the ephebe laying with a masculine man. So that gets me thinking that sexual orientation isn't based on the arousal response to a single individual, but to a combination in certain cases, as in, you aren't merely attracted to women, but to a woman and a man together and by virtue of that lesbian porn does little for you. Or in this case, it's the interplay of the masculine man with the feminine man, which is in turn enhanced by the quality of it being two men, one with feminine characteristics. But that's something else entirely, right? And yet femboy stuff is entirely too mainstream to be a paraphilia.
Perhaps what I'm missing in the case of that anon is autogynephilia, a condition that I have seen many anons in threads like these grapple at length with. In "Confessions of a Mask", Mishima's ailing protagonist doesn't merely become infatuated with the strapping night-soil man, but finds himself wanting to BE that man, and later raids his mother's closet for her clothes and makeup. What's happening here I believe, comes down to the essential difference between men and women: a woman can always get a man, a man must pursue or be so above average that women will begin to pursue them. A woman can be reeking, obese, bald, and still go to a club and find a man to take home. I think all of us here can vouch for this not being the case for men. I remember two explicit sexual fantasies that a friend of mine (who happened to be into anime) confessed to me

>> No.17626912

being a male in modern times

i can't imagine a worse fate

>> No.17626935

I'm getting very tired of how "proficient" english is becoming the norm even in professional contexts.

>> No.17626937

There’s a certain vein of new age thinking which is something like so-called “animists”, “rational, or godless, pagans” and other eco-nuts which I just find so repulsive when they’re caught spreading their enlightenment around on Zoom and YouTube. They have the corporate PR aura about them and it’s like “Drop out and live in Alaska or rural Uzbekistan already you disingenuous coward”.

>> No.17626946

Being a male but being psyop’d into being confused about being a male, in modern times.

>> No.17626953

being dead

>> No.17626966

eh, I don't feel like finishing this actually

>> No.17626972

I made a post here last night expressing a feeling similar to this. I’ve noticed that a lot of my favorite authors, for example, either did something notable while they were fairly young or started writing fairly young. Basically, there’s a story arc to their lives with interesting settings, or plot points, or character developments usually around their late teens or early 20s. Then there’s me. I’ll be 28 soon. I’ve not really done anything besides work an office job for a few years, graduate college and high school (barely) before that. The totality of my life just feels kind of grey and inert in comparison. There’s a hopelessness and a despair to it.

>> No.17626997

Literally dont think about it. Gender doesn’t exist. You are a male, you have xy chromosomes, your sex will ALWAYS be male. There is nothing you can do about that. What you can do is express yourself as a MALE in unconventional or ‘gender non-conforming’ ways. This is OK and healthy as gender stereotypes are changing all the time. All you need to know and accept is your male biological SEX, the rest is up to you. Be a man and wear dresses, or be gay, or wear makeup, or whatever, you need not be a transgender to do it. Be a TERF.

>> No.17627026

I wasn’t referring to myself. I was just saying that would be worse fate.

>> No.17627036

The act of actually starting to write feels to me an enormous task. I don’t know where to even start and I’m overwhelmed by a fear that it won’t be good.

>> No.17627072

>Be a man and wear dresses, or be gay, or wear makeup, or whatever, you need not be a transgender to do it. Be a TERF.
wow very trad, thank you for this based and redpilled post my fellow groyper

>> No.17627092

Oh sure, still applies I suppose
im not trad retard

>> No.17627093

then you have to approach it like this: what you write when you start writing is not a poem, or a novel, or play – – – it is an ore pit, a jumbled mountain of suitcases or a box of notes, a puzzle poured out, and marble, raw material, to be used later on.

>> No.17627123

Kpop needs a containment board

>> No.17627146

>either did something notable while they were fairly young or started writing fairly young.
i've been noticing the same thing myself. they werent jumping from one completely different career to another or changed interests that much but rather gradually improved in writing or worked in that field. i dont even want to compare myself to other (but i do that nevertheless) because i'm absolute loser in every single aspect. sure one could say that being able to be completely honest is kinda a good thing but then it's completely useless on it's own, so saying that ignorance is bliss kinda making complete sense. i just feel that something is missing in me like a completely primal thing about taking responsibility for your life or just having a clearer vision about what you want in this life. i never had those hence i ended up doing things which others though would be good for me. and guess what? it was a complete disaster, sure i finished uni but i didnt enjoy living in dorm nor the subject itself (physics), i just did it for the diploma. it would be okay for me if this experience led me to some realization about me wanting to try this or that but nope and it was literally the last straw which completely broke my back and i just gave up and stayed at parents place since 5 years ago. i truly believed in school that atleast one thing (getting good grades) will get me somewhere, i truly did and i expected uni to be like a completely new place where one could make a new fresh start. everything shattered into pieces, my grades didnt mean shit and i realized that it was just a highschool on steroids. i've honestly thought about killing myself but i couldnt even go through it. only brave people can do it.

>> No.17627150

i am having pan-fried spam with cream cheese and furikake on top and i REALLY like it

>> No.17627151

>Spengler edition
I don't mind the collapse. I don't mind the decay of values traditional or modern. I don't really worry about the commodification of identity. These are all either fixable or deserving of destruction.
What I do mind is people having no proper sense of scale. People seeing only one end of a spectrum, not realizing that eternity extends into all directions, not just their favourite. People who think we are fated to win or lose, not realizing the cost of engagement. It's not the facetiousness or close-sightedness that worries me about it. It's that people refuse to the facetiousness of it. That they are incapable of not justifying every act as either good and necessary or evil and superfluous. That they cannot for the life of them not think of themselves as either wholly worthless or absolutely crucial. I hate people engaging in a dialectic thinking they can starve or strangle the other side of that mechanism forever. I hate idealists with no sense of practicality, and I hate pragmatist with no sense of vision. I hate them not because I consider them evil, but because I pity them and they remind me of the abundance of ills in this world.
t. typing this while taking a shit

>> No.17627196

B-buddy, I’m not gay.

>> No.17627299

No. The prime symbol of Egypt is more like a conveyor belt (the constant northward movement of the wide Nile's surface, which is reflected in their vision of their inexorable life path leading to judgement) while the prime symbol of China is a constantly winding and meandering river that turns back on itself in mixture of light and shade (Yin Yang duality, nature of something being both itself and its own opposite).

>> No.17627305

I want to fuck the terf in the female brain thread. I want her to boss me around she sounds hot.

>> No.17627323
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>tfw good probability of retiring before 30
Feels good lads, soon I'll be able to spend all day reading, writing, travelling, and fucking whores. Most of all I'm excited to give back to my family, lord knows they deserve a break. It's quite amazing how unaware normies are of the great abundance of financial opportunities present in this age, so long as you have the common sense to filter out the scams. Thank god I was shilled into reading Ted K and stopped being a depressed tranny as a result all those years ago

>> No.17627330

Tell me about some of those opportunities pls

>> No.17627374
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just got "Urfragen" from the library yesterday....
Spengler is the last philosopher I'll ever read.

