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/lit/ - Literature

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1760928 No.1760928 [Reply] [Original]

>Talking so some dude after AP Gov. today
>"Nietzsche is the philosophical godfather of objectivism"

Why are these people allowed to breath the same air as us?

Share stories of conversations with complete fools.

>> No.1760935
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>AP Gov.

>> No.1760933

"I think we should just read a book for what it is, y'know? Without reading anything into it"

>> No.1760938

Yeah, like Hegel is the philosophical godfather of communism.

>> No.1760940
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>Talking to some beta after AP Gov today
>"Yo dude, we are in the 11th grade and I think I know about Nietzsche."
>Bored of talking to him, decide to get him mad.
>Tell him Nietzsche is the godfather of objectivism.
>He rages.

>> No.1760949


Took the exam today, shit was so cash.


But that's sort of true, without Hegel dialectical materialism would have never been conceived.

>> No.1760953

why Eamon Gilmore, of all people?

>> No.1760958
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Excuse me, but I have to inform you that Hegel is the godfather of Communism and Nietzsche is the godfather of Objectivism in the sense that they had the profoundest impact upon the philosophers that pioneered the two schools of thought. How can that be denied? Are you being serious? Is this a serious thread?

>> No.1760960

Marx is not the first, nor the only communist.

>> No.1760962


I'm well aware of that, but he contributed quite a bit to scientific socialism.

That's usually what people mean when they say Hegel is the godfather of communism, they mean he is the godfather of Marxism, which he is, sort of.

>> No.1760965


You must only have an elementary comprehension of Nietzsche is you think he is the forebearer of objectivism.

>> No.1760966


Nietzsche is not the godfather of objectivism no matter how hard your Ayn-Rand-influenced brain will try to tell you otherwise.

>> No.1760969


>> No.1760979
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Rand was obsessed with him for a decade. He influenced her thought and her writing enormously. Let me say this slowly and clearly for you.
I'm not saying that Objectivism logically followed from his writing.
I'm not saying he would have endorsed Objectivism.
The only thing being said is that his writing had a great influence over it.
What is that matter with you dense, daffy bastards?

>> No.1760981

I like how swiftly this thread was derailed

>> No.1760988

The matter is how retarded Ayn Rand is.

>> No.1760994


So, by your logic, if were to read Nietzsche and interpret him as a fascist on account of my mind being unable to comprehend his writings and I went on to develop a specific form of fascism that would make Nietzsche the philosophical godfather of my neo-fascism?

Your argument holds no water.

>> No.1760995


Don't you see how stupid it is to call a man who influenced a writer decades later, the godfather of X? Why would you do that?

>> No.1760997

Can anyone tell me why Nietzsche considered himself a psychologist above all, and psychology as the highest science?
>pro-tip: has something to do with his conception of truth

>> No.1760999


Read it again, with less dumb this time.

>> No.1761001

i took it today too! i am so scared if i dont get a 3 i will get introuble because my dad had to pay the fee of 80 dollars and most people got a waiver and took the exam for free now i have a lot of pressure i am really scared i didnt know the free response definition of caucus

>> No.1761004

Dude, at lest he fucking knows who Nietzsche is. I don't see why something so minimal would cause you to rage like shit and post it on 4chan?

Stop being a faggot, OP.

>> No.1761015

and i have ap lang exam tomorrow and i know ill do better because at least i can spell breathe

>> No.1761020


When I'm partaking in conversation with one of my peers about a philosopher whom I enjoy reading I prefer the person with whom I'm discussing said philosopher to not be retarded.

He should have some common courtesy and not engage me on the topic if he doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.1761024

Cuz of:

"In so far as the word “knowledge” has any meaning, the world is knowable; but it is interpretable otherwise, it has no meaning behind it, but countless meanings.—“Perspectivism.”

It is our needs that interpret the world; our drives and their For and Against. Every drive is a kind of lust to rule; each one has its perspective that it would like to compel all the other drives to accept as a norm."

So truths have their origins in the will, and the value of truths are proportional to the life-affirming tendencies of the will that begot them.
If truth is just the product of different psychologies then psychology itself is the science of discerning where our truths came from and what for what purpose they were made.

>> No.1761025


You'll realize someday that pointing out typos will get you nowhere.

>> No.1761028
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Influence does not equal responsibility. You sound like someone who is as tired as I am of hearing people talk of Nietzsche's responsibility for validating things like death camps, dictatorships, eugenics, et cetera because of his ideas on the Ubermensch. It is exhausting to deal with people that believe that. Morons will be influenced as well as the affluent from a philosophical writer. I understand if you wish to argue Rand to be a moron and her philosophy is shit and the she interpreted Nietzsche in all the wrong ways and so on, but that is beside the point.

It is in this same way Rand could be called the godmother of libertarianism in spite of the fact that she always despised libertarians.


Eh, fuck it. I concede. I just read all this again and I concede. Goddamnit. I hate being wrong.

