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17587890 No.17587890 [Reply] [Original]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

What the Qur'an and Sunnah have to say about death and final judgement. A promised continuation of the thread on Eschatology

Links for those interested in Islam (update attached to bottom)

When someone sleeps, their soul is seperated from their body. Some might wonder how is the body still operating. Well a headless chicken still operates for a time, but even so we're not talking a complete seperation, there's still a sort of link when you sleep even though your soul is away. And, btw, it's still haram to have an abortion before ensoulment of a fetus and it is still haram to kill someone in their sleep. Goes without saying. Anyway though, when you are dead dead, you are visited by the, or a, angel of death who is either comforting, or terrifying, depending on what your past and consequently your future holds. If comforting then your soul will slide out of your body like, according to Muhammad ﷺ, water from a jug. But he says if it's terrifying then your soul will recoil from leaving and cling to your body like wool on a thorn bush. The process is excruciating either way. Then the soul is taken up through all the heavens toward Allah, عز و جل. If the reception is good the soul is joyfully greeted by the angels. If not then it is cursed and the angels look horrific. Upon going before Allah the sentence is pronounced and the soul returns to the body where it remains attached for three days after death (unless the body is dispersed), maintaining a very faint awareness of its surroundings. Upon the conclusion of the three days the soul is deposited in the place the body is at the time. At this time one lives in a sort of dreamworld except it's actually real, but this is how a soul without a body lives. It can be very pleasant, or a torment, depending on one's life. For martyrs they receive the company of two virgins, for others their deeds are made into beings which are either pleasing, or repulsive.

Once Allah ends the world and kills everything through the shreik of the appointed angel through the trumpet, then the planet is stretched out into a long plane and every human or animal that ever existed is resurrected at the call of another shriek. This process is similar to growth in the womb, only quicker and you come out if the ground, with

>> No.17587893

clumps of cells forming and a body rapidly developing. A'isha, رضي الله عنها, on learning that everyone will be naked expressed concern about how women can stay modest. Muhammad ﷺ said no one will be thinking about that, they'll be too terrified. The sun will be brought within a mile of the earth and because of the new bodies created to be able to endure hellfire it will only cause them to sweat but the sweat will be such as according to their guilt,some it will nearly drown. This is judgement day, and though it is only one day it is 50,000 years long in our time. Most martyrs will skip it but almost everyone else will have to endure it to some extent. A big part of it is auditing every cent you ever consumed, acquired or spent. The extremely virtuous yet wealthy will have to go through this process for forty years the virtuous poor don't (the not so virtuous but wealthy will have to go through much more).

Those in hellfire can be temporary or permanent. Muslims who kept their prayers and faith can be rescued eventually, the angels it is said will recognize marks of prostration stamped on their head and will take them out at appointed times. The punishments of hell are many and varied, Muhammad ﷺ was shown it in his dreams and one example is a man who tells a lie that gets continually repeated by others, his cheeks are torn out again and again by hooks. Paradise by contrast had a beatific vision and endless countries which are beyond our wildest imaginations

Questions and comments welcome, there's actually a lot of literature on this

>> No.17587915
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>> No.17587923
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>> No.17587947

>Links for those interested in Islam (update attached to bottom)

I forgot to mention, some topics addressed here are restraining from sex before marriage, freemasonry, and human rights

Take a break from the internet bucko, especially 4chan. You're the first to respond in every single thread I see on Islam, you need to go outside


>> No.17587992
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Two threads dealing at length with the beauty of the Qur'an


And two others dealing at length with the rest of the points



>> No.17588070

The Qur'an is a terrible piece of literature. The rest of it is nonsensical bullshit, you don't even have to be anti-Islam to know this: you just have to have read it.

>> No.17588073



No one cares about your backwards religion.

>> No.17588085

Brutal stuff man. I'd like to add that in the Jungian view of religion as a system of evolutionarily constructed and stored knowledge Islam doesn't seem to qualify as a religion at all. He didn't talk about it too much but this passage here is interesting:

"We do not know whether Hitler is going to found a new Islam. He is already on the way; he is like Mohammad. The emotion in Germany is Islamic; warlike and Islamic. They are all drunk with a wild god. That can be the historic future.”

>> No.17588088

Here is the full thread if interested.


>> No.17588091

This doesn't address anything and regurgitates banalities like the moon God accusation whereas anyone who knows anything at all about Islam knows the moon god was hubal and was worshipped by the Arabs who opposed Islam

>> No.17588102

Rope for the cope

>> No.17588133

Hey op I am seeing you in a /pol/ thread where you are admitting that people who insult muhammad are to die.

At least be honest in your belief's at this point.

>> No.17588161

Holy kek Prof Kaffir obliterated islam.

>> No.17588163


>> No.17588177
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how about you just fuck off?
islam is filth and muslims are pedo rapists. this shit doesn't belong here. it doesn't belong in a civilised world.

>> No.17588212

Not sure what you're talking about, I have discussed this issue in a prior thread and very frankly. That you think I'm dishonest or a modernist is a mistake on your part

>> No.17588228
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The biographical details of Muhammad's life are just so ridiculous. Given the competition of men like Jesus or Buddha it's astonishing that this faith persisted into the 21st century.

>> No.17588238

Because Muhammad literally didn't exist and it's a compilation of stories

>> No.17588248

May Allah reward you for making dawah here, akhi

>> No.17588261


>> No.17588263

Nah, he did. The stories clearly portray a human being who abuses his position to satisfy base passions. You would never invent a horrific person like that to illustrate an ideal of human behaviour.

>> No.17588269

They're a collection of stories. I used to be one who believed he existed, but I no longer am. An increasing number of people now doubt his existence. The issue with the stories being bad are because they are a compilation and because they didn't see them as bad.

>> No.17588273

>doesn't know the difference between Hubal and Allah

>> No.17588280

و إياك

>> No.17588309

Muslims are allowed to lie if it advances the goals of their religion, don't trust anything out of this shill's mouth. Same goes for judaism by the way, but then again islam is just judaism for the dumb masses made to serve the jewish god.