>> No.17627407
File: 324 KB, 1280x720, Kant-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spengler is the last philosopher I'll ever read.
Pseud detected.

>> No.17627413

sounds heavenly

>> No.17627423

I'm too autistically kantian to be an effective wage slave.

>> No.17627455

Kant is pretty much every babbys FIRST philosopher, anon

>> No.17627462
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Neither Mexico nor America are high cultures. Both America and Mexico are subsets of Faustian culture. No true syncreticism is possible according to Spengler. One high culture will simply develop in pseudomorphosis of the other, like a crystal that grows inside of the void left by another kind of mineral, resembling its shape but being a different substance. Eventually the real high culture will break out of the fake shape and assume its own form.

The way cultures end is reflected in their ur symbol. Mesoamerican culture ended by being devoured by a predatory culture, for example, which is a reflection of their jungle ur symbol. There hasn't been a high culture with an ur symbol of "merging" yet and two high cultures would need to have that to effectively form a new high culture together (many sub-high tribal cultures have indeed had something similar, though). Faustian culture is fated to be exploded by its own technology.

>> No.17627481

I've always wondered to what extent modern Mexico may be a mixture of faustian AND mesoamerican culture, but truthfully I don't know much about what it's like there. I guess the total brutality of the cartels just reminds me of the Aztec's brutality.

>> No.17627495

>Faustian culture is fated to be exploded by its own technology.
probably more like "fading" into the endless, empty space (through faustian technology)

>> No.17627536

Nah Mesoamerican culture is dead and gone. Obviously there's bound to be ghosts, but the cartel's violence is merely the shadow on the smiling faces of American drug users, nothing foreign to Faustian culture.

Spengler predicted social media.

>> No.17627562

Why does India’s feel so different and unrelated to the origin?

>> No.17627579

I’ve always been a mode employee. How embarrassing is that?

>> No.17627610

Do you know where I could get some of these drugs? I too want to smile.

Probably because Spengler knew a lot less about India (and most of the bottom half of the chart) than he did about Western civilization and the classic Mediterranean, and he was reaching to get other civilizations to fit his model.

>> No.17627618

Cryptocurrency and marketing your skills. Marketing your skills is fairly self-explanatory, once you get to university most people have something they're good at that they can start selling as a service. Too many people think that the things they're good at is just stuff "anyone can do" and hence don't bother drumming up business for themselves. That's more or less an "absolute" flow of cash, in that beyond a certain point (improving your presence etc) you can't really invest your money back into your side-hustle to generate even more money. That's where crypto comes in. Crypto can multiply gains, but you'll get burned if you don't research and do a lot of consideration for risks. Obviously you need to focus on risk in crypto because it's highly volatile and some "opportunities" are plain scams, it's best to apply both mathematical and intuitive measures of risk when weighing up which opportunities to get in on. You've got a few options in crypto: invest in blue chip cryptos (BTC, ETH, BNB as of late) and wait (relatively low long term risk, high short term volatility), gamble on shitcoins (very high risk, massive rewards if early), enter stablecoin liquidity mining pools for >30%APR at low risk provided the service providing the pool is trustworthy. If I went in to too much detail I'd sound like a schizo, but lurk biz and read Binance articles and you'll figure it all out quickly enough

>> No.17627643

What do you mean by too Kantian?

>> No.17627660

I noticed some of them actually did jump from job to job actually, but usually they’re writing along the way starting at a young age. They don’t really get an economics degree and become a financial analyst like I did. I’ve also thought about suicide, obsessively for some time now actually. I don’t really know what else to say to you other than I guess I get where you’re coming from. I have this feeling like everything up to the point has been wrong and waste and there’s no fixing it now. It sounds like you feel the same.

>> No.17627694

>Spengler predicted social media
I know. Still wouldn't say that we will "explode" - but rather get obsolete by our own machines and then fading into the eternal empty space (in rocket ships or whatever), as our Ursymbol dictates.
This will take a few more hundred years.

Spengler never said that all stages of all high cultures last the exact same amount of time. They just consist in the same sequence of "forms".

Faustian culture will die such a long and agonizing death because it is so damn expansive/absorbing. EVERY human today is either faustian or fellachian. There won't be enough space to breathe for any new culture for quite some time.

This will make dying harder/longer.

>> No.17627698

What do you mean "his books not so much". This just seems like you misunderstand the breadth of 'right wing' views. His books very much so are an extension of his views.

>> No.17627710

I can't let anything slide by

>> No.17627741

oh my god with the fucking pseudery. no one cares about your little germans

>> No.17627750

it seems like to me that much squeamishness from women about age gaps in relationships is so obviously a reaction against their own fading beauty and awareness of mortality. How often have you heard the retroactive excuse: 'I was so naive at 16, my partner must have been an abuser'? Stripped away of the faux outrage we get the real meaning: 'I am no longer beautiful, the only thing I can pretend to find value in is a perceived emotional maturity'. How sad.

>> No.17627754

What does this mean

>> No.17627756

don't worry, anon. we'll do another anglo-hate-thread the next time :^)

>> No.17627768

lmao, just made that up. It's "Fellachen" in the original text. I don't read translations.

>> No.17627805

>constantly winding and meandering river
also, not sure if spengler takes this into account, but back in the day when the yellow river basin was the cradle of chinese civilization, the actual course of the river changed wildly from year to year due to the relative shallowness of the surrounding basin. I don't think it changes anything, just kind of strengthens the point.

>> No.17627842

Theres no real fixing in my case, at the very best i can hope to atleast being able to take care of myself and imitate normie behavior. Other than that, its a massive cope. Even if i'd somehow manage to unfuck myself, i wont get into time portal and relive those years with new found attitude. I went to therapy and took meds but even then its just for you to become somewhat functional rather than unfucking yourself. Im going to carry that weight. I just feel like a burden to everyone else and you because im just venting my problems when you have your own things to worry about.

>> No.17628213

so much books to read yet so little time

>> No.17628935

I know this isn't specifically a Spengler thread but how do the PIE people fit into his theory of human history and cultures? They link many different peoples together but he doesn't seem to consider them a high culture. Were they too primitive to be a high culture?

>> No.17628996

Folks I'm a certified pussy slayer. We're talking mad levels of pussy smashing here.

>> No.17629000

Spengler has such clear prose
German is my manyth language yet I can read him without problem
he was a school teacher after all

>> No.17629207

Idk fampai, I'm following a stripper whore on instagram who makes mad cash trading in crypto and stocks. The normies seem to have caught wind already.

>> No.17629247

Talking about this stuff helps us figure it out sometimes I think. Do you ever feel like you have trouble figuring out where you are and where you’re going, in a figurative sense I mean, with your life?

>> No.17629262

feel pretty similar to you guys, but a bit younger and havent finished college yet, thinking of dropping out. cant put in the effort or energy (like i have any) and if im going to be working some mediocre office job and living at parents anyway what's the point

>> No.17629272

I wish I were someone else.

>> No.17629277

Explain your ways anon

>> No.17629284

Why don’t you try writing? If I were college aged again and knew what I knew now, I’d give writing my all or default into going into the military. I know it wouldn’t give me the sort of fulfillment I desired but it would put me somewhere and give me something.

