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/lit/ - Literature

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17584221 No.17584221 [Reply] [Original]

Literature majors BTFO'd

>> No.17584241

was making the guy have long hair a DFW diss?

>> No.17584242

What movie?

>> No.17584245

isn't he a self taught mathematician?

>> No.17584248

For real? Good Will Hunting.

>> No.17584250

You pay partly for the education, partly for the guidance, and partly for the social environment and future connections of college. It's astounding that anyone could possibly fail to understand this.

>> No.17584259
File: 78 KB, 500x500, Lovecraft+cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pay for the accreditation not the education.

>> No.17584263 [DELETED] 

>who couldn't understand this
people that get their educational guidance from hollywood movies apparently

>> No.17584275

and the unlimited undergrad bussy

>> No.17584279
File: 149 KB, 930x1390, june-24-1999-k15988fb-062499liberty-hill-honors-howard-zinnmatt-damon-DNTXGC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped taking this movie seriously when I realized it was just a big commercial for Howard Zinn's books.

>> No.17584292

also, less controversially, gordon wood. i remember when i downloaded a gordon wood audiobook i was like "oh sick this is that dude from that boston movie" then it turned out to be not great

>> No.17584309

Howard Zinn is good

>> No.17584315

lit femboys make my swoon

>> No.17584319

No, Zinn doesn't like Wood. That's why Will calls out the guy for reading him in the movie.

>> No.17584340

That made me chuckle even when I first saw it as a kid. That's btw always the problem when Hollywood portrays a genius, the writers tend to be retarded or at the very least politically illiterate. Their intellectual smack downs never work.

>> No.17584366


regardless of what you think of howard zinn, you gotta admit he went in on this pbs interview

>> No.17584388

That's just how men in the 90's looked.

He was a polymath who leaned toward math

>> No.17584400

No shit he leaned toward math. He wasn't a polyliterature

>> No.17584401

Also the contacts. If you're going to college full time, 5/6ths of the time you should be studying and 1/6th the time you should be building contacts and networking

>> No.17584412

Everything about this scene is fabricated and dumb. I always hated it, especially since the guy shuts up and just lets Matt Damon go on, as if that shit would ever happen IRL.

>> No.17584413

working class people think that movie is pro-proletarian because some kid from working class boston goes on to be a genius, but it's actually reactionary because he's obviously a professor's kid who got put up for adoption so it implies intelligence is genetic and second it implies that abortion is bad. on the surface level it's a progress movie, but the deeper messages you take from are rightwing.

>> No.17584424

the thing that i hate about that movie, and there are so many bogus things in it, is that the mit professors would let him get credit for his math work. irl they would steal it and say there's no way some lame janitor solved this problem.

>> No.17584428

>oh sick this is that dude from that boston movie

You talk like a retard.

>> No.17584435

The point of the scene was that blue bitch boy type of guys act smart, when in reality they just parrot their books and have done no thinking of their own. They're simply posturing asshats.

>> No.17584447

did Damon get to fuck that WASP bussy tho?

>> No.17584452

except that if you're a grad student at harvard you are obviously going to be publishing original research so guess what it's another bogus scene

>> No.17584458

holy shit that still makes me seethe

>> No.17584481

imagine writing this on 4chan and hitting "Post"

>> No.17584495

Guess what, published research doesn't mean shit in and of itself. Besides, Will is exactly the same, that's why he's so good at spotting and BTFOing the Harvard prick, as the film shows later on when Sean puts him in his place in that scene in the park.

>> No.17584504

>Guess what, published research doesn't mean shit in and of itself.
At least it's original.

>> No.17584512

The point of the scene is obvious. The reality is that the scene would never happen like that and it's literally just a masturbatory fantasy of someone who read a book outside of class once.

>> No.17584515

>At least it's original.
Sure thing.

>> No.17584524

That whole movie was an embarrassingly reddit take on what intelligence is, but that scene is surely the most condensed epitome of it. Nothing remotely close to that has ever happened in reality.

>> No.17584529

>The reality is that the scene would never happen like that
No shit, it's a film, but do you think cocky college brats like the blondie boy aren't a thing IRL?

>it's literally just a masturbatory fantasy of someone who read a book outside of class once
And this is the part when you shit the bed with your idiocy.

>> No.17584540

The film wasn't even about intelligence, dipshit.

>> No.17584545

>No shit, it's a film
Anytime you finding yourself saying something like this, it's always because someone accurately identified a flaw in some form of media that you like and attached your ego to.

>> No.17584556

Oh sure, cocky college brats talk down the working class constantly. If that scene happened irl he would have called damon a chud and then posted it on twitter to get him fired from his janitor job, and you would applaud it.