>> No.17588310

>Dawah on /lit/
I doubt it will work. Invincible ignorance is prevalent in every ideology in 4chan, all religions included.

It is extremely likely I will never be a Muslim, and in a reciprocal way, it is extremely likely that OP will never become a Christian, or a Hindu, or a Jew. Our ignorance will continue to the grave.

>> No.17588369

>Muslims are allowed to lie if it advances the goals of their religion
This is incorrect, there is no such ruling

I'm pretty well read on Christianity and somewhat well read on Judaism compared to most

>> No.17588373

I think you underestimate human beings. We've understood concepts like greed or hatred for a long time and our stories have warned us against these impulses. A kind being that was invented 4,000 years ago tends to be kind even when viewed from today's perspective. A miraculous person like Jesus Christ preceded Muhammad by centuries, the Buddha by a thousand years.
What's convincing about the islamic stories is that the guy appears as a bumbling degenerate who receives revelation whenever his previous short-sighted dictates conflict with his current agenda. He behaves like a charlatan would and you wouldn't make that up. I'm btw not talking about all the stories, clearly there's invention involved.

>> No.17588383

>>Muslims are allowed to lie if it advances the goals of their religion
>This is incorrect, there is no such ruling
What a surprise, a lie to cover up the lies. This is common knowledge, muslism will laugh about it and tell you about it openly.
>I'm pretty well read on Christianity and somewhat well read on Judaism compared to most
And you all worship the same jewish god

>> No.17588393

You should be able to show me a fatwa if it is

I worship the God of Adam, Noah, Ishmael, Enoch and Abraham, none were Jewish. The first Jew was Jacob, عليه السلام

>> No.17588400

>I'm pretty well read on Christianity and somewhat well read on Judaism compared to most

Definitely not what I was talking about. Certain people know basically everything about Judaism yet they’re atheists, or some people basically know everything about Christianity yet they’re Hindus or Agnostics. Simply reading and knowing a lot about a religion (I.e., it’s texts, scholars, philosophers, theologians, history, ect.) still does not extinguish the invincible ignorance established by common cognitive dissonance.

>> No.17588402

>You should be able to show me a fatwa if it is
It's in the Quran, or have all the muslims who told me this been lying? You don't say...
>I worship the God of Adam, Noah, Ishmael, Enoch and Abraham, none were Jewish. The first Jew was Jacob,
Kek, keep telling that to yourself, jew worshiper. How does it feel to not be the chosen people of your god?

>> No.17588415

Seems you are begging the question and dismissing conviction as synonymous with ignorance

The Qur'an says the Jews were chosen until they rejected Isa, عليه السلام. Similarly Iblis, Lucifer, was chosen once above all others

>> No.17588426

>The Qur'an says the Jews were chosen until they rejected Isa
Wait so muslims are just crypto-christians? Lmao it gets better everytime
Deep down you know he's still the jewish god, though. Wuite painful that must be.

>> No.17588434

I understand why you'd think that but I'm pretty certain he didn't exist. What we do know for sure is if he did he was an absolute joke

>> No.17588436

I am not begging the question at all. You are obviously unfamiliar with the term ‘invincible ignorance’ in the way I’m using it. I am simply using it in the manner of (basically) understanding something, yet still rejecting it due to instinctual conviction.

>> No.17588448

He's the only and universal God and was God before creation and was worshipped before there were Jews and will be worshipped after they're gone

You are begging the question by presuming instinct, not that fitra is irrelevant but plenty of people become Muslim and Christian

>> No.17588450

Since someone in here might actually have an answer, what is the best single volume of Hadith translated into English?

>> No.17588455

>presuming instinct
I’m not presuming anything. The basic state of a believer of a religion is that religion, that is what I am talking about when I say ‘instinct.’ Saying I am begging the question is definitionally incorrect.

>> No.17588462

What kind of Hadiths were you looking for? Narrative? Praxiological? Rhetorical?

>> No.17588465

>He's the only and universal God and was God before creation and was worshipped before there were Jews and will be worshipped after they're gone
So you worship the jewish god? Got it. You can play word games all you want but you're no better than christians, stealing a people's (evil) god and appropriating him for youself. Disgusting.

>> No.17588471

The basic belief is what is believed in all cases, I'm not sure there is a lot of content in this understanding though

>> No.17588472

>This is incorrect, there is no such ruling

Op is lying as always.

r8.2 The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said,
``He who settles disagreements between people to bring about good or says something commendable
is not a liar.''
This much is related by both Bukhari and Muslim, with Muslim's version recording that Umm Kulthum
``I did not hear him permit untruth in anything people say, except for three things: war, settling
disagreements and a man talking with his wife or she with him (A:in smoothing over differences),''
This is an explicit statement that lying is sometimes permissible for a given interest, scholars having
established criteria defining what types of it are lawful. The best analysis of it I have seen is by Imam
Ghazali. If something is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish it
through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by
telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible (N:i.e. when the purpose of lying
is to circumvent someone who is preventing one from doing something permissible), and obligatory to lie if
the goal is obligatory. When for example one is concealing a muslim from an oppressor who asks where he
is, it is obligatory to lie about his being hidden. Or when a person deposits an article with one for
safekeeping and an oppressor wanting to appropriate it inquires about it, it is obligatory to lie about having
concealed it, for if one informs him about the article and he then siezes it, one is financially liable(A:to
the owner)to cover the article's cost. Whether the purpose is war, settling a disagreement, or gaining
the sympathy of a victim legally entitled to retaliate against one so that he will forbear to do so; it is not
unlawful to ;lie when any of these aims can only be attained through lying. But is religiously more
precautionary (def:c6.5) in all such cases to employ words that give misleadng impression, meaning to
intend by one's words something that is literally true, in respect to which one is not lying (def:r10.2)
white the outward purport of the words deceives the hearer, though even if one does not have such an
intention and merely lies without intending anything else, it is not unlawful in the above circumstances

Lying mod shit spotted.

>> No.17588477

>basic belief is what is believed in all cases

>> No.17588479

I couldn’t really tell you. What would your average Sunni consider most important?

