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17621826 No.17621826 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided I am going to convert to Orthodoxy! What books should I read? I have obviously read the bible, but I have also read Augustine's confessions and know some church history.
What books of the church fathers should I read? What else?
What else should I do now?

>> No.17621924

On the Orthodox Faith and The Fount of Knowledge by John of Damascus. Really, we can’t tell you. You’ll have to find a reading order yourself based on what you want to read. You should find a church and see a priest for your conversion.

>> No.17621929
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>> No.17621930


>> No.17621948

Read St. Gregory’s 15 Chapters

>> No.17621956

I have done these last two things already :)

>> No.17621969

Just become a Catholic, anon. It's kinda cringe to become an ortho without the correct ethnic lineage

>> No.17621983

Go read The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, and tell me if those people sound sane.

>> No.17621992

I don't think religions should be viewed as ethic social clubs. The religion of Orthodoxy and its theology differs very greatly from Catholicism.

>> No.17622014

Page 17
"A brother asked an old man questions about comforts or pleasures, and the man said to him, "Eat grass, wear grass, and sleep on grass, and then your heart will become like iron."

>just eat grass bro, lol

>> No.17622028

>I don't think religions should be viewed as ethnic social clubs
You're sure in for a surprise vis à vis the Orthodox church then

>> No.17622041

be the change you wish to see in the world

>> No.17622056

Page 47
"Abba Macarius the monk loved money so little that, on one occasion when thieves came to his cell by night, and took out whatsoever they could find in it, as soon as he perceived what they were doing, he helped them in their work to carry their plunder out of the desert."

>dude lol are you robbing me? let me give you a hand

>> No.17622066

Lmao. I'll leave it to the true Orthobros (not the extremely online American protestant converts) to determine the value of that

>> No.17622067

based, be merciful and loving

>> No.17622097

Page 53
"On one occasion, the brothers who were in Scete were cleaning and dressing palm leaves, and there was among them a man who had become ill through his excessive spiritual labours, and he was coughing, and bringing up clots of phlegm and spittle; and as he spat, involuntarily, some of the spittle fell upon a certain brother. Then the mind of the brother on whom the spittle had fallen said to him, 'tell that brother not to spit on you'; but straightaway he licked up the spittle, and he turned and said to his mind, 'you have not licked up the spittle, therefore do not tell him not to spit on you.'

> lick the spit, anon

>> No.17622110

sayings of the desert fathers

>> No.17622187

Would you people stop with the ethnic meme?

You’re wrong.

>> No.17622199

>not converting because you heard God's call
give up anon you will never receive divine grace

>> No.17622234

>I have decided I am going to convert to Orthodoxy!
Welcome. Learn Greek and remember to go to church. It’s a beautiful religion with a rich culture. Just know you will never be fully immersed

>> No.17622259

Have you read it? They're like a crazy hobo cult. They lick spit and help robbers steal from them. They fast until they get sick. It's demonic. OP should just be Pagan, like a normal person.

>> No.17622279

>Just know you will never be fully immersed

>> No.17622301

It's not a meme, it's an essential aspect of the Orthodox lived experience. Say it to a devout Ortho's face that his Eastern heritage has nothing to do with his faith and see what happens.

>> No.17622376

This anon is right. Op listen to him.

>> No.17622410

Not true, deracinated anglos can purchase any subculture they want for instant authenticity. Get with the times old man; your traditions only exist to be appropriated by schizos seeking the most based and redpilled branding for their designer politics.

>> No.17622421

I’m an Orthodox. It’s a meme.

>> No.17622436

>No bro don't pursue the truth if you're not a certain race!
Hello man of the world!

>> No.17622494

>>No bro don't pursue the truth
Never said you can't do this, you'll just never get the full picture
ywnbaro (You Will Never Be A Real Orthodox)

>> No.17622674

I live around a bunch of Armenians. If you showed up to one of their ortho churches looking to convert they would think you're retarded or crazy. I know a guy who actually converted to orthodoxy and I mentioned this to an armenian I know and he was incredulous

>> No.17622927

Not the anon you're replying to, but: I'm a Greek, born in Greece, baptized young Greek Orthodox. It's true that, especially in the smaller Churches, you would be looked at strangely as a western convert. But you would never be turned away from participating or converting, even by hunts. Not to mention, in my experience, the anti-westerner sentiment is stronger in western countries than non-western countries: Georgian congregations in Georgia have been far more welcoming to me and even some of my agnostic friends than Georgian churches in the states, for example. The presence of ethnic chauvinism is a fault of church politics and the prejudice of people, not a fault of the Church understood correctly. In the end, churches are not social clubs: they are places of worship, and the Church is not just a community of people: it is an organ of God and the bride of Christ. Any congregation should have its end be the only virtuous end: the glory and service of God.

