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17623556 No.17623556 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17623565

give us the short overview please

>> No.17623576

oh it's about mind control?
it's not even a pillanymore everyone knows that we are ruled by pedophile Satanists mind controllers.
It's not something controversial, KEK.

>> No.17623624

It also covers the gross top-down legal misconduct that allowed these horrendous men to insulate themselves. Very revealing about the vulnerability of these pedo-cabal types, I mean, by the end of the first chapter you learn about Marc dutroux and how thousands of Belgian citizens protested against the mishandling of his trial. It's worth the read ano

>> No.17623630

Plus it's not even really about mind-control more about how mass media and gov coalesce to allow this shit to happen

>> No.17623651

Is Kek dead yet btw? Seems like a VERY overused phrase that kinda has no meaning anymore. No offense to Baal but it no 2016 anymore

>> No.17623812

it has been part of the lingo since before the brief phase of idolatry it went through it just went back to square one

>> No.17623815

oh looks interesting then

>> No.17623989

I read it and really liked it. There’s a half dozen similar instances that could be added since it was published as well. Scary stuff and it can’t be denied he’s at least more than half right.

I felt the incorporation of satanism into the mix was a bit weak at times with the exception of the parts on Michael Aquino. I would want to see more development there.

Does anyone have any tips on going deeper down this rabbithole?

>> No.17624016

>I felt the incorporation of satanism into the mix was a bit weak at times with the exception of the parts on Michael Aquino.
it's like proving that 2+2 is 4 the more obvious something is the closest it is to the foundational axioms and therefore the harder to actually "prove".
In this case it's pretty obvious there's Satanists in there but you can't exactly prove it satisfactorily: pointing at a guy and saying he was into the occult providing evidence after all only proves that he was into the occult.
They all Aldo are part of different groups obviously, if one doesn't accept the fact that demons actually exist you would logically think that they don't have much in common.

>> No.17624023

>Does anyone have any tips on going deeper down this rabbithole?
few reputable stuff I'm afraid

>> No.17624263
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Great book, I thought the chapter on the satanic panic was a bit weird though.

His overview of the pedocracy was fantastic though

Read pic related, one of the best

>> No.17624443

It seems to go all over the place and lots of ideas were thrown out there by the author that didn't seem likely to have happened.

>> No.17624444

what genre is this? Schizopill?

>> No.17624507

At times it feels like he's reaching hard to make assumptions and he really doesn't need to since he has a lot of good info on every case. Also most of it is a list of facts for each case and it feels like you're reading case files instead of a book and it gets kinda boring. Other than that a solid book with good info that you can visit if you ever wanna dive deeper into a specific case

>> No.17624522
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Fuck McGowan pill im taking the MacGowan pill

>> No.17624586

it's just another way of "ahahah"

>> No.17624591

Rose McGowan pinkpill

>> No.17625678

Kek isn't Baal

>> No.17626873

Just finished that one the other day. It was decent.
Weird Scenes is terribly written though. Poorly organized and with way too great an influence of popular media reporting in the authorial tone. There seems to be very little original research in there as well, mostly just repeating old rumors and reports without an attempt to actually demonstrate solid evidence for the main thesis of the book ("The hippy movement and music were the product of military-intelligence operations aimed at controlling and delegitimizing the non-partisan anti-war movement"). Compare with CHAOS from Tom O'Neill where decades were spent hunting down new documents and interviewing primary witnesses.

Has anyone tried fact checking Programmed to Kill? I happened to try looking into a tidbit he mentions about Gilles de Rais being the one to place the crown on Charles VII's head, but the closest info I could find names Gilles as one of four men given the honor to retrieve an item used during the coronation. It's sort of an unimportant bit in the book, but it's always disappointing when the first thing you try to fact check seems to be wrong.

>I felt the incorporation of satanism into the mix was a bit weak at times
There is a terrible tendency in these circles, especially from christcucks, to label any sort of occultism as satanism. It gets even worse from those who actually do acknowledge that they don't mean satanism or luciferianism in any direct or traditional sense and just use the words to mean anything perceived to be similar to the ideas associated with those ideologies. As if the confusion caused by self-avowed "satanists" who essentially only use the terms and images for a special snowflake ideology of their own creation wasn't bad enough, you have people on the other side who treat them as if they actually were the bogeymen of christian lore or don't bother to attempt to clarify the matter because actual scholarship is harder than framing everything within a simplistic christian paradigm.
One of the most annoying aspects of how Programmed to Kill was written is the constant comparison between the dates of events and a generalized occult calendar so expansive as to include Hitler's birthday with leeway given for events happening within a few days of an occult "holiday." It's as silly as comparing the timing of any event to the vast christian calendar of associations with saints (granted, the saints and their celebrations were plagiarized from pre-christian religions in the first place).

>> No.17627060
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>I felt the incorporation of satanism into the mix was a bit weak at times with the exception of the parts on Michael Aquino. I would want to see more development there.
Aquino's old psychological warfare buddy Paul E. Vallely was one of the first ex-intelligence officers to publicly claim QAnon was real... make of that what you will.


>> No.17627137

I would take Rose McGowan's pills away after a night of coming inside her, if you catch my drift

>> No.17627336

>>I felt the incorporation of satanism into the mix was a bit weak at times
>There is a terrible tendency in these circles, especially from christcucks, to label any sort of occultism as satanism. It gets even worse from those who actually do acknowledge that they don't mean satanism or luciferianism in any direct or traditional sense and just use the words to mean anything perceived to be similar to the ideas associated with those ideologies. As if the confusion caused by self-avowed "satanists" who essentially only use the terms and images for a special snowflake ideology of their own creation wasn't bad enough, you have people on the other side who treat them as if they actually were the bogeymen of christian lore or don't bother to attempt to clarify the matter because actual scholarship is harder than framing everything within a simplistic christian paradigm.
>One of the most annoying aspects of how Programmed to Kill was written is the constant comparison between the dates of events and a generalized occult calendar so expansive as to include Hitler's birthday with leeway given for events happening within a few days of an occult "holiday." It's as silly as comparing the timing of any event to the vast christian calendar of associations with saints (granted, the saints and their celebrations were plagiarized from pre-christian religions in the first place).

>stop labeling things as "evil" from the Christian viewpoint!!!
seething pagan larper

>> No.17627394

>Does anyone have any tips on going deeper down this rabbithole?
Check out the YouTube channel that's been making documentaries expanding on the Programmed to Kill project.
Guy has been working for years making videos on the various subjects in the book and whatever new cases that have happened since then that fit the pattern.

Other than that, I find myself with a similar lack of further reading. Perhaps Aquino's Mind Wars books would be of some insight, and you can always read books from occult groups like O9A themselves to glean some insight into their aims. The Finders FBI docs if you haven't read those. Unfortunately the subject is still nascent and suppressed so you have to do your own research and dig through mountains of schizo shit.

>> No.17628177
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>> No.17628190

the semitic god?

>> No.17628506

Legitimately one of the most /lit/ musicians