>> No.17588482

This is a lot more circumscribed than what you said. I think Christians would concur with lying under all those circumstances as well

>> No.17588484

So muslims are like the 4th choice for chosen people? Only after pagans, jews and christians failed, your god thought "well it seems these desert dwellers are the only ones left". I'm here waiting until he abandons you too and declares himself the god of the aborigines.

>> No.17588490

Lying will get you in hell in biblical scriptures, your allah described itself being a maykr aka a deciever and the fact this exists in your sharia ruling that lying is permissible when under war (which islam is at right now because it is secretly at odds with everybody) and if it is to attain a certain goal they will take that route whether it be misdirection or other wise.

You are now lying, if lying didn't exist in islam neither would kitman, taqqyia and other practices or forms of lying.

>> No.17588491

"Fiqh According to the Qur'an and the Sunnah" and "Gardens of the Virtuous" might be commonly found in a religious household

The Prophet ﷺ was sent to the whole planet, being the last

>> No.17588496

So lying is okay because you think the christians do it too? The absolute state of muslims.

>> No.17588499

I very much doubt as Christian has an issue with lying in a situation like " we have you surrounded" when you don't

None of this is related to war, it's on 4chan. If you asked me to disclose the local of our fighters then lying might make sense but this conversation doesn't fall under war

Taqiyyah is from Shia fiqh

>> No.17588502

>I doubt it will work. Invincible ignorance is prevalent in every ideology in 4chan, all religions included.
He's more preaching to the choir imo. I'm a Muslim though not a scholar and I keep learning a great deal about Islam ITTs

>> No.17588503

But the christians claim the same about Jesus. Why should I believe you over them? Also doesn't change the fact that you're still appropriating the god of the jews, an etnic god, for the entire world and wonder why they don't like you.

>> No.17588507

Rather I think Muslims circumscribe it much more. Even lying as a joke is considered haram

>> No.17588508

>I very much doubt as Christian has an issue with lying in a situation like " we have you surrounded" when you don't
That's the difference, as much as I despise christians, the real ones don't lie under any circumstances. They'd rather die than lie.
>If you asked me to disclose the local of our fighters then lying might make sense
Wait I thought you said you weren't allowed to lie? Were you lying?

>> No.17588514

>Even lying as a joke is considered haram
Yes, to other muslims. Not to non-muslims, you lying fuck. Stop playing jewish word games.

>> No.17588518

I can lie in a situation of warfare as you mentioned, that wouldn't apply here. This really isn't complicated

>> No.17588519

Damn Muhammad was truly a demonic being. He committed every crime in the book: murder, torture, rape, pedophilia, theft, racket, perjury.

>> No.17588521

>Stop playing jewish word games.
Islam(Quran) is as anti-jew as it gets.

>> No.17588523

No, to kuffar it is as well

>> No.17588529

That's a lie. Muslims are allowed to lie to non-muslims if it advances the goals of islam.
Then why worship the jewish god and do their work for them?

>> No.17588533

Who decides when that is? Isn't this part of the holy war to save the infidels? See how easy that was. Stop lying, pig.

>> No.17588539

>That's a lie. Muslims are allowed to lie to non-muslims if it advances the goals of islam.
This is ludicrous and incorrect, that's obviously not even a legally functional phrase because it is utterly subjective. You are the one who is lying here

>> No.17588542

>worship the jewish god
That "jewish" god sent dozens of verses dissing jews in the Quran

>> No.17588543

No it's not. This doesn't fall under jihad in any fiqh

>> No.17588545

Deceitfulness does seem like a muslim attribute. It's very unsympathetic.

Christians get taught things like that:
"No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes."

>> No.17588554

I would too if I were him, yet you still worship the jewish god. If you're so anti-jewish, why not ditch their god and go back to the gods of your ancestors? They were actually anti-jew.
As if subjectivity ever stopped muslims from playing jewish word games lmao, you've been at it this entire thread
How do I know you're not lying now?

>> No.17588555

Honestly it doesn’t make sense, considering obviously “Allah” comes from the Abrahamic tradition, but “Allah” is so irreconcilable to the God seen in the Old and New Testaments. It just confirms that Islam probably comes from the deluge of confusion and heresy that is speculated all the time.

>> No.17588559

>Deceitfulness does seem like a muslim attribute
The Quran and the Hadith(saying of Muhammad pbuh) is filled with sections on how bad lying and deceitfulness is.

>> No.17588565

Muhammad ﷺ was asked can a coward be a Muslim. He said yes (in other words though it is listed as a major sin it isn't apostasy). Can a miser? He said yes. Can a liar? He said no.

>> No.17588566

>but “Allah” is so irreconcilable to the God seen in the Old and New Testaments.
Allah is literally the God in the Old Testament

>> No.17588569

Fuck the so-called Sunnah. It’s a satanic perversion of the Quran’s message. The only Sunnah you need is in the Quran. Muhammad wasn’t a pedophile and he didn’t advise people to drink camel piss.

>> No.17588571

Then why do so many muslims lie? I know more deceitful muslims than those who are true to their word. Are you saying your religion is as subverted and decadent as all the others?

>> No.17588572
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>None of this is related to war, it's on 4chan. If you asked me to disclose the local of our fighters then lying might make sense but this conversation doesn't fall under war

>Taqiyyah is from Shia fiqh

If taqyiaa was not allowed pic related would not exist.

And yes it doesn't matter the circumstance in christianity you lie?
You have sinned and liars go to hell.

>> No.17588585

What's the definition of liar though? You keep proving it's very subjective and subject to changing around different circumstances.

>> No.17588587

Unless of course it is furthering the cause of Muhammad. Think about what sort of a statement that is. From his perspective: lie whenever it is advantageous to myself.

>> No.17588592

No, I don’t think so.

>> No.17588594

That describes muslims perfectly. They lie about lying.

>> No.17588599


>> No.17588606

The Qur'an says follow the Sunnah

Ibn Taymiyyah gave a detailed fatwa on this. It is indeed the hood, this is based on a Hadith when Muhammad ﷺ saw a circumcision of a girl and said do not cut too much which has been unanimously understood to mean the hood and not the clitoris proper, I have written on this topic extensively already, familiarize yourself with the classical fatwas and Hadiths before this

>> No.17588634


+again the Christian view:

"But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God."