>> No.17629322
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God I'm such a fucking retard. I used to have this girl who used to obsess over me in hs. She even let me get her number but she was completly nuts and had lots of identity problems but she was the only cute girl in my pathetic life to give me attention. She even dealt with my shitty personality but I was too autistic too notice and thought I deserved better so I broked it off after she was forced by her parents to leave to another school. She still text me alot and I blocked her number after she invited me over. And I haven't talked to her since. Now I'm alone and I still obsess over her and realize how huge I fucked up. No perfect girls exist like that EVER. FUCKING EVER. thanks for listening to my shitty blog

>> No.17629338
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her faces are so cute

>> No.17629341

what teaching math does to a nigga

>> No.17629359

yeah you fucked up, but you can still try unblocking her and texting her back. you have nothing to lose anyway

>> No.17629390

I did that but she changed her number long ago.

>> No.17629393

By chance alone there's always going to be some normie out there that gets lucky and makes good money off trading stocks. Making money from short term trades of crypto I understand because market sentiment is easier to monitor, but stocks are nothing but a random walk - except for anything shorter than long term trends. I don't bother with trading shitcoins, it's too high risk, I've done the maths on every option in cryptocurrency and what I do to make money is utterly impenetrable to normies. They'd loose all their money just trying to withdraw to their self-hosted wallet across incompatible networks. Remember, everyone and their dog thought they could make a living trading stocks in the Dot Com boom - see how that turned out. It's going exactly the same as 2017/18: price goes up, hits the news, smart normies enter, various companies announce integration plans for bitcoin in the "near future", everyone else gets in, higher volatility leads to price dumps (we're here), companies never follow through with plans to integrate BTC due to volatility, people realise it's a lost cause and sell. Admittedly you're somewhat right, the coming true market correction may slow me down by a year or two, but I have a near zero chance of loosing any money

>> No.17629397

I finished the current issue of my journal today. This was volume 3. I was very excited to start it, I clearly recall the last days of volume 2. It was an old spiralbound book that slowly came apart. I liked the sleekness and nudity of the new book. I was certain things would turn out for the better once I'd start using it. It gave a fresh palette to my life. And it's true, I felt very good for the first couple months.
Now, I didn't feel the same excitement at finishing this book. We're still in lockdown here and I feel a bit stuck, though generally better about my living situation than I've done in a long time. I would like to try something new like I did when I started the last journals, but I have no idea what. I'm trying hard to do what I imagined last time: Fill the book with an abundant joyful events and thoughts.

>> No.17629431

i think because all of my grandparents have died in the last six months I'm kind of fixated on death as a concept at the moment.
i look at my dad and know he's going to die and eventually turn into nothing and that provided i have no health conditions or accidents in the meantime that the same will happen to me after as well.
he will be gone one day and I'll never see him, talk to him or touch/hug him ever again.
I'm struggling to accept that hes begging to age and so am i.
i don't think there's anything after death and in a way i should be relieved since it can be seen as the ultimate relief.
but in reality it mentally paralyzes me in those moments and i can do nothing but despair about how i want neither my dad nor me to die.

>> No.17629448

In the preface of pic related (>>17627374
) it is said that he really, really, reeeeeeeally despised writing.
He just couldn't stop thinking and preferred talking to one single person about his ideas to writing.

Yet you are right - what a strange human being

>> No.17629455

I feel trapped, like everything and anything I interact with is designed to make me consume more, my food, my entertainment, politics even, everything just seems artificial and carefully tailored to suck us all into addiction and consumption, even spirituality and social interaction, maybe it has always been like that, just that our normal lives kept us linked to reality, our minds busy and our bodies somewhat active, and now that we're all idle we can only consume, get absorbed into fantasy worlds, my mom has her Korean soap operas she follows obsessively, my sister has her Netflix series, I have my imageboards and dog, this god damn lockdown is sucking the life out of me, and I haven't even graduated college, hopefully, the coding boom is still around by the time I get a job, then I can start saving and just fuck off from all this shit.

>> No.17629492

you're also almost unable to make sense of his notes - not only because of his ugly-ass hand writing but also because of his strange notation style

>> No.17629504

I know that feel. I haven't had anyone die, but I'm starting to see the first signs of age on my body; I might well be imagining cause I've always been scared of aging, but it gets increasingly scarier. My mum's almost 60 now. When I was still living with her, I could keep an eye on her, but in any case I couldn't have imagined something happening to her. Now that I've been away for years, it's hard to relate back to that former life of mine at all. When I go back I feel like time hasn't passed at all. Yet there she sits, in her gray halo. She could die and I would sit in my apartment hundreds of miles away, and when would news of her death ever reach me? When will I wake to find my first gray hair thinking time is going to run out at last? What have I ever amounted to in the meantime? What am I here for anyway? It's fucking scary to think we are all going to die. It's fucking scary we're all just passing time trying to find enjoyment until we will. Is there really no bigger meaning behind it all? How can everyone and everything I love just fade away, until there's nothing left? How can the life of a brilliant, lovely person like my mum just extinguish one day? Sometimes I think I should just move back to spend more time with her.

>> No.17629517

everyone is getting fucked in the ass and going crazy because of coof, anon.
you also have the misfortune of living through the period of history where peoples humanity is sucked away through the digital boom of social media and everything you mentioned.
I'd say it'll get better but it probably won't, go outside and plant a flower anon.
it'll help you focus on one specific thing/purpose whilst also getting you some fresh air away from a screen.

>> No.17629706

Why would you murder kitty cats?

>> No.17629749

To risk sounding like an edgy teen: God I hate living around people, what I would do to have some proper solitude... AHHHH

>> No.17629810

There is a great bit in Ratner's Star by Don DeLillo about solitude. You are not really alone in isolation but stuck with yourself and the words of others chattering there in. Everything prosaic from the laws of physics to your own neuroses, internal monologues, and body odors stay the same.

>> No.17629905

I'll check that out anon... but I must say I don't wholly dislike that, if I'm always with myself I feel most at easy only being with myself. Rather than being around others and myself, although company is of course nice occasionally.

>> No.17630127

I'm becoming less and less like others, and I know it's important that I do so if I wish to achieve my philosophical goals. It's not always easy though. I'm not a hermit. I have to communicate with others, and the people I have to communicate with notice more and more that I am out of place. It's becoming tiresome, for me, and I assume for them as well. I'm not interested in going backward. I will only continue my alienation. I am only writing this, because from time to time I become sensitive to the way the world around me has trouble with my existence. They take offense at my strangeness, and it causes me sadness. But I will not stop with my routine and passions. I know what I want. I know the cost must be large, but that doesn't make it less daunting to be aware of the nature of that.

>> No.17630165

You Swedes need to reclaim your country. It was so crime-free and peaceful before niggers and sandshits invaded.

>> No.17630290


>> No.17630294

Thanks, anon, thank you very much, I wish you a great day.

