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17624693 No.17624693 [Reply] [Original]

I have recently come to believe that money is everything. Nothing matters more than currency.
What are the arguments against this sort of thinking?

>> No.17624702

None, you're right. Now go and read Marx & Engels.

>> No.17624709

Yes, consume more. Work more so you can consume more. You don't need to think. You only need to consume more things.

>> No.17624711

Marx and Postone on value, Sombart, Adorno and Horkheimer on the dialectic of enlightenment and capital value equivalence, Gottfried Feder, C.H. Douglas and social credit, distributism


>> No.17624717

How would reading outdated economics books help me make money?

>> No.17624732

People overly concerned with money aren't usually that interesting; they lack a personality in my experience. Even poor people with character make due, and even have good humour about it. A lot of wealthy/comfortable people who have no fucking personality whatsoever.
And then get excited for next things.

>> No.17624736

What's up with /lit/ and reading nonsense books that have no value to the modern day economic discourse? Why would you recommend books that aren't taken seriously by anyone of note today?

>> No.17624824

Suppose you had an infinite amount of money.
Eventually, the pleasures of what you choose to do with that money would become a baseline, and your happiness would be lost.
You would not be able to gain more happiness because you will have become bored of everything.

If the above is unsatisfactory, I have another argument.

Suppose you knew that you would be the recipient of a great fortune upon your parent's death.
Suppose also that you knew with certainty that law enforcement would not catch you if you chose to kill them.
Would you kill them for the money?
If not, then there is something which matters more than currency

>> No.17624829

Nah then you start being a pedophile and vampire.

>> No.17624849

Congratulations, you have reached the endgame of materialism
Either you are a capitalist obsessed with efficiency and cost-benefit or you are a socialist obsessed with redistribution and in the end it's all about money anyway

>> No.17624854 [DELETED] 

I find it curious how people who say they don't care about money are always furious that other people have more money than them. If you don't care about money, don't you forfeit the right to whine about inequality?

>> No.17624858

bakemonogatari is fucking shit bro

>> No.17624859

No argument, here. Money allows you to do things other, broke-asses cannot. Money is the key to all locks.

Usually poor people cope and say money can't buy happiness. If money can't buy happiness, I guess I'll have to rent it.

>> No.17624869

you´re either poor or underage

If you´re poor, then the extreme lack of money + living in a capitalist society translates into an overwhelming desire for money. If you´re underage, then grow up faggot

>> No.17624895

>Usually poor people cope and say money can't buy happiness
I've only ever heard miserable rich people say this

>> No.17624905

I am poor. The problem for me is that anything I want to do requires money. Want to travel? Need it. Want to live in your own apartment and not with 4 other people? Need a shit ton of it. Everything leads me to think that money is everything.

>> No.17624912

It's true though
I made a lot of money in my early 20's, a lot of it, I saved and invested it all, I was living with my parents so I had basically no expenses, yet I was considering suicide on a weekly basis. This is what people talk about when they say money does not buy happiness. I bought a huge retro game collection for a dozen different consoles, I have currently more than a thousand games on my Steam and GOG accounts, I donated to orphanages and animal shelters and I was very close to ending it all, I could visualize sticking a knife to my own heart. Sometimes I would just lay in my bed wanting to do nothing.
A moderate amount of money will give you confidence and stability and that can prevent a lot of unhappiness but that's it.
As I said in >>17624849 this is the endgame of materialism.

>> No.17624914

superficial understanding of what materialism entails. the most radical materialist is Kaczynski, and he is not about money, at all. What if the fixation on money is yet another ideological obstacle to a radical analysis of history?

>> No.17624922

Times change but people do not.

>> No.17624933

>Want to travel? Need it
Now is a bad time for this, but after all this covid shit blows over look into doing seasonal work wherever you want to travel. It's not a vacation, honestly it's kind of better because you can stay longer and get a more complete picture of life. If you live in an apartment with 5 roommates you can't have anything too important going on in your life right now

>> No.17624936

time is ideological and the gattungswesen prevails.

>> No.17624940

Pretty sure he meant pop-cultural "material girl in a material world" materialism, not philosophical materialism

>> No.17624973

You should ask yourself why you want to travel, and why you think having multiple roommates is bad. I'm not questioning your implications, but I think if you think deeply about why you consider them undesirable restrictions, or desirably things you're missing, you should come to a solution that doesn't rely solely on acquiring more money.

