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17601011 No.17601011 [Reply] [Original]

What are some ridiculously overpriced and hard-to-find books?
Sun and Steel comes to mind, it can cost between $40-$400 for an English language version, despite being a hundred page essay.
The Art Forgers Handbook costs over a grand for a new hardcover, softcover used editions are $300 a piece.
Anyone else know of any books like this? It blows my mind that in the days of mass printing these books can cost so much money.

>> No.17601022

I got it from my university library. Didn’t realize it was this hard to get.

>> No.17601029

You can get it for a normal price from one of those dissident publishers

>> No.17601047

Take the moneys you'd pay for this and buy as much yasunari kawabata as you can with it instead
You'll thank me

>> No.17601067

Of Cosmogonic Eros

>> No.17601075

>Mishima touted as some kind of fascist role model
>pick up one of his more famous works
>opening describes how his self insert wanted to be a beautiful twink, then a female noh performer, going so far as to break into his mother's closet to try on her kimono and makeup
I don't get this, he's supposed to be like a trad overman or something? sounds like repressed trans to me

>> No.17601076

I doubt that, they'd get shut down fast making risks like that.
Been seriously contemplating printing a run of textbooks and selling them outside my local uni.

I only buy books for the meme value and to resell them at a mark-up once I own all the copies on the market.

>> No.17601102

Small run art publishing doesn't count. Those guys probably stitched the book together by hand and are selling it at cost

>> No.17601149

>I doubt that, they'd get shut down fast making risks like that.
That's why I didn't mention their name but look and ye shall find, I think I got my cope for 12 or 15 and it's normal quality.

>> No.17601154

>I got my cope
copy kek

>> No.17601157

I downloaded it as a pdf and printed it out using the printer from my job lel

>> No.17601187

just get the ebook

>> No.17601192

A lot of /pol/ people love authors that can just be loosely considered “far right”. Case in point is Julius Evola. He’s loved by the dissident right. Yet, if you actually read him as a /pol/ or alt-right type person you’d inevitably find that he’s totally at odds with your thinking. Mishima is the same. The thing is that a large swathe of fascism is simply reactionary. It’s become a catch all term for anyone to the right of classical liberalism, repressed and latent homosexuality or not.

>> No.17601211


>> No.17601253

Why is it so expensive? Can’t even find a used one?

>> No.17601258

I suppose that's why Eco characterizes fascism as a colorless totalitarianism. In what other kind of political system would they so fiercely demarcate their adversaries yet take in all and sundry

>> No.17601357

Print it out at your school/job. My uni just lets you print anything for free 24/7

>> No.17601364

Have you seen the kinds of people who post about Mishima on /pol/ and /fit/? I wouldn't even call them repressed.

>> No.17601399

It hasn't been in print for something like 20 years.

>> No.17601427

Fascism is worse than reactionary. While reactionaries seek return to a history that once existed, fascists mythologize a past that never was, and ironically it tends to destroy whatever residual culture it touches.

>> No.17601493

Fascism is a modernist movement at its heart. Ironically the first fascists hated what the movement turned into after Mussolini started appealing to the Conservatives and Monarchists.

>> No.17601686

wtf I'm a liberal now

>> No.17601793

I think lupercal by ted hughes is now. I got it on amazon for 20 dollars but the seller never sent it and last time i checked the same version was priced at 700 bucks

>> No.17601985

Pirate the pdf and print it at your local library. No excuses.

>> No.17601994

Just download the epub.

>> No.17602173

Why isn't there any fanfic of Mishima getting railled? I need it for cooming purposes.

>> No.17602230
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Mike Hoare’s book was a few hundred dollars when searched in the past, but it’s not even available on Amazon now.

>> No.17602815

>wants to be a woman
>committed suicide
Checks out

>> No.17603343

>Thomas Michael Hoare (17 March 1919 – 2 February 2020[1]), known as Mad Mike Hoare, was a British mercenary leader and adventurer known for his military activities in Africa and attempt to conduct a coup d'état in the Seychelles.[2]
lmao what a nut

>> No.17603513

I read The Machiavellians from my Uni's library. Paying the $150ish fee for a lost book (stealing it) would still be cheaper than buying it.

>> No.17603837

mishima wasnt a fascist dumbo

>> No.17603885

basically he was, just a different flavour of fascism

>> No.17605404

Czech translation of Mishima's Temple of Golden Pavilion, I saw it only once and the seller wanted about 250 dollars for it. Only chance of getting is by stumbling upon someone who doesn't know it's price, however these people usually don't sell their old books and just keep pile of them somewhere in box.

>> No.17605486

not surprising any heterodox literature can have its rights squatted on for a long time

>> No.17605490

The Consumer

>> No.17605502

monarchy is fascism leftoid brainlets are embarrassing

>> No.17605515

You're saying it like being a fascist and being trans are not compatible
Ernst Röhm was gay and he was even more fascist than Hitler himself

>> No.17605779

Yes. No small publisher is making much profit on hardcovers. And Theion was selling it for only $50 if you pre-ordered it.