>> No.17630345
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I would curse the life-immersers with all my breath, but I don't know if it would do any good. I grew up very religious and was told to always keep only a foot on the earth, and tentatively at that. "Keep your lantern burning", "Be in the World, but not of the World". I kept these teachings near my heart for most of my life. and still very much act like i believe them to be true given how I always hold myself back from actually living. like I still think human life is just a prelude to something fuller.

there are types of people who get so ensconced with The Business of Living. you've met many of them, I'm sure. the most intense among them including the chinese, jews, indians, and all races of fiery disposition. perhaps only germanics, japanese, and slavs as a group are free of this. all races for who life is only to be borne.

I just can't compete in life with most people. I can't bring myself to care as much as they can, it's not in my disposition. I'm not sure how to get around this problem, or, if I even need to

>> No.17630524
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I think Humanity is doomed to succumb to an order far below its potential. In nature, pathology exists as an inevitability, and I think it possible for entire worlds to be overrun by it, and maybe ours is in danger. The only comforting thought is that our universe is impossibly huge, and somewhere there must be a world rich with life where things are going alright.
>"I don't know [the answer] because I don't know if the universe is infinitely large or not," he said. "The observable universe appears to go back in time by about 13.8 billion years, but beyond what we could see there could be much, much more.
>there are about 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe, or about 10 times more galaxies than previously suggested.
>Some astronomers also think that we may live in a "multiverse" where there would be other universes like ours contained in some sort of larger entity.

>> No.17630525
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nah it just makes my heart flutter and my dick start to unfold

>> No.17630550

Yeah can you hear me?

>> No.17630586

Can you hear me now? Hello?

>> No.17630590

I can now. Thanks

>> No.17630865
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Probs gonna be an hero this year. I just can't anymore.

>> No.17630961

dude, life is mad short anyways, before you know it you're going to be 40, then 60, then 80, and it'll all be over.

>> No.17630995

I just want the pain and confusion to end.

>> No.17631003

Just went for a walk. saw some guy sprawled out in a bus shelter, surrounded by 2 women, a younger guy, and an old dude. clearly OD'ing. called 911, they came, dude lived. interesting experience.

>> No.17631012

I don't see how that speaks against taking matters into your own hands.

>> No.17631076

sorry brah, that's the best i could muster.

>> No.17631080

At least write a good book first

>> No.17631125

Yes, i suffer immensely from the lack of ckarity in life. I have trouble describing myself as a person.
It depends on how much do you have left.

>> No.17631144

Butler’s Lives of the Saints. A lot of them were nobles who were nice and cushy but decided to ditch it all where they fled innadesert and went on to found monasteries or become heroes and whatnot. It’s big enough where you can fine some ideas

>> No.17631178

I am trying to avoid fapping to a fantasy I have constructed. I'm trying to banish the fantasy from my mind, in fact. It is extremely degenerate and I feel like if I fapped to it not only would I be sinning, my heart would be wounded.

>> No.17631189

i bought 2 books its been a while

>> No.17631191

well you have to at least tell us what it is

>> No.17631197

Do some heavy cardio if you are not injured—NOW
Stop eating for 24 hours that’ll be your safeguard for some time. That’ll kill it. I think coffee increases imaginative power. Be very very careful when you retire for the night to sleep, especially after exercise. It will hit you hard, the temptation, right before bed. Just be on guard. Hunger will kill it probably

>> No.17631218

No. I just want out.

>> No.17631242

Why did Allah forbid suicide?

>> No.17631256

For the same reason He forbids abortion, euthanasia, and murder: it is not the place of man to end a life before its time. The ending of life is a power, a decision, reserved to God alone, and only He may decide when a person's life ends. Thus, it is the prerogative of humans to preserve a life as much as is possible.

>> No.17631266

Soon I’ll be re-reading paradise lost and deep studying Milton, I’m going to be trying to pastiche his style in order to hopefully catch a bit of the fire and integrate it into my normative writing. A hard thing surely but still.

How many lines of his you lads think I ought write daily in pastiche of Milton?

>> No.17631285

Line length and the number of lines*

>> No.17631290

I think you should pray and meditate on it, and if you do it will come to you naturally.

>> No.17631291

That does not sound convincing to a man in pain.

>> No.17631297

Prayer is daily, I consider my more religious poetry to be prayerful and meditations in and of themselves. But I’ll take your advice Anon. Still interested to hear the numbers suggested.

>> No.17631312

Will you pray for me?

>> No.17631313

Pain, self-control, discipline, asceticism—neither do these sound convincing to a man in pleasure and comfort

>> No.17631327

Of course, if you want me to pray for something in specific, say it. If not, I will just pray in general for you.

>> No.17631346
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Thanks Anon I will keep this in mind.

It's interesting. I am trying to kick my porn and masturbation habit. There were times of old when I simply used to fap out of boredom. I have, obviously, cut those out. Yet as a result of habits instilled, when I go about a week or two weeks without fapping, I feel this physical compulsion to masturbate. It's not intellectual at all, I literally feel it in my chest and my gut.

And the REALLY maddening thing is that back in 2018 and 2019 I was doing a lot better than I am right now. Back in 2018 and 2019 I could go a month, sometimes even two months, without fapping. It's like when I was forced into lockdowns and restrictions over COVID, all my worst habits and compulsions resurfaced.

>> No.17631443

That I'll pass my exam and stop being so anxious.

>> No.17631468

I’ll pray on it.

>> No.17631544

I attract girls when I am "up", posturing and extroverted.

Obviously, these girls would be disappointed to know who I really am, that I am usually introverted, tend toward darkness, and spend all my spare time reading.

But most of my entire social life has been propped up on this kind of performance, and women don't seem to notice me when I'm off.

On the one hand it feels like deception, but the "up" is true to myself, just not always as it seems naturally to let on. I do not want to lose my "ups", they are some of the most exciting and meaningful moments of my life. But they are not sustainable. I run from history and self to where I can more fully embrace the role.

Does anyone here relate to this? I focus on the pussy part of the equation but this is a problem with platonic and male friendships too.

>> No.17631553


>> No.17631554

What would be the best way to learn French on my own? Resources, books, tips? I speak German, English and my native Balkanoid language if that is important

>> No.17631562

Sci-fi is like the normie mask I use for all my literary bullshitting. I spend hours cooped up in a tiny room reading Heidegger and Kant in their original German and translating Deleuze and Guattari from French and then people ask what I do in my spare time and I tell them I read Philip K. Dick and William Gibson. I don't know why I do it, I just do.

>> No.17631568

I feel you. I can only attract and interact with girls (or people in general) if i put persona/social mask on. Once it becomes more intimate i just run away because theres a chance of mask slipping away and showing my real character and them being angry or disappointed at me not truly being a person i appear to be. Im much more emotional than i appear.

>> No.17631601

Are you me? You'll probably be more motivated to actually start than me.

Anyway, someone recommended the following youtube playlist

And from books French for Reading by Sandberg. I also got Frequency Dictionary of French Core Vocabulary by Deryle Lonsdale and Yvon Le Bras.

>> No.17631631

Tbh u can pretty much find any resource needed on the internet just by searching for it.
When you've attained a decent level, you can just start playing Skyrim in French.

