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17593532 No.17593532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The truth of materialism and determinism entails the acceptance of transgenderism as philosophically sound and even inevitable.


>> No.17593584

But in Shi'ite thought transgenderism rests on the exoteric physical being contrary to the esoteric gender spirit

>> No.17593585

Duh, /lit/ schizos will seethe though

>> No.17593681

It's the opposite, actually. Idealism and freedom.

>> No.17593782

Only if you want these people to live in misery

>> No.17593798

Says who?

>> No.17593803
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Can we just leave gender behind already?

>> No.17593818

>Says who?
OP records and listens to his own farts.
"All the aural pleasure with none of the smell."

>> No.17593819

>The truth of materialism and determinism
stopped reading there lmao

>> No.17593825

Transgenderism is a passing fad exclusive to the human condition. If anything, it's a reminder that we should transcend humanity already. There is no reason I should not be able to decide how I look or how I behave because of genetic limitations of both my body and archaic flesh brain, and once most of us realize this we will no longer be human and we will transcend.

>> No.17593861
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>if you are trans, just kys and leave this mortal realm
Based retard, also OP is a massive faggot

>> No.17593872

Not really, but I would accept it anyway on other grounds.
What is more contestable is the extreme social constructivism embedded in 'gender theory', which seems utterly implausible.

>> No.17593967
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>be sexually dimorphic species
>build advanced civilization
>civilization has certain gender expectations
>it appears expectations don't perfectly apply to every single individual
>let's all take hormones and chop off our dicks!

>> No.17594035

If these things are malleable, they are inconsequential. That there is no absolute ascription of gender, that ones sex can be changed, signifies that there is no point in changing it. Transgenderism is the most discontinuous manifestation of the ego. They are not mentally ill because they believe themselves to be something else, they are mentally ill because they exalt the flesh to such a degree that they further shackle themselves with the object of freedom.

>> No.17594100

What a gross oversimplification. You need to go back to /pol/.

>> No.17594167

>5 sentences of greentext with a brainlet wojak image
>what a gross oversimplification
well jeez you got me

>> No.17594185

Actually it's the reverse - transmedicalism is seen as transphobic, which means there's an existence outside the physical. Trannies are proof of God's existence.

>> No.17594241

fuckin Shia heretics. All just because of their hate boner of Aisha

>> No.17594252

Why? How does that follow? To me it seems like something you pulled out of your ass.

>> No.17594327


>> No.17594435
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Hundreds of civilizations with a spawn of thousands of years have existed and in every single one of them the "gender roles" were the norm. If it really is a social construct there would have been at least one civilization where 90% of males were trannies.

>> No.17594593

>ancient civilization from literally thousands fucking years ago did something therefore good
I can't believe you think this is an argument

>> No.17594613

the gender roles were the norm but there were always exceptions to that norm likely in around the same numbers that we see today. just because you made the decision to live on 4chan, the internet's premier trans networking site, doesn't mean the world has gone trans crazy. go the fuck outside.

>> No.17594627

It's an argument that proves it worked, otherwise we obviously wouldn't be here.

That isn't to say gender roles shouldn't be approached critically, but to just dismiss them as being wholly oppressive or abitrary without appreciating the fact that they did keep shit running for thousands of years, is very stupid.

>> No.17594640

They didn't do it to prove something or acjieve something retard, it was on their nature. Fags love to say it is a construct but why? Who started it? God? Worldwide heterosexual propaganda from 60000 years ago?

>> No.17594646

You are completely braindead Jesus christ. This is the fucking literature board how do you not have basic knowledge of how a "construct" works

>> No.17594657

>Can we just leave gender behind already?

I'm okay with this. Make everything neutral, so we can forget all about these stupid "my pronouns" bullshit.

>> No.17594695

Does it not also entail their extinction?

>> No.17594714

But if it was natural there would have been at least ONE of the millions of civilizations throughout history in which 90-80% of men were trannies.

>> No.17594764

The truth of materialism suggests that overacceptance of transsexualism leads to the net increase in human suffering, be it through people who got chemically castrated or mutilated by mistake, women who got violated by predators using transgenderism as a disguise, women who had to abandon their sports careers because trans athletes make them completely unviable, people who lost their jobs and had to endure getting hounded by activists for daring to speak out against transgenderism, people who had their career opportunities stolen away from them by diversity hired transsexuals and so on and so forth.

