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17588295 No.17588295 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your favorite /lit/ posters?

>> No.17588302

I like butterfly and Konstantin. The former adds a much needed feminine touch to this board. The latter, I just wonder what they went to prison for

>> No.17588317

Not Bill Murray

>> No.17588323

The classicists and language people. Perfect mix of technical capability with general lack of social skills. Kino to interact with.

>> No.17588331

My favorite poster is myself
All other posters are mere figments of my imagination

>> No.17588338

What is this Reddit?! Fuck off. The best posters are anonymous who reply to me with based. You should feel the same or go back.

>> No.17588347


>> No.17588349

He had a pretty entertaining persona and the mystery he incited on this board was fun but the actual content of his posts suck. He just tried to prove that every writer he liked was secretly catholic or gay.

>> No.17588350

butterfly is a beautiful and powerful feminine presence

>> No.17588352


>> No.17588354
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Thanks, partner!

>> No.17588355

Mostly Anonymous but I've picked up some good occult book recs from that Frater dude.

>> No.17588357

Based and Kinbote pilled.

>> No.17588371

Frater Asemlen is the only tripfag I've seen make decent posts

>> No.17588401

He was a pro writer and his posts were very well written ---better than anybody else, even yet infact--- that's the appeal I guess.

>> No.17588419

Butterfly is so feminine that it's impossible she's gay


>> No.17588441
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What happened to Guenon poster?

>> No.17588474


>> No.17588580
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Poetry posters

>> No.17588596

Every good writer IS secretly Catholic or gay, anon.
Besides, I like kooky gimmicks in small doses like that.

>> No.17588618

She wants ur dick bro

>> No.17588622

>butterfly is a beautiful and powerful feminine presence
What's her channel/blog?

>> No.17588656

Everybody who impersonates F. Gardner, but not Gardner himself.

>> No.17588688


>> No.17588712

Fag nigger

>> No.17588728

Yes chad, closely followed by fedora tipper.

>> No.17588743


>> No.17588759


>> No.17588765

Pewdiepie ofc

>> No.17588769


>> No.17588772

>used to be a tripfag years ago when I was teen
>I was the worst one

Also, what the fuck happened to Sunhawk? He was on this board right?

>> No.17588779

>secretly catholic or gay
they're the same thing lol

>> No.17588800


>> No.17588804

>Makes retarded threads
>calls others nigger

>> No.17588809

Absolutey frater. He's the best, bar nun

>> No.17588814


>> No.17588827
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>> No.17588834

Didn't this guy shit himself in the woods?

>> No.17588963

All of the islam-posters

>> No.17588991

I like Blarty Hongo's name

>> No.17588994

Schizoposter/s are pretty fun, maybe the anon who made the Husserl scholar pasta. Effortposters and shitposters in general.

>> No.17589046

The guy who regularly shits on lamp and lit quarterly.
The guy who hates forest anon and wants to kill him.

Both of them are extremely based and serve as quality content gatekeepers.

>> No.17590068


>> No.17590095


>> No.17591218


>> No.17591265

The nazi that always asks me for proof even though his bullshit claims are just as invalid and untenable.

The guy that posts as f gardner but as a white supremacist.

All the posters in /wg/.

The 6 other lawyers on here.

The anons that have nothing to say to my sincere posting except “good post, thanks anon”

Any anons that have added to my DFW collection.

The anon that always shits on my self improvement recs.

The anon that’s translating Mishima.

The anon that posted the gas station guy that inspired all my burgerpunk writing.

>> No.17591296


>> No.17591315
File: 25 KB, 336x261, i_kekd_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kek'd.
Also, kill all tripfags.

>> No.17591440


>> No.17591508

I'm the only one on this board worth listening to.

>> No.17591519

Unironically rapture

>> No.17591550

Post a Buddhist thread and see what happens.

>> No.17591561

The only people I like in this shithole are fellow Camus chads. I dislike people who say Camus wasn’t a philosopher.

