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/lit/ - Literature

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17615697 No.17615697 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: comfiest books of all time

>> No.17615726

This is "comfy" to you OP? I've never read so many instances of the phrase "vaginally raped" together in one text and I used to read about serial killers for fun

>> No.17615754

That is part of the novel. But far from the whole thing. The academics discussing books and stuff is peak comfy.

>> No.17615764
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Good choice op

>> No.17615781
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This is my favorite of 2020

>> No.17615822

it's not just "part of the novel", it's a big hefty portion of it right in the middle. And the discussions of literature in the first and last parts are punctuated by graphic acts, the beating of a taxi driver, world war 2, the crucifixion of that romanian general, I don't know. If you get a warm feeling despite that then good on you. Personally, I could never get /comfy/, it always felt like a dark undercurrent was running through all the conversations, that each kindly repartee on literature was a calm within a storm

>> No.17615833

Maybe you’re just overly sensitive.

>> No.17615840

Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.17615843

Irrungen, Wirrungen. Berliner Roman 1888 (translated as On Tangled Paths, 2010, A Suitable Match, 1968, and Trials and Tribulations, 1917
Fontane dunno which english title you would know

>> No.17615850

Good pick.

>> No.17615858

lol or maybe you have a weird grasp of comfy

>> No.17615884

I don’t see how.

>> No.17616214
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>> No.17616225
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Easy pick

>> No.17616252
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If you think that's shocking, never read picrel. But anyway I feel like the german serial killer made it comfy, like he was the actual hero of the story.

>> No.17616322

It isn't high literature that's for sure. The problem with Mexico continues to be colonialism and the self-hatred the elites have for the Mexican masses which they manifest by continuing to cudgel them with a perverse false consciousness that they are inferior because of their mixed ascendance. The racist domination of the consciousness of the masses must be done away with vis an authentically socialist mass media that builds up the Mexican mass consciousness as opposed to the constant denigration to which it is presently subjected by always being unfavorably compared to the white phenotypes tat they would allege are in such short supply vin Mexico.

>> No.17616347

Go back to /pol/

>> No.17616382

No, because the book itself pretends to discuss this phenomenon, but does such a ridiculously amateurish job doing it.

>> No.17616408

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.17617056
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>> No.17617086


>> No.17617956

2666 felt unfinished.
These four have been on my to-read list for years. For me, it's the works of Homer, Melville, Thomas Mann, Montaigne, and James Joyce.

>> No.17617987

I read like 40% of this but never went back to it. I kinda liked some things about it but overall it felt too long and like a waste of time. Most books over 500p shouldn't exist.

>> No.17618036

it's actually a great chapter

>> No.17618197

You're pretty far out man

>> No.17618232

Found Savage Detectives to be a comfier Bolano

>> No.17619023

Fuck off, simp they deserve to feel inferior because they are inferior

>> No.17619256

Mason & Dixon, no contest

>> No.17619504
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>> No.17619513
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>> No.17619522

portrait of the artist as a young man
east of eden for that summer comfy

>> No.17619526

can i ask you to cite your exceptions to that rule
just curious

>> No.17620033
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>> No.17620099
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this one has been comfy so far

>> No.17620334

The first half of Fellowship of the Ring is maximum comfy.

>> No.17620432
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>high literature

>> No.17620474

I... uh... how about trying to enjoy the novel instead to see how it's relevant to your agenda?

>> No.17620499
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>> No.17620516
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Such a comfy ride pushing cows.

>> No.17620605

my nigga

>> No.17620611

imagine getting filtered by bolano (i can't)

>> No.17620624

I have read it and I was not impressed. Bolaño was aiming to be another Gunter Grass, but falls exceedingly short.

>> No.17620650

Juan de Dios Martínez mused on why bad 2666 was. Juan de Dios Martínez had no idea why Bolanos would simply just repeat Juan de Dios Martínez every second line. Juan de Dios Martínez realized this must be the reason the book is excruciatingly long and boring. Juan de Dios Martínez smiled.

>> No.17620744

whats this?
i like the cover