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17621915 No.17621915[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they the peak of right-wing philosophy? Does it get better than them?

>> No.17621923

I guess by contemporary standards you could start lumping in just about most authors before 1960 as right wing.

>> No.17621931

Heidegger is probably the single most important philosopher for this sort of right in modern day.

>> No.17621939

Also, De Maistre, Burke, Jünger (not a philosopher, I know but was a philosophically inspired author).

>> No.17621944
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>'right wing philosophy'

>> No.17621978

>reaction image shitpost instead of an argument
you have to be 18 to post here kid

>> No.17621980

Heidegger trounces the first two and is better than Spengler, but Spengler ain't that bad. Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, and Alasdair MacIntyre are more interesting thinkers imo.

>> No.17621984

A lot of these authors strike me as post modernist garbage. Quite telling that Heidegger, being a proto post modernist, is the 'single most important philosopher of the modern right'. Is this the power of right wing philosophy? Surely not.

>> No.17621994
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Why do I find these writers so interesting, and why am I so bored by leftist writers?

>> No.17621997

Right wingers are inherently postmodern because their ideology relies on rejecting grand narratives like science and materialism to work

>> No.17621998

Probably going through a phase in your life.

>> No.17622020

It could be because you find right wing philosophy more invigorating, as someone who I imagine agrees with right wing philosophy (correct me if I'm making a false assumption), perhaps you feel as though you can do more with the ideas you find in right wing philosophy. Or maybe you just don't like the specific left wing philosophers you've read.

>> No.17622036

Easier to be "interesting" when you make shit up (like claiming magic is real)
You'll grow out of it when you get older and get a job

>> No.17622167

Rightism is based on the principle of power over truth. There is no locus, not set of propositions that entails this genre of thought other than power through any means necessary. So naturally they can be considered to be a branch of post-modernism but they are too proud to admit it themselves.

>> No.17622170


>> No.17622224

Take out Guenon and put in Heidegger and de Maistre and you got it.

>> No.17622233

What are you even trying to imply? Quit hiding behind vague insults and unleash your criticism. This reply doesn’t even say anything as is.

>> No.17622237


>> No.17622253

You live in the most “leftist” period of human and also the least satisfying and most boring period in human history. That should make it clear to you why you are bored by leftist writers.

>> No.17622269

Never! I'm going to be a right-wing Traditionalist wizard FOREVEEEEEERRR!!!!

>> No.17622273

What the fuck. No.

>> No.17622277
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>'left wing philosophy'

>> No.17622289

More like people get older and realize what an absolute disaster modern life is and come to realize the value of things like religion ie the supernatural. I would say you’d get it someday but you probably won’t.

>> No.17622312

No that's just the schizophrenia kicking in

>> No.17622320

Almost every single philosopher prior around 1950 is right ring. The Greeks are far right by today's standards and would scoff at your lefty twit garbage. Even lefties philosophers like Marx, who is a philosopher as well as an economist, would have wanted the average modern lefty shot. Stalin would have had every single 21st century commie shot. Homosexuality, transgenderism, lgbt, multi racialism, that has been considered abhorrent by almost every great thinker in history.

>> No.17622333

>be 50 y/o old fart
>"oh shit I'm gonna die"
>"what if hell is actually real oh shit oh fuck"
>"let's see what's the most popular religion so I don't fuck up uhhhh uhhh that's it I'm Catholic now!"
>"ahhh now I feel calm again, hope I didn't pick the wrong translation, interpretation and church of meme religious book #9284934 and accidentally go to hell!!!"
This is the reason behind every single late convert. Nothing to do with "muh modernity".

>> No.17622347

Says who? You, a faggot?

>> No.17622350

Furthermore, Marx and other left wing thinkers of the time viewed the non-white races, particularly the dark African races, as inherently inferior to Europeans.

>> No.17622355

No, it's common sense. The only reason Christianity and other similar religions are popular is because of hell, nothing more. No one actually loves a psychopath God that will send you and your loved ones to eternal suffering if you don't behave, it's pure cope and Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.17622374

No, it's definitely you being a fag. You currently have 50% of your anus occupied by a foreign object.

