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17616647 No.17616647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was Marx just a lazy NEET?

>> No.17616653


>> No.17616661

He died of obesity in a dingy London apartment.

>> No.17616679

Yes, he mooched off of his parents, emotionally manipulated them to finance him, and tried everything he could not to have to work a day in his life. His relationship with his direct family was a train wreck as well.

>> No.17616800
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Guy was studying for hours everyday and wrote thousands and thousands of pages. Meanwhile the people that are going to attempt to shit on him in this thread can barely read a few pages without checking 4chan and have trouble writing a 10 page paper.

>> No.17617064

Most of that was written by Engels or are just letters.

>> No.17617078

He wasn't a NEET. He was a writer, political activist and journalist.

>> No.17617105

We're not all like you, anon, stop projecting
This too, Engels was the real powerhouse
So a neet, a neet and a neet. Got it. None of them real jobs by the way.

>> No.17617163

here comes the cope

>> No.17617180


>> No.17617187

You didn't address >>17616679 though

>> No.17617193

Yes and I don’t know why more of you don’t listen to him

>> No.17617203

just more lies and cope. nothing to address.

>> No.17617214

Why are you the way you are?

>> No.17617216

>have trouble writing a 10 page paper.
Do /lit/ fags really do this?
I write regular 25-35 page lab reports (5000 - 7500 word range), around 6-9 times per year so far, for my undergrad STEM subject. That's not all "real" writing, obviously, since things like graphs and tables take up space/words. But still. Aren't you pol-sci and /lit/ fags supposed to be writing more?

>> No.17617235

As for Marx, he's actually an interesting thinker, had extremely high productivity. If he was a lazy NEET, then the rest of us are fucked.

>> No.17617242

There were definitely fewer distractions at the time, and bloviating endlessly doesn't make you correct.

>> No.17617244

They're all correct. From his and Engels' personal letters, and those of his parents. Sounds like you're the coper.

>> No.17617356
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Reminder that Marx was a pseudo-intellectual, similar to JBP and shamelessly ripped off Proudhon and others without giving credit. He was also wrote luciferian poetry (lolwut) and worked backwards from his apocalyptic fantasies of a doomsday to produce his retarded political ideology.

He wasn't a NEET. But he was a pseudo which is enough of an insult.

>> No.17617371

t. Never read Marx, but watched a Jordan Peterson/Molymeme strawman video about him

>> No.17617402

>Reminder that Marx was a pseudo-intellectual
If I disagree with somebody they must be a pseud
>similar to JBP and shamelessly ripped off Proudhon
He wrote a book long refutation of Proudhon, how is that ripping him off?
>He was also wrote luciferian poetry (lolwut) and worked backwards from his apocalyptic fantasies of a doomsday to produce his retarded political ideology.
Sounds based

>> No.17617414
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>> No.17617431

Marx wrote an entire book refuting utopian socialists

>> No.17617432

JBP and Molyneux are pseudos as well

>> No.17617437

That's not setting the bar very high now is it

>> No.17617549

Marx engaged with every major political and economic thinker of his era. He read Ricardo, Adam Smith, Malthus, all of them. Not really sure why contards are so obsessed with shitting on him without actually reading him, if Marx was a lazy NEET, then so is every intellectual in human history.

>> No.17617638

I'm just shitting, I've read (parts of) his books and he's not dumb as some make him out to be but he's also not some kind of genius intellectual. His narrowmindedness regarding materialism says enough, even though most of his criticism of capitalism is decent enough. In his private life he was a degenerate asshole though.

>> No.17617675

>a person who wants to be thought of as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge but who is not really intelligent or knowledgeable.
>Marx wrote an entire book refuting utopian socialists
>He wrote a book long refutation of Proudhon, how is that ripping him off?
Scientific socialism was a term Proudhon came up with to describe a society administered by justice and reason. Marx appropriated this term without credit and commies later on used to describe their dogmatic totalitarian shitholes.

Marx's """revolutionary""" discovery of surplus value was actually Proudhon's. Iain McKay who wrote an explanatory book on Proudhon's What is Property? writes;
>“It was Proudhon who first located surplus value production within the workplace, recognizing that the worker was hired by a capitalist who then appropriates their product in return for a less than equivalent amount of wages” (pp.66)

Marx actually praised Proudhon in his earlier writings such as this passage in the Holy Family (1845);
>“Proudhon makes a critical investigation — the first resolute, ruthless, and at the same time scientific investigation — of the basis of political economy, private property. This is the great scientific advance he made, an advance which revolutionizes political economy and for the first time makes a real science of political economy possible. Proudhon was the first to draw attention to the fact that the sum of the wages of the individual workers, even if each individual labour be paid for completely, does not pay for the collective power objectified in its product, that therefore the worker is not paid as a part of the collective labour power.”

