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17585004 No.17585004 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think?

>> No.17585023
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"Anti-woke" leftist women read Lasch, "anti-woke" leftist men read Baudrillard, and neither of them can say anything coherent or interesting

>> No.17585423

A gem.

The first 5 or 6 chapters hold up to today's narcissism.
The part of sports, children and after are skipable.

>> No.17585445


I agree so much!!! This was my exact opinion. It starts out solid and then just nosedives. The chapters on sports and promiscuity seemed especially out of touch to me

>> No.17585464

Weird, I read history for context in the world and insofar as voting or caring about it, I remember which party wants to lower my property taxes and call it a day.
It's almost like the opinions unemployed clerks are unnecessary to the process.

>> No.17585546

While modernity has been obsessed with politics, it may be equally true that postmodernity is possessed by the idea of the clan.

the endless pointing to the examples of narcissism and the evolution of individualism, in a number of sociological or journalistic articles, represents thinking at its most conventional. They are of little merit unless to illustrate the profound upheaval occurring within the ranks of intellectuals who have difficulty understanding anything of the society which is their bread and butter and who thus try to impart a kind of meaning in terms appropriate to the moral and/or political realm in which they prosper.

it is fallacious to draw a parallel between the end of politics and the withdrawal into the self, or what is termed the return of narcissism. This is a short-sighted perspective; in fact, I would postulate that the saturation of the political form goes hand in hand with the saturation of individualism. Paying close attention to this fact is another way of investigating the masses. The conformism of youth, the passion for likeness within groups or 'tribes', the phenomena of fashion, standardized culture, up to and including the unisexualization of appearance, permit us to claim that what we are witnessing is the loss of the idea of the individual in favour of a much less distinct mass. This mass has no need of the notion of individual, national, sexual identity, which was one of the most important conquests of the bourgeois order.

the wandering mass-tribes are less a question of belonging to a gang, a family or a community than of switching from one group to another. This can give the impression of atomization or wrongly give rise to talk of narcissism. In fact, in contrast to the stability induced by classical tribalism, neo-tribalism is characterized by fluidity, occasional gatherings and dispersal. Thus we can describe the street scene of modern megalopolises: the amateurs of jogging, punk or retro fashions, preppies and street performers invite us on a travelling road show.

beyond a surface individualism or narcissism, we must pay closer attention to the group attitudes that develop in our societies.

>> No.17585605

This passage is the first I've read from someone who seems to have a strong opinion against what Lasch is saying.

>The Time of the Tribes: The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society
Did you find this insightful and accurate? Your post makes it sound pretty deep to me

>> No.17585656

I became intrigued by the idea of declining individualism, contrary to the popular narrative, based on something else I had read and looked if anyone had written a book about it. I found that. I actually found it incredibly convincing.

>> No.17586781


>> No.17586804

I think we can all agree: Anna K is sexy.

>> No.17586812

Never read the book, by the way.

>> No.17586835

Interesting perspective indeed.

Any book(s) that you would recommend of this sort?

>> No.17586851

Didn't Deleuze point out that we are not individuals (a single unit that is not divided) but dividuals (divided into many fractions)?

>> No.17587164
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You type like a woman

>> No.17587168

Narcissism is a heroic trait

>> No.17587346

Narcissism isn't individualism necessarily since narcissists deeply need others to reify their self image.

TLP has that turn of phrase: "There is no such thing as a narcissist on a desert island".

>> No.17587567

Explain, this statement alone is horribly wrong

>> No.17587747

this !!! so much this !!!

>> No.17587764


>> No.17587883

All three of them, Anon, all three of them.

>> No.17587955


>> No.17588200

Women seem wicked when you're unwanted.