>> No.17591564


>> No.17591598

My least favorite is LondonFag

>> No.17591604
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Leave this board and never return if any one of these apply to you:

>you read any form of genre fiction
>you barely know your classics
>you tend to believe that if you like a given work, it is justified on an artistic level
>you think everyone's opinion should be accepted and respected
>you speak a single language
>you read contemporary versions of Shakespeare or Milton
>you read for the plot
>you read for entertainment
>you rarely read nonfiction
>you don't have a solid grounding in philosophy
>you don't have at least have some understanding of the Three Tragedians and Homer
>you have little to no understanding of literature outside of your cultural horizon
>you have little to no understanding of literature within your own cultural horizon
>you mostly read contemporary literature
>you believe 'the author is dead'
>you make your literary analysis proceed from ideology
>you think intricate prose is 'pretentious' and that the author 'should just get to the point'
>your rarely read poetry
>you think Rhythm and Rhyme is just useless rules and laws restricting creativity
>you have a hard time explaining why you like a given work
>you have a hard time forming structured and relevant literary criticism
>you tend to refuse to judge works for yourself, rather relying on the opinions of literary authorities
>you rarely read for more than one or two hours straight

>> No.17591632

Thanks for reminding me to mention that I dislike pseuds who clearly do not enjoy their hobby in the slightest.

>> No.17591645


>> No.17591653

I accept your concession.

>> No.17591700

Fellow Nazis.

>> No.17591701

good post, thanks anon

>> No.17591709
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Butterfly: is okay, but her (???) imposters are mean
Frater Anselm (?): provides based knowledge about Dante and religion in general
Rapture: has a cool library and he puts brainlets in their place by not allowing them into his super secret high-brow ivy league book club.

>> No.17591743

What's it like in Rapture's discord? I once emailed to ask for an invite but he never replied.

>> No.17591771

the girl reading this

>> No.17591829


>> No.17591834

The "Start with the Greeks" posters are doing God's work and single-handedly justify the existence of this board. Thank you for your services.

>> No.17591836


>> No.17592216


>> No.17592223

thanks babe

>> No.17592279


>> No.17592305

This, Frater and Rapture
Frater is extremely knowledgeable and makes great effort posts and Rapture also seems to give good recommendations when asked
I also like the idea of Rapture's competitions, only anon on the board that seems to try to expand beyond the board

>> No.17592327

seeing that one anon always recommend fantomas gets a chuckle out of me

>> No.17592353

frater is a fascist gypsy who doesn't understand poetry and rapture is a an autistic list maker at some kiked university

>> No.17592386

>frater is a fascist gypsy
makes me like him even more

>> No.17592406

They both actually read and know what they are talking about, at least

>> No.17592411


>> No.17592419

The guys that join me in battling religion

>> No.17592420


>> No.17592423


>> No.17592424

same, it feels good to see him do that and to know that it's only one guy doing it and not forcing it too much either

>> No.17592444

woman detected

>> No.17592564

I'll admit it, I don't like Frater. He's knowledgeable where it counts but his writing is heavyhanded and pretentious.

>> No.17592578

Yeah too much false modesty

>> No.17592582

I do wonder what's up with the &amp guy. I haven't seen any &amp threads in a good while.

>> No.17592586
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>> No.17592643


>> No.17592647
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The caps-lock poster writes in a unique style but doesn't post too often and I think changed trip


>> No.17592653


>> No.17592732

I thought she was a radfem.

>> No.17592760

Could someone who isn’t new tell me what happened to DeepandEdgy?

>> No.17592796

big fan of OP in some threads but in other threads OP is fucking retarded and/or gay, OP must be bipolar or something, or maybe schizo multi-personality disorder

>> No.17592813

also monsieur

>> No.17592820

I think he finally just fucked off. I'm the anon who started the "Night of 1,000 Deep&Edgys." IIRC it was pretty effective and he just stopped using it after that. That could be me inflating my own ego, but I'm pretty sure he just found better shit to do.

Pity, it was great fun making fun of him for pretending to have "fish and chips with the lads."

>> No.17592830

>ctrl+f huge orson welles

Is everyone here a newfag?

>> No.17592885

Nothing, he's still a pseud and posts here sporadically

>> No.17592920

all early tripfags are now on twitter where they belong

>> No.17592956

Fake pynchon poster.

>> No.17592969

That one guy that makes bait threads about the Greeks all the time.

>> No.17592973
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This. Rei is the best trip /lit/ had

>> No.17592997
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>> No.17593001


>> No.17593080

>doesn’t understand poetry

Oh come on is my writing and the like that bad?

Eh, I’m aware of the pretentious aspect, by heavy handed do you mean I over-post?

>> No.17593099


>> No.17593162


>> No.17593186


>> No.17593219



>> No.17593237

>tfw no one talked about me
>twf I have no face

>> No.17593277

Somebody already said that you are their favorite poster.

>> No.17593297

I don't understand what compels someone to tripfag on a site that has a prevailing culture of anonymity. It baffles me.