>> No.17625009

So you are proving my point, regardless, if you do get your material needs met then money will stop being everything and you´ll aim at more "nobler" tasks

t. poorfag who got lucky and is now financially comfortable

>> No.17625032

I grew up in a fairly middle class home but my parents were trad caths and decided to have eight kids on an income of like 150,000$ a year. As a result I was deprived of everything growing up. All my clothing was mismatched and hand me down, my parents wouldn't even buy me books, I spent all time pretending or on the shared computer I'd have to wake up at 4:00am to use. After I turned 18 I moved out immediately, spent years trying to hustle and save money, working two jobs, living with roommates, all while going to school. I was probably saving like 200$ a month between rent, groceries, utilities, my car. System is designed like a trap. Irony on irony is that I've escaped the system entirely by accident. Three years ago I took the /biz/pill, you're on the threshold. Money really is everything, opportunity, time, but most importantly its escape from the fear of the being crushed under the weight of society, of winding up some dried out homeless fuck soaking in booze on the side of the road. Seven years after turning 18, working the whole damn time, and I'd saved up barely 10,000$.

Past three months I've made ten times that number from crypto.

Call it a larp but its the bizarre reality that I live in. I go and check my bank account and it's still about 10,000$. I check my crypto wallet and its in the mid six figure range. On /biz/ we call this phase of earning Six figure hell because the price swings are so high that it boggles the mind, you see amounts of money you never imagined having in your lifetime, amounts even your parents would goggle at, and they appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. In the past three months I've made about 140,000$. In the past three hours I've lost about 24,000$. I still work two minimum wage jobs though one has me on furlough so I collect partial unemployment. Oftentimes I think about how my net worth fluctuates my entirely yearly salary in a single shift.

Take the /biz/ pill anon, there is mountains of shit but buried beneath it there are diamonds for those with a discerning eye.

As for me? Outwardly little has changed, I'm still living the same lock-down existence as everyone else. I hope to travel if this shit ever ends though, I can finally afford to do what I only could dream about as a kid so I feel a mixture of peace, excitement, and impatience

>> No.17625038


>> No.17625053

You'll change your mind when you get a serious disease. The only thing that matters in life is health, everything else can be adjusted to.

>> No.17625059

Money doesn't matter, power matters. Money is the lowest denomination of power.

>> No.17625071

I've made more in 1 year on /biz/ than in 5 years wageslaving. And I'd have to wageslave 5 more years to earn the same amount. The problem is there is something deeply wrong with our society when work is so poorly valued that making clicks on a screen on stocks and crypto gets you exponentially more money than working.

>> No.17625075

>take the /biz/pill
Currently considering doing that because fuck working a shitty job into my 60s. How would you suggest I start? I have about 6k in savings so far but I can expect to have very little expenses (in particular no rent) for the few next months at least.

>> No.17625082

Read for a few months before you make any investment. There's a lot of shitposts and garbage. You need to get a sense for what's good and what is just a meme. Get in on stock market generals. It's basically just those two things stock market generals and all the rest of threads are mostly crypto and memes.

>> No.17625102

instead of listening to /biz/, I decided to read everything in existence about logic (from Aristotle until modern day logic) and applied it to all the stock and crypto market phenomena. I´ve made 10x more just doing my own reasoning that following anything those faggots shill there.

One thing I learned, the old platitudes of "Only invest money you don´t need now" and "have patience" and "diversify in accordance to risk" are the biggest redpills to make money, even tough they are aesthetically boring.

>> No.17625113

Just so I’m clear, are you saying that the things you can buy with money don’t matter?

Does money with no purchasing power matter as much as “functional” money? Is a $100 Monopoly bill as important as a US $100 bill?

>> No.17625124

No amount of money will make you good looking or talented in any way

>> No.17625130

>Suppose you had an infinite amount of money.
too extreme to be a compelling argument. what if i had a job that paid me just enough to lead a normal life and i'd only be able to buy myself something nice every once in a while?
>Would you kill them for the money?
>If not, then there is something which matters more than currency
being a decent human being and not killing your parents doesn't mean you don't think money isn't the most important thing.

>> No.17625138

Any non-4chan ressources that I can trust to teach me the basis of stock markets and investment? Ideally I'd prefer not to rely on /biz/ much, although I suppose it's a good way to get the temperature.