>> No.17594765

tradition is the solution to problems everybody forgot existed...and i say this as somebody who loves tranny feet

>> No.17594777

does this tranny have an onlyfuns?

>> No.17594874


Not really, cutting your dick and taking hormones wont retroactively change your experiences into that of a woman.

>> No.17594884
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>>The truth of materialism and determinism
>stopped reading there lmao

>> No.17594906

Profane, literalist rebis pushing is an inside joke and humiliation protocol

>> No.17594957

Philosophically? yes
Socially and biologically? YWNBAW

>> No.17594969
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>tfw Catholic
>tfw we don't even think Gender Theory is real

>> No.17594987
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>tfw (agnostic)Atheist
>tfw know Gender Theory isn't real
Calling it a theory is profane desu

>> No.17595025
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>> No.17595032

I'm a rich capitalist, tranny. Know your place.

>> No.17595035
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Is Genetics non-material? Since when?

>> No.17595046

She's cute and has the intelligence of a male. I see nothing wrong with trannies, therefore.

>> No.17595081

Is he a tranny now? Last I checked he was "just a guy that enjoyed dressing up".
If he's actually gone tranner it would be fucking hilarious, given his talking points on "ironic nazis".

>> No.17595109

extremely based
it's not hilarious, he does mention in a video that he used irony to couch his "autogynephilic" desires, just as nahtzees couch their ideology in irony. say whatever about being a tranny, but his ideology is more internally consistent than other leftoids

>> No.17595124

Keeping shit running for millenia and being oppressive are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.17595140

It's hilarious BECAUSE of the consistency. In one breath he preaches to people, in the next he lies to himself. Consistency isn't a selling point when your consistently shit.

>> No.17595182

I disagree and think such a connection is tenuous, at best.

>> No.17595224

That's a man

>> No.17595246

It's a boy, a boy we failed to raise into a man.

>> No.17595592

>See? I was using irony to mask a lie told to myself and others, therefore I was right when I said my enemies must be doing so!
Solid rationale.

>> No.17595603

So trannys are born with a female brain?

>> No.17595675

This is false. Males cannot change their materials to become female. Though theoretically possible at some future date.
Determinism is still a big old question mark for any topic. Isn’t it predetermined that less people will want to be trans after a revolution? Who knows.

>> No.17595687

Go away

>> No.17595739
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>The truth of materialism and determinism entails the acceptance of transgenderism as philosophically sound and even inevitable.

>> No.17595779

>The truth of materialism and determinism entails the acceptance of x as philosophically sound and even inevitable.
what a cheap bait

>> No.17595956
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>> No.17596073

love to see you leave, hate to see you in general

>> No.17596108

I think it has more to do with their mysticism surrounding Fatima than anything else, but I'm not that well read on the subject to be fair.

>> No.17596116

If gender is a social construct, then why do transgenders have to pump themselves full of hormones and have surgeries to change their bodies? Wouldn't doing that make them transsexuals, since they're altering their sex characteristics?

>> No.17596138

Transsexual is a term that was used by activists back in the day to give their movement credence, most modern trannies think it is no longer a good term to use (and non-binary people hate the word for reasons that I think we don't need to go into). Trannies believe the 'mones make them look more like how they feel essentially.

>> No.17596251

>Based retard

Cringe retard

>> No.17596292

A sensible man of taste!

>> No.17596305

>The truth of materialism
>and determinism
Unbased and not quantumpilled
>entails the acceptance of transgenderism as philosophically sound

>> No.17596334
File: 38 KB, 900x589, 934378-middle[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn take contra for a date to watch zach snyder's justice league
>ywn have the satisfaction of hearing african american moviegoers whisper "she cute" with her gripping your arm as her superior trans brain analyzes the complex ideological positioning of the zach snyder narrative.