>> No.17622384

In all seriousness, it's because rightists generally possess a Weltanschauung that rises above bland utilitarianism and humanism. That is really it. After my own introspection, I found out that those two traits were the prime reasons for my disdain of leftism, even revolutionary leftism (which has radical plans, but is ultimately just as devoid of any real spirit as all of the other types of leftism). Any right wing philosophy which does not breach those thought-barriers just mentioned tends to be a facile conservatism of the neoconservative type, generally speaking. Nationalist thought has some initial appeal, because it is new and revolutionary, but once all of it has come to fruition in practice, it ends in the same sterility as revolutionary leftism, unless you're able to usher in a permanent state of war and struggle between nations, which is what the Nazis ultimately desired.

>> No.17622403

I doubt most adults hark back to monke mentality. In most cases they realize that reality itself, old or new, is a disaster and there's no point regressing. Otherwise they would have done it already considering most institutions are owned by the old.

>> No.17622409

You’re right they don’t because most adults are stupid and lacking in nuance enough to equate it to back to monke mentality like an idiot. At least, most of the adults were talking about here anyway.

>> No.17622414

Cioran is the final, logical conclusion of right wing thought, as defined by that which embraces natural law. Cioran was a far right youth, until he saw through it, and into the void beyond the political.
A leftist cannot do this. They go insane and suicide instead.

>> No.17622416

Is Guenon even inherently right wing?
I feel he is ideologically flexible.

>> No.17622419
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>More like people get older and realize what an absolute disaster modern life is and come to realize the value of things like religion ie the supernatural.
Cope, they just take the grillpill and assume a vaguely conservative position to pretend they still care about politics, and some of them get into religion because its comfy

>> No.17622424

I’m right wing but I don’t find left wing philosophers boring at all. Unless they are cucks like Chomsky, but solid postmodern and Marxists thinkers I like and even find myself agreeing with.

>> No.17622426

Spengler is a genuinely good thinker. The other two are mostly memes. Labeling them right-wing is slanderous tho, that way of thinking by design retards you.

>> No.17622431

Based and redpilled

>> No.17622449

>that rises above bland utilitarianism and humanism
Based. This is the crux of the issue

>> No.17622450
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Pic really do said what, right?

>> No.17622459

I think the true sterility is in the worship of money. The reason both leftists and many modern rightists are so stale is they're merely reflections of the same sterilized materialism, a worship of the dialectic of matter, mostly in the form of money. Libertarians themselves often hold the same nihilistic beliefs concerning politics, they simply reframe the Marxist notions into the social forces of the abstract "state" and "liberty."
It's natural that most rightists become religious over time, for this reason. Notice, regardless if they reject their nation's traditional religion, they will pick up some religious and mystical beliefs.
And the base Evangelicalism isn't cutting it, the same one that passively lets Republicans and their European counterparts continue in their worship and exaltation of money (in the form of fiscal necessities over social ones). The modern evangelical church that's "socially conservative" is itself fatalist and mostly believes it's unable to change anything as far as society is concerned, and it should merely let the culture rot. Just look at any mainstream Christian apologist and they'll be the first to speak on behalf of Enlightenment allowances as far as the state and culture exist.
What this new generation wants is something holistic (as in, something that looks at the whole), even if they accept mere evangelical Christianity or standard Catholicism as the truth.

>> No.17622481

where should I start with Strauss and Schmitt?

>> No.17622498
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>I think the true sterility is in the worship of money.
Worship of money per se is not a leftist trait though, at least not explicitly. One of the ideals of communism is the abolishment of currency. Worship of money has more to do with the neoconservatives I mentioned, who, at least openly, still profess to serve the typical causes of post-Enlightenment thought (increasing standards of living, etc.), yet it's pretty obvious they are still just simple money-idolaters trying to hold onto their position and wealth at the top of the current hierarchy for as long as they can.

>> No.17622556

>One of the ideals of communism is the abolishment of currency
Not all leftism is communism. But Marxists do worship money, in a fashion, because the concerns of what money represents is ultimately all they believe matters, because they ultimately worship material causes. Greater spiritual ethos is ultimately inconsequential.
The Marxist believes ultimately in an archetypal heaven, a classless society in a far flung future. He believes this not so much as an ideal, but as inevitable end to the dialectic, the consummation of the class struggle or whatever principle in history. It's really not too different than a Christian believing in Heaven and Hell, the ultimate end to the dialectic of the world, the consummation of the religion of Christ in history.
But whereas the religionist worships an invisible God as the end and the beginning, the Marxist worships the visible matter and its conditions as the end and the beginning, the only effectual matter to humanity.
This is why neoliberals, neoconservative capitalists, libertarians, and communists are really the same kind of thing. They quite symptomatically believe, even if unconsciously, that what matters is only material. They may have some secondary spirituality, but unless they've merely abandoned any political idealism, the values are ultimately null as a holistic concept.