>> No.17625145

good post

>> No.17625146
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This must be bait, I don't believe one can be so dumb

>> No.17625155

appeal to authority

>> No.17625168


>> No.17625175

All you need is knowledge. If you have the knowledge, what else do you need? Now, think carefully and multidimensionally. Knowledge defends you against every possible form of harm in existence. The more knowledge you have, the less fear you have, the less pain you have, the less stress you feel, the less anguish you feel, and the less danger you experience of any form or sort. Think of this very carefully for this is very important: Where is there any limitation in the concept behind the word "knowledge"? Being that there is no limitation, what is the value of that word? Infinite. Can you conceive of how that one concept, that one meaning frees you from all limitation? Use your sixth sense to conceive of how the word, the term, the meaning of knowledge can provide with all that you could possibly ever need. If you think carefully you will begin to see glimpses of how this is true in its greatest possible form. This includes all possible meanings of the concept of the word. Can you think of how it would be that simply with one term, this one word can carry so much meaning? You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen. Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks, if you prefer, to protect yourself. The protection simply comes naturally with the awareness. Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence. Acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything. Now all you need is the faith and realization that acquiring of knowledge is all you need.

>> No.17625176

Money is a type of power, so what you're really after in that game is power. There are different forms of power too, you can maximize various kinds but power is defined contextually so power in one sphere can inhibit power in another, though that effect shouldn't be overstated.

I don't think power has much to do with meaning though in a personal sense.

>> No.17625178

>Marx on value
>This is /lit/ in the year of our lord of 2021

>> No.17625188

You can buy the best doctors and get the best medical treatment with money. You can't do that as a poorfag.

Money wins again.

>> No.17625192

The more I read and learn the less I give a shit about being rich. It's enough for me to be financially comfortable

>> No.17625194

OP says that nothing matters more than money. Most people who value money value it mainly because it can be used to purchase other things, not as a thing in itself.

>> No.17625217

>No amount of money will make you good looking or talented in any way

What are plastic surgery and instructors. You can get pretty good at the violin with limitless money to expend on instruction.

>> No.17625220

The most important thing is to understand the system. I was lucky enough to find a project that had promising leads, bought in when it was a few cents and rode the wave upwards. Crypto, especially token trading, is very much the wild west for investment right now, unlike the traditional stock or bonds markets the rules haven't been written.
Like it or not, Capitalism operates on the idea that a small amount of people are going to enjoy the benefits of the labor of the many, and it is an inescapable aspect of the system that those who have the money and who are on top are going to use their money to exert every influence at their disposal in order to stay at the top. Crypto is so new that most of the established money owners are only just now taking notice of it. Because of that, projects with little technological merit (Dogecoin) are ballooning because outside investment is pouring in. Hidden behind that, however, is a large scale movement by institutions to invest. I'm talking about big players, Deutsche Banke, Bank of New York Melon, Paypal, American Express, Facebook. Historically low interest rates from the fed means that billions of dollars are being thrown at anything with even an iota of promise in the cryptosphere.

My advice? Look into projects relating to Decentralized Finance, buy yourself a Ledger wallet, and grab some tokens on Coinbase now. I like to minimize my portfolios diversity, you only have to be right once when projects frequently jump from .25-.50$ to 20 - 30$ in a year or two. And don't bother with swing trading, unless you watch the candles like a hawk and have an analytical mind for it you're likely to be burned. Long term holding is the best option, and if you pick a project with a solid team/ good merits you're unlikely to get rug pulled.

I unironically started investing with only like 1,000$ (10% my net worth) because I was afraid of losing too much.

>> No.17625221
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I have recently come to believe that understanding is everything. Nothing matters more than understanding (sub specie aeternitatis).

>> No.17625232

>Most people who value money value it mainly because it can be used to purchase other things, not as a thing in itself.

Yes, that is the point and purpose of money. Very good. Gold star. Try to keep up with the rest of the class or go play with legos.

>> No.17625239

ALL people value it as a toll for acquiring goods and services
Nobody in the history of money has ever backstabbed family and friends just to gain a fat briefcase full of monopoly money
Why would you even ask such a thing? Just to larp as a deep thinker reading between the lines?

>> No.17625258
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perhaps what you're looking for is a feeling of security/stability.
i think a lot about how to increase my wealth, with the intention of simply having it be there. I'm not saving up for anything, i just want to maximize my ability to deal with unforseen consequences (for example, if they start actively making whites pay tax towards minorities or some shit like that, i want to be able to buy an overseas property and move there within a week and not have to worry about getting a job straight away.)
maybe im just a schizo but i think nothing is out of the question anymore, given the current climate.

>> No.17625266

If OP believes this, then he doesn’t actually believe that money is the most important thing, since, to him, money is only valuable insofar as it gives access to other things.