>> No.17631639

Interesting, then yes we are in the same position. I have maintained friendships two ways, by forgetting the mask altogether with friends who I naturally connect on something intimate with while still wearing the mask, and gradually slide our interactions from the mask to that.

OR by an extremely painful, taxing, and increasingly embarrassing refusal to surrender the role. These kind of friendships have gone on for years and years. They are hard because I love the person and hate who I require myself to be around them.

>showing my real character and them being angry or disappointed at me not truly being a person i appear to be.

More than angry or disappointed I fear that they will feel decieved. Fear that them feeling such will make it such and reveal me to myself as deciever.

What do you do with a person like you or me?

>> No.17631642

Maybe those aren't the kinds of girls you should be going for, then.

>> No.17631659

What kind of girls should he go for, then?

>> No.17631676

Girls he can be "himself" with. It's also worth noting that we all do a little acting when interacting with other people, so don't take it too hard - it's natural.

>> No.17631688

>tfw other people like you just for your act and you struggle between desire to act in completely honest fashion or continue with the mask schtick
I honestly never met with such a fake people like me and others seem like they can form genuine friendships/relationships without selling themselves out

>> No.17631695

But that's exactly what I (first poster) was saying. The performance IS part of myself and what feels like the better part.

Leaving that side behind for good is, I guess, like permanently lowering myself to what I'm able to sustain. I act too big for my britches because I feel I am.

This is an interesting problem now that I have started to think and dig into it.

>> No.17631710

>Girls he can be "himself" with.
Well, that seems to be the problem. If he's being themself then no girl is interested in him as a person.

>> No.17631802
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Hermetic tick tick tick tick tick tock

>> No.17632036

Incredibly relatable; but brother, its not a problem. Have more faith in your friends and your lovers to appreciate both sides of 'you'. It takes time to get comfortable with another person before you're able to show them your 'true self'. Sometimes you show somebody that true self and they throw it back at you and betray you, and it feels awful and makes you more guarded in the future. But that's life; living is the risk. The point is I understand what you mean - over the years I have got very good at performing my 'social self', it's something I have consciously worked on and can do with ease. It has led to a lot of success with friends and women. It doesn't mean that I'm not a shy person at heart and in my off time. But you have to give the other people in your life more credit - if you don't trust them, you are essentially saying they are not worthy of your company.

>> No.17632061

Same shit as always. It's painful watching the decline of the west (le epic meme book name) in real time. E.g. Western Europe going the same route as the US, just a decade or so behind.
I don't believe in Spenglers predictions of caesarism or anything else, I doubt he factored in radical demographic change.

>> No.17632105

Russian prime symbol is expressed in brutalist, utilitarian architecture of the soviet block. Smooth, huge, monochrome houses. Many of them in the same place.

>> No.17632118

see this is where it breaks down
the correspondence between origin of symbol and symbol is fucking whack
in this case how can the Soviet city block express the infinite steppe, it's litteraly the opposite: a great fullness instead of a great emptyness

>> No.17632137

The Russian soul is rebellious but still succumbs to the expression of infinite plane through smooth, homogeneous surfaces of their buildings.
I agree that it is imperfect though. Spenglerfags should learn what an abstraction means.

>> No.17632152

>makes horrible stretched logical jump
yeah, have a nice day lol.

>> No.17632192

>bro just find those 0.0000000000001% girls who dont need you to be always entertaining them and jumping through shit tests. Also dont forget that only 0.00000000000000000000001% of them will find you somewhat interesting.
good odds.

>> No.17632217

>thanks for listening to my shitty blog
you're welcome babe

>> No.17632241
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Spengler was a great man, but you all are pretty much the most insufferably immature bunch on the chans. Everytime I open a spengler thread, one of your kind is seething like an autistic monkey. Why is that?

>> No.17632247

There will be other girls, anon. Trust me.

>> No.17632282

So you give a shit reply about symbols and then you cry that you're surrounded by monkeys?

>> No.17632295

So many young men on this website are in need of positive male role models. Their concerns and anxieties are legitimate, but too many fall for loud mouthed charlatans like Roosh and Sam Hyde. Peterson is OK if you take his advice sincerely, but he got too caught up in cultural politics bullshit and fell for the victim complex trap, dragging all these young men with him. I don't exactly blame him for that, the media set the bait but he is responsible for falling for it. I unironically think The Book Club does an OK job at appealing to these young guys and I think it helps that he is young himself; but perhaps due to his youth his worldview is pretty nebulous and too mired in irony (even when he's being sincere). Anyway, it's not his responsibility in any case. Truthfully, the best role models are the ones you find in your own life, but there is an obvious paucity of strong male figures in the world.

>> No.17632336

it's litteraly the first time I post about this and I posted to criticize the reasoning by which you attributed an architectural feature to a primordial symbol and to talk about how sprengker does it in general.
You however couldn't help but drop your spaghetti.

>> No.17632342

Soviet civilization was Magian.

>> No.17632343

since he has found God roosh had become based

>> No.17632378
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I feel more insulted by praise than by actual insults. I don't know why but I feel like most praise just has a mocking tone, like it's making fun of me rather than actually wanting to express a good opinion about me, I can't help feeling this way even when I know there is no logical reason for the person praising me to lie to me. Meanwhile actual insults feel more direct and honest.

I would much prefer being called a retard than being called smart.

>> No.17632381
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Is uploading mind to computer equivalent to becoming Djinn?

>> No.17632402

I feel like many young men on lit are genuinely gifted and therefore tormented. They do lack real male role models and direction, but as most young men their interest in females is rather high. That is natural, but they've been mislead by society and they never had anybody that could possibly teach them that females are especially dangerous for gifted and emotional men. I feel like the ancients, be it the Greeks or the great Asiatic peoples had mechanism in place to ensure that young men in their youth, when they're mostly sensitive and vulnerable, don't get destroyed by women. The Old testament (Proverbs) make it clear what a "prostitute" does to a man; the vision of dharma sees the dharma of the prostitute in the destruction and corruption of young men; the Greeks had the sensual relationship with an older male as a way of approaching life and the other sex. We've been thrown into a worldview of American comedies, cheap idealization of romantic love, and a totally gynocentric world that sells you the ideal of Chivalric romance while actually demanding the clear opposite of you. I feel like the dangers that women pose to young men are immeasurable and there should be mechanisms to get young men acquainted with them without actually pushing them off the ledge immediately. How many beautiful, young gifted men were destroyed by shallow women who were just bored? How many lost their dreams and purpose. It is sad.

>> No.17632413

Our Father Adam is the first of that lot. We are an incel race

>> No.17632427

Maybe it's an impostor syndrome, they tend to think they don't deserve the praise.

>> No.17632429

More, simple, proletarian role-models are needed imo. John Wayne, Clint Eastwood types, or Sportsmen who are fairly moral.

American male 'role-models' just seem to be low IQ black rappers, who boast about killing and doing drugs. It's retarded

>> No.17632437

ok retard.