>> No.1761029

its gonna help me get a 5 on my exam tomorrow imagine if you wrote "breath" instead of "breathe" on the ap lang exam they wouldve voided that and threw it in the trash the min they read it

>> No.1761034


>> No.1761035


At least you're strong enough to admit when you're wrong.


I took AP Lit and I'm sure I'll get a 5 or a 4. when you take an exam you usually pay considerably more attention to these things than when you're posting a thread on 4chan.

>> No.1761042
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OP may more or may not be a brilliant satirist.

>> No.1761046

bingo. you can't get further from "godfather of objectivism" than that.

>> No.1761050

Because everyone on /lit/ is a pseudo intellectual AP lit student.

>> No.1761055

>Because everyone on /lit/ is a pseudo intellectual AP lit student.
>AP lit student

Actually, some of us have the common decency not to be American.

>> No.1761064

>Read Animal Farm for a school project a few years ago
>Loving it
>Guy from other class walks by and says: "Nice! You're reading George Orwell"
>I answer: "Yeah, he's pretty good! Read anything by him?"
>He says: "Yeah, I've read 1984 before and loved it. I'm thinking I'm not going to read Animal Farm though since I've heard it was very anti-socialist. Seeing as I'm a communist and all!"

Then he left for class. I had just no idea what he was talking about. It's almost as if he implied George Orwell would completely change his political opinions between novels, or if he just didn't get 1984 AT ALL.

>> No.1761085
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Have the common decency to be born somewhere? Have the common decency to suck my dick.


>> No.1761090

Dude. Don't be a dumbass. Orwell was a socialist. He was just opposed to totalitarianism.

Anyways, someone mind explain the key differences between Nietzsche and Ayn Rand's take on ethics? The very little Nietzsche I've read seem quite similar. I'm not saying they are, this is just my perception at a first glance.

>> No.1761102

Even Americans are ashamed of having no real heritage. That's why they all claim to be "half Irish", or "one sixeenth Italian".

>> No.1761110


I'm a little Irish, a little Cherokee, mostly Southern & all American & I'm cool with that. But I'm sure you don't have that problem, because your ancestors have kept your bloodline pure through careful inbreeding of your kin.

>> No.1761111

there's nothing to compare. nietzsche isn't a moralist. rand is.

Seriously, what is this association of rand with nietzsche? I don't see it.

>> No.1761114

It's because OP is a senior in high school and is looking to impress /lit/. That's why he made this post in the first place.

Oh my god, guys. He's in high school and he knows who Nietzsche is. Fucking props.

>> No.1761118
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>But I'm sure you don't have that problem, because your ancestors have kept your bloodline pure through careful inbreeding of your kin.

>> No.1761126

The key similarity that I found was "make your own morality. Untermenschs don't really matter and you don't need to seek their best interest"

Nietzsche was really a nihilist... and the only two logical political philosophies based out of nihilism are anarchy and complete capitalism. I would think that a nihilist's opinions on ethics would be "Do whatever makes you happy" AKA "act in your own self interest."

But like I said, I've only read very little Nietzsche.

>> No.1761130


...Or through testing iris-bleaching on conjoined twins. I guess that would work, too.

>> No.1761140
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>> No.1761141


>I've only read very little Nietzsche

That's pretty obvious.

>> No.1761153

>Someone asked where the connection was between Nietzsche and Rand.
>I replied to the best of my ability, stated that I knew very little about the subject and asked if someone would explain the difference between Nietzsche's view on ethics and Rand's
>You reply with the most condescending remark possible, saying that it's obvious that I've only read very little
>You fail to explain the difference between Nietzsche's take on ethics and Rand's.

Either contribute to the conversation or gtfo. Either way, quite being an ass for no reason.

>> No.1761154


>Nietzsche was really a nihilist... and the only two logical political philosophies based out of nihilism are anarchy and complete capitalism. I would think that a nihilist's opinions on ethics would be "Do whatever makes you happy" AKA "act in your own self interest."

naw brough. when Nietzsche said god was dead, he considered it a bad thing precisely because he thought with a moral center of gravity or moral sign post gone, i.e., god, europe would turn nihilist. to nietzsche, god was that crucial jenga piece; without it, the whole ideological construct collapses, and this was catastrophic for nietzsche because he held that people created and believed certain ideas out of an incapacity to deal with the harsh reality. this is why he says something about how a standard for how noble or strong a soul is how much truth it can bare. he believed in necessary fictions, and the death of god, caused by this new scientific spirit which valued truth even above life, would be catastrophic.

anyway, the point is nietzsche was not a nihilist. then again, his notion of what a nihilist is was different from ours. today we think a nihilist is a faggot suburban kid with identity issues and suffering from anomie. he thought nihilism was any condition in which people valued ANYTHING AT ALL above life, whether it be principles, truth, morality, w/e. nietzsche held life in very high esteem.

this is of course just my perspective.