>> No.17596346

hehe i post of 4CHAN and I believe THE EUROPEAN IDEALISM/MATERIALISM DIVIDE is the only understanding of reality ever! yes, only 2 genders, contrary to ever other society that has existed

>> No.17596361

Trangenderism has never been, or ever will be, justified, and only exists today because it is the battering ram of capital. It only rises in artificiality, like the gaping wound you took on because, because of capital. You and your ilk are the Babylonian HELLSPAWN given rise by the multiheaded beast and earthbound whore of capital. To claim anything else is delusion of a similar stripe that has consigned you to death of the most earthly, abyssal kind.
Unless this is bait, in which case good job.

>> No.17596383

are they not retarded? are they not retarded trickshot?

fucking hell even the japs, aka what 4chan was based off of, had more than 2 genders

it's a god-awful small affair

>> No.17596388

Actually no because trannies are gross. There's literally no refutation of this

>> No.17596394

it's okay to cry

>> No.17596405

If being born the wrong gender was a real thing then shouldn't it be the case that being trans would occur at the same rate for men and women? Why are there more mtf than ftm if there's just some percent chance that you're born the wrong gender?

>> No.17596410

there is no stopping the elevation of trans women to the role of our society's highest ideologues in every institution and every media market.

>> No.17596422

>only 2 genders, contrary to ever other society that has existed
Elaborate, I am a genuine dumb dumb and am genuinely curious.

>> No.17596427

Seeing how troonism has been surgicaly wormed into the mainstream has made me come to the conclusion that anything on the Left which supports it is compromised.
Delusional women throwing away all core connection to the feminine are to be pitied
Delusional men throwing away all that links them to the masculine are to either be reviled, pitied, or both, but in great intensity nonetheless

>> No.17596429

Is this some kind of historic revisionism to try to legitimize gender theory?

>> No.17596434

>tfw gender is just a social construct and there's no reason why men can't wear dresses but also if you're a man that likes dresses it's because you're actually a woman and you should take estrogen and get surgery that fails most of the time

>> No.17596453

What does crying have to do with unlinking from the masculine? Fathers crying over their child's corpse will never not be the utmost expression of masculine despair.

>> No.17596457

are you this retarded that you don't realise that women are allowed to be fluid with their gender identity in contemporary life.... fucking hell, smile.dog wept

>> No.17596475

My apologies if I misread you, I thought you were responding with some 'its ok to cry that youre attracted to transwomen sweaty' shit.
I wholly agree with your statement.

>> No.17596479

Explain literally any other period of human history then. You don't see instances in history where either sex was freed from social behavior constraints and it resulted in a rise in transsexuals. Thank you in advance.

>> No.17596480

sounds like arlington road/the omen to me nigga

>> No.17596493

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Heaven hath no justice like a man robbed

>> No.17596500

Fucking Americans, an anglophonic education means they know all of metaphysics. Fuck off to /sci/.


>> No.17596514

>retard doesn't realise we're quoting a song

>> No.17596516

This article says they were just gay guys that castrated themselves. There were sexual deviants in the past but that doesn't mean you can be a woman

>> No.17596520

next time you get schooled, simply leave the thread, bro. you don't have to admit you're wrong if you disappear entirely.

>> No.17596523

On a flipphone so the html layout is fucked and thus I cannot follow chains easily please forgive me. What is the song?

>> No.17596526

I asked for instances where either sex was freed from societal constraints, not an instance in which societal constraints literally created this and treated it as a perversion.
Seriously, your assertion holds no weight. When freed from the social behavioral constraints, neither sex will experience a rise in transsexuals.
Beside that, you're just ignoring the fact that society has moved the masculine into the normative and has really only encouraged women to be more normal. Well in actuality its been women trying to "beat" men but that's not the point. Saying women are more "allowed to be fluid with their sexual expression" is an obviously false statement. It's pure cope and you're just working backwards to support your LITERALLY insane gender theory.

>> No.17596530

Faust - The Sad Skinhead

>> No.17596532

That's not be, bro.
is me, bro
Schooled, goodbye. Leave now. I don't need your conceit, run along now. See you later alligator.

>> No.17596535

If I find you an old record of a schizo in the 1400s that believed he was a cat would you believe that's a valid feeling to have too?

