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17590019 No.17590019 [Reply] [Original]

Post novels that filtered you

>> No.17590033

I’m not even sure it filtered me. I think it was just a meme novel.

>> No.17590146

A Heart So White by Javier Marias
Or maybe it just sucked. It has a passive as fuck protagonist, that philosophically waxes on throughout the entire novel(and not in a cool way like in Moby Dick but in a boring pretensious way) instead of doing anything engaging. And the central mystery that is set up right in the first chapter is just completely abandonend multiple times throughout the entire narrative and only really picked up again somewhere near the end. It was a waste of my time.

>> No.17590257

I loved this novel but it made me feel like an utter retard

>> No.17590392

>Gravitys Rainbow

And I've read Ulysses, too. I dont get it. I got 100 pages in and understood parts, but I found it hard to pick up. I think I could finish it, I just don't seem interested right now

>> No.17590429
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>> No.17590455

Absalom absalom. It was just such an acutely distressing book that demanded so much effort that i left it uncertain of if it was worth it. Yes, its great and has some of the best faulkner passages i've ever read, but it really drained me and took a long time.
I'm sure on some later reads i'll appreciate it much more, but it really kicked my ass.

>> No.17590489

I have both of those on my shelf, Me and two other buddies are going to use our collective brainpower to try to get through Ulysses this year.

>> No.17590506

That'll be a great time, anon. Have fun. Don't worry about getting everything on your first go through

>> No.17590535

It was good, I don't need closure for a novel to be good but I at least need to know what the fuck is going on. I read Kangaroo notebook after this and I swear to God it has to be a sequel but I couldn't find anything about it online.

>> No.17590690

The Magic Mountain

I loved Doctor Faustus and Death in Venice but just couldn’t get into TMM

>> No.17590709

I´ll have to read that one next then and see if you are unto something, anon

>> No.17590725
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this kills the esl

>> No.17590781


I got maybe fifty pages in before dropping A Heart So White. It was repetitive, and not in a comfy, aesthetic way. Not sure what the fuss is about with Marias...

>> No.17590796


Fuck. I've read the first part of Molloy several times--the part that's one giant paragraph. Then I stop. I don't know why. Nothing about the writing gels with me. Sigh.

>> No.17590863

Etl maybe. Vocab isn't even tough, is it your first Pynchon?