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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1002 KB, 3472x4624, IMG_20210220_122618-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17595237 No.17595237 [Reply] [Original]

Roast me daddy.jpg

>> No.17595243
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>> No.17595254

>hanging out around other human beings
kinda cringe desu

>> No.17595256


Weird looking editions of Proust do they have two books each?

>> No.17595261

i'm can smell the onions

>> No.17595263

Three books. 'in English'
7 volumes French.

>> No.17595265
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>> No.17595273


>> No.17595277
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>> No.17595279

What a lame looking Café

>> No.17595292
File: 1.12 MB, 3472x4624, IMG_20210220_123929-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks I like the sound.
Pic 2 coming up.
I laughed, I smell 1980s "old funk"
Read the Wikipedia article, 7 volumes in french were made into 3 books...
Yeah but I'm hipi/yippe emo trash.gif

>> No.17595298

Your picture is making me reevaluate my priorities. You've waited 10 years to read Proust? I'm waiting to read Proust. I'd like to learn French first but right now I'm learning German to read Goethe so I probably won't read Proust for at least 10 years. I hope you enjoy it, anon. But look in the background of your picture. The guy and the girl on the left. The family in the center. Have you missed out on anything because of your commitment to literature? Don't get so lost in your books that you forget about life. I don't know if that counts as a "roast" but I didn't mean for it to be if it does. I'm gonna go practice my German now.

>> No.17595302

Fake, no one is wearing a mask

>> No.17595318

It's probably America

>> No.17595327

I've waited 10 years for a copy.
I suffer from many learning difficulties and languages.. Even English for hurts to learn.
Ich bin danke? (I am thankful)

>> No.17595332

New Zealand land of sheep but yknow I can see an American drinking coffee not a starbucks.and if it's America where's the snow coats it's winter stupid people.

>> No.17595335

Books (and art, imagination, music, etc) are infinitely more enjoyable than “real life,” which is on the whole a giant pain in the ass.

>> No.17595343

very very nice anon

>> No.17595361

Thank you, I look foward to the tears.
Maybe that's what anon ment by onions.
I got it now French tears.

>> No.17595369
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Book 2 because I got distracted.

>> No.17595384
File: 954 KB, 3472x4624, IMG_20210220_123338-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Book 3.

>> No.17595386

Maybe you should get better at life.

>> No.17595400

Hey douche I said roast me not other peoples comments.

>> No.17595406


very kino edition tho

>> No.17595433

I'll start the second volume next week. Are you going to read it for the first time or did you just wait for those editions?

>> No.17595469

I wasn't trying to roast anybody. It was serious advice. Work out, be confident/yourself, and all of that stuff. Most people who don't like life have it within themselves to enjoy life if they apply themselves in the right directions. There are some exceptions, such as people who are badly disabled or had some kind of really horrible tragedy befall them but for most people "get better at life" is perfectly fine advice, though I will admit it's not helpful without an elaboration.

>> No.17595488

>such as people who are badly disabled or had some kind of really horrible tragedy befall them
haha.. imagine being one of these people...

>> No.17595515

I read a tad in my teen angst 17yo of vol 1 and was like fuck this guy he's dead why do I care.
And now at 26 I'm like mgmmmm I should go back.

So.. First time fully.

>> No.17595532

I'm crippled mentally, I think you need to imagine not being such a prick.
My apologies yes that actually is better... I just don't think people cough guy above have any idea people all have their own fights and you can help once and awhile but that's life. Welcome to the proust

>> No.17595537

Also my suggestion, watch this.

>> No.17595602

I don't get the "you have to be old enough to read Proust" other anons say. What's the reason for this. I'm 32 yo, is that old enough?

>> No.17595618

>if it's America where's the snow coats
It is 73 degrees in florida right now

>> No.17595624

>Ich bin danke?
Ich bin dankbar

>> No.17595750

Your comment makes me sad anon. Not because it’s true it because how untrue it is.

>> No.17595761

Worst thread on /lit/ right now and that's counting twitter screencaps, eceleb threads, Gardner shilling, John David Card shilling, Nietszche shitposting, philosophy threads, /pol/ threads, /r9k/ threads, shelf/stack threads, and anitnatalist threads.

>> No.17595785

Crippled mentally in what way? Some mental illnesses are worse than others. I'm the guy who was telling people to get good at life (not the one you're responding to who said to imagine being one of those people) and I've been diagnosed with major depressive disorder and wanted to kill myself for a couple years. Now I am enjoying life and I am very glad I did not kill myself.

