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File: 224 KB, 772x1024, MoorishAmbassador_to_Elizabeth_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17602550 No.17602550 [Reply] [Original]


My question to you guys is something I feel is not discussed enough in the field of comparative anthropolgy or even, in a sense, the Philosophy of History.
My main interest is in the seeming similarities and underlying Alliance which exists between the Protestant and Islamic world, both in terms of theological and political.

An oft ignored subject is how Protestantism was heavily influenced by the encroaching Islamic relgion in Europe. After all, it's common knowledge that Martin Luther was the first person to translate the Quran into German and this surely had an indellible influence on his later reformations (perhaps when he was tempted b Satan at the inkwell, but who should know...).
In fact, the similarites between the two religions is quite revealing when we look into the ideas of iconoclasm and the form of fundamentalisms which occur in both sects.

Additionally, both have been obsessed with the destruction of both the Catholic Church and, to a lesser degree, the Orthodox churches and there was the famous saying in burgeoning European Luthern nations: "Rather Turkish than Papist" (Liever Turks dan Paaps in Dutch, for example).

We also can't forget the Anglo-Moroccan alliance in which, perhaps, the similarities between Protestantism and Islam were further intensified.

If this is not enough, allow me to provide you with a piece of contemporary (to the period) poetry by John Dryden in which this transfer of Islamic principles into Christianity begins with Luther.

The Hind and The Panther - Part 1, lines 349-380

"God's and kings' rebels have the same good cause,
To trample down divine and human laws;
Both would be called reformers and their hate
Alike destructive both to Church and State.
The fruit proclaims the plant; a lawless Prince
By luxury reformed incontinence,
By ruins charity, by riots abstinence.
Confessions, fasts and penance set aside;
Oh with what ease we follow such a guide,
Where souls are starved and senses gratified!!
Religion shows a rosy-coloured face,
Not hattered out with drudging works of grace:
A down-hill reformation rolls apace.
What flesh and blood would crowd the narrow gate,
Or, till they waste their pampered paunches, wait?
All would be happy at the cheapest rate.
Though our lean faith these rigid laws has given,
The full-fed Mussulman (muslim) goes fat to heaven;
For his Arabian prophet with delights
Of sense allured his Eastern proselytes.
The jolly Luther, reading him, began,
To interpret Scriptures by his Alcoran (Quran);
To grub the thorns beneath our tender feet
ANd make the paths of Paradise more sweet,
Bethought him of a wife, ere half-way gone,
For 'twas uneasy travailing alone;
And in his masquerade of mirth and love
Mistook the bliss of Heaven for Bacchanals above..."

Is Protestantism merely pseudo-Islam with Christian flavourings? Why has this alliance seemed to continue to this day (with both intent on the destruction of Apostolic Christianity)??

>> No.17602567

>Is Protestantism merely pseudo-Islam with Christian flavourings?
You’ve got it backwards.

>> No.17602640

How so?
Islam predates Protestantism by more than half a century?

Couldn't you say that Protestantism is a syncretism between Catholicism and Islam?

>> No.17602674


Although I'll grant you Islam's formation through it's inheritance of earlier Christian heresies that preceded and lived alongside the formation of Islam.

I still believe that my assertion that Protestantism is a syncretic union between Islam and Catholicism due to the contemporary Political movements of peoples and policies at the time - even though Islam may still, itself, be a syncretism of Christian heresies and Arabic pagan moon worshippers

>> No.17602689

>a syncretism of Christian heresies and Arabic pagan moon worshippers
Islam is not Christian and is staunchly against idolatry unlike Christianity and paganism.

>> No.17602701

Protestants (christians) are also iconoclasts. Please avoid such obvious ignorance in a subject which is obviously important.

>> No.17602715

Are there certain affinities between Protestantism and Islam? Sure. I’ve heard that Protestant churches are okay for Jews and Muslims to worship in because Protestants are more monotheistic. Then, I’ve also heard there are certain affinities between Catholicism and Shia Islam. You’re probably reading into it too much. Many religions share commonalities.

>> No.17602720

Protestants are still Christians and associate Isa saw with the divine nature of Allah, which the Qur'an explicitly spoke out against.

>> No.17602836

Muhammad was a false prophet.

>> No.17602887


Yes but here in this case we see specific political and, later, philosophical implications.
And does this make the case of the Roman Catholic Church stronger as the true inheritor of the Church that Christ established on Earth?

>> No.17602935


>> No.17602968

Irrelevant, Islam is the message spread by Isa saw, and Christians misunderstood or corrupted it.

>> No.17603088

>After all, it's common knowledge that Martin Luther was the first person to translate the Quran
Wrong. Quran's translation predates him by centureies and he never translated the Quran. He only prefaced Quran in order to refute it.
Anyway lutheran and calvinist theologies have nothing do with islam, as as far as islam can be said to have a theology.

