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File: 770 KB, 1200x1671, 1200px-Jean-Jacques_Rousseau_(painted_portrait).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17620614 No.17620614 [Reply] [Original]

Is his philosophy as retarded as it seems or am I missing something?
I've been reading his stuff on and off since my high school days, and used to be pretty familiar with Du contrat social and Discourse sur l'inegalité in particular.
Recently I thought about him again and I'm baffled by how nonsensical his whole thought system is. Whether it's his idea of the state of nature or his theories on education, it all reads like he just pulled it out of his ass.

Am I missing some kind of essential historical context, or is this yet another case of a Gigachad coming up with random shit and basedboys eating it up?

>> No.17620637

>Is his philosophy as retarded as it seems?


>> No.17620786

>Am I missing some kind of essential historical context, or is this yet another case of a Gigachad coming up with random shit and basedboys eating it up?
Please kys

>> No.17620832

Rousseau is a very technical, almost methodical political thinker. You'll find the French typically are, which actually works with political philosophy and economics.

This man is one of the best. A disciple of Hobbes and Plato, he saw truths that many have yet to see within society.

He understood the world to be imperfect and full of idiosyncracies which are 'take it or leave it' like civilization itself. He did not implore anyone to be a 'noble savage' he simply used him as an example.

The man was obsessed with the past. He was the forerunner to any political 'scientists', his writings on civilizational growth and decay must have been inspired by Aristotle but sometimes they read like he knows everything about how civilization rises and collapses, although it's only happened a couple times (Rome, some colonies, the Persian empire) :3