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File: 497 KB, 1280x1746, MissedConnection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17597434 No.17597434 [Reply] [Original]

They took this away from you.

>> No.17597465

based Them keeping me out of New York

>> No.17597501

it's sad seeing the covers deteriorate into bitter politics over time

>> No.17597514

>dark skinned person using earphones
Truly a rarity.

>> No.17597530

Is this sarcastic? Or do negros not use earphones? I wouldn't know, I live in the midwest.

>> No.17597534
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They took this away from you.

>> No.17597562

they like playing music out loud on public transportation. i live in london and have to deal with this constantly

>> No.17597595

In Argentina the brown offspring of spanish rapebabies blast "music" out loud on trains and buses. Thank God I took off years ago.

>> No.17597603

But I never read the New Yorker

>> No.17597690

wow, so it’s a truly universal phenomenon
t. portuguese

>> No.17597842


It definitely is. I’ve lived both in Latin America and Europe and only brownies do this.

>> No.17597843


>> No.17597907

Yeah, that's really fucked up isn't that? When I see that picture I just think of crazed feminists that consider everything rape. I fucking hate how politicized everything is, how all that bullshit lives rent free in everyone's head, mine included, how any hope for genuinity is drowned in corporate fakeness that makes it impossible to believe anything, I fucking hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it hate it.

>> No.17597914

It sucks that it's true.

>> No.17597931
File: 26 KB, 324x500, 41U6MeFXOGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they reading /ourguy/?

>> No.17597978

they took what? I don't get what you mean

>> No.17598219

An organic connection with sexual potential with the opposite sex.

>> No.17598390

The ability to ride public transport in NY without having to wade through filth

>> No.17598397

Widespread public literacy... recent studies show only 37% of adult americans capable of reading above a second grade level.

>> No.17598410

Two white people being encouraged to hook up and procreate in advertisements.

>> No.17598421

I live in London too. WHY DO THEY DO THIS? Also why are they so ready to tread on your things if they can?

>> No.17598425

The New Yorker only costing $4.95

>> No.17598461

Being able to listen to music without trashy white people causing a distraction from making out in the back of the train

>> No.17598508
File: 528 KB, 2048x2797, legitimately infuriating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh what did they mean by this /lit/bros?

>> No.17598515
File: 570 KB, 1600x2182, look at that price tag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this?

>> No.17598556

trains used to run on time in the old days anon

>> No.17599269

White people will always conveniently miss their chance, while mixing races couples hit it off first time.

>> No.17599303

Based mixed race affluent liberal couple dabbing on the working class man right in front of his eyes

>> No.17599335

In a way, they're keeping him employed by giving him tasks to do.

>> No.17599340

uhhhh idk

>> No.17599369

lol cry more you little sissies
white women are made for Black cock, you go play with your little asian girls white boi

>> No.17599380

Most people use headphones. The fragiles notice one dude who doesn’t and they condemn the entire “race” or them

Like failchan

>> No.17599381

cry more

>> No.17599384

Remember when faggots used to put effort into their trolling? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

>> No.17599479

No they didn’t, it’s extremely easy to do this
t. twink

>> No.17599535

On a serious note, why does corporate media advertise white man asian woman so much?

>> No.17599829

because it's a way to look diverse and inclusive without actually alienating anyone