>> No.17596536

hey guys why do you all do a (You) thing before the numbers>

>> No.17596541

Fuck off Laing, we're not gonna believe Schizophrenia is real for now

>> No.17596543

Thank you

>> No.17596545

nigga reads wikipedia and thinks it's gospel. I've now seen it all lmao

"Hijras" (paki bullshit) have been around for thousands of years

>> No.17596566

pakis=abos with buildings.

Aristotelian syllogism is better than this fucking 5-part syllogism. TS Elliot accelerated his retardation by bigging up pakis. Same with Enoch powell.

>> No.17596585

chomskyan niggas posit materialism above idealism

>> No.17596600

>The truth of materialism and determinism entails the acceptance of transgenderism as philosophically sound and even inevitable.


>> No.17596602

now this is intellectual ebonics. stay pseud.

>> No.17596627

>biggest non-jewish brits are pseuds

teach me this european shit

>> No.17596631

Do you also support slavery?

>> No.17596636

>>17596602 Grice, Russell and Krippers BTFO, wishing they were never anglophonic. Intellectual niggers. They should start reading deleuze.

>> No.17596637

we need to discuss the white male bread tuber to tranny pipeline

>> No.17596647


sheeit negro, thaz all you had to say

>> No.17596650

The only people obsessed with this sort of "natural order" are men who are drains to society and need to force women to be subservient because they have no emotional intelligence to make anyone listen to them.

>> No.17596651

>32 y/o tranny

that boipucci ain't so cute no more

>> No.17596657 [DELETED] 

doesn't the gospel of thomas also have a quote from jesus where he says its ok for women to dress up as men so they can go in the temple, not exactly transgender but it shows jesus wasn't uptight about gender roles

>> No.17596667

The gnostic "gospels" are trash.

>> No.17596671

hasn't jesus also been depicted as having feminine traits for vast swaths of history

>> No.17596678

you'd still fuck

>> No.17596690

>nordic niggas are the world

i wish i could be this retarded, i would enjoy life instead of having a pareidolia smiledog everywhere

>> No.17596706
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Nah man..nah

>> No.17596708
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Hello fellow ifunnyers! Based or cringe?

>> No.17596710

you will never be a woman

>> No.17596711

transgenderism relies on essentialism and not materialism at all. the material reality of biological sex will always prevail.

>> No.17596714

You'll never be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust

>> No.17596716

>The truth of materialism and determinism entails the acceptance of transgenderism as philosophically sound and even inevitable.
Yes, and so? Do you really think there is a natural or naturalist argument against transgedersm? Trannys are retarded because they live in the united states, france or england, not becase they are transgender. You, illiterate americans, shouldn't be surprised that most transgender people is pretty fascist compared to the way you understand democracy.
Also, no intellectual can deny the entire nazi historical shitstorm was a complete tranny germanic scene. Germans should be incinerated alongside Jews.

>> No.17596720

nigga is on /lit/ and doesn't even understand historical materialism. MFW I don't know about contextual situations and Grician maxims

>> No.17596722

thats precisely essentialism, retard

>> No.17596727
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>> No.17596730

>this is what retards actually believe

>> No.17596737

transpeople are gender essentialists as they feel they fit into the category of "woman" or "man" because of some innate essence or because they fulfill the stereotypical roles of their gender identity.
normal people are materialists because they recognize the materialism of human anatomy and construct a reality around that.
this ain't rocket science, tards.

>> No.17596741
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these niggers believe it, mansa musa-lite

>> No.17596746

trannies are historical materialists. They realise gender essentialism won't let up anytime soon, so they take matters into their own hands. Better than cis niggers.

>> No.17596750

transpeople argue all fucking day that they have the soul of a woman or a man. they are the ones pushing gender essentialism. no normal person truly believes a butch dyke is a man, even if they use it as an insult.

>> No.17596754

>ray blanchard letting up

your retarded gender essentialism might get you laid, potentially

>> No.17596759

>believes that wearing a dress makes him a woman

>> No.17596766

lmao, 90% of cultures have had more than 2 genders. If you wanted to enforce your gender ideals, maybe you shouldn't have decolonized 90% of the world

>> No.17596770

but they only ever had 2 sexes
transpeople are trying to erase biological sex, which will never happen due to material reality

>> No.17596771

>conflating transvestites and trannies

I too suck off Stephen Wittle

>> No.17596775

everyone was fine letting you wear makeup and your dresses, but now you are trying to erase material reality by letting men into women's sports and prisons and it will come back to bite you hard

>> No.17596776

>2 sexes
>Earth DNA

hahahhahahaha you have so much to learn

>> No.17596779
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i really like trannies because they help us destroy women

>> No.17596782

we are a sexually dimorphic species and you can't wish it away, no matter how hard you wish. materialism will triumph.