>> No.17588635

HAHAHHA you realize your sharia is the final interpetation of everything right and it gives the exact rulings on these things explicitly?
And the fact umdat al salik is one of the most popular sharia manuals.

>> No.17588650

>"But we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God."

Ah yes cherry picking bible verses?

revelations 21:8
But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

1 timothy 9:-10
Understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,

>> No.17588660

Why do I bother

I have explained this passage before and it's not my fault you can't read Arabic and you're too lazy to look at the links I supplied at the outset of this thread. You are dishonest, I take considerable time to address every point in detailed manner from this exhausting cluttered garbage text and you can't even bother to read them, then don't expect me to read your rambling foolishness

>> No.17588665

Here you go the Muslim view:

"Only they forge the lie who do not believe in Allah’s communications, and these are the liars."

"Surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful."

"the curse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars."

"Falsehood is absolutely an evil and a sin."

"...the curse of Allah be on him if he is one of the liars."

"Beware of falsehood! Because falsehood blackens the face."

"It is recorded in a tradition that on the Day of Judgement the mouth of a liar will give an awful smell."

""The smell of a liar’s mouth would be so disgusting that even the Angels will not go near him. They will keep away from the liars. This is not only for the Day of Judgement. Even in this world, the Angels can smell the foul odour from the mouths of the liars. In a prophetic tradition it is said,

“When a believer utters a lie, such a bad smell emanates from his mouth that even the Angels move away.”"

"Lying destroys Faith"


>> No.17588693

I have no problems with those verses but see no relation to what I have written.

>> No.17588707

Sure but there is exemption for whatever furthers the cause of Muhammad (like getting rid of unbelievers). There's no such exemption in Christendom, just forgiveness.

>> No.17588723

Ok so you want me to be murdered. Why should I listen to you?

>> No.17588726

Let me guess is it the one paul talking to some other people using their own logic against them?
That wasn't being promotive of lying.

>> No.17588732

It's not lying if you manipulate your opponent into believe otherwise

>> No.17588744

Just random verses against sinful behaviour, presumably expecting that I was some nihilistic liberal who would be opposed to that. This btw if posted by a muslim was a direct example of taqiya since Islam shares these prohibitions.

>> No.17588751


>> No.17588752

Why should I listen to you if you think blasphemy is a human right?

>> No.17588791

I'm just saying that because I've read some of the both of books, as I am no scholar I can't represent it quite bountifully. But for example these verses from John:

>1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
>2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Can be contrasted with those from the Quran:

>31:27 And if whatever trees upon the earth were pens and the sea [was ink], replenished thereafter by seven [more] seas, the words of Allah would not be exhausted.

This shows how the word is from God, and the word is God, but also complements is by saying the words of God are unlimited, portraying the fact the God is limitless

>> No.17588858

Dude the guy said the Old Testament, but even if we were to take this verse seriously we have to understand that the two theologies of what (or who) the Word of God is differs completely in the Qur’an and in the New Testament.

To quote the entirety of the prologue of John involving the Word,
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it... The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

The Word of God in the Qur’an is a sort of complete and sufficient revelation from God, meant to be inexhaustible in its usage. The Word of God in the Bible is a person who is completely God, who incarnate as a person in the world through Jesus Christ. Completely incomparable tbqh.

>> No.17588868

The Sunnah from the Quran, retard. Enjoy your camel piss.

>> No.17588903

They're the same God, just the one in the testament incarnates as the person. Same object, different interface, if you will.

>> No.17588909

Sunnah means wont

Certain things taken from urine are actually an ingredient in even clinical medicine. Your entire objection here is about it being unpleasant rather than incorrect.

>> No.17588925

>just the one in the testament incarnates as the person
I think that’s a huge difference.

>> No.17588939
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>muslims unironically defending camel piss drinking because their VIIth century prophet told them so
It's like endless comedy.

>> No.17588947

It's the same entity. Just that once it was put into a body of a person, the other time wasn't.

>> No.17588950

Don't kuffar praise consuming human semen? Not even for medicine but for kicks?

>> No.17588955

>How do I know you're not lying now?
By doing basic research?

>> No.17588956

>Just that once it was put into a body of a person
Well it’s not like some modalistic God. Only one person incarnated not the Father or the Spirit, both devoid concepts in Islam

>> No.17588961

What exactly does that can even say?

>> No.17588964
File: 26 KB, 640x370, Muhammad favourite drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, muslims also drink human semen as MEDICINE lmao?

>> No.17588966

Sorry akhi but whataboutism isn't a strong argument for your case

>> No.17588974
File: 87 KB, 550x400, 1613143235376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17588976

Guaranteed 80% pure camel piss.

>> No.17588977

And when I present it, you'll lie and tell me I'm interpreting the wrong way or don't understand it because I'm not a muslim, funny how that works. See this thread for examples. It has been shown that islam is a religion of liars and hypocrites.

>> No.17588981

Your form is dropping OP, low quality bait

>> No.17588984

I'm pretty sure it's not whatboutism. Whataboutism would be pointing out mare urine is used in medicine of the kuffar (which it is). This is however is rather different since kuffar suffer from an STD epidemic whereas camel urine is clearly not causing a public health issue

>> No.17588993

>kuffar suffer from an STD epidemic
Are you ignorant or lying again? Muslims in Europe are known for being walking STD repositories

>> No.17589007

Hm, I look at STD rates in Muslim countries compared to non Muslim and it's just evident to me that glorifying and worshipping homosexuality and harlotry or feminism or whatever it's called may not have been the most civilized course after all

>> No.17589013
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Holy cope lmao.

>> No.17589025

I don't disagree there, yet your precious religion seems to be falling prey to the same ills. Not so great after all huh?