The dude that typed in all caps I used to despise but he made an extremely low IQ "based retard" post so, to me, he's equivalent to a court jester.

Butterfly did the same recently but she's so tenacious in her retardation that I find it slightly more contemptible.

Frater has the highest good post ratio out of all the tripfags but its still <60%

Whoever recommended me Sorokin and Turchin is nice

/pol/ and lefty/pol/ niggers and trannies need to be hanged drawn and quartered. Take your baseless, emotional drivel back to your containment board

>> No.17593317

In a culture of anonymity, the tripfag is the true contrarian.

>> No.17593319


>> No.17593320

Thanks bro

>> No.17593365

I don't care for Frater's knowledge about religions and occultism. That stuff belongs on a religion board or /x/.

>> No.17593371

I miss 5'oclock/schizposter

>> No.17593379

It's a nice challenge to oneself to be a 4chan trip. You need to be knowledgeable not to look retarded (like most trips) and endure lots of hate (helps that they're already mentally ill). I like trips if they read at least 1000 books, but unfortunately that's rare and they are only mentally ill most commonly.

>> No.17593384

stopped at poetry

>> No.17593399

>>you read any form of genre fiction
>>you barely know your classics
These two statements are contradictory.

>> No.17593411

You don't know what at least one of these means.

>> No.17593460


>> No.17593479

hehe thanks anon

>> No.17593481

to be fair this is a very low bar

>> No.17593531

Which timezone? In CST 5'oclock schizoposter was some teenage skinhead who would post about jews in every thread, he could turn anything to be about how the jew fucked society (his life). I found him rather annoying but was fairly impressed at his ability to twist things around to suit his needs.

>> No.17593537


>> No.17593545


>> No.17593552

Caterpillar, and Rei.

>> No.17593556


>> No.17593598


>> No.17593628

i like to think of myself as a pretty good poster

>> No.17593687
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>> No.17593711

Can someone please remind me the name of the NY college professor who posts his terrible self-published crime novels here?

>> No.17593725
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I love all my fellow Henry George posters.

>> No.17593737


>> No.17593742

All of you
Except tripfags

>> No.17593768

People who say based are sheep, in my opinion.

>> No.17593779

OP kinda cringe fr fr

>> No.17593781


>> No.17593792

Absolutely right

>> No.17593800

Shhhhh! Anon, just because you know how to summon him does not mean you ought to share such esoteric knowledge. Now leave this thread and read The Crisis of the Modern World quietly aloud to quell his troubled soul.

>> No.17593801

>I don't understand what compels someone to tripfag on a site that has a prevailing culture of anonymity.

>> No.17593804
File: 12 KB, 346x269, yeah-thinking-im-based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother

>> No.17594134

the various Lysis femboys who are dotted about the place.
all strictly legal and above board

>> No.17594216

Beautiful. I'll print out that screenshot and imagine it's me they're replying to.

>> No.17594267
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will unfulfilled anonymous posters stop projecting their desire for attention on those who are selfulfilled, and start realizing that their despisement of tripheroes is actually a veiled form of fanaticism? They are like that boy who expresses his affection for a girl by continuously deriding her; If "booktubers" were to adopt tripcodes, and start posting here, the herd reaction would remain the same.

>> No.17594335


>> No.17594341

Only tripfag I care about is Rapture. He offers a real public service and I think his story legit reads like a Victorian novel.

>> No.17594351


>> No.17594454

I don't know, but his "powertrip" was interrupted by a literal fly that killed him

>> No.17594591

Best poster by far, always on point.

>> No.17594626

Anon is my fav.

>> No.17595004

The Husserl scholar guy wasn't a schizo, he wrote dozens of absurdist copypastas like that, then admitted so in a final post and wrote that he was joining a monastery, which may or may not be true. My favorite pasta of his is when he claims to be a 22 year old NEET looking for a publisher for his 600k word memoir.

>> No.17595023

Frater, will you sign my child???

>> No.17595049

The only real answers are Fuck Henry James, King Coprophagia, and the dude who dives into every single race discussion saying race doesnt exist - hes an expert troll

>> No.17595056

I would like to thank the poster in a thread about a year back who was very knowledgeable on Plato and theology and explained in depth Thomistic ontology in relation to evil and proof of God in context of the Book of Genesis. Also some of the Guenon posters (not the fanatic) I've found to be the most well-read and capable of critical thought on this board.

>> No.17595064

I would like to thank the posters who recommend obscure novels occasionally. A recent example is the Japanese novel-memoir A Man Without Talents, which I really enjoyed.