>> No.17596783

Show me a material man, retard. The very escence you are talking about is ideal.

>normal people are materialists because they recognize the materialism of human anatomy and construct a reality around that.
Nice read, Lysenko, go back to the illiterate US ghetto you spawned, datanigger. You don't know what materialism is, you are a youtube US nigger and belong to the rope.

>> No.17596784

>lmao, 90% of cultures have had more than 2 genders.
unbelievably retarded and also completely reinforces regressive gender roles which traditionally oppress women, the sex you larp as for a fetish. Absolute fat male retard. Good troll because I know you aren’t him, but christ his retarded fat man face makes me so angry

>> No.17596785

i'm living in a material man, and i am a material can

>> No.17596790

hahahahahaha please tell EVERYONE abigail shrier is trying to be a him. I am abigail shrier and my pronouns are he him. Lmao, keep charlatanin

>> No.17596791

>and belong to the rope.
oh but since you're a tranny, you are -by far- statistically more likely to end up on the rope
material reality triumphs again

>> No.17596792

tranny cant cope with based TERF reality?

>> No.17596793

Are you sure you understand what materialism is?

>> No.17596795

you're FTM you're statistically likely to detrans and boy won't your face be red then

>> No.17596796

>niggas not knowing madonna
are you 15?

>> No.17596798

please, please, please tell everyone abigail shrier is ftm. first time /lit/ did a psyop lmao

>> No.17596802

i knew who the author is, dumbass. not sure what the fuck your tranny brain is on about conflating yourself with her because you've borrowed her name for your shitty trip.

>> No.17596803

so these absolute mongo retards think because they don’t act like the stereotypical man/woman that they must by the opposite/neither ‘gender’? How is that not super fucking conservative? Trannies and tranny ideology is so retarded

>> No.17596806

>Sexually dimorphic
is this retard rights? Never seen anything this retarded outside of evopsych

>> No.17596807

Lmao spotted the troon

>> No.17596809

>only 2 genders, contrary to ever other society that has existed
Mega retard moment. Gender was invented as a social category in the 60s. In ancient societies there were multiple expressions of the two sexes, they were not genders and they were not transgendered

>> No.17596810

denying that we're a sexually dimorphic species is peak retarded

>> No.17596811

>butterfly is a TERF


>> No.17596813

shhhhhhh baby is ok

>> No.17596817

you know, i've heard HRT lowers your IQ so i get it and i'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.17596818

I also followed Enoch Powell in the 70s. Imagine being this retarded. Moot in rolling in boxxy's cunt

>> No.17596820

i thought you were larping as that philosophy tube retard. Either way you have a bad abigail shrier larp. You’re a deranged tranny that can’t handle a strong woman (based terf) dismantling your entire delusional sense of self

>> No.17596822

180 to 170. My name is Abigail Shrier and I'm FTM! Does anyone like The Cars?

>> No.17596825

>look up abigal shrier's book on goodreads
>reviews are bombarded with people calling it transphobic

so does the book hold some unfortunate truths or what?

>> No.17596828

Abi Shrier isn't a terf, she hates kid trannies not adult trannies

>> No.17596832
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unfortunate truths deep down in this pussy

>> No.17596833

did this thread break you that hard, tranny? That you would wear the mask of a real woman online in order to play out your retarded trolling fantasies on 4chan? Look at yourself in the mirror for a second. You’re wasting your life taking hormones and pretending to be a female author on 4chan. Do you think that is normal woman behaviour? Do you think anybody in your life doesn’t immediately sense the misogyny and incel rage oozing from your pores? You have extremely broad shoulders, by the way.