>> No.17589031

I mean the fact that Christians constantly (and I would wager, purposefully) misinterpret what taqiyya is makes me think you're quite deceitful and cunning yourself. Like, this argument was had in the Christian world with the Donatist controversy, and they seem to have come to the conclusion that someone can deny the faith for fear of death. Yet Muslims can't? Because that's literally what taqiyya is, lying under fear of death or persecution. Yes someone can misuse this doctrine for their own nefarious purposes, but that can be said of literally any religious doctrine. Someone can commit the most horrific sins imaginable but certain Christians believe faith in Christ alone absolves them of all sins, would I say all Christians interpret this doctrine in such a way as to allow them to sin as much as humanely possible? I think that would be a bad faith interpretation. If you don't believe me, you are free to look it up.

>> No.17589044

>citation not found

>> No.17589055

I'm not a christian and I don't pretend I'm above lying. I'm just calling out muslim hypocrisy on the lying, saying lying is haram yet having loopholes to allow lying to non-muslims. In that, I'm more honest than the average muslim.

>> No.17589062

Have you seen muslims in Europe? Apart from a few conservative sects they're just as degenerate as the average atheist.

>> No.17589081

By ills you mean western civilization?

Taqiyyah is really about epistemology more than practice. The fact that Ali praised Umar and married his daughter to him and his accounts completely contradict the Iraqi shia account of Umar beating up his wife, is addressed by Shia by claiming Ali was doing taqiyyah. Taqiyyah might have happened in practice somewhat but this was more Shia hiding things from Sunnis than either hiding things from others. Christians don't really care if Shia curse A'isha or Umar

>> No.17589084

Like I said, why is lying in the face of death or persecution wrong?

>> No.17589090

Generally less religious Muslims move to Europe as it is seen as not an optimal environment at least compared to Pakistan. Though there are exceptions but I would say on average an immigrant is much less religious than a non immigrant

>> No.17589092

>By ills you mean western civilization?
Yes. You pretend you're going to save the world from decadence and degeneracy, yet when placed in that circumstance you're even more easily subverted than christians. Islam won't do shit but be the useful idiots for globo-zion.

>> No.17589098

>just trust me bro
Yeah okay man.
I only recently learned that Ibadis also believe in something called Kitman, it's interesting how taqiyya is used by persecuted denominations historically.

>> No.17589104

Because you're lying to save your body? You're placing materialistic aims over spiritual aims? If you were so set upon being truthful, why not die a truthful person instead of live as a liar? It just proves again islam is a religion of hypocrites.

>> No.17589107

I don't know, is any Christian willing to die to defy it?

>> No.17589109
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>even more easily subverted than christians. Islam won't do shit but be the useful idiots for globo-zion.
Man I could have spent this time doing something useful

>> No.17589112

Point taken. Still shows your religion is just as susceptible to subversion as all the others, if not more.
>just trust me bro
Just like this entire thread then? Great point, retard.

>> No.17589114

Being truthful is better, but being tortured isn't always easy

>> No.17589122

Because the preservation of life is more important than not lying? Why throw away the one life God gave you so easily? If it was o defend someone or something, yes a heroic death is beautiful, but just to be honest? I don't see why death is preferable in that situation.

>> No.17589123

Not anymore, in history they definitely were. Look at all the saints and martyrs. But at its core christianity is just as bad as islam, they're both judaism for the dumb masses.

>> No.17589132

I mean I've told you to look up my claims multiple times, you're commenting on societal trends without a lick of evidence. If you want I can copy and paste the Wikipedia article for taqiyya lol, if that would make me less hypocritical.

>> No.17589133

Lmao there goes your integrity, this is why muslims are seen as shifty and deceitful. "yes we're true to our word, unless we get resistance" The absolute state kek
>Because the preservation of life is more important than not lying?
See this is why muslims can't be trusted, thanks for proving it. If you're not willing to die for truth, truth doesn't mean a thing.

>> No.17589142

I'm talking about picking up a weapon not just being rounded up

>> No.17589149

No thanks
>you're commenting on societal trends without a lick of evidence.
G to any European city and see for youself, you don't have to believe me. You know statistics are horseshit anyway.

>> No.17589151

I personally would try to stay true but if you get tortured into denying your faith it's not considered apostasy no

>> No.17589155

Given every time muslim take weapons they get thoroughly BTFO they'd better stop.

>> No.17589160

> mean the fact that Christians constantly (and I would wager, purposefully) misinterpret what taqiyya is makes me think you're quite deceitful and cunning yourself. Like, this argument was had in the Christian world with the Donatist controversy, and they seem to have come to the conclusion that someone can deny the faith for fear of death. Yet Muslims can't? Because that's literally what taqiyya is, lying under fear of death or persecution. Yes someone can misuse this doctrine for their own nefarious purposes, but that can be said of literally any religious doctrine. Someone can commit the most horrific sins imaginable but certain Christians believe faith in Christ alone absolves them of all sins, would I say all Christians interpret this doctrine in such a way as to allow them to sin as much as humanely possible? I think that would be a bad faith interpretation. If you don't believe me, you are free to look it up.

Then don't lie mudshit that simple.

>> No.17589162

My point still stands even if you don't know enough about christian history

>> No.17589168

Then you can't say muslims are not allowed to lie. Because that would be a lie. And just like jews, you stretch the limits of interpretation to be allowed to lie in any situation.

>> No.17589173
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>You know statistics are horseshit anyway

>> No.17589178


>> No.17589184

Well I mean I don't fell that my life is under threat when some randos online call me a goat fucker lol, so I can be trusted then at least.

>> No.17589191

Infantry wise Muslims have the best but lack artillery and drones


>> No.17589202

No you can't. I've heard muslims make (variations) of this argument. You can't be trusted.
You, retard. You first say lying is not allowed but then say it's allowed under certain circumstances, thus proving you a liar.

>> No.17589214
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>Infantry wise Muslims have the best but lack artillery and drones
They're the best of the best and proud and fierce and still are getting BTFO by Israel, BTFO by NATO, BTFO by Russia, BTFO by China, BTFO by hindus, even BTFO by Africans.
Muslims are good at killing each other though.

