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/lit/ - Literature

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17595185 No.17595185 [Reply] [Original]

>there is nowhere to go from 4chan. 4chan is the peak internet
Literature for such a feel?

>> No.17595192

just go to other imageboards

>> No.17595202

You might enjoy /r/cuckold

>> No.17595217

Does reddit really have an entire board dedicated to cucking? don't they realize they're living memes

>> No.17595227 [DELETED] 

4chan is the best. I returned to biz the other day after about a year and I almost started crying seeing the beautiful shitposts reminding me of all the good times I used to have on there.

>> No.17595245

They have boards for all kinds of absolute degenerate beta shit. That said, those are user created forums. We have an official one dedicated to ponyfuckers.

>> No.17595251

we are also living memes i guess

>> No.17595351

Flowers for Algernon

>> No.17595360
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The internet is one of the last material layers of this world, and its heroes are the protectors of the noble network.

>> No.17595408 [DELETED] 

Fuck off normalnigger. Fluttershy is best pony (and no, she isn't canonically Discord's special somepony).

>> No.17595656

After a certain point, I think there comes a time where we should just log off. I'll start.

>> No.17595706

So does 4chan, it's called gif

>> No.17595708

you can go away from the computer nerd

>> No.17595729


>> No.17595759

>Literature for such a feel?
Online flash literature (flash fiction, flash prose etc) is suitable for the short attention span of the masses.

>> No.17595767

Have you tried turning off your computer, turning it back on, and flashing the BIOS with junk data?

>> No.17595770

I sometimes wish I never found 4chan.

Been here since '07.

>> No.17595788

How old were you back then?

>> No.17595822


>> No.17595881

lol wtf

>> No.17595976

>. 4chan is the peak internet
and /lit/ is peak 4chan, imagine that, our little pseud forum the peak of the whole internet

>> No.17596028

>I cannot consoome what are some books I can consoome about not being able to consoome more
Just do some effort and produce what you want to see in this sick world, frogposter.

>> No.17596084

truly a mindboggling fact

>> No.17596111

That's why I'm here. To join the kings of the hill on the mountain of shit. Huzzah.

>> No.17596163

theres always real life anon

>> No.17596173
File: 305 KB, 1400x2096, 5A3920C8-DED9-4A05-BFC5-EC31687EB81F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu desu.