>> No.17596834

it's unfortunately motivated a lot by traditional gender values, but she argues that the number of girls transitioning are part of a social contagion and should be discouraged, so it's like she got the answer right even though she went about it in a ass backwards way

>> No.17596839
File: 72 KB, 840x512, 1_CJItZRch_k0KOzrPa4_IYQ@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hehhe, you're right i am a mtf tranny! love it

i'm not a philosophy grad student at the best university on earth (oxxxy) who occasionally gets pissed and trolls on /lit/ (because I wanna see quentin scobie turn up)

>> No.17596840

>it's like she got the answer right even though she went about it in a ass backwards way
Just because you aren’t familiar with radfem or gender critical perspectives doesn’t mean it’s an ‘ass-backward’ approach to issues regarding transgenderism. You’ve just only been exposed to inconsistent liberals and incoherent conservatives yelling at each other about trannies. The RadFem/GC perspective is the only consistent, scientific, and progressive perspective on “gender”

>> No.17596842

genuinely don't get their retarded assertion that calling the poster an FTM is the same as calling the actual woman namesake an FTM.
brb, going to make a jordan peterson trip and ask everyone to call me a sissy. that'll show everyone.

>> No.17596843

imagine if she was trad instead of oxon bullshit -previousguy

>> No.17596845

I don’t care who you are, you’re embarrassing yourself. Got a five o’clock shadow starting to show by the way, might want to get a shave

>> No.17596848

The only proper radfem perspective is Shula Firey. Everyone else is a retarded femoid. No offense, but men would rape you to death.

>> No.17596851

my fivey shadow lets me fuck 18-year-old freshers all the time. And it's a sand nigger they're fucking.

>> No.17596858
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>> No.17596861

friendo, pass me the benzo-o-o-o, i can make it clear and you can make it clearer

>> No.17596866


she's not gonna fuck you bro

>> No.17596870


>> No.17596871

im a gay male. RadFems are the only people I can talk to about homosexual erasure by trannies

>> No.17596874


>> No.17596875

though "homosexual erasure" was sorted by AIDS and bugchasers desu.

>> No.17596877
File: 78 KB, 630x708, B9DF731A-B972-45E0-B954-53D4A24573FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17596880

:( not chill bro

>> No.17596883

based terf!

>> No.17596885

but i am a gender critical lesbian and lean radfem. gender critical circles frequently attracts people with more trad beliefs because of the anti-trans ideology overlap even though they are not really our allies.

>> No.17596893

>GC affirming gender
these niggas saying "men are evil" is a bit gender essentialist dont you think? They don't know about the hijras

>> No.17596897

faggot retard

>> No.17596904

>these niggas saying "men are evil" is a bit gender essentialist dont you think? They don't know about the hijras
it's why i can't be full radfem - too much man hatred and too much hatred of heterosexual women, it turns me off. but i agree with a lot of their stances on female oppression and gender ideology being a regressive, homophobic, misogynistic stance disguised as progressive.

>> No.17596906
File: 21 KB, 640x666, redditjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17596910

tbf, speed is a cool way to get out of your head, riding some entity. Thirsty for a holiday?

>> No.17596918

ovarit is pretty good, low on the man hate

>> No.17596921

The truth of materialism and determinism entails the acceptance of public executions for sexual degenerates as as philosophically sound and even inevitable.


>> No.17596923

>terfs pass legislation
> men can inspect loli pussy to make sure they're not trans

Shot yourselves in the cunt, femoids. For us men, we can have all the loli pussy we want

>> No.17596925
File: 25 KB, 892x480, FD81F7C0-7008-485F-8986-00338374E1FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is going ITT now?

>> No.17596929
File: 132 KB, 640x904, krtbn3bk1xw41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17596935

IIT: each poster has sent 3 replies. 186/24/60/1

>> No.17596937

Why does her butthole have so much hair?

>> No.17596941

Like the legend of the phoenix....

>> No.17596943

i have sent around 9

>> No.17596945

obviously trannies like you would post on /lit/. Maybe watch contrapoints, faggot

>> No.17596967
File: 87 KB, 750x400, 2019.05.16-06.13-boundingintocomics-5cdda8612baad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch contrapoints faggot

>> No.17596987

>pastor raping kids
we love evangelicals

>> No.17597128


>> No.17597194

>human beings are magic and can change every last atom from your brain to your DNA that is part of your gender identity
lol no