The full picture is the service of God and the partaking of/in eternal Truth.
>noooo anon you won't ever feel like you're in the in-group!!
All human connection on earth is plagued by sin and pride and isolation. Only in God is there pure community and connection, the path to Whom is the Church.

>> No.17622933

*even by [hints].

>> No.17623089

I'm an Orthodox and this has not been my experience. I've heard it can be an issue in some Greek parishes but it hasn't happened to anyone I've known or spoken to. Catholics dishonestly poisoning the well as usual

>> No.17623097

>I have decided I am going to convert to Orthodoxy
Why? You know that stuff isn't real, right?

>> No.17623104

Why should OP worry about what some random parishioners who have a chip on their shoulder think of him? He's not converting because he wants to make friends with a bunch of stuck up people who have a problem with him. Good priests and parishioners have no problem with it and are very welcoming

>> No.17623111

not greek

>> No.17623118

> Greeks are the only jurisdiction

>> No.17623127

>The full picture is the service of God and the partaking of/in eternal Truth.
That's great anon, truly something to strive towards. But unfortunately it doesn't describe the present, worldly reality of the situation, that being: the ethno-particularity of the authentic Orthodox experience.

>> No.17623131

Yeah I grew up in a majority Greek and Lebanese neighborhood in Australia and got this same vibe. They were all bros, but the familial/ethnic aspect was essential

>> No.17623134

Read Christ the Eternal Tao by Abbot Damascene, OP. It's under the Orthodoxy subfolder here:

Pay no attention to seething Catholics and weirdly ethnocentric Greeks

This man for example is lying to you. Many of the most highly respected figures in Orthodoxy today are converts such as Fr. Josiah Trenham or especially people like Fr. Seraphim Rose etc. Something weird seems to be going on with the Greeks specifically but there are still many good parishes as I understand it. I'm under the Antiochian jurisdiction myself and being white among mostly Arabs hasn't been a problem at all

>> No.17623139

It's a good thing they don't require a family pass and a "minimum 4 members to enter this congregation" sign at the door. I can just walk in by my lonesome and take a seat. Their petty glares mean nothing.

>> No.17623148

The present, worldy reality of the situation is that you take the mysteries and do what you're supposed to and you're transformed spiritually. Why would anyone care about the "authentic experience" if the mysteries are real? You can get the "authentic experience" after you're dead

>> No.17623154


>> No.17623158

>Their petty glares mean nothing.
Not really, unless you're some sort of unfaltering, metaphysical libertarian. It's actually quite an alienating phenomenon to be honest

>> No.17623165

the consequences of not having culture of your own

>> No.17623183

No really, I don't see how people giving me petty glares is anything other than soft discouragement, but ultimately inactive therefore ineffective. If you can "withstand" people silently disliking you, and here we all are, then it isn't really a big deal. Sounds easier than being in gradeschool again.

Besides, I find that quite counterproductive to the actual ushering of a lost lamb back into the fold. Suppose I have nobody, no community, and no affiliation: they would rather I stay outside die, die in the cold, and have me condemned to some kind of purgatory? Ha-ha, no thanks, I'd find it easier to sit in the warmth next to people silently seething that I'm not "doing it right" because I didn't bring an entourage of a plus-three, ESPECIALLY in consideration of such a plus-three not actually existing for me to have done so with.

It's completely asinine to me. But I'm not the candidate convert anon anyway. Just toying with the idea in the context as it was brought up. But the point remains: if I've never felt a kindred closeness, it's hardly as if they have the power to alienate, because in order to be alienated I must have something which I would be alienated from.