>> No.17625288

Somebody give this genius a billion dollars to start a new startup, he has solved Economy adn BTFO'd both capitalists and socialists

>> No.17625312

Seriously, just read Piketty or something
1000x more useful than the usual leftoid garbo

>> No.17625325

Money is literally just a battery

>> No.17625501

Not at all; after all, it's not like Marx thought money was the only important variable in the economy. My point is that OP is probably putting the cart before the horse when he says that "nothing matters more than currency."

>> No.17625609

>being a decent human being and not killing your parents doesn't mean you don't think money isn't the most important thing.
If money were the most important thing, it would also be more important than being a decent human being

>> No.17625620

>One thing I learned, the old platitudes of "Only invest money you don´t need now" and "have patience" and "diversify in accordance to risk" are the biggest redpills to make money, even tough they are aesthetically boring.
A friend of mine who studied in finance said me more or less the same thing. "I consider that my capital is what I can afford to lose".
>Historically low interest rates from the fed means that billions of dollars are being thrown at anything with even an iota of promise in the cryptosphere.
Yes that seems a big thing.
I'll try to apply your advice. If I sum up: hedge a bit, not too much, focus on a few solid projects, and wait.

>> No.17625638

No matter how much money I had it wouldn't make much of a difference to my life. I am financially comfortable, but I have other problems (health related) that money just can't fix. I would pay any amount of money to take care of that. And then there's social issues etc. Having a tribe and family is more important than being rich.

What money can do is open opportunities. But (unfortunately) not everything can be bought for money.

>> No.17625671

The pursuit of money will make you happier than actually getting the money.

>> No.17625799

i have come to think this too
in this world at least, money is freedom. The only way of moving higher than the range of freedom that you were genetically limited to at birth( such as the freedom to of being able to walk, see, do thing within your genetically predetermined range of IQ etc...)

yeah basically

yeah but you need money to invest to make anything so back to it, you need money you can afford to lose you need to be doing well enough to have money you can afford to lose

you can buy a tribe and family if you have enough money

>> No.17626115

> you can buy a tribe and family if you have enough money
Yeah, but you can't make them love you for who you are.

>> No.17626126
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>What are the arguments against this sort of thinking?
The fact that niggers are reproducing the most despite being dirt poor.

>> No.17626147

although they're probably also dying the most

>> No.17626179

Do you have a discord acc? I've done most of the things you advised for, I'm just really bad at picking out a solid project to invest in

>> No.17626183

What the fuck is that map?
Anyway crazy how Nigeria will have a historically unmatched absurdly high population density by 2100 at this rate.

>> No.17626403

I was talking about Bill Gates and Nancy Peloci anon

>> No.17626431

>People overly concerned with money aren't usually that interesting

Sustenance farmers probably weren't interesting either

>> No.17626870

you can be just as miserable, just as useless, just as spiritually dead, rich as poor. money matters up to a baseline of fulfilling your needs.

unless you are an old money aristocratic, wealth often comes with added responsibilities, even as it relieves others, and many of the richest people in the world end up with their autonomy completely bound up in investments, in others, their money not even really theirs to spend.

indulgence and luxury are generally speaking corruptive and unnecesary, (although one can't deny the life-affirming power in the odd hedonistic act.)

this is all not even to say the simple known maxim that money is the root of all evil. you do not have to be a marixst to see that.

money is a tool, make use of it, and do not let it use you.

>> No.17627057

Kill yourself.

>> No.17627071

Tell me about some of them. What were they like?

>> No.17627074

Money only maters because it can be exchanged for goods and services.

>> No.17627503

they will love you for being rich which you are

>> No.17628383

Put it all into bitcoin and ethereum at first, then read more about altcoins, and put some in there once you've made money off of btc and eth

>> No.17628390

The word is "subsistence"

>> No.17628951
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>For example, a man is the cause of another man's existence, but not of his essence (for the latter is an eternal truth), and, therefore, the two men may be entirely similar in essence, but must be different in existence; and hence if the existence of one of them cease, the existence of the other will not necessarily cease also; but if the essence of one could be destroyed, and be made false, the essence of the other would be destroyed also. Wherefore, a thing which is the cause both of the essence and of the existence of a given effect, must differ from such effect both in respect to its essence, and also in respect to its existence. Now the intellect of God is the cause both of the essence and the existence of our intellect; therefore, the intellect of God in so far as it is conceived to constitute the divine essence, differs from our intellect both in respect to essence and in respect to existence, nor can it in anywise agree therewith save in name, as we said before. The reasoning would be identical in the case of the will, as anyone can easily see.