>> No.17605920

Most writers who are considered /pol/ memes (Jünger, Evola, Mishima, etc.) are united by this overarching theme of dealing with mechanization and modernity a lot more than they are united by espousing any particular brand of politics.

>> No.17606191

>fascists mythologize a past that never was, and ironically it tends to destroy whatever residual culture it touches.
And that's a good thing

>> No.17606233

no you retard. mishima was a imperialist who wanted to see japan go back to their imperialist era free from western intervention. not fascism. there wasnt anything remotely fascistic about him.

>> No.17606751

>$16 on Amazon

>> No.17606838

>fascists mythologize a past that never was
sure, that's why futurists were such a big influence on them in Italy, nobody like a futirist to mythologize the past that never was.

>> No.17606886

Will O' the Wisp, 500 dollars on amazon. The version translated as The Fire Within is like 200.

>> No.17606892

>mishima wasnt

>> No.17607125

How can you justify this statement? Fascism barely even existed (few years in the 1940s) after which the West started a process of continuous self-humiliation all in fear of resembling fascism.
Then, China starts doing fascism a few decades ago (after its pursuit of a totally different ideology eradicated the residual culture THAT ideology touched) and they're doing better than ever.

Your definition of fascism would have to be totally theoretical to say it had the ability to destroy what culture it touched. Which cultures has it destroyed?

>> No.17607858

fascism was around since the 1920's pal not just the 40's ffs

>> No.17607868

>sounds like repressed trans to me
Why do you think /pol/ loves him

>> No.17607940
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yeah when has fascism ever collaborated with a monarchy lol

>> No.17609033

fascists are autistic which is commonly comorbid with gender dysphoria

>> No.17609820

Rogue Scholar Press

>> No.17610065

Fascism manifests so differently from place to place because it emerges as a form of wish fulfillment and is therefore tailored to a given .

>> No.17610077

by that logic all communists are neo liberal as they collaborated full retard

>> No.17610718

I swear this board gets more retarded by the day.
Hard to imagine that it used to be good

>> No.17610857

Pic related is printed and can be found from many other sites
Mad mike's books can be bought for 30 USD from his website that his son runs

>> No.17610863

>they'd get shut down fast making risks like that.

>> No.17610896

No one who criticises Evola has actually read him. Especially the "muh poltard" types

>> No.17610902
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basically impossible to find for cheap

>> No.17610907
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>> No.17610921

I read him. He's the reason that the dissident right is so distracted/obsessed with metaphysics and pseudospirituality. Guenon is worse, though

>> No.17611001

You can't find a copy of On the Marble Cliffs for less than $100. The last time the book was 1984. Why won't they reprint the damn thing?

>> No.17611257

I mean he wasn’t a fascist.
So that’d be a big part of your confusion.

>> No.17611288

Because everyone who doesn’t read Junger thinks he’s a fascist and therefore printing him is in bad taste.

And the 18 people who do are all aesthetes living in their gardens too busy playing with beetles to care enough to reprint anything besides Storm of Steel.

>> No.17611330
File: 33 KB, 295x499, 51kjh2Q+7CL._SX293_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know why i see copies on amazon for 30$

I got a copy of subliminal seduction for 10 cents

>> No.17611347

What am I supposed to be sexually aroused by? It's a glass with a lemon peel in it.

>> No.17611353

"sex" is written the ice cubes

>> No.17611355

Because that lemon peel is clearly a dirty slut

>> No.17611358

I don't see it.

>> No.17611504

Ah, that's cool. It appears they reprinted it December of last year.

>> No.17611785

Burnham's The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom. It's insane that it hasnt been reprinted yet

>> No.17611812
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The Camp of the Saints went up 1000% since he died

>> No.17611822

yeah glad i got mine for 14$

>> No.17613643

the lemon peel is the top cube's dick and it is penetrating the cube just below it

>> No.17614229

I never get why Americans of all people enjoy Mishima. I can get Europeans enjoying him, because Americanisation is destroying European culture like it has Japanese culture.
I'm noy saying "muh mutts have no culture". Americanisation and loss of traditions is just something that didn't happen in the US like it happened in the rest of the world.
Any mutts care to explain?

>> No.17614383

The glass has nice curves.

>> No.17614387

I like mishima because jonathan bowden once gave a speech about him.

>> No.17614402


>> No.17614499

Because there are always dissidents to every political zeitgeist in every nation.
The people that like Mishima (that aren't discord trannies) are probably the Americans who want to preserve the little culture they have left, for example.

>> No.17614503

Because Americans are permanently in a state of subversion lol

>> No.17614512

Not true. Fire and blood and war as an inner experience were both translated to English and published recently

>> No.17614521

Plenty of those on the 'right' understand his works and subscribe to his thinking. As you say, there is a broad spectrum of political beliefs across the right.
His works are esoteric and clearly not everyone can understand them, but they were not meant to be understood by all.