>> No.17589225

I said there is no such ruling that lying is permissible based on "advances the religion". When lying is permissible I already covered in the last thread linked here

>> No.17589228
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>Infantry wise Muslims have the best but lack artillery and drone


>> No.17589231

>islamic values

>> No.17589232

I don't think Russia or NATO can sustain it. Theoretically the U.S. in Vietnam and Russia in Afghanistan used air support to great power but they didn't turn out as victories

>> No.17589244

But that when is very broadly intepretable, making you untrustworthy. And lying to save your life is advancing the religion, no? Why else would you?

>> No.17589247
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>Infantry wise Muslims have the best

>> No.17589250

>dat jiff

>> No.17589254

>I said there is no such ruling that lying is permissible based on "advances the religion". When lying is permissible I already covered in the last thread linked here

Lying is allowed if it obtains a certain goal that cannot be achieved by truth.

>> No.17589261

>that when is very broadly intepretable
Not really.

Lying to save your life is based on a particular hadith, a man was tortured into cursing Muhammad ﷺ and told Muhammad ﷺ and Muhammad ﷺ said if he is tortured again then he should do so again and there is no sin on him for it.

>> No.17589262

>Lying is allowed if it obtains a certain goal that cannot be achieved by truth.
Every parent in the world is familiar with this notion.

>> No.17589274

I have no idea of the context of this or the daleel (nor do I particularly regard Ghazali as a jurist, I don't know who does), the Arabic isn't even furnished.

>> No.17589280

>the Arabic isn't even furnished.
What an interesting phrase.

>> No.17589286

I love how muslims brag about being the best warriors on earth and still manage to get destroyed by everyone else. You can't even get to expell a couple million jews. Muslim military achievments amount to bomb bus and kill people in bars. Whoah. So brave.

>> No.17589291

I suppose drones are?

>> No.17589295

>please leave
Lmao and I thought muslims had honor

>> No.17589302

Dude is the ruling on permissible lying from your own sharia.

>> No.17589304

By regard here I mean highly regard. He was a jurist but I know of no work of his regarding jurisprudence that anyone reads

>> No.17589305

>You can't even get to expell a couple million jews.
Not disputing other points, but that's unfair given the state of Israel is supported by the hegemon the US as well as various other agents

>> No.17589306


>> No.17589316

This is supposedly from a fatwa by Al-Ghazali. This was a jurist who said music is halal based on the fact that birds sing. Obviously I'm going to need to see his whole fatwa to know if he even has daleel

>> No.17589319

As are suicide bombs and airliners

>> No.17589357

Monkey weapons are meant to be used on the enemy. Jihadi bomb airliners and kill civilians because they're scared to fight actual militaries. They're so ball less the best they can come with is killing women and children in the rear. Muslim "bravery" what a joke.

>> No.17589379

NATO definately bombs civilians. And Muslims definitely fight soldiers but NATO soldiers generally don't like to come out and play until they have levelled the city first, see Fallujah

>> No.17589381

The sharia is reliance of the traveler one of the most well known and the most popular.

>> No.17589385

NATO doesn't bomb civilians, NATO bomb jihadis hiding cowardly among civilians.

>> No.17589401

Sharia means revealed law. Fiqh means jurisprudence or codification of it. The Reliance is the most famous fiqh manual of the Shafi'i school of jurisprudence

The Reliance of the Traveler's fiqh on lying I covered in the last link here

>> No.17589406
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>NATO doesn't bomb civilians

>> No.17589425

So do you agree that sharia permits lying yes or no?

>> No.17589442

I agree it does under a handful of circumscribed conditions, none of which is "advances Islam"

>> No.17589452

>doesn't deny the murder accusation

Muslims, everyone!

>> No.17589457

No it doesn't. NATO tries its best to avoid civilian casualties and that's actually a huge impediment. Jihadis take advantage of this to hide behind civilian population, then when civilian casualties happen they whine on TV. That's your best infantry on the world.

>> No.17589463

Source on that?

>> No.17589467

Your society allowed religion to be treated like a toilet and see what happens

>> No.17589490

American sanctions cost the lives of half a million Iraqis and kissinger said starvation is our greatest weapon. America specifically targeted civilians in WWII and Vietnam and they just call it shock and awe. You are deluding yourself.

>> No.17589506

Pure copana. NATO tries its best to spare civilians and it provides relief and aid to populations. Jihadis go to kill unarmed civilian, women and children in the rear because they can't do better.

>> No.17589513

This is from the Gulf War, nothing even involving jihadists at all

>> No.17589520

Jihadiste don't target women or children, this is pure propaganda

>> No.17589525

Stop playing jewish word games, faggot. Those "handful of circumscribed conditions" are things that advance islam, such as lying because you're too cowardly to die for you convictions. The law doesn't have to literally state "to advance islam" in order to advance islam. Are you sure you're not just jewish entirely?

>> No.17589532

Stop lying, they do, unless you're playing jewish word games again and don't count non-muslim women or children as women or children.

>> No.17589540

You can check it yourself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Islamist_terrorist_attacks

>> No.17589541

They don't target women and children of infidels or kuffar

>> No.17589549

I see,so when women and children are killed as collateral with jihadists they're targets but with NATO they're not

>> No.17589551

Stop lying, they do and you know it. You're just reinforcing how deceitful you people are.

>> No.17589557

>as collateral
So when it's collateral it doesn't count? I'm getting really tired of your jewish word games.

>> No.17589560

You're inferring a general from a particular which is not feasible here because particulars are listed distictly precisely because the prohibition is general

>> No.17589574
File: 192 KB, 1024x726, Intervention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NATO does. You call terrorism "shock and awe"

You don't count it for you but you do for jihadists, how come?

>> No.17589575

And yet it's being abused constantly. So either the laws are wrong, or muslims lie a lot. You're still playing jewish word games. Why are you like this?
You also still haven't addressed how islam is going to save the world from degeneracy and decadence when muslims fall prey to it just as easily unless they're in some faraway desert cave.