>> No.17603106
File: 2.44 MB, 1696x6224, Islam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam exposed.

>> No.17603123


>> No.17603124
File: 2.37 MB, 1336x6290, Islam2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17603130
File: 2.88 MB, 1293x9789, Islam3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam's prophet HUMILIATED

>> No.17603133

The islam propaganda is getting really tiring

>> No.17603321

Infidels allying with heretics, who could have guessed.

>> No.17604156

>Is Protestantism merely pseudo-Islam with Christian flavourings? Why has this alliance seemed to continue to this day (with both intent on the destruction of Apostolic Christianity)??


Both christianity and islam are heretical sects of pure monotheism. [I wont say judaism is pure monotheism but it’s a pretty direct remnant depending on the soul in question.]

chrisitianity is an idolisation of man [no doubt a distortion of the message[s] of the countless martyrs of the late second temple period that were executed by the romans who cynically took and distorted their teachings and fused them with other things such as pagan ideology [cynicism and borrowing elements from the mystery cults,] possibly hinduism and buddhism etc all so as to transform the imperial cult of ceaser into the more palatable imperial cult of christ. The end result is that the idolisation of man is used to serve the end of gaining and wielding temporal power.

Similar thing with islam except there is a finer line between the idolisation of man and the idolisation of temporal power in its own right. The veneration of the prophet [and the injunction to follow everything he did-] in islam is a method of sliding in the idolisation of man to achieve temporal power [pretty thinly veiled as well when you look into the things the quran and hadiths say about jihad].

So no protestantism is just a result of the schismaticism that is inherent in an ideology that uses lies and deception to control its adherents and perpetuates astounding hypocrisies like calling itself monotheism when it is idolatry and calling real monotheist [jews] hypocrites [to be clear though, some jews are hypocrites just as there are hypocrites in every walk of life and belief system, but the hypocrisy is not systematised like it is in christianity.

The alliance continues because all the forces that want to control the temporal world are aligned against God in trying to turn people away from acknowledging God as the ultimate and absolute sovereign of all. All the forces in rebellion against God benefit unilaterally from turning people away from following God and God's rule and acknowledging God's dominion. Only after that unilateral benefit to they then proceed to contend with each other for domination- it’s all in vain though for

>The Lord reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved.
>Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.
>The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their waves.
>The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea.
>Thy testimonies are very sure: holiness becometh thine house, O Lord, for ever.

>> No.17604241

Muslim theologians have historically considered Christians to be polytheists.

>> No.17605313

If you're not a tritheist Abrahamist you've got it all wrong. Monotheism is false and the oldest falsehood. For Christians, it's the result of not reading John 17 closely, and the result of letting already deeply Hellenized post-Biblical Second Temple Era Jews tell you what it means to combine singular predicates and pronouns with plural nouns in Biblical Hebrew. Yahweh Elohim was always plural. Yahweh Elohim always included a Word and a Spirit. And the earliest Christians (i.e. Justin Martyr) understood Jesus was simply put a second god to the Father. Besides, the Greco-Roman born monotheism of modern Abrahamics (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) is actually just the antecedent to atheism: you people worship something which has no parts, exists outside space and time, and can only be defined apophatically. For this reason Paul Tillich, one of your own theologians, came along and said for God to be God, he cannot even be said to exist: he must be above being, like the God of Plotinus. Your God reduces to a nothing, and your obsession with monotheism is a symptom of a general crypto-atheist tendency. It's ironic that the term ATHEOS was first applied, by the Romans, to Roman-era Christians.

>> No.17605530

>he must be above being
>man trying to foist definitions onto supreme transcendence
Typical arrogant folly of man.
Heres a simple definition: God is what A) exists (i.e. truly has being or is being) B) is eternal and C) is one.
This is what I've read and understood to be the case.
>If you're not a tritheist Abrahamist you've got it all wrong.
I reckon your taking the piss.

>> No.17605594
File: 345 KB, 1280x894, GOTHA-cranach-veljo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An oft ignored subject is how Protestantism was heavily influenced by the encroaching Islamic relgion in Europe. After all, it's common knowledge that Martin Luther was the first person to translate the Quran into German and this surely had an indellible influence on his later reformations (perhaps when he was tempted b Satan at the inkwell, but who should know...).
>In fact, the similarites between the two religions is quite revealing when we look into the ideas of iconoclasm and the form of fundamentalisms which occur in both sects.
Your post went to full retard after the first sentence in this paragraph. Pls read more on Luther before you go back making awful threads like this.
I'm not going to spoon-feed you because you obviously didn't make any effort to do own research on this topic, but I'll give you that: Luther was definitely no iconoclast. He even supported the use of imagery in churches like pic rel.
You're thinking of Calvin or Zwingli