>> No.17595799

Finally a bearable temperature in that wet shithole
how does one spear hunt alligators? teach me your ways swamp man

>> No.17595841

who is that gay guy?

>> No.17595858

I don’t even understand this thread. It’s just OP talking about now he’s crippled and people arguing about nonsense. What an ugly café

>> No.17595926

It's because I want to read it in French and I don't know French yet. I used to have that mentality where I would put off reading certain books or watching certain movies so I could enjoy them later in the future but I've been trying to get rid of that because I worry it holds me back from enjoying things. It's usually because I feel I'm not ready or to leave something to look forward to in the future.

>> No.17595951

It's like -something in Texas with no power.

Learning disabilities and asd... Yknow normal fun times for me... I'd rather not talk to much else about me.
Not sure I'm new to this city if you mean me dawwwwwh #gfys
From what I've read and herd it's extremely hard to understand it so the English version is rough but you have to use big brain if you ever get to read the French original I will always be jealous.
Mentaly not physically and this cafe is one of the best in my city.

>> No.17595968

Is that raglan roast?

>> No.17595983

Reading it in English is better than not reading it at all, anon. I'm going to put it off because I feel I will eventually learnn French but don't listen to the people on here who say you're an idiot for reading translations. Obviously something is going to be lost in translation but there are a lot of highly respected translators out there who do a stellar job.

>> No.17596181

Oh shit I've been revealed.

>> No.17596189

As I would agree but understand knowedlge and languages isn't my excuse my French Forte

>> No.17596829

What are those weird ape creatures in the background?

>> No.17596976


>> No.17597226
File: 279 KB, 976x1195, NatalistsBTFOd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work out, be confident/yourself, and all of that stuff. Most people who don't like life have it within themselves to enjoy life if they apply themselves in the right directions.
There's plenty of reasons why people don't like or enjoy life that doesn't involve them not picking up and putting down heavy object repeatedly, you retarded, gibbering ape. God i hate /fit/posters.

>> No.17597269
File: 80 KB, 440x675, lost time 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been reading the more recent Penguin translations (Lydia Davis for book 1, etc). Are the revised Moncrieff/Kilmartin ones better? I'd avoided the original Moncrieff versions because I'd heard they left some things out.

>> No.17597286

post body

>> No.17597297

that's not nearly enough coffee

>> No.17597306

That's a long black. You don't want to drown it in water.

>> No.17597313

no shit, we aren’t as autistic as eurofaggots.

>> No.17597370

In the start of the book they basically talk about Marcel likes to sprinkle bread crumbs and ramble but he was dead so they have no idea what some of notes and writings ment so they tried their best to do what they thought he ment.... I dunno it's long gimmie some social throwaway kik or something I'll add you.

>> No.17597375

high quality coffee is a poor substitute for a greater volume of coffee

>> No.17597384

Went to bed 3am.
Got up 9am
This was like 1pm ?

Yep I thought expressio but didn't want the shit hit *laugh*

*mumbles something about you*

>> No.17597479

It's really entertaining to constantly see people constantly lament us for not wearing masks in photos online

>> No.17597485

Welp time for bed

>> No.17597490

here on Cuck Isle you'd all be in jail for such behaviour.

>> No.17597631

How come I already knew it was the Recherche before even opening the pic? Anyway nice read, that one is my favorite book. Also it seems nice place, with no fucking coronamasks in sight

>> No.17597660

>Robert de Montesquiou by Antonio de La Gandara on the spine of number 3

>> No.17597665

Be prepared for the Guermantes book. It's incredibly boring.

>> No.17597677

Currently doing a shit Wellington anon, why doesn’t my jafa friend text me back?

>> No.17597766

The first two books are kino and so is Sodom and Gomorrah (especially the part that starts with his return to Balbec).

>> No.17597776

The ending of it is one of the most memorable parts of the novel

>> No.17597823

The duke is a boring and predictable character.

>> No.17598484

>best in my city
Do you live in Pakistan? Look at the floor, the mismatched cheap and chipped furniture, that ugly lighting, ugly walls, poorly dressed customers. It's like a hipster's café for people who think they're too good for taste. Hipster cafes can be quaint but this is just ugly

>> No.17598641

are you a woman (woman) op

>> No.17599260

You can read it whenever.