So we know Marx was reading Proudhon and adopted his ideas and terminologies. So what happened between them that led to a divergence? Proudhon disagreed with Marx's dogmatic cult ideology and that made Marx really mad.

This was Proudhon's reply to Marx's invitation to join his cult;

>“Let us seek together, if you will, for the laws of society, the manner in which these laws are manifested, the progress of our efforts to discover them. But for God’s sake, after having demolished all a priori dogmatisms, let us not in turn dream of making our own, of indoctrinating the people; … let us show the world an example of learned and insightful tolerance, but since we are in the lead, let us not set ourselves up as leaders of a new intolerance; let us not be the apostles of a new religion, one that makes itself a religion or reason, a religion of logic. We should welcome and encourage all protestations. Let us get rid of all divisiveness, all mysticism. Let us never consider a question exhausted, and when we do get down to our last argument, let’s start again, if need be, with wit and irony! I will join your organization on that condition—or else not!”


>> No.17617726
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>Marx (equivalent of University of Phoenix online/correspondence degree mill doctorate)
>& Engels (Warburg ‘German speaking Js’ Anglo-Industrialist)
Bakunin was right on him. The Tribe of Dan is at the center of the World Island geopolitical Gordian Knot. Marx didn’t finish volume four of Capital because he appreciated the cosmic depths of his fraudulence — ‘German’ Fabianism is in the ascendany everywhere since the world wars, and central banking has to be excised from the life of nations in order to move toward anything remotely libertarian and/or socialist.

This. Political Economist equivalent of Einstein in physics.

>> No.17617747
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based mutualists

>> No.17617783

Also regarding Marx's refutation of Proudhon's ideas, it was heavily layered with strawmans, cherrypicking quotes and distortions. This is McKay's summary of it;

>“While, undoubtedly, Marx makes some valid criticisms of Proudhon, the book is full of distortions. His aim was to dismiss Proudhon as being the ideologist of the petit-bourgeois and he obviously thought all means were applicable to achieve that goal. So we find Marx arbitrarily arranging quotations from Proudhon’s book, often out of context and even tampered with, to confirm his own views. This allows him to impute to Proudhon ideas the Frenchman did not hold (often explicitly rejects!) in order to attack him. Marx even suggests that his own opinion is the opposite of Proudhon’s when, in fact, he is simply repeating the Frenchman’s thoughts. He takes the Frenchman’s sarcastic comments at face value, his metaphors and abstractions literally. And, above all else, Marx seeks to ridicule him.”

>When Marx writes that, “property turns out to be the right, on the part of the capitalist, to appropriate the unpaid labour of others or its product, and the impossibility, on the part of the worker, of appropriating his own product” (Capital, vol. 1, quoted in McKay 66), he is repeating what Proudhon wrote 27 years earlier in What is Property? (McKay, 70-71)

Marx was so butthurt by this guy that he even decided to support Germany's war against France in order to supplant Proudhonism in the Euro socialist movement. Here's a letter he wrote to Engels on the eve of the Franco-Prussian war;

>“The French need a thrashing. If the Prussians win, the centralisation of the state power will be useful for the centralisation of the German working class. German predominance would also shift the centre of gravity of the workers’ movement in Western Europe from France to Germany, and one has only to compare the movement in the two countries from 1866 till now to see that the German working class is superior to the French both theoretically and organisationally. Their predominance over the French on the world stage would also mean the predominance of our theory over Proudhon’s, etc.”

tldr; Marx was a pseud, a man who postured as an intellectual when in reality he was schizo midwit who plagiarized from others and had doomsday apocalyptic dreams from which he worked backwards from to create a depraved political ideology.


>> No.17617852

>had doomsday apocalyptic dreams from which he worked backwards from to create a depraved political ideology.
That sounds like some schizo pseud shit that an American contard would say

>> No.17617884

it's true and i'm not american nor a conservative

>> No.17617897

which is basically the 19th century version of what we are all doing now. shitposting. sometimes serious, sometimes not. i bet i could fill>>17616800 with my collective shitposts and regularposter over my life.