>> No.17632447

I’ve basically gone 7 years without masturbation in the classic manner. However, sleeping a certain way as to stimulate a voluntary sexual arousal, in conjunction with imagination—I have not been free of this for that long. I would consider that masturbation, so I do not brag or consider myself clean. I probably don’t have a high drive anyways, it only hits me when I’m very very tired or napping. Also, I haven’t been free of porn for not even 3 years probably. And porn is way way way way worst than masturbation and way way worst than imagination. Disabling images on my browser is something I almost always do on the Chans to keep my head clean. Sometimes I’d get the temptation to illicit arousal mentally before sleep, but really it hasn’t been hard to fight an actual classic masturbation I never felt the need to do so. I think purifying the imagination is more important anyways. Literally cardio and being kept busy and fasting will kill all my “sex drive”

>> No.17632458

>is cooped in garret
>reads pseuds
Like pottery. Ascend and read Church Fathers in a tent outdoors

>> No.17632501

but where else would he get a creative passionate gf?

>> No.17632613

Spengler mor like (A)Spergler

>> No.17632676

Look up the kindling effect, I advise you quit it for good because you're going to make the withdrawal substantially worse.

>> No.17632720

more like sex gifs

>> No.17632804
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The concept of the immortal soul terrifies me. I don't want to be eternal. I don't want to ascend or to be trapped forever in the hellish realm of conciousness. Fuck your nirvanas, heavens or afterlifes. I just want to return to nothing.

>> No.17632818

I met a black weeb. and honestly, that meeting challenged a lot of my racist beliefs

>> No.17632845

soul is not a part of consciousness

>> No.17632879

I’m attracted to military service but I don’t think it’s worth it right now.

>> No.17632931

Women shouldn't have rights, as well as men who don't own property.

>> No.17632943

no such thing as nothing by definition.

>> No.17632945

I met a black weeb and we got along. A year later he got arrested for stealing from the local convenience store.

>> No.17632992

the one I met was like a cottage core black woman weeb, who was very kind to me for no reason.

I was like a nazi before, and she completely changed how I feel about black people

>> No.17633048


>> No.17633065

That’s good I guess. I’m not a Nazi. I’m not racist. I don’t even believe in race. I’ve even had black friends and there are black people I know right now who I like, but they’re the exception not the norm and I generally try to steer clear of them. Growing up in a majority black and hispanic city, the impression I was left with overall was not positive.

>> No.17633165

I still love the girl from bennington

>> No.17633185

Any thoughts?

>> No.17633189
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>> No.17633190

There are kind people everywhere anon. I still don't go out of my way to interact with them but some prove themselves to be good people. Doesn't change the fact that if they found out you posted on a eurasian seed starting forum they might try and ruin your life. However, that goes for many whites as well. I think it's best to remain friendly but indifferent towards them.

>> No.17633239

You complain about people with extreme opinions and start your post with "I don't mind the collapse". Which people are you talking about anyway? I don't know anyone who is like your description of everyone.

>> No.17633248

I don't complain about extreme opinions. I complain about the pathological one-sidedness of many of these opinions. What makes you think I'm talking about everyone anyhow?

>> No.17633269

no u

>> No.17633728

You’ve really leveled up at learning a language once you can read work definitions and grammar explanations in your target language.

>> No.17633772

The life of an author today and the life of an author of the past seem to me to be so radically different that it actually explains quite a lot about the state of modern literature. I saw in an interview Yukio Mishima actually state that he had friends. Who here can even sympathize with that?!

>> No.17633778

I-I have friends

>> No.17633797

I’m starting to think there’s no hope for us...well, there’s no hope for some of us (me).

>> No.17633805

Well, lucky you. I haven’t had friends in years and since I don’t enjoy getting blackout drunk every Thursday and Friday, probably won’t have any again. I wouldn’t know where to meet any anyway. Are you a writer?

>> No.17633843

Not professionally but yes. Sometimes I post stuff on this board.

>> No.17633880

What do muslims think of mormons?

>> No.17633989

It looks like sleep apnoe ruined the last ten years of my life. I thought I was mentally ill, had social anxiety, psychosis, depression, adhd, cognitive disorder. None of that is true. I'm just lacking oxygen.

Good news is that there's therapy with a mask during sleep. Good news is that the brain can recover to a good proportion. Bad news is I wasted at least 8 years of my life. Bad news is all the stress and suffering I endured for no reason.

All in all, I'm still confident. I'm not 30 yet and was my cut off point for suicide if it didn't get better till then. Still have 1.5 years left.

>> No.17634070

I’m so down on myself that I don’t even know to appropriately put it into words. Worst of all I feel like there’s no way for things to get better for me. It’s too late. I’ve solidified into a pathetic human being.

>> No.17634101

there is a promise in the Quran that in enduring that pain with faith is a lightening of burdens. sometimes it is said that Islam is lived between patience and thankfulness- in hard times, Islam is to be patient (as this is the manifestation of faith pertinent), in good times Islam is to be thankful.

As for you anon: it will get better. It might take a long time, but it will.

>> No.17634117

Write it down anon, it does help. You're not a pathetic human, its just a temporary bump.

>> No.17634139

My brother!

>> No.17634319

>What makes you think I'm talking about everyone anyhow?
That's how your post struck me. The people, the people, the people ... I couldn't help thinking that you meant everyone. After all, all cultural critics are aristocrats and opponents of the masses.
>I don't complain about extreme opinions. I complain about the pathological one-sidedness of many of these opinions.
Everything extreme is one-sided. that's what it means to be extreme.

>> No.17634502

>the people
I see. I thought I qualified what kind of the people I meant well enough.
>Everything extreme is one-sided
I get what you mean but I disagree. Push far enough into anarchism and you will eventually see the merits of authoritarianism. Push far enough into authoritarianism and you will eventually see the merits of anarchism. Extremes meet. It is like that with idealism, pragmatism, masculinity, femininity, arts and sciences, etc, because these exist in the mind and within the mental worlds all things are much more connected than in the physical. I hate that people who refuse to see these connections because they make them uncomfortable. I don't hate hedonism, I hate hedonists who think rage or sorrow cannot be enjoyable.

>> No.17634608

I always thought Prussianism & Socialism and The Hour of Decision to be superior books to Decline

>> No.17634776
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Where in NA and PA would be the most feasible for an American to live like a third world farmer? It seems pretty damn impossible in most of PA.

>> No.17634780

I’m pretty sure I’m pathetic. I’m disgusted by my appearance, my poor social state, my general life trajectory, what I’ve done. There’s just very little to be proud of or lift my head high for.

>> No.17634782

There’s an unsynthesized concept for me between whether to interpret society as being comprised of victims and victimizers, or as misunderstandings and learning opportunities.
I’m angstily being persuaded toward giving more scope of applicability toward the former but for now it’s just a feeling not thoughts and frameworks. Anything decent to read about this that isn’t nietzsche-core?

>> No.17634786

Are you or were you overweight?

>> No.17634903

It can be fixed anon. Be proud in being honest with yourself.

