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17586120 No.17586120 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any philosophy that says you should only care about yourself and things that impact you and don't give a shit about anyone else? I want to create a character that is very manipulative but has justifications for it.

>> No.17586128

Ayn Rand, Nietzsche and Stirner

>> No.17586146


>> No.17586153


>> No.17586154

just completely wrong dude... embarrassing post... for you

>> No.17586173

Rand's whole 'I will never live for another man's sake, nor ask him to live for mine' thing doesn't seem to fit very well here.

>> No.17586182
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>Ayn Rand

>> No.17586185

De Sade's perhaps.

>> No.17586187

Yes, it's called egoism. Read egoist philosophy and have your character parrot that.

>> No.17586232

It is undoubtedly correct that you should only care about yourself and things that affect you, but most people are to stupid to understand what that means.

They always reply "so you will just steal and kill?", as if thieves and murderers have the happiest lives of all people on earth.

>> No.17586256
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Everyone else does in fact impact you.

Also read some Ripley books. I think he’s a bit like this

>> No.17586372

Objectivism and egoism both support this idea, but for different reasons.

Egoism would say "I am better than others and should put myself above them." "My happiness is most important."

Objectivism would say "Everyone is equally important and the best way for everyone to be happy is for everyone to work for their own sake." "Sacrifice will make neither the person sacrificing or the person being sacrificed for happy."