Autism is /our/ super power

>> No.17629010

>gets inoperable ass cancer
heh, nothin personnel kid

>> No.17629069

What? You don't want your wealth in some fiat currency, you retard.

Also, past a certain point you can't use it in your lifetime so obsessing over hoarding it is nonsensical. Obviously be practical if you're poor, I used to be poor too, but thinking it's literally the only thing doesn't even make sense. Seriously, explain what you mean.

>> No.17629140

I actually thought most of us shared this mindset, at least philosofags.
This, having a lot of money costs money and time.

>> No.17629245

i think this might be true for any pursuit

>> No.17629583

why do so many of you retards pretends to forget that you fucking use money to buy things? Do you think this is cute? Taking what OP said in the most stupid a manner as possible?
Yeah I'm sure when OP said that he had the thought of sitting around worshipping and building a shrine for a pile of dollar bills doing nothing? And of course he was talking about Zimbabwe dollars because sure it's technically money right? Yeah might as well see how stupid we can take this deliberate misconstruction of what OP obviously meant.

>> No.17629601

currency is necessary, but should be subordinate to your actual interests. If money clouds your perspective, you'll never do anything worth the money, and you'll be relegated to suckling liberal teets.

the money will come, just do your shit

>> No.17630229

>literal book of revelation shit

>> No.17630325

Op you are correct and (hopefully) you understand why people like >>17624709 are far, far behind.
Get executed like Socrates. Leave this world to the worst.

>> No.17630386

>Why would you recommend books that aren't taken seriously by anyone of note today?

That's precisely why the should be read. If moderns economics chooses to ignore them, than that is a deliberate attack on them in framing them as outdated nonsense, and all the more reason to actually understand them.

>> No.17630806

The Bible says that money is the root of all evil.

It also says that where you lay up your treasure, there your heart will be also.

It also says you cannot serve both God and mammon.

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21 KJV

>> No.17631363

shut the fuck up

i still don't get what op means because for me money is a tool that i never think about beyond that

>> No.17631394

Counter currents is a jizzrag run by a known MtF false flagger

>> No.17631446

Post >>17624709 is obviously ironic

>> No.17631454

For survival in our society, money is the most important thing. But not everyone desires the same amount of money. Some are okay with being homeless, or poor, and some people want a luxurious life. Some people want things that you can't buy. But everyone needs money to live.

>> No.17631487

I just want an underground concrete home surrounded by a razor wire fence and greenhouses and a starlink connection for a remote work cyber security job of basically doing nothing but rolling updates on servers and forcing people to make longer and more annoying passwords and telling them not to open my phishing emails while raising two sons, one named Chester and one named Texas and teaching them to hunt and skin animals and that They are always watching.

Anyway I start school at an IT degree mill next month, I'm already married, and I convinced my wife we could live 45 minutes from a town and she could commute. I can't wait to live in rural Texas or Colorado in my bunker home.

>> No.17631565

>What are the arguments against this sort of thinking?
Look at all those rich individuals who become depressed and commit suicide despite being filthy rich.

>> No.17631726

The richest man in the world could be stabbed by the lowest street thug. We focus on money now because the material processes of money are tightly regulated by the monopoly on violence that the state has, but you miss that violence is the other form of economy. Money can buy violence in the form of mercenaries, and violence can take money in the form of crime syndicates, mobs, cartels, governments. In a world where violence is more practical (i.e. less government power, surveillance tech etc.) it becomes more valuable to have a strong group of violent people than to have a lot of money. The money is almost a negative, a target, in this case.

>> No.17632379

I mean even with copes or denials we all know having a lot of extra money buys peace of mind and security

>> No.17632684

And? So what?
You say this as though they wouldn't have done so if they weren't filthy rich or something. Better to be rich and depressed than poor and depressed.

>The richest man in the world could be stabbed by the lowest street thug.
Yeah there are a lot f things that *could* happen. But they don't because they're stupid and unlikely and thus bringing them up in any kind of practical discussion is just as stupid. Rockefeller wasn't laid low by the lowest street thug, Carenegie wasn't laid low by a street thug, none of the Rothschild's were stabbed by street thugs, etc. And I would bet money that Bezos will not be stabbed by street thugs at any point in his life, nor will Elon Musk.
You know who regularly gets stabbed by street thugs though? Poor people. You know who is normally a victim of your so called "economy of violence"? Poor people.
Money is rarely a target, but rather fame and status. Which is partly why the closest I could even think of your idea of rich people being stabbed by street thugs off the top of my head were John Lennon and a couple presidents, who were more famous and had higher status than they were rich.