>> No.17634998

I suspect I’m a bit too old to be fixed

>> No.17635051
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I had a dream last night and was considering writing a post about it, but now that I think about it most of my dreams aren't that interesting. They usually follow the typical scenario of being in a place that's simultaneously several other places, while being surrounded by people you don't entirely recognize. "I was aboard a nuclear submarine cruising underneath the arctic ice cap, but the interior was like my high school and I think my friend was there." "I was driving in car down the highway with a group of people I didn't recognize, but the car broke down and while we were walking the highway changed into a forest." "I was in a combination Blockbuster Video and public library that was also filled with anime figures and porno magazines, and some guy I couldn't see kept trying to grab my ass." (Pretty sure this one was about 4chan.)
I won't deny the possibility of receiving some kind of life-changing insight from a dream, but to me they all feel like my mind taking two or three things I've been thinking about and throwing them together. It might just be me, but whenever I've heard my friends talk about their dreams they sound similar. Dream scenes in fiction are always written to be profound allegories, but in my experience they're all reiterations of fairly mundane things I've already half-figured out about myself. I could write them down and explain how one thing represents another, but the underlying message would be so mundane that it wouldn't be worth the effort. Maybe I just have unreasonable expectations for my dreams.

>> No.17635055

I'm not having kids. made up my mind, and not going to change it.

my life has been absolutely hellish, and this is nothing I would want to share with anyone

>> No.17635074

me too but it also isn't really my decision to make

>> No.17635075

>Be proud in being honest with yourself.
Why should I be proud of this? Being so honest with myself has only amplified suicidal ideation. It seems to me the real courage would come in either seeing life through anyway or mustering up to courage to end it but not in anything in-between.

>> No.17635186

Why is it that I have to barely eat and stay active for almost the whole day, every day in order to maintain a relatively healthy body weight when other people seem to be able to have mostly sedentary lives, stay normal and look healthy. If I give even a little bit on anything I balloon to obese status. This doesn’t make sense and I can’t keep this up forever.

>> No.17635196


>> No.17635240

how do you avoid the feeling of hopelessness when starting something again that you were washed out of few years ago? i feel like everything will again be for nothing

>> No.17635279

Man I made that image, weird to see it pop up every now and then

>> No.17635423

>teacher talks a lot of shit that can be summarized in a few pages for two hours
>ask a question, get a shit tier answer
University has been such a waste of time for me, especially all the brain-dead group shit you are obligated to do. Your average university teacher is nothing but a fucking hack. I just want to get it over with and never come back.

>> No.17635437

Honestly, I might have dropped out and joined the military in retrospect. The only issue is that so many things now require a degree, any degree. Case in point, military commissions. Another one is a visa to live elsewhere.

>> No.17635458

>teacher sharing his camera, bernie poster on the background
>starts talking about black people fucking white girls in The Birth of a Nation and muh black people in america
I'm not even in the humanities or american. You can't make this shit up

>> No.17635545

he fingers the night: a mad starfucker. his hat is an empty tomb.

>> No.17635650

at least the weather is nice today

>> No.17635684

think i have food poisoning. hope it's not covid.

>> No.17635769

A strange belief has taken hold of me: not that there is a God, a salvation, but: that there has to be, and will be! I will do it myself, if I have to, don't ask me how. I will work toward a world in which God is real.

>> No.17635800

As the rose blossoms
And fades, each season, so too
Does the soul, always.

>> No.17635851

well lads, i did it. i became a writer. i've become steadily employed writing what i want to write.

it's gay as fuck. i am a playing pretend masturbating narcissist exhibitionist and will never look a manual labor friend in their eye again.

>> No.17635858

can you taste and smell?

>> No.17635931

trust God

>> No.17635942

I have some kind of inflammation in my eyelid. it's been red and swollen. it droops over almost half the eye compared to the other eye. I hope it stays that way. I want to look worn

>> No.17635952

read two articles today that could both have been reduced to 10% size. frustrating both to have had to go through both of them in case something happened, and that it makes my work feel like a joke

>> No.17636075

it hurts to be average

>> No.17636155

They're out there. They're rare but they're out there.

>> No.17636265

i cant even reach average

>> No.17636273

thinking about detransitioning

>> No.17636358


It is exhausting being lonely sad and angry all day long. Tomorrow I will be busy working. I can change.

>> No.17636397

I love Japanese LNs. I love the the themes, the tropes, the aesthetics, the feeling. I just love the medium.

>> No.17636490

What am I supposed to do with these poems and short stories I write? I’d like to try to publish them but I don’t even know where to submit them.

>> No.17636496

It's average to hurt

>> No.17636515

Recommend one

>> No.17636542

To be fair I feel like Im average at my best so we're on a similar situation

>> No.17636666

>buy a new pen
>it doesnt work
i give up

>> No.17636679

Book Girl

>> No.17636681

Start tracking all of your calories so you can be certain you're not just wildly misjudging what you eat. If your calories are genuinely lower than they should be then see a doctor.

>> No.17636918

No, I'm really skinny.

>> No.17636930
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I saw a webm the other day of a guy jumping from a building and landing on a mom with a baby in a stroller (he landed on the baby). The baby died, and the mother reportedly had to be sedated because she was so distraught.
For some reason this really shook me; it was like an epiphany in Zen buddhism, showing me just how absurd and callous this world really is.

>> No.17636962

how do some of you fucks write so much i can barely manage a sentence or two

>> No.17637187

I can’t really imagine anything more world shattering. You go through life with certain expectations, or at least, certain blind spots. There are certain things which you just never expect to happen to you. As someone who lost a family member due to a very unexpected, and somewhat random, indiscriminate homicide, I can sympathize with the sort of total paradigm shift something like this impresses on you. It’s shocking to the point where your world just doesn’t make sense anymore. Imagine something so tragic as an unnamed, unknown person falling from the sky to crush your newborn child while out for a walk. I can’t imagine anything more simultaneously tragic and unexpected. Her inner world is utter chaos, lonely, and probably will be for a long time, if not forever.

>> No.17637240

I love them because of the medium they offer us in light of the state of “higher” literature, especially the ones that try to bridge the gap between light novel or young adult and what we consider more like a novella or novel like the Monogatari series. I think there’s so much potential in light novels.

>> No.17637323

french for reading by sandberg

>> No.17637407

Just do what males do best.
>isolate and find solace in work and excellence

>> No.17637452
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I strongly feel like there's room for romance, and even eroticism, in fiction that is nonetheless written for a moral or religious purpose. Obviously you need to be careful about writing something wrong or sinful. But at the same time, I feel like there's a point you can go to, an extent to which you can go, where you can write things that titillate, at least a little. I feel like to totally avoid such a thing would be to avoid writing a realistic story, a story that encompasses the full totality of human existence. Like I said, you just need to make sure you don't go too far. That, and make sure you keep your overall motivations clear and pure.