>> No.17622559

Traditionalism does have a few left-wing writers. Look up Marty Glass and Charles Upton.

>> No.17622600

This is true but not for the reason you think. Evola's magical thinking and fascist vitalism are just bandaids over an absence of true spirituality. I think it's very telling that very many rightists are anti Christian. They in fact buy into modernism and futurism which requires a rejection of real spirituality.

>> No.17622609

>going so far right your start horseshoing and saying Marx and Stalin are right wing

>> No.17622617

>late convert.
Thats beside the point. Young people are turning to religion and spirituality. And i'm not referring exclusively to the tradcath zoomers.

>> No.17622619

>I'm very spiritual
>akshually you don't have true spirituality
>no YOURE not truly spiritual
See why normal people don't buy into your spirituality cult?

>> No.17622625

No they aren't, they're buying commodified spirituality like if they were buying clothes. It's entirely aesthetic. Please stop coping and see reality for what it is. There's no such thing as spirituality anymore and there will never be, just McChristianity, McBuddhism, McOccultism, etc. It's over.

>> No.17622628

Vitalism literally isnt spirituality

>> No.17622630

Is... is this an attempt to turn the tables on low iq rightoids being angry about postmodernism? Because it was not well executed

>> No.17622631

Magic is real

>> No.17622646

By today's standards, relative to the modern left and the average Liberal, Marx and Stalin are absolutely reactionaries when it comes to cultural and moral sentiment. You think Stalin would let some trannies and faggot in gimp suits March down the red square waving commie flags like you guys do today? Get real, you'd get a bullet in your head in no time.

>> No.17622648

I am always amazed at the hoops the likes of you will jump through to deny that other people have sincere spiritual experiences.

>> No.17622658
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>they're buying commodified spirituality like if they were buying clothes. I
That's only your opinion, because you believe spirituality is without substance, which says more about yourself than about the people you claim to understand. You can't imagine authentic commitments and principles which go beyond self-interest.
It's genuine projection.

>> No.17622660

Even Che thought gays and blacks were disgusting and subhuman. Marx even insulted people as niggers in his letters. Marx also agreed with the "anti-semitic stereotypes" about Jews that are held by the far right today.

>> No.17622664

Soul vs soulless. It's only when you mature as a rightist that you start to appreciate people like Marx; meanwhile, you can read rightist philosophers and if you can understand them, it's like a real-life fantasy novel.

>> No.17622691

I thought they're anti-Christian because they're perennialists, and Christianity is hostile to other religions

>> No.17622692

I know, right? They just hand wave it away by saying ascetics and spiritual people are sexually repressed, starting with Freud.

>> No.17622705

>because you believe spirituality is without substance, which says more about yourself than about the people you claim to understand. You can't imagine authentic commitments and principles which go beyond self-interest.
That's only your opinion because you willingly reject science since it refutes all spirituality as pure BS and psychological and neuroscientific studies prove the harms of religion and other irrational beliefs.

>> No.17622708
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>per se

>> No.17622711

Maybe in the more intelligent ones. If you browse /pol/ the anti christians will mention Nietzsche, slave morality, might makes right, the will to power and other shit. It really is a form of modernism

>> No.17622716

4/10 b8

>> No.17622723

And we see the true colours emerging.
And? It means in itself, leftists do not worship money in itself. What's the problem?

>> No.17622724

They feel pretty different from OP's. Burke's conservatism is really a cautious progressivism. And Junger is very individualistic, specially latter on.

>> No.17622729

It's quite fitting for how they see the world, as an ultimately vacuous and material place. The materialist assumes that the minds of all men must be alike to his, and thus this interruption of the worship of matter must be based on psychological conflict with the physical.
Notice, where as religious thinkers tend to ascribe projections to the soul and mind (pride), the material thinker ascribes fault to disruption of flesh (sex).

