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17606955 No.17606955 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books about the war of northern aggression?

>> No.17606994

Unironically White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America

>> No.17607067


This book was written by my great grandfather. He was a racist piece of shit. And this book is terribly written. But it is in defense of the south during the civil war. Enjoy.

>> No.17607182
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>> No.17607203
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>white supremacy
>settler colonialism

>> No.17607264

Are you one to repeat that there’s no such thing as rape culture either?

>> No.17607392

Surely there's a hard copy in your family. Post time stamp.

Friendly reminder that Shelby Foote, based as he is as a historian, was Jewish.

What in the fuck is up with that text formatting?

>> No.17607425
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>Anti-American lit

>> No.17607490

But according to /pol/ 90% of the southern slave owners were Jewish so that's ok

>> No.17607500

What does that even mean to you?
Telling history is about getting a better sense of self, place and frame of mind. The book is about why there’s such ingrained racism.
But you don’t read. Why bother.

>> No.17607508

Devil's Own Work
Lincoln the Ambiguous Icon

>> No.17607516

Not surprising that he's sympathetic to the southern cause, if that's how some of his family earned their wealth, but he was born in 1916...way after slavery had ended; way later than still being Jewish was a viable excuse for being based.

>> No.17607531


>> No.17607538

I hope you choke in your sleep

>> No.17607553

You’re on the wrong board

>> No.17607558

don't care, choke in your sleep

>> No.17607568

>rape culture
How can you read so many well thought out posts proving your wrong again and again and yet never learn. What's wrong with you butters?

>> No.17607572
File: 237 KB, 1101x633, revolting spawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read, just not this trash.

>> No.17607583

>In 1998, the author Tony Horwitz visited Foote for his book Confederates in the Attic, a meeting in which Foote declared he was "dismayed" by the "behavior of blacks, who are fulfilling every dire prophesy the Ku Klux Klan made", and that African Americans were "acting as if the utter lie about blacks being somewhere between ape and man were true".[54] Foote emphasized that his loyalties during the 1860s would have been to white Southerners: "I’d be with my people, right or wrong."[55] Foote also argued that freedmen had led to the failure of Reconstruction and that the Confederate flag represented "law, honour, love of country."[55] Foote stated that he would have been willing to fight to maintain slavery: "If I was against slavery, I'd still be with the South. I'm a man, my society needs me, here I am."[37]


>> No.17607592

Is that blurb from the forward?
The revolting spawn in the Americas was, and sadly still is revolting. So fragile.

>> No.17607593

you posted him. foote's three volume civil war anthology

>> No.17607599

one of the good (((ones)))

>> No.17607612

>spit in someone's face and piss on the graves of their ancestors
>hehe so fragile

>> No.17607614

He knows. This is a weak bait thread

It’s too bad there are so many shallow thinkers in this world.

>> No.17607630

and you took that bait, hook line and sinker,you fucking tard

>> No.17607637

The American Revolution, and the Revolutionary War, was and still is one of the most pivotal moments for bringing America into leading the world economically and socially, the other being our entrance into WW2.

You are not grateful of what has brought you here :3

>> No.17607696

>The past and the dead mean more than the here and now.

I responded with a book recommendation for the roots of the civil war to help put it into context.
But some monkeys ITT are far too spooked to want an education on the topic and prefer Wikipedia blurbs.

The war of independence turned out to be a lie of a revolution. It was just for profits, not freedom for the masses who fought it. I am not impressed (on some levels) by the mess that capitalism has made of the world. I’ve said before what I would like to see take its place.

>> No.17607709

My dead ancestors who broke their backs and died to build and defend this country mean a lot more than ungrateful parasites who emigrated later on and piggybacked off their hard work only to write slanderous rubbish about them, yes.

>> No.17607718

>only my ancestors built something

>> No.17607724

newfags from /pol/ vs. butterfly, now this is entertainment

>> No.17607730

What's your fucking point?

>> No.17607738

How about the people take by your lazy ancestors by force and made to work as chattel slave? Can their family write their stories yet?
Yes, yes they can.

>> No.17607743

He didn't say that, he said his ancestors built his country. That is most likely true.
The immigrants from 5000 km away didn't not help build his country.

>> No.17607745

Unfortunately I have work now.

>> No.17607760

>newfag from /pol/
I've been here since the board was made.

>implying this country was built off of laziness
Slavery is not the result of laziness, by the way. It's the result of ambition, which lazy immigrants who piggyback off of other nations all lack, hence why they do little else besides whine.

>> No.17607786


>> No.17607787

i saw that ken burns documentary recently and i thought it was kind of funny how foote got a bit misty-eyed when he talked about the defeat

>> No.17607898

>Slavery is not the result of laziness
>slavemasters worked really hard too

Says you!

>> No.17607928

>It was just for profits,
It was actually the opposite. You can be certain that the British officers who instilled the Colonial government rewarded those for shipping crops back to Britain.

The only reason the revolution happened is because of the people in the first place. And the fact that there were Anti-Federalists is more than enough proof that the sentiment of government getting in the way was always going to be a central part of American culture and still is.

It leads the question of why you are so against the American government if you're against greed. To be against greed is a religious sentiment: greed is a major sin. You are living in one of the last major religious bulwarks against the tide of extreme government intervention like many of the European countries.

The fact that you almost had an insurrection at the capitol shows how dedicated people are to an ideology which eschews government intervention.

You might be hot, but you're very close to being on the right track :3 (and it's not Marxist Communism, as I'm sure you know)

>> No.17607950

Slavemasters are merely another piece on the chess board. It's not their ambition that leads to slavery, and the Civil War is a testament to this fact.

>> No.17607962

Ulysees S Grants memoirs the only president to make a pogrom against jews

>> No.17608011

>tfw my ancestors were Loyalists in the War of Colonial Betrayal
>tfw treacherous Americans who exiled us immediately start slaughtering each other over slavery or something