>> No.17617902

Tbh there wasn't much you could do to distract yourself at that time besides booze and sex, so he could be considered a NEET for his era

>> No.17617942

If that is the case then every writer should be considered a "lazy neet"

>> No.17617951

>lab reports
they are also uncreative

>> No.17617960

Lazy, retarded leech just like his followers.

>> No.17617964

Yeah, and that's a good thing.
It's in my self interest to work less and do more stuff I enjoy, like reading.
The ultimate redpill is being a Marxist because you're unashamed to pursue your self interest, not because you're a faggy ass warrior for justice and emancipation type.

>> No.17617979

I admit that STEM is harder than humanities, but writing lab reports is easy as fuck when you're just reporting observations, describing experiments, etc. Creative writing is a pain in the ass.

>> No.17617998

Marx was a useless lazy douche who hated jews and negros

>> No.17618017

>I admit that STEM is harder than humanities,
it really depends how your mind is wired. I knew a nuclear physicist major who could barley pass a history 300 class. I'm not really convinced that if you took a normie off the streets, he'd be able to understand philosophy easier than algebra.

>> No.17618019

I bet you have a butt plug too.

>> No.17618031

yeah. every lazy neet I know has generated 1000's of published pages dissecting capitalism in its minutiae.

Why are americans SO obsessed with him? he's been pretty much irrelevant since the late 80's

>> No.17618098

>fewer distractions
Not a fan of Marx but this is such a weak cope. Why wasn’t everyone in the past a prolific writer then?

>> No.17618112


>> No.17618143

Why do people who have not read Marx only look at his private life?

>> No.17618171

I don't trust any fat faggot who advocates for revolution when he doesn't even live by his own philosophy.

>> No.17618322

>but writing lab reports is easy as fuck when you're just reporting observations, describing experiments, etc.
You also have a theory and discussion section, which requires you to read the literature and apply what you read to explain the experiment and your results. Usually, you will find that there are several different theories for the same thing, but they give different results because the equations use different variables and make different assumptions. Your professors only give you the bare basics, it is expected that you do your own research. Depending on what you read, or don't read, you can come out with some different answers, or the same answer, but one that is at a higher level.
Simply explaining the experiment in the most basic terms will get you a C grade.

>> No.17618434

nigga you dont know what his philosophy is

>> No.17618652

I never said fewer distractions. i just said in terms of process, its a similar phenomenon. not that most any of us are better than him at it, just that the process is related.

>> No.17618865

>You [headcanon]
Marx is not a friend of the working class.

>> No.17618872


>> No.17618895
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>> No.17618907

I wonder if Hegelianwife knows about Hegel's political opinions

>> No.17619279


>> No.17619300

Based & this.

>> No.17619345

Communism is an easy boogeyman to apply to literally anyone who disagrees with you, like lefties and “Nazi,” and Marx is the originator so there’s a lot of incentive for fags with Communism Derangement Syndrome to constantly bloviate about a long-dead irrelevant dude.

>> No.17619355

Women don't know anything. They just "act."

>> No.17619474

go outside bro

>> No.17619649

I feel like every other thread is a repost, in the most uncanny ways. I don't know if i's déja vu or fatigue. I need to leave this place

>> No.17619690

just how stupid can you fucking be

>> No.17619707

Heidegger is the only accurate answer here (he wasn't technically conservative though he was a nazi) and he was a petit-bourgeois careerist hack.

>> No.17619756

>Marx: "The living conditions for the working poor are atrocious and something should be done about their exploitation. Here are government statistics on how rampant pauperism and deprivation is in England."
>/lit/: "hE's LaZy AnD wAnTs FrEe StuFf!"

>> No.17619869

>>/lit/: "hE's LaZy AnD wAnTs FrEe StuFf!"
This type of bullshit comes from the American milieu, specifically conservatism and libertarianism. Generally quite a common take by them, of course, none of them actually know anything about Marx or his ideas beyond some silly strawman like mud pies or some shit.

>> No.17621112
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>> No.17621191
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>"hE's LaZy AnD wAnTs FrEe StuFf!"

>> No.17621802

Smartest most influential man in history. That's literally a fact

>> No.17621808

Marx hated Proudhon dipshit lol

>> No.17623191

Yes and for that, he was BASED.