>> No.17623199

I think if he can handle being alienated from the entire secular world a few passive aggressive looks from little old ladies isn't going to be a problem

>> No.17623213

>old ladies
It's generally the younger guys that are more stuck-up

>> No.17623217

Yeah. The inauthenticity of adopting, for example, Islam (a religion based on a supposedly historically aparticular, inclusive and universal revelation) as a Westerner is universally understood. But when it comes to other traditions, and especially those with as much historical, cultural and ethnic baggage as Orthodoxy, it just doesn't matter anymore apparently.

>> No.17623262

>What else should I do now?
Go to church and talk to a priest. (you won't)

>> No.17623369

Christianity is a spiritual religion and thus should have no church

>> No.17624460

>unfaltering, metaphysical libertarian.
im american they taught me not to care in school.

>> No.17624557

Don’t care what the Armenians think or do. I’m Russian Orthodox (Yes, “ethnically” Russian). We see Western and Non-Russian converts and we’re happy to have them. It. Is. A. Meme. Period.

>> No.17624564

Greek ethne isn’t even the same thing as race you idiots.

>> No.17624624

I chose to contact the greek ortho church nearby b/c it's the bigger one, what is the diff between greek & russian ones? Isn't it just political? (In america)

>> No.17625070

My ortho convert friend says he was taken seriously because he grew up catholic and recieved many of the sacraments. He told the orthos he was looking for something more authentic, so they received him. As an atheist turned protty, I cant imagine an ortho church accepting me. They probably wouldnt even acknowledge my protty baptism. Not that i'm too concerned anyway. I respect the Ortho and Catholic churches but I am content where I am

>> No.17625120

Go to church.

t. Baptised to the Finnish Orthodox Church as a babby

>> No.17625196

I went to Catholic school from middle school to high school, but never confirmed, do you think that would lend me more credibility?

>> No.17625271

From what I've heard, the orthodox church continues to respect and acknowledge Catholic sacraments and other aspects of the Church. It probably could, especially if you mention wanting to fulfill confirmation as well as express disillusionment in tbe catholic church.

>> No.17625332

I am someone that grew up Greek Orthodox. Have lived both in Greece and among the diaspora in burgerland.

In the west it's an immigrant social club full of Reaganites and rightist conspiracy nutjobs.
In the east they are a xenophobic racist anti-semitic cult tied to intelligence agencies and organized crime.
>Is it the patrician form of Christianity
Not at all. I would say even prots are better. Orthodoxy is intellectually bankrupt compared to other forms of Christianity and is mostly just pseudo-mysticism. If you want to christlarp go Catholic. They have a rich intellectual and literary tradition. I myself am a Marxist now. You don't know how ashamed I feel to have been born in a brainless and tasteless family and an intellectually bankrupt and backward culture.

>> No.17625354

>In the west it's an immigrant social club full of Reaganites and rightist conspiracy nutjobs.
>In the east they are a xenophobic racist anti-semitic cult tied to intelligence agencies and organized crime

>> No.17625361
File: 126 KB, 1875x733, based manifesto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begone papists

>> No.17625362 [DELETED] 

Thank you for proving the stereotype that Orthodox converts are more politically motivated and only convert because it's "based" and "racist" and cool to their internet clique.

>> No.17625377 [DELETED] 

Thank you for proving the stereotype that Orthodox converts are only politically motivated and only convert because it's "based" and "racist" and cool to their internet clique. Truly and intellectually bankrupt religion that attracts brainless and tasteless people. Nothing of value would be lost if it faded away.

>> No.17625390

Thank you for proving the stereotype that Orthodox converts are only politically motivated and only convert because it's "based" and "racist" and cool to their internet clique. Truly an intellectually bankrupt religion that attracts brainless and tasteless people. Nothing of value would be lost if it faded away

>> No.17625629

doesn't change that god is real and christ is risen

>> No.17625692
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>god is real and christ is risen
So are Zeus and Dionysus and by rule of old thing better than new thing that makes it more based and redpilled and Traditional

