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17616533 No.17616533 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend and discuss horror, conspiracy, paranormal type books itt. Can be fiction or nonfiction.

>> No.17616563

thanks for posting that gif, I fucking hate it.

>> No.17617487

a non fiction conspiracy book that is funny while reading but scary once you consider the implications (the recent ufo patents stuff?) is the men who stare at goats. even if you dont buy into anything paranormal, the barney the dinasaour torture stuff, heavans gate, the goat testing and just the absurdity of the government funding a jedi program is pretty scary.

>> No.17617506

In part with that, The Shock Doctrine mentions MK ULTRA etc and the sheer influence one group of economists had on the world in the past few decades is nothing short of terrifying

>> No.17617536

I assume the Chicago school? I have heard of them being involved in Chile. Will check it out.

>> No.17617545

I have read a couple UFO books that explain the abductions and sightings away as MKULTRA glowie pedo shit but it all sounded so schizo to me I wondered how it even got published in the first place

>> No.17617565

The conspiracies I'm most interested in are related to the Catholic Church. It's been around for so long and had so much influence that they've undoubtedly been up to some extremely shady stuff. I heard some schizo say that they invented classical Civilization to justify power in the middle ages.

>> No.17617584

the scariest shit is all non-fiction, so I try to avoid it. Knowing even a little bit about all the horrific shit the government and the elite get up to is bad enough when it's just in my peripherals. If I actually looked into it, I'd eat a bullet. One way or another.

>> No.17617634

The scariest UFO books are the ones that don't provide the answers, just more questions, like Jacques Vallee's, or Leslie Kean's work

>> No.17617759

i couldnt find this anywhere but it sounds insane

Father Ernetti's Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the World's First Time Machine

>> No.17617788
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All of these books are amazing.

>> No.17617815

Man I feel you there. I started reading Programmed to Kill and after a couple chapters I got a bit freaked out and had to put it down and read something else, the implications in those types of novels always scares me

>> No.17618122

>Leslie Kean's work
Seconded. Every UFO fan should read.

>> No.17618158

The Blood of the Walsungs by Thomas Mann is really horrifying. I don’t think it’s explicitly a horror story but it’s scarier than any self-styled horror story I’ve read.

>> No.17618552


>> No.17618689

Completed reading this last week. Highly recommend.

>> No.17620155

Chaos by Tom O'Neil would be right up your alley if you want more

>> No.17620171

I really like Jacques Vallee and John Keel's stuff on UFOs and how they're a modern iteration of ancient folkloric beings

>> No.17620448

Vallées got a new book coming out this spring, which in light of all recent events in the world of ufology should be very interesting

>> No.17620548

PSYOP to MindWar
Kill Anything That Moves
The Phoenix Program
Anything to do with the hippie scene and serial killer stuff in the 70's is pretty horrifying when you consider so much of it emanates in and around intel communities in California.

We need more sci-fi/cosmic horror dealing with technological systems restructuring mankind, reaching hateful tendrils from the void just beyond our perception into the small world of men who remain thankfully unaware of such terrible gods lurking in the outer darkness. I think that would touch the mass psyche much deeper than woke folk horror or whatever reddit authors turned the genre into to get boosted by online critics.

>> No.17620592

Very neat. Will look out for it.

>> No.17620697

Pretty sure that's partially the theme of Negarestani's - Cyclonopedia

>> No.17620821

Anyone bought anything from Centipede press? How's the quality? Are all their books Smyth-sewn?

>> No.17621618
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This is the archetype of what you are describing to me.

The TLDR is that all famous serial killers are set up via MK ULTRA type programs to be fall guys to cover up the global pedophile trafficking network.

What sort of recent events?

>> No.17621712
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>> No.17621973

Navy disclosing UFO videos which they basically admit they've no idea what they are. Coupled with a more sustained interest by the public on the topic

>> No.17622911

relax, ya big baby

>> No.17623033

I straight up stopped taking that book seriously when he said the Menedenz Brothers were actually raped by their dad. You can easily look into the trial and case and see they just made it up for their defense. Those guys are psychopaths who didn’t care about anything but themselves.

>> No.17623038

The interesting thing I notice with ufology nowadays is that sightings still happen but close encounters/abductions don't really anymore, or at least aren't publicized. I think it has something to do with the Vallee/Keel simulation/belief hypothesis and the current zeitgeist. This is extremely interesting reading btw

>> No.17623050

>We need more sci-fi/cosmic horror dealing with technological systems restructuring mankind, reaching hateful tendrils from the void just beyond our perception into the small world of men who remain thankfully unaware of such terrible gods lurking in the outer darkness.
This is kind of what CCRU guys like Land and Negarestani wrote about, and Zero HP Lovecraft. But I agree there should definitely be more technological cosmic horror.

>> No.17623061
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>> No.17623141

Just read Dark Matter by Michelle Paver. It was my first horror book - pretty much - so I'm looking for some good recs based off that. As pants shittingly spooky as possible, please.

Maybe leaning a bit more towards monsters than ghosts though, since I think I enjoyed Dark Matter in spite of it being a ghost story moreso than because of it.

>> No.17623340

I always liked the stuff about the ultra right wing free masons lodge in Italy that had ties to right wing South American dictators in Argentina, Chile and Paraguay, escaped Nazi war criminals, terrorist bombings, murdered Vatican bank officials and maybe even the death of Pope John Paul I.
Oh and all with the blessings of the CIA apparently

>> No.17623366

Good chart

>> No.17623453

The Ultimate Evil by Maury Terry

>> No.17624312

I'm so glad you've noticed that as well, I was reading Passport to Magonia a while back and that exact thought crossed my mind. The last cryptid that I can recall that made some headlines (fake or otherwise) was the Fresno Nightcrawlers https://youtu.be/3jvkP_aHTps