>> No.17589577

You lie like a big fat whore. Collateral damages are due to jihadis hiding behind women and children. NATO avoids civilian casualties and provides relief. It doesn't go hunting for civilians randomly like jihadis do. Jihadis go to kill women, children and unarmed civilians

>> No.17589579

>And yet it's being abused constantly
You're making this up

>> No.17589584

Stop assuming. I'm not pro-NATO, I do count it for myself. This is your thread, I'm just calling out muslims on their hypocrisy.

>> No.17589591

>Lying is allowed if it obtains a certain goal that cannot be achieved by truth.
Like spreading islam

>> No.17589595

OP, how can we prevent muslims living in the West from degenerating to a western lifestyle?

>> No.17589597

No I'm not, this is from experience. I'm from a European city with many muslims who act exactly like this.
>but they're not real muslims
Fuck off, Karl Marxhammed

>> No.17589603

By leaving the west, back to your desert safe space.

>> No.17589605


>> No.17589615

>safe space
that's an oxymoron if I've ever seen one.

>> No.17589617

Lmao take your meds, schizo
Also "we" don't come into your lands, our globo-zion overlords do. It's your people who literally come to our lands to destroy it further than globo-zion ever could. You're such a hypocrite and a liar, OP.

>> No.17589621

Technology, something you had plenty yet even that couldn't help you beat Israel (3 times, even when you held the advantage in technology and numbers you got your shit pushed in).

I expect this comment to get ignored because you'll close the reply window in their rage.

>> No.17589631

Apparently the west corrupts muslims but according to OP living far away from it makes you into a good muslim, so it works out

>> No.17589633

They're not "your" land Paki larper not everyone there want your jihadi scum and go all caps as much as you want, jihadis bombing bus will forever be coward scumbags preying on defenseless innocents.

>> No.17589646

OP ignores a lot because he gets triggered easily and doesn't know as much as he thinks he does

>> No.17589650

Your demented religion stinks like shit, correct.
Understand that before you make any more womanly threats.

>> No.17589651

Bro, you're letting your anger get the best of you.
>A Companion went to the Prophet Muhammad and asked him, “O Prophet, I seek advice!”, the Prophet replied: ” Don’t get angry.” Then the man asked him, “What else?”, the Prophet Muhammad replied for the second time: “Don’t get angry.” The man asked again “what else?”, and the reply again was ” don’t get angry.” Anger blights both sight and sightedness.

>> No.17589658

You're gutless for serving them and doing nothing

Those governments established by you don't fight on our behalf and never have

You are completely mistaken if you think people in Pakistan are more sympathetic to NATO than Bin Laden.

>> No.17589667

>You're gutless for serving them and doing nothing
You don't know shit about what I do. At least I don't worship their god like you do, coward.

>> No.17589671

I don't care about Pakistan.

>> No.17589678

Lmao please keep talking, nothing as effective against islam as a squirming muslim.
So far you've
>condoned murder of dissentors
>condoned terrorism
>said that muslims don't really do terrorism
>exposed yourself as another haji liar

Keep on the good fight my muslim friend

>> No.17589683

And you won't address the fact that "we" don't come to your lands but you literally come to ours? You're a massive hypocrite, OP.

>> No.17589697

You vote in the people who send your drones over

>> No.17589709

>my host country that tolerates me out of sympathy deserves to have its civilians killed because some sandnigs are blowing themselves up in a country I've no relation to except my larp

Based retard, this is going into the screencap

>> No.17589724

I don't, retard. I've always voted for the most anti-globo candidates. I don't want to bomb innocent people on the other side of the globe. You do. And you still worship their globalist god. Lmao

>> No.17589754

It's not the responsibility of other Muslims to denounce the actions of misguided terrorists. We don't hold westerners accountable to the same standards, if else there'd be war already for what you have done to Libya Iraq and Syria.

And Muslims in the west experience psychological murder every day from cartoons, stigmatisation and racism by interim offices that discriminate them despite their skill being adequate.

>> No.17589768

Then why do they come in the West if they experience "psychological murder" through cartoons?
>you have done to Libya Iraq and Syria.
Three countries ruined by islamism.

>> No.17589773

The terrorism is supported by your own islamic sources and the fact they happen daily.

>> No.17589811

A lot oof them came here because they were invited to work, and others like Algeria were colonized by the French, you reap what you sow.

Which sources? Killing innocents is haraam and congrats there are 2billion Muslims, of course some are going to do wrong things.
If all Muslims were bloodthirsty you wouldn't exist.

>> No.17589825

>they were invited
>also reap what you sow kafir
Typical muslim, can't even be somehow coherent and has to shift the blame for its own failures. No wonder muslim countries are shitholes.

>> No.17589827
File: 12 KB, 310x485, FT_15.11.17_isis_views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note most Muslim countries don't condone ISIS and what they are doing

>> No.17589856

They were invited en masse, then ridiculed, then their home countries destroyed.

You reap what you sow.

>> No.17589872

You are all under the cock of the zionist, suc or die.

>> No.17589875

Either that or their countries are shitholes and they're desperate for the good life in Europe, though I admit that murder through cartoons is a serious risk.
Sunni chimpout
Sunni chimpout alawi man bad
Sunni chimpout shia man bad

I see a pattern here.

>> No.17589888

Because blasphemy doesn't involve killing people. I want you to have the right to practise your religion, but not to have the right to kill people for making you upset.

>> No.17589930

>I see a pattern here.
Yes, It's usually the countries that suffered for 400 years of colonialism and imperialism and neocolonialism by the some western agents

>> No.17589931

Libya and Syria got CIA'd. Any small faction can win if they have CIA trining and free american weaponry.

>> No.17589935

>Which sources? Killing innocents is haraam and congrats there are 2billion Muslims, of course some are going to do wrong things.
If all Muslims were bloodthirsty you wouldn't exist.