>> No.17632707
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Buy a smoker

>> No.17632732

You are going to die one day, and everything you've possessed with money will disappear forever. At a certain point, you will have enough money to take care of yourself, and the pursuit of having more money than you need will take away time from doing things you may enjoy such as being family, having hobbies and friends.

>> No.17633058

In the long run your time matters more than money. You're going to die one day and then all your remaining time and money is gone. You need to acquire as much money as fast as you can so that you can live a good life without having to work as much. Your time is more important than money, but if you get a bunch of money before you get too old then you've got it made and your time is yours to do with as you will.

>> No.17633128

>And? So what?
So it proves that the ''money is everything and nothing matters more than it'' line of thinking is clearly false.

>> No.17633144
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>they will love you for being rich which you are
No, they will love your money and not you.

>> No.17633147

You don’t need to be obsessed with money, but everybody needs some money.
I would still want to work even if I had all the money in the world.

>> No.17633151

you are your money

>> No.17633163

Obviously not true since you can separate anyone's money from them. It happens all day.

>> No.17633184

you can separate anything from someone

>> No.17633198

>I have recently come to believe that money is everything. Nothing matters more than currency.
when it comes to the transaction of goods and services yeah,

>> No.17633201

Obviously not true as well since there are many things that a person cannot continue to exist without.

>> No.17633249

>ohhh i just love your ability to breathe and your beautiful pumping heart!
People can become brain dead, lose their memories, lose aspects of their personality (this doesn't even happen by virtue of an incident, just happens naturally), lose their ability to do certain things, lose limbs, their hair, their looks. Your net worth is an aspect of yourself like any other.

>> No.17633302

None of what you've said refutes me. There are plenty of things that you cannot exist without. Mentioning the things that you cannot exist without doesn't change that.

>Your net worth is an aspect of yourself like any other.
Obviously not true as well since humans have spent the vast majority of their existence without money until it was invented.

>> No.17633316

>Mentioning the things that you cannot exist without doesn't change that.
*Mentioning the things that you CAN exist without doesn't change that.

>> No.17633353

Okay then, I will just say that I don't actually care about what you can or cannot exist without at all, and your reply to me with that was completely irrelevant and brought the discussion off topic. In fact, your first reply is also irrelevant because being able to separate someone's money from them does not make the statement "you are your money" untrue. You still have a value of money attached to you, no matter what. You may have 0 money but 0 is still a value. Also I did not say that you are solely your money, before anyone attempts to go there.

>> No.17633360

Well I mean, if it could for them, they would certainly know. Money can't buy you intangible concepts like a purpose to life or good judgment in friends and company.

Mind you, those are high-class problems to have compared to people who are struggling to make ends meet in the rat race, but still: money is only unlimited in its capacity to secure material wealth, and that can only accomplish so much.

>> No.17633408

Amazing. First, you kept changing the goalpost and trying to prove that, somehow, you are your money and its an inseparable part of you. Since that has failed, you're now trying semantics, words games and backpedaling

>You still have a value of money attached to you, no matter what. You may have 0 money but 0 is still a value. Also I did not say that you are solely your money, before anyone attempts to go there.
Obviously not true as well since humans have spent the vast majority of their existence without the concepts of monetary value and the number 0 until they were invented.

>> No.17633480

I didn't move any goalposts, you just keep replying with off topic rebuttals. It's my fault for going along with it though.
>Obviously not true as well since humans have spent the vast majority of their existence without the concepts of monetary value and the number 0 until they were invented.
Doesn't disprove what I said at all, we exist in the here and now, where money and the number 0 are invented and exist. Therefore they are a part of you.
Which are concepts that, by the way, can retroactively be applied to past subjects. Don't take that as an excuse to continue with this off topic line of thought though. Like I said, we aren't in the past, therefore whether it exists in the past or not has no bearing on you or me.

>> No.17633489

The books are real.

>> No.17633537
File: 146 KB, 975x600, 0E0275EA-0AEB-4D4A-BDE8-DC9FD150675E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pitchfork peasants with murder in their eyes

>> No.17633715

>I didn't move any goalposts, you just keep replying with off topic rebuttals. It's my fault for going along with it though.
First, you tried to claim that people will love you for being rich. When I refuted that by stating that people will your money and not you, you changed the goalpost for the first time by claiming that, somehow, you are your money. When I refuted that as well by stating that anyone's money can be separated from them (something that happens all the time), you changed the goalpost for the second time by claiming that you can separate anything from someone. When I refuted that as well by stating that there are many things that a person cannot exist without, you changed the goalpost for the third time by claiming your net worth is an aspect of yourself like any other part of you. When I refuted that as well by stating that humans have spent the vast majority of their existence without money until it was invented, you switched your tactics from changing the goalpost to semantics, word games, and backpedaling.