>> No.17637485

The problem is you think there is a "self" and you don't yet understand how vital environment and groups are to your own identification. You think you are most real and most "yourself" when you are alone. You find your uniqueness lies in this self that is alone , a self which you mistakenly conceive as your own. When you are alone you are still with people and you occupy a certain character as much as when you are with people in the flesh. It was once the case that upon meeting someone you would announce your family's or tribes name. Now we immediately produce our first names and occupation. This is only to illustrate a point that you are not ever alone. When in groups you behave as you do in because your mimicking psychological responses demands it. You tune yourself to the environment the same you tune yourself when alone. Do not bother searching for an absolute state and understand that relations are what stitch the world together. In short, learn to love to play.

>> No.17637637

>In short, learn to love to play.
This is a comforting notion. But I feel others do not take so kindly to it, believe it is fraudulent and manipulation. Especially those less well off and less connected.

>> No.17637728
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>> No.17637810

it may come off as such I agree. but the damned know not what they do and I say this as some one who has escaped poverty and its accompanying frame.

>> No.17638051

Faust redpilled me on the sad fascination of space exploration and Mars colonies.

>> No.17638435

was it gore
post it

>> No.17638853
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A cliché but man, what a time to be alive and what better way to spend that time in solitude and with the people I love.

>> No.17639000

Redpill in what way?

>> No.17639281

The girl I'm lusting after seems to have only minor interest in me.
Whereas the girl who shows clear interest in me and would be perfectly acceptable to pursue, I have little to no real interest in her.
Why were humans designed with these disgusting, shitty, scarcity driven brains?

>> No.17639378

je suis un chat

>> No.17639407

Stop masturbating.
Eat less carbs and more fats.

>> No.17639425

Stop masturbating, eat more animal fats.

>> No.17639470

This was a thoughtful and insightful post I missed beforehand. Thank you for it.

>> No.17639503

>trusting other people
yeah, no. thats only wanting to hurt. other people dont give a two shits about your if you're not useful to them whenever its curiosity, entertainment or use.

>> No.17639534


>> No.17639535


>> No.17639538
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imagine if one could have aryan children with east asian women, white women would be redundant

>> No.17639653


Spengler more or less accomplished nothing in his life other than creating texts with incredible erudition during a very fortunate period of time for his work to be noticed. Being "famous" is some dumb idea that's just been shilled for because digital post-WW2 society needs it's simulacrum personalities.

I've seen incredible output from people who never wrote heavily in their lives and complete garbage from idiotic bohemian larpers. Don't beat yourself up too much.

>> No.17639655
File: 355 KB, 580x410, caspar-david-friedrich-nordsee-im-mondschein--910455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot a course to the furthest shore
Roam, sail this wide ocean
Where all destinies shall end below
Seek crest and trough
The gentle rocking of a thoughtful sea
For the promess of land
Carried flame-like by hopeful sailors
Is a strong wind
Blowing nowhere but in the soul

>> No.17639660


>> No.17639670

You are the only one to blame when you go on tiktok and listen to ASMR. Grow up.

>> No.17639681

At least with white women you can see when their genes might screw up the kid's looks, with cute Asians you never really know if she might either be hiding under thick layer of quality makeup or hiding the fact she's been to very successful plastic surgery.

>> No.17639695

There was a thread about the problem of evil yesterday that I posted a bunch in. What you describe is metaphysical evil. The man was not aiming for the baby, he just wanted to die, which is itself a sign of evil imperfection in the world that sentient beings would be driven to such depths of despair as to wish to kill themselves. Landing on the baby in front of the mother just seems to double this senselessness.

You can do what I did and spend an evening trying to wrangle together a logical pretzel to explain away how a God would permit such things, or you can take the much more efficient interpretation. Out there really is just matter and energy and empty space. The only moral truth and the only goodness is what is able to exist within us. In that sense, we are not absurdly alone and cast adrift, but more like torch bearers carrying a noble light. Or in the case of that suicide, arsonist scum who ignite themselves as they burn the world.

>> No.17639721

ok roastie

>> No.17639735
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Yesterday I realised the only reason I don't end it all is because I still believe god exists, and I fear how he may punish me.
I'm not that depressed.
I am simply not satisfied with the current state of the world, I am not satisfied by the fact that I cannot marry a decent woman and have children, only whores are left for me to love.
I am not satifsied with the sheer shalowness of the modern consumer, which I am.
I am not satisfied with pseuds intellectualising away beauty and good.
I simply see no reason to suffer anymore, I don't suffer that much, but hope is dwindling to such a point that even the sheer incomfort of being alive becomes too much to bear.

>> No.17639741

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.17639779


>> No.17639782

you went muh genes in response to a scenario where it's not the least bit relevant, and that also being the point, so yeah either stormfag or roastie

>> No.17639799

I love those threads, I think they're a gold nugget on the internet.
It's just young men posting everything they think about, from depressed thoughts to ideas, funny stories.
Most posts are unanswered, yet I find them very interesting most of the time.
I love skimming through here, even if I don't often post

>> No.17639810

why would you corrupt east asian women like that

>> No.17639833

You started with genes, moron. You were dreaming of Asian women being able to birth Aryan children, ie. white, blond and with blue eyes in shape typical for Caucasian, all genetic traits.

>> No.17639844

>architectural expression
>(not yet developed)
kek, roosians are literally nigger tier

>> No.17639859

Exactly, if they were aryan children they wouldn't have chink traits. So the women fixing certain chink traits with surgery doesn't matter.

>> No.17639926

The yellow fever is smoothing your brain.
Seek help

>> No.17639959

feels like I have done more complexly and irredeemably cringe shit than 90% of people in existence, even you, dear 4chan reader

>> No.17639969

You probably didn't, but it's sometimes good to feel like you did, it makes you think about what you do and prevents embarrassment.

>> No.17640166
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Why would I want help? lol

>> No.17640173

>Why would you use feet as a marketing gimmick?
because it works?

>> No.17640231

you can ask me any question you want babe you will not get turned down trying to bait will only result in same

>> No.17640240

>will only result in same
well, sometimes

>> No.17640385

the words that express my inner state
thus rendering for me a lightness and sense of relief
no longer tormented by internal discourse
I am free to have another go

>> No.17640396
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Jesus christ

>> No.17640465

I'm only happy when I'm working hard at the gym with other guys, women invariably make me miserable after a period of time
Am I gay now

>> No.17640506

fell asleep for 30-45 minutes before i was woken by stomach pain. 4am, craving fried chicken. weird pressures and pops in gut last 2 days. mild fever. dierreah and intermittent shooting pains. weird appetite. can't tell if i'm hungry or not. cravings for lots of greasy food. hoping it's a stomach bug. afraid it may be a tapeworm. very easy to picture a worm moving through the different pains in my gut.

>> No.17640515

Do you often eat shitty food?

>> No.17640526

Women you can't live with them, you can't live without them. It's not a joke.

>> No.17640548


>> No.17640550

Maybe that's why you have stomach pain

>> No.17640552

make sure it's not appendicitis

>> No.17640562


>> No.17641737

Suicide is not a moral action in the first place so your whole second paragraph is superfluous. And what the anon watched is not metaphysical evil, maybe he spared that baby from a horrible life.

>> No.17641749

yeah but the mom was in anguish

>> No.17641749,1 [INTERNAL] 

hi there guys