You are required to fight the non believers this is solid doctrine quit trying to lie my guy.

o9.0 JIHAD
(O: Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada
signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is
spiritual warfare against the lower self (nafs), which is why the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him
peace) said as he was returning from jihad.
``We have returned from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad.''
The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to scholarly consensus (def: b7) is such Koranic verses as:
(1) ``Fighting is prescribed for you'' (Koran 2:216);
(2) ``Slay them wherever you find them'' (Koran 4:89);
(3) ``Fight the idolators utterly'' (Koran 9:36);
and such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give
him peace) said:
``I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it, they have
saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the rights of Islam over them. And their final
reckoning is with Allah'';
and the hadith reported by Muslim,
``To go forth in the morning or evening to fight in the path of Allah is better than the whole world
and everything in it.''Details concerning jihad are found in the accounts of the military expeditions of the
Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), including his own martial forays and those on which he
dispatched others. The former consist of the ones he personally attended, some twenty-seven (others say
twenty-nine) of them. He fought in eight of them, and killed only one person with his noble hand, Ubayy
ibn Khalaf, at the battle of Uhud. On the latter expeditions he sent others to fight, himself remaining at
Medina, and these were forty-seven in number.)

What do you mean a few?
This happens nearly on a daily basis.

>> No.17589942

>got CIA'd
I am definitely remembering this one

>> No.17589953

>400 years of colonialism
The only empire that lasted 400 years there was the Ottoman empire.
CIA doesn't shit millions of angry sunni out of its headquarters.

>> No.17589975

>CIA doesn't shit millions of angry sunni out of its headquarters.
They also don't shit out millions of angry Catholics out of its headquarters, yet that didn't stop them from demolishing regimes in South America

>> No.17589976

I am done with western women, I know a fair bit about islam and islamic culture. How do I take the Islampill and where to find a QT3.14 grill

>> No.17589985

That's some really stupid whataboutism anon.
The point is that it's not the CIA who taught sunni to hate rafidi and alawi.

>> No.17589988

>How do I take the Islampill and where to find a QT3.14 grill
Go to mosque, get help with converting. Muslims are generally acceptable, you just have to put out a word, where they commune, once you convert, and they will all scramble to find you a girl to marry.

>> No.17589997

Fine I get the point. CIA just ignited the powder keg.

>> No.17590028

No muslims are the powder keg and ignited themselves.

>> No.17590040
File: 108 KB, 1280x842, 1430252820655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based always kinda had a soft spot for the religion and culture but that sounds based af. Ive got blonde hair and blue eyes tho so I've always kept the powerlevel hidden, do you think this will be an issue?

>> No.17590056

Hint: you don't need to convert to get a muslim wife.

t. deflowered a few, had 3 propose to elope with me

>> No.17590083

Sure, but let's also acknowledge that various Christian sects also fought between each other for thousands of years, this went up until 1950s in some countries, and even later with the UK and Ireland disputes which saw terrorist attack even in 1997, which is not so long ago.

>> No.17590092

There is only like maybe two or three mosques in my state but I will do what I have to. What would I say ? like Ive never been to a mosque who would I even have to talk to the first time.

Also Im gonna want more sweet details man how did you do it sorry for the stupid questions Im just genuinely interested

>> No.17590094

More irrelevant whataboutism. Muslims are a living joke.

>> No.17590112

>Ive got blonde hair and blue eyes tho so I've always kept the powerlevel hidden, do you think this will be an issue?
Nah, this is all irrelevant once you're a Muslim. Also don't listen to this anon>>17590056
Sure you can do that, but it won't give you lasting satisfaction in life that a community and marriage can provide.

>> No.17590122

Stop throwing this word around when you have no idea what it means, or I will bitch slap you so hard your grandchildren will feel it.

>> No.17590124

You tough boy behind your screen.

>> No.17590209

Turning your back on your country and family for a 5th column culture won't be spiritually healthy either. Stop trying to prey on those who see the West's degeneracy. Their duty is to make their home country better, not to betray it and join a bunch of foreign invaders.

I met them online as that's the most the place you'll find, but muslim women are just like any people and repression and the resentful young men in their community together with struggling parents will make them seek out more intelligent, archetypical men. Acvording to the muslim women I have been intimate with: despite all their shortcomings western men still fit that definition. I could have easily accepted their desire to elope and start a family with them, but didn't becauseI was still very young (19-23).

Just be yourself, be confident, and do dare to make a move when you feel like they are opening up. But let them open up first.

Tldr meet them on penpal sites, your uni, libraries or book clubs, anywhere you can find introverted intelligent girls and be genuine. Become friends first and then showcase your worldviews by engaging in fulfilling conversation with them, after a few weeks they should text you first frequently, keep on talking and talking but don't make a move until a few months in when they're really hooked.

>> No.17590219

most discrete place*

>> No.17590234

Also the first moves should have plausible deniability: go for walks together, offer to discuss something irl or play a game online. Small steps first, then when she confesses feelings you go all in.

>> No.17590271

to add to this: the muslim women that I dated were all virgins, and it was their first relationship too.

>> No.17590401

Thanks for the advice bro I could see a conversion maybe in the future when I am more sure of things Im still young (22) Ill see where life takes me

Any websites for penpals or other good places online in particular? Thank you for the advice anon

>> No.17590575

Interpals and tandem
Also try use social community websites, or something like aiesec

>> No.17590593

And you're welcome, just don't get stabbed by the likes of OP for stealing his women from under his nose. Not that he will, the only thing the donesticated seethers can do is yell something in Arabic when you walk hand in hand with their qts.

>> No.17590600
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Meanwhile in Pakistan
>Europe as it is seen as not an optimal environment at least compared to Pakistan

>> No.17590676

If you don't mind, where (ballpark) do you live? And were you learning Arabic or anything when you had penpals?

>> No.17590699

I just had an interest in their history, but never in Islam (the latter sucks)

>> No.17590746

Im not >>17590699
I live in Maine so you can imagine there isnt much other than boring white women

>> No.17590756

i am this guy

>> No.17590757

Oh forgot to add I had an interest in learning arabic but that was like 7 or 8 years ago maybe longer

>> No.17590943

regardless of being less religious or not (would explain why they go to europe even though they are explicitly told not to unless they are invading it.

>> No.17591495

That is what I don't get about you muslims instead of sucking up to the fact you are what islam has been and has been for a long time why is it that you always result to tu qouque fallacies as if it makes your religion any less acceptable.