>Doesn't disprove what I said at all, we exist in the here and now, where money and the number 0 are invented and exist. Therefore they are a part of you.
Obviously not true as well because they are invented made up concepts that have no real, actual attachment and are separate from me.

>Which are concepts that, by the way, can retroactively be applied to past subjects.
Obviously not true as well since something that did not exist cannot be applied to anything that did exist. Nice try with the post ex facto fallacy though.

>Don't take that as an excuse to continue with this off topic line of thought though. Like I said, we aren't in the past, therefore whether it exists in the past or not has no bearing on you or me.
Obviously not true as well since it bears on the fact that it isn't part of the vast majority of humanity's existence.

>> No.17633733

>will your money
*Will love your money and not you

>> No.17634350

itt: bugmen

>> No.17634368

> Obviously not true as well because they are invented made up concepts that have no real, actual attachment and are separate from me.
You exist right now, therefore they do apply to you. It isn't up to you to decide. The concept of money and 0, by their very existence and attributes, apply.

> Obviously not true as well since something that did not exist cannot be applied to anything that did exist.
They do exist so it can. There is absolutely no prerequisite that it must exist in the same period of time as something else in order to be applied, and there is no reason that it cannot be, because the concept of 0 is not time dependent. Think about it this way, all of our words and language are just as invented and made up as the concept of money or 0. Yet we are able to describe the past using our words, right? Have you ever talked about, in english, an attribute that existed before the English language and it's definitions? (hint you're doing it right now by claiming that anything in the past "existed") If so, then you have applied something that did not exist to something that did exist, same as can be done with money or 0.

>Obviously not true as well since it bears on the fact that it isn't part of the vast majority of humanity's existence.
It doesn't bear on that fact because we are in the minority of human existence where it is known. Therefore even if you want to believe it can't be applied to the vast majority of human existence, it has no bearing on whether it applies to you or me because we are not part of that.

>> No.17634425

>Yeah, but you can't make them love you for who you are.
Not like being poor helps with this either desu. At least if you're rich you can easily go to social clubs to make these sorts of connections.

>> No.17634467

And now you're just parroting your previously falsified claims using different words. They remain untrue no matter how many times you change the goalposts, rely on fallacies, or use disingenuous tactics. I enjoyed falsifying them nonetheless.

>> No.17634527

You didn't falsify anything. If you have ever acknowledged to anyone that you have any amount of money, then by your OWN ADMISSION it applies to you and is thus not separate from you. If after that assertion, you still insist otherwise then there is no reasoning with you. Same for if you can't see how concepts and attributes can be applied to things from before the concept was invented, even as you do that yourself right now.

>> No.17634584

Not really. People who establish relationships and connections with you just because you're rich do so because they desire your wealth, not you. They have a name for those sort of people you know: gold diggers. If you are separated from your money, then they will show what they truly want and have always wanted. They will go after the money and not you because get this: they never wanted you, just the green paper you had attached to your bank account. Any retard with even a tiny bit of real life experiences knows this.

You're a profound and delusional imbecile if you think people who associate with the rich associate with them because they're interested in the rich individuals themselves and not merely their wealth.

>> No.17634765

What about the people who associate with rich people to learn from them? They will be associating with you because of your wealth, but not with the goal of making your wealth theirs, but with the goal of creating their own wealth. Since many wealth people do mentor others, after all.

>> No.17634792

You can’t take it with you when you go

>> No.17634812

>I have recently come to believe that money is everything. Nothing matters more than currency.
False, TIME is all that matters.

>> No.17634820

Postone is maybe the single most relevant economic theorist of the modern age.

>> No.17634823

“The earth revolves around earning currency” - Copernicus

>> No.17634838

The only way that can be /lit/ is if you become a sort of Wolf of Wallstreet and dive into hedonistic cost-benefic mentality.

>> No.17634843

Money is the easiest way to acquire power. Want to build a house ? Just hire someone.

>> No.17634858

That's like saying you have a relationship with your teacher. That's not a meaningful association or connection.