>> No.17614530

This will be one that no one can find cheaply, and that I would love to be reprinted.

The divine and the decay (aka the leap) by Bill Hopkins.

>> No.17614536

An Evening Etched in Gold is like 700 dollars

>> No.17614565

That's a key difference between italian fascism and most other brands of fascism (german nazism, romanian iron guard, etc).

>> No.17614576

I mean that makes sense, but wouldn't we expect the proportion of Americans of Mishima then to be relatively small since the appeal in America is less broad? I guess it is an unanswerable question because there are a million things that play into the popularity of a writer besides cultural appeal.

I do feel like the American cultural myth / heritage of plucky freedom-loving rebels is falling apart at the seams at this point. So I can see how that would cause appeal for Mishimas work.

>> No.17614579

It is available on archive.org if you're interested. I grabbed all of the pages as pngs a while back and I can upload if you want.

>> No.17614619

Technical books on specifics about engineering, math, science.

>> No.17614748

>overpriced and hard to find
it's 1 USD in my native russian version

>> No.17615205

If it is still available as a PDF on archive.org then I'll download it there. Is it readable?

>> No.17615225

You could argue that Chiang Kai Shek was the first fascist ruler

>> No.17615235

Sun and Steel by Mishima

>> No.17615238

They are.

>> No.17615240

you'd be right
but also wrong.

>> No.17615249

they are you fucking brainlet.
Why do you think mcCarthy failed and was portayed as a sociopath for the rest of history?
Because he made the error of the tail wagging the dog.
It was not the commies infiltrating state department.
It was state department ruling over the commies.
That's all it has ever been.

>> No.17615285
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If I recall, I had trouble getting it as a PDF because of their loan system, but I can't remember. Here's a random page.

>> No.17615294

Is that Edgar Allan Poe’s face in the bottom right cube?

>> No.17615301

Could you upload the images then please? Cheers

>> No.17615478

I’m an American who hates America

>> No.17615517

Yeah. You have an absolutely terrible reading of Mishima and Americans and the Americanization meme in general. The man had American friends, some of his closest even. Americans also aren’t this monolithic globohomo culture totalizers you seem to think they are. Europe has a higher percentage of LGBT and is much more post-nationally progressive than we are for instance. Honestly, why are Europeans so desperate to differentiate themselves knowing that a lot of what they’re referring to isn’t actually Americanism but is rather modernism, Westernism generally, and to the extent it is Americanism, is something you all practically begged for. It’s getting pathetic. I see this so much on this stupid site it is getting really annoying because it is just so unbelievably clueless. Lastly, where does this idiotic idea that ideology lives in a vacuum come from? Do you really believe that ideology and personality exists monolothically across nations and people even across time? How dumb is that? Am I supposed to think that every French citizen is a Jacobin and therefore can’t read someone who isn’t? It’s real fucking dumb, dude. Use your brain.

>> No.17615531

>I do feel like the American cultural myth / heritage of plucky freedom-loving rebels is falling apart at the seams at this point. So I can see how that would cause appeal for Mishimas work.
Think about how stupid this is. You are literally fantasizing that Americans just by default share the ideals of the people who founded America and hence latch into Mishima because they want to preserve that. That is stupid, my guy. Honestly, think about how dumb that is.

>> No.17615638

It's Me, Eddie by Limonov

>> No.17615671

Darconville's Cat

>> No.17615702

Here it is.
https://anonfiles com/B2ydQ34fq9/leap_zip

>> No.17616780

He didn't even want that. He was too aware to consider the success of his movement a possibility. The coup and suicide were his attempt at asserting his self on the physical world, the synchronization of thought and action in such a way as too leave no doubt to their union. Mishima was obsessed with that duality, and by transforming his life into a work of art he hoped to transcend it. Like the zen koans, the truth is the paradox.

>> No.17616795

I think you’re definitely right here but to the other anon’s point, he most definitely held certain political and philosophical ideals. The two aren’t even really totally separate or able to be separated.

>> No.17616885

french versions of Shestov's "all things are possible" are averaging around 150 euros (second hand). no recent translations nor recent editions. I just want to read this book ffs ...

>> No.17617092

I believe the specifics of politics were means to an end. The thing that mattered to Mishima was that whatever he did checked a certain number of boxes. There had to be a dramatic death, there had to be eroticism, an individual alone facing an insurmountable force, the impossibility of success, a doomed romance for a long lost love. The suicide/coup reflected all that and then some. Mishima was a very self aware artist, and I believe his every action needs to looked at as such.

>> No.17618251
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>dissident publishers

>> No.17618565

>What appeal does Plato have to non-Greeks?
>What appeal does Marcus Aurelius have to non-Romans?
>What appeal does Rousseau have to non-French?
>What appeal does Kant have to non-Germans?
>What appeal does Hume have to non-Scots?
>What appeal does Chekov have to non-Russians?

>> No.17619490

just contact CarThule off twitter and buy one for $15