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17592696 No.17592696 [Reply] [Original]

Should I?

>> No.17592809

The book

>> No.17592828

Don't make me post the passage about Papua New Guineans again

>> No.17593073

not OP, please do.

>> No.17593622

Yes, The amount of REEEE-ing this book generates is astounding and I thought it was really good.

>> No.17593640

geographic determinism, but performed with swagger. a useful book.

>> No.17593659

>It's easy to recognize two reasons why my impression that New Guineans are smarter than Westerners may be correct. First, Europeans have for thousands of years been living in densely populated societies with central governments, police, and judiciaries. In those societies, infectious epidemic diseases of dense populations (such as smallpox) were historically the major cause of death, while murders were relatively uncommon and a state of war was the exception rather than the rule. Most Europeans who escaped fatal infections also escaped other potential causes of death and proceeded to pass on their genes. Today, most live-born Western infants survive fatal infections as well and reproduce themselves, regardless of their intelligence and the genes they bear. In contrast, New Guineans have been living in societies where human numbers were too low for epidemic diseases of dense populations to evolve. Instead, traditional New Guineans suffered high mortality from murder, chronic tribal warfare, accidents, and problems in procuring food. Intelligent people are likelier than less intelligent ones to escape those causes of high mortality in traditional New Guinea societies. However, the differential mortality from epidemic diseases in traditional European societies had little to do with intelligence, and instead involved genetic resistance dependent on details of body chemistry. For example, people with blood group B or O have a greater resistance to smallpox than do people with blood group A. That is, natural selection promoting genes for intelligence has probably been far more ruthless in New Guinea than in more densely populated, politically complex societies, where natural selection for body chemistry was instead more potent.

>That is, in mental ability New Guineans are probably genetically superior to Westerners

>> No.17593682

The virgin "I" vs the chad "---"

>> No.17593713

Aren't the new guineans more inbred? Also, is this an actual passage from the book? It sounds as if the author is saying than genes matter more than actual accomplishments.

>> No.17593741

I read The God Delusion and wrote an excellent antitheses to it from which it has never recovered, sso I suggest that you do the same with this (if you can).

>> No.17593759

New Guineans are better terrace farmers, like on hills and so forth, than the Dutch.

>> No.17593884

His notion of the European animal domestication vs African animals is utter nonsense.
All the African extant megafauna have Pleistocene Eurasian analogues.
>warthog-Eurasian boar (boars are larger and more aggressive than african suids, yet the whitoids turned them into naked swine)
>painted hounds-Gray Wolves (only one was domesticated. It was not the african one)
>Cape Buffalo-Auroch (we don't know how aggressive aurochs were but I'd imagine pretty deadly)
>Crocuta crocuta- Crocuta crocuta spelaea (the latter being larger and with a stronger bite)

If any were still alive today, none would meet the traits of domesticability. They were wild and dangerous, and some are larger and more dangerous than their african counterparts, having to contend with thousands of years of neanderthal predation.

>> No.17593897

Are you talking sub-Saharan specifically? All I know is that cows are from Africa.

>> No.17593900
File: 8 KB, 441x452, Extinctions_Africa_Austrailia_NAmerica_Madagascar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If any were still alive today, none would meet the traits of domesticability. They were wild and dangerous, and some are larger and more dangerous than their african counterparts, having to contend with thousands of years of neanderthal predation.

>> No.17593901

Ok maybe? But they are primitive with all that has do with engineering so the Dutch are more efficient in the end. I'm not sure if I get your point. Do you mean that the book actually propose that genes are all that matter?

>> No.17594406

Post your 'excellent antitheses'

>> No.17594447

Honestly, it's worth reading even though a lot of it is BS. The BS isn't subtle either so it's not liked you're gonna get hoodwinked, if that's what you're worried about

>> No.17594920

Is this the book that made everyone sperg out because white people were successful in it?

>> No.17594936

The point is that The Netherlands is very flat whereas New Guinea is very steep, and all racialism is pseudoscience.

>> No.17595271

>Niggers never invented the wheel or written language because Africa is warm or something

>> No.17595339

>while murders were relatively uncommon and a state of war was the exception rather than the rule.

>> No.17595412

PNG still has tribes that practice cannibalism running rampant. Theyre quite stupid in all honesty.

>> No.17595480

Why does it generate reee-s?

>> No.17595489

>though a lot of it is BS
Can you elaborate? What kind of things are BS?

>> No.17595497
File: 551 KB, 1200x630, c1474b19-8b15-443a-a9d4-a6173f3ebe66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, how about this: Cum, Germs, and Steel

>> No.17596477
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