>> No.17626519

You're probably going to want to read The Orthodox Way, and email the priest of the church near you (You are ACTUALLY converting and entering the lived liturgical reality of Orthodoxy and not just reading, right?) to see what he'd recommend, though you also need to attend and spend time going to Liturgy.
Aside from Babby's First Book About Orthodoxy and whatever your priest suggests, I'd personally recommend
1. The Life of Moses by St. Gregory of Nyssa to provide a patristic methodology for reading/understanding Scripture
2. On Social Justice by St. Basil the Great to provide some moral theology, especially with regards to wealth, which is a topic rarely discussed nowadays
3. The Doors of the Sea by David Bentley Hart to discuss "why bad thing happen if God good??"
4. Christ the Eternal Tao by Hieromonk Damascene to provide an orthodox example of how one can be open to seeing what other religions/denominations have right without bending to perennialism
5. The Mountain of Silence by Kyriacos Markides it has some sections on how you have to be a person before you can be a Christian; that is, it should help curb some of the LARP shit that happens with new converts (although there is still an air of Orthodox superiority, which is rarely escapable)
6. Catechetical Discourse by St. Gregory of Nyssa it's a good book to provide some basic theology
7. The Orthodox Study Bible it sounds better than the NRSV, it looks better than almost any NRSV, and it has Orthodox footnotes. This is the easiest way to get an English Bible with the Eastern Orthodox books in it.

I also recommend avoiding most religious discussion on 4chan, it's almost universally shit, full of mediocre polemics and fighting

>> No.17626538

>he Orthodox Study Bible
Don't understand why /lit/ keeps memeing this


>> No.17626604

Short of either learning Greek and getting the LXX and NT in Greek, it's the best choice for someone to get the Orthodox canon. Given that there are so few choices, I can't think of anything better, and even the review doesn't present any real alternative translations of the Bible.

>> No.17626624

Read quaran and find out that it more straighforward and makes more sense. God never kills himself in islam.

>> No.17626627

It is ethnic but no different than how one might go to an Polish Catholic or a (Italian) Roman Catholic church. The whole ethnic thing, i think, is more emphasized (wrongly) in the Greek church. You are American, yeah? I suggest looking for a Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia but theoretically the faith is the same.

Sounds more like his own suspicions than anything real. I suspect you’d be respected and welcomed just fine, if you’d have to receive your sacraments in the church.

Who hurt you?

>> No.17626693

I am a greek atheist. I might follow the traditions when I get married and baptize my child just to feel special, like the jews do and call themselves god's chosen peoples.

>> No.17626742

I don't understand what he means by half those statements

>> No.17626840

>The religion of Orthodoxy and its theology differs very greatly from Catholicism.
What? No it doesn't, or not any more than Catholicism in China differs from Catholicism in Norway.

>> No.17626862

DB Hart's New Testament, for one

>> No.17626894

Definitely baptize your child. Culture is important even if the underlying spirituality is something you can’t believe in

>> No.17626908

That's on me, for mentioning getting the LXX and NT in Greek as separate volumes, since I intended to talk about translations of the OT and NT as one volume. Hart's translation is great, and I'd agree with that recc. Given that the internet makes these things so freely available anyway, I think I'd go back and say that needing the OT and NT together in a single book is no longer the case. Sadly, I can't think of what a good translation for just the Old Testament would be.

>> No.17626909

Are you retarded, or just ignorant?

>> No.17627008

>No it doesn't
Yes, it does. Let me guess. You are a Catholic?

>> No.17627384

how do christians justify browsing sites like 4chan? it’s complete indulgence in the passions, there is no excuse for coming here that is consistent with your ideals

>> No.17627448

Christianity is a political position today, nothing more.

>> No.17627636

i only go to /lit/ and /sci/

>> No.17627639

>how don't you 'understand' loosely stated opinionated statements?
I was hoping there was more insight than >orthodoxy and protestantism bad
and presumably >Catholicism gud

>> No.17627649

the worst boards

>> No.17627677

which are the best? I'd agree sci is bad

>> No.17627721

any board that is slow and hasn't been infested with zoomer /pol/tards. i recognize this board is bad but i still come here sometimes. i also use /m/. my favorite board here. it is slow and still has a nice oldfag vibe. threads here die in like 5 hours they used to die in a week.

>> No.17627815

well, if you think of it like that...
easily /po/ wins best board in my book, but that doesn't make it a place I visit often

>> No.17627903

Just two years ago the threads would last days. Feels bad

>> No.17627925

theyre just larping.

>> No.17627932

Why do you think Christians aren't allowed to indulge in the passions?

>> No.17627989

>I have decided I am going to convert to Orthodoxy!
I think you meant to say Catholicism