>> No.17595069

>an autistic pedo is the best trip

God help this board

>> No.17595072

Oh I know I meant to say they’re two different folks, I’ve also seen that post.

>> No.17595088

Also, Gas-kun I hope you are still around and doing well brother. Your earnestness and lack of pretension was really nice and I honestly wish the best for you.

>> No.17595091


>> No.17595208

When faggots call his poetry o'erwrought
It shows those niggas read without a thought
Though frater's verse is high and mighty, sure,
His verse might be the only that endures
Each reading brings more pleasure than the last
I pray his reign o'er 4chan can't but last
Though my heroic couplets must regale,
They shrink in frater's shadow - his prevail

>> No.17595287
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she is a woman, stop projecting

>> No.17595297
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>> No.17595344
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>> No.17595362

Based, they are some of the posters I appreciate the most here.

>> No.17595371

why does he look evil?

>> No.17595373


>> No.17595381

i have this happened b4. i use to come here just to get baseds hahaha

>> No.17595407


>> No.17595426
File: 134 KB, 1080x720, 2MHGET2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¡Shalom rabino!
¿Chupaste muchos penes infantiles esta semana?

>> No.17595445

the other anon who reads icycalm

>> No.17595499

Yo onions antisemita y conservador. Los únicos que defienden al hispanismo HOY EN DIA, que es redículo porque el imperio ya murió, son los mestizos para hallar algún consuelo para su inferioridad racial, o bien son comunistas pedorros que predican la "patria grande", esto es, llenar a los paises blancos de negros limitrofes, como Chavez y Kirchner

>> No.17595529

>Yo onions antisemita
Lmao, you fucking newfag. Go and fuck yourself kike.

>> No.17595590

Gracias por confirmar que sos un retrasado de 15 añitos que vino derechito de /pol/mexicandiaspora y que ni si quiera sabes el idioma.

>> No.17595626

Anda a dormir nenazo.
"Zoi amtizemita y comzebadod"
Sos otro aborto de la educacion publica, si tuvieras un minimo de sentido comun, o de capacidad de introspeccion o analisis, te darias cuenta de que te contradecis a vos mismo, y que ni siquiera tenes idea en que es lo que crees. Necio.

>> No.17595662

There are many.

>> No.17595851

There are few.

>> No.17595862

Ah mira vos, ahora resulta que los conservadores son adoradores de los judíos porque lo dice un marrón en internet. No me cabe duda de que sé mucho más que vos, pelotudo. Ah no, dejame adivinar; te pensas que para ser antisemita hay que ser nenazi. Pobre mogólico, nunca leyo un libro de antes de la segunda guerra mundial.

>> No.17595875

Shut the fuck up zambo

>> No.17595911

Caps Lock tripfag has never made a quality post in his life

>> No.17595923

>sé mucho más que vos
Sos tremendo goy, bien adoctrinado te tienen, y por cierto, con cada cosa que decís se nota mas y mas que sos un nenazo, por eso el repudio infantil que sentís a la tradición hispanoamericana.
Deberías volverte a reddit, sandio.

>> No.17595934


Myself because I'm one of the few people here who isn't all stupid about communism (believing it good, or untried), religion (believing it good, or true) or classical-and-neoliberalism (believing them bad). It's depressing how many of you seem to believe yourselves to be smart or correct, because you take exactly the wrong attitude on any or all of the above, and for no other real reason than herp derp contrarianism.

>> No.17596022

si seguro, me tienen tan adoctrinado a diferencia de los que defienden el globalismo regional como vos. Si no tuvieras 10 añitos y supieras leer te darías cuenta que nunca mostré ningun repudio. Vos sos un amante de la negrura porque sos un mesticito copeando a full. Lo importante es ser europeo, no hablar castellano. O en que carajo te pensas que se diferencian tanto?
>blablabla más proyeccion, blablabla.
y si vas a voxed? ah no! cerro y te viniste acá se ve, o capaz te bannearon de reddit

>> No.17596053

>neoliberalism good

>> No.17596069


>> No.17596075
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>> No.17596101

>said the redddit spacer

>> No.17596106

>In my opinion
Weak beta fag

>> No.17596119

Haven't seen Gass-kun the past year, what happened?

>> No.17596234

I’ve seen him post a couple of times in the past year. He published his series somewhere. Probably working on something else.

>> No.17596257
File: 268 KB, 1889x867, YfvhFFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spengler anon is my favorite.