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17619159 No.17619159 [Reply] [Original]

>Trying to make ends meet/You're a slave to money then you die
Is this true or are there any books that argue against this idea? I'm turning 25 today and I couldn't feel more powerless.

>> No.17619176

Money is evil, this is a fact

>> No.17619221

lmao, fucking dumb faggot.
Just gain a position were people work whilst you boss them around. You gain money to do nothing. Stupid niggers.

>> No.17619244

you will never have "power" and you were never going to have power. >>>/r9k/

>> No.17619501

>Just become the boss of a company bro

>> No.17619510

Define power

>> No.17619520

You have the opportunity, being relatively young, to make a very conscious and long-term study of humanity, history, politics, and reality. The only shortcut I can offer you is that surviving is a game of strategy. And that it's easy to maintain a good reputation but impossible to restore a damaged one. By default and habit, be polite, modest, and honest. After that, things tend to fall into place.
Good luck young fellow.

>> No.17619540
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>thinks he need to be the boss of a company to have such a position
Nigger, you're retarded.

>> No.17619566

And you're lucky.

>> No.17619588

>ayn rand

>> No.17620229

Money is only a tool you must obtain to then put toward the more important things

>> No.17620253

Kino song. Perfect for whenever you get that sadboi feel.

>> No.17620401

I'm in the same position -- or, at the very least, I'm working my way out of it. My solution for you, brother: Start creating things. If you're a writer, just start writing books. They don't even have to be great. People will buy all sorts of retarded shit of Amazon now. If you're into something else, like woodworking or whatever, start monetizing that. Additionally, you should find a side job to fill up the time you're not using for your creative endeavours and build up some capital on the side so you can invest, pay for a space of your own, etc. Next, you're gonna wanna get a girl to slob your knob and cook for you and shit. Refusing to play the game in the name of upholding some philosophy or moral standpoint is a recipe for disaster. Even Cioran, the surliest nigger to ever exist, had to teach and make money on the side so he could write about how much he hated existing in the system and being alive. Anyway, godspeed, brother.