>> No.17622735

magic is more real than real life

>> No.17622744

>right v left is defined by attitude toward homosexuals
I can smell your dumpy khaki shorts from here

>> No.17622758

I'm sorry but further advances in physics and neuroscience will make spiritualism completely obsolete. It already is causing enough cognitive dissonance that some of the retards here are denying science altogether, since they can't reconcile extreme political ideologies and religiosity with facts based on empirical evidence. I suggest you stop coping and start affirming life instead of filling your heads with delusions. A person that suddenly came out and said that he's a messenger of God and wrote a huge book explaining all the history of the universe hitherto would rightfully be diagnosed as schizophrenic and put on a fucking mental ward, because that's all spirituality fundamentally is; delusion. It's a thing of the past. Something we need to move forward from. All great minds of the past struggled with religion, and the natural conclusion that came from it is that it just isn't real. I don't care that humans are "naturally inclined to religious thought" or whatever shady study you'll pull up (science is real when it confirms my views! ), you might as well say we're naturally inclined to rape and violence, this doesn't make it good and it isn't a valid argument, it's an appeal to nature. I wouldn't even care this much about religion if so many of them didn't have very hateful and harmful shit embedded in them. Even modern Christians acknowledge this and have become more progressive. If you're gonna delude yourself at least do it with something that won't harm others or yourself.

>> No.17622766

2/10 b8
Getting more desperate each post. No more (You)s

>> No.17622771

>everything I disagree with is bait
So this is the logical conclusion of spiritual delusion? Just a complete rejection of anything that contradicts your views?

>> No.17622777


>> No.17622780

Strawman, fat boy.

>> No.17622785

Your continuous rejection of reality and progress is a 24/7 seethe anon, it's really bad for you health.

>> No.17622790
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>> No.17622798

>spiritualism completely obsolete
But it's a goal in itself to some people. You might also say that beauty or love or even pleasure will be obsolete because you can obviously construe working systems without them. The question is wether you'd want to. And these wants follow from our evolution, are embodied in each and every one of us, in different degrees and combinations. They aren't rational; reason is but a tool we have to act on these motivations.

I'm not much of a spiritual person but I do like entertain my curiosity with mysteries and the limits of rationality provide us with an infinite supply of these.

>> No.17622799

Your seething on a gook underwater basketweaving imageboard isn't any better.

>> No.17622816

>I'm sorry but further advances in physics and neuroscience will make spiritualism completely obsolete.
Call me back when it does. Daily reminder that materialism was made obsolete by Newton discovering invisible forces which materialists could not figure into their atomistic worldview.

>> No.17622835

>Greeks are far right
>The terms left and right first appeared since the French Revolution
Are you stupid anon?

>> No.17622868

Relative to the poltical/philosophical reference frame created during the enlightenment, the Greeks and Romans can probably be considered reactionaries. Which obviously doesn't fit in the left-right paradigm established by enlightenment thinkers. Greeks and Romans didn't believe in equality of man or any of that crap. There is a section of the modern right that is squarely in that tradition or sympathetic to it.

>> No.17622961

If anything secularism is on the rise. The west is moving away from Christianity.

>> No.17622983
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>he doesn't know what the second religiousness is

>> No.17622984

Extremely based

>> No.17623017

You're mistaken, very much so. You're right that secularism is on the rise, but religiosity and the irrational drive of it hasn't vanished, it has been transfered from Christianity to secularism. To cultural war issues like LGBT, anti-racism, trans-rights, scientism, etc. This new landscape has its own religious symbology and structure. It's own original sin, priests, martyrs, heretics, and eschatology. The George Floyd riots were a religious event, with witch hunting and religious fervour. It was a total display of religious fanaticism like at Salem or during the Inquisition. The religious instinct in humans is never going to go away, even if you replace religion. Maybe the only way you're going to get rid of it is by fusing men with machines and permanently alternating what it means to be human.

>> No.17623031

It would also argue that conspiracy theories and conspiracy culture is also part of religiosity. Rabid paranoia of persecution and so on is again very Christian.

>> No.17623040

Putting Spengler together with those clowns and not a Junger or Schmitt.

Kill yourself.

>> No.17623046

I wonder in what kind of fantasy world yoy life in?

>> No.17623048

Spengler is arguably the clown out of the two of them

>> No.17623070

Sigh, you dont understand science, you dont understand math or logic. You are just a boy.

>> No.17623075

Christianity peaked in influence last century when Europe switched to democracies and has only been declining this last decade.

Look up the christendemocrats if you dont belief me.

>> No.17623078

Yes mate not the loopy occultists, but the metaphysical historian with his the deep appreciation of human culture is the clown. Lol

>> No.17623166

>metaphysical historian
You're flattering him. Spengler was called an irrationalist for a reason: Because he was irrational.

>> No.17623167

Please stop trying to cram everything into your marlvel vs capcom world view, fucking brainlet.

>> No.17623185

>muh right-left wunf dichotomy
It's like a mental illness and seemingly everyone is suffering from it.