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/lit/ - Literature

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17592412 No.17592412 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best books on the 3. (turd) position?

>> No.17592425
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>> No.17592440

Retarded thread for retards

>> No.17592445

K. Schwab, The Great Reset

>> No.17592469

The 3rd position is an empty term created to make you think political ideology is more constructed and simple than it is, and with that to deny you the formation of complex political opinions on your own.

>> No.17592489

You should post something like a book or excerpt in the OP so it's literature you fucking retarded /pol/nigger

>> No.17592529
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>> No.17592551
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>> No.17592595

I'm asking for a book recommendation on a certain topic, that's definitely more /lit/ than any of those retarded frog threads

>> No.17592617

Why didn't you write that in the OP and a quick explanation of what the certain topic is?

>> No.17592662

my first novel desu

>> No.17593128

I did that, read it again maybe.