Regardless, my original point was that the notion that people will love you for being rich is stupid. Imagine having a 'relationship' with someone clearly pretending to love you when they're really after your worldly objects. Imagine believing that person actually loves you and is not just putting on a mask to get what you own. Imagine actually thinking something as shallow as being desired for your money means your loved and that you can form a real relationship based on that. That's just sad man.

>> No.17634863

>your loved
*You're loved

>> No.17634886

What DO you think that people can love you for?

>> No.17634902

When you're living in a tent and can't even take a shower in the morning its hard to go out and put your best self forward to make friends.
If you're living in a slum or a housing project with 4 roommates crammed into a two room apartment, it's hard to invite girls back to your place and even if you do they're less likely to sleep with you.
When you're always stressed about money, you can't relax and just live in the moment. When you haven't eaten for days you aren't a nice person to be around period.
If you have money to buy a nice apartment in a good neighborhood, go to a decent school with all the beautiful young people, have time and money after class to hang around coffee shops, hit the clubs on weekends, etc. etc. then friendship comes a lot easier.
You're delusional if you think wealth doesn't form invisible walls around certain communities. The profound imbeciles are privileged people like yourself who deny this and try to turn it into an issue of moral failure whenever somebody acknowledges the unspoken rules that govern your life. It's not even about being rich, it's about not being poor-- nobody wants to be friends with someone they view as beneath them

>> No.17634949

>If you're living in a slum or a housing project with 4 roommates crammed into a two room apartment, it's hard to invite girls back to your place and even if you do they're less likely to sleep with you.
>When you're always stressed about money, you can't relax and just live in the moment. When you haven't eaten for days you aren't a nice person to be around period.
fuck that's my life

>> No.17635039
File: 195 KB, 1024x989, 1831923819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, first there's the love of someone being actually interested in you sexually (erotic love/eros).

Then, there's platonic love or a platonic relationship. A special emotional and spiritual relationship between two people who love, admire, and are committed to one another because they share common interests, values, similar world view, a deep spiritual connection, or share similar values and interests.

You can start with the Greeks if you wanna know about different types of love.

Point is, gold diggers who associate with you because you're rich don't love you or even care about you period. You're dumber than rocks if you're told otherwise and believe such an obvious lie. You will end up getting divorce raped just like pic related.

Kek you're still trying.

>> No.17635094

maybe the final blackpill is not so much that women are whores, but that if you're a "4/10", then it was over before it even began.
bet none of that would have happened if he was good looking.

>> No.17635113

Holy crap I hope he's doing okay today

>> No.17635134

why did you spend all that money on video games lmao, go on vacation or fuck some whores or something you retard, no wonder you were depressed

>> No.17635148

Look, I don't think that a love based on someone literally wanting your money is anything resembling a real love either. But I fail to see how a love out of attraction to being rich is any less a valid love than those based in physical attraction or attraction to status. Women love men of power, this rarely means they are trying to take the position of company president from them. Women love handsome men, this doesn't mean they want to steal your beauty for themselves. It's just one of the things they are are attracted to.
Men with resources, men with power, men with beauty. These are what attract women. In this vein just the property of being rich is attractive, same as the property of being handsome or powerful is what makes them attractive to women.

Of course none of these loves are IDEAL loves, but I've moved beyond expecting any kind of attraction from a women not to be rooted in any one of these things.

>> No.17635161

Money is a key to further opportunities and power, but not a goal in of itself for me.

>> No.17635181

>Either you are a capitalist obsessed with efficiency
I'm libertarian Marxist. And those are my second favorite people. Because they are those who accelerate the tendency of the rate of profit to fall the fastest, with systematic automation, and increase in production, which leads to market saturation.
Either you abolish money, or you push it to the extreme, until the markets are saturated due to increases of efficiency, and thus lead to a breakage of the system, which can only lead to a mode of production non based around exchange value.

>> No.17635220

He's probably doing fine currently unless he fell for a gold digger for the fourth time. People who're just like he used to be will learn the hard way in the future if they actually believe the dumb shit that comes out of the mouths of the retards here. Same thing for any dumbass who's shallow minded enough to believe that they can make someone truly love them just because they're rich. Idiots like that always surround themselves with fellow minded people who're just as shallow as themselves which leads to a strong dosage of reality.

>Still trying and replying in vain
I'm not even gonna bother addressing your false equivalence and other hogwash.

>> No.17635842


>> No.17636034

yeah let the rich superstar tell me about how satisfied I should be

>> No.17636059

all religion
but religion doesn't argue, it just speaks directly to what is better in you. you won't find a refutation, but if you want to you will find truth.