>> No.17584557

It was. No need to sign your posts.

>> No.17584575

When I read posts such as this in particular, I remember that you average prick on /lit/ has no grasp of literary or any theory for that matter. Sasuga, faggots.

>> No.17584577
File: 29 KB, 337x404, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>duhhhh you go to college for the connections!!!!!!
Who gives a fuck you literal faggot, the internet has made academia (humanities notably) irrelevant.

>> No.17584599

When I see someone radiating insults such as you are, I know that they are caught in the grip of their pain-body, and their ego is desperately lashing out at anything in sight, trying to cause drama. But I love you, and I hope you move past that.

>> No.17584638

>You pay partly for the education, partly for the guidance, and partly for the social environment and future connections of college.
An actual smart man would realize all of this is worth less than shit.

>> No.17586188

Absolutely based.

>> No.17586385

Didn't Will Hunting become a secret agent in the original script, but when Damon and Affleck met with William Goldman he recommended they ditch that plotline?

>> No.17586599 [DELETED] 

I never watched this stupid movie but I do hold the sentiment we should murder all academics. Seriously just read those "I got into oxbridge guys!!!!", just the worst kind of oversocialized twats.

>> No.17586607
File: 62 KB, 976x850, frog picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never watched this stupid movie but I do hold the sentiment we should murder all academics. Seriously just read one of those "I got into oxbridge guys!!!!" threads, just the worst kind of oversocialized twats flocking around it like flies to shit.

>> No.17586616

Zoomers are real

>> No.17586618

they try to recruit him in the movie but he just acts like a child in the interviews

>> No.17586620
File: 44 KB, 527x260, Screenshot_2021-02-19 lit - Literature majors BTFO'd - Literature - 4chan(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one faggot. Was the frog really an essential part of your post?

>> No.17586628


>> No.17586629

But then I wouldn't be able to flex on the plebs and signal to other yuppie cocksuckers I know the right lingo to be in the club.

>> No.17586630

I went to university for pussy

>> No.17586632

Zinn has a fat dacha on National Park land for insidious {{{capitalistic}}} reasons, just like Bernie, just like Pinker, just like Marx

>> No.17586645

They mention the book once in the movie. The same number of times they mention Manufacturing Consent.

>> No.17586649

>he's an American
>he went to school in America
> he didn't complete his education at various institutions abroad
>he didn't learn multiple languages
>he didn't make international connections
>he dealt with the omnipresent, suffocating liberal ideologues
>he dealt with constant academic handholding
>he paid more than 212€ a year for tuition
>he didn't get a stipend whilst finishing his graduate and postgraduate
>he hasn't traveled to every continent
>he is in debt
The amount of cope from retarded amerifats itt is ridiculous

>> No.17586651

No, I just forgot to add "threads". Frog was a supplement.

>> No.17586659

>be me
>did none of that
>have sex with beautiful woman
>still a polymath autodidact with a good job
How do you cope with this?

>> No.17586664

Honestly if you go to uni for any reason other than a cheap and easy visa to a place you've always wanted to live you did it wrong. Better luck next life

>> No.17586697

I paid $60k to fuck art hoes and be a certified expert on Deleuze (B+ on my thesis)

>> No.17586728

no you pay for nothing really, some might get benefit out of it in their careers but that mostly depends on preexisting connections.

>> No.17586734


>> No.17586737 [DELETED] 

Publishing research is a surrogate activity

>> No.17586746

Publishing research is a surrogate activity and nothing more.

>> No.17586913


>> No.17586927

>They're simply posturing asshats.
So like /lit/?

>> No.17586960

>you should be building contacts and networking
Kill yourself

>> No.17587005

youre over 20 years old and you cant read?

>> No.17587203

most do. I wish the feds weren't absolute kikes loaning money to any faggot who thinks like this

>> No.17587213

If you paid for college you are stupid.

>> No.17587279

Hey how'd this work out for you two? Asking for myself.

>> No.17587456

I wish. I lived at home during college. It fucking sucked.

>> No.17587486

you're paying for the job reference from your college not the education

>> No.17587534

exactly why i left college, it's a meme

>> No.17587566

I went for the parties

>> No.17587575

>Building contacts and networking

Is this corporate speak for making friends? Or are you actually suggesting that students should go to so-called networking events where you shake peoples' hands and talk for two minutes are worth anything or will get you anywhere?

>> No.17587593

>social environment and future connections of college
most important and as of now (post-Covid) no longer relevant point

>> No.17587639

You must be 30 or older to post on this board

>> No.17587643

You pay because you're an american, and enjoys being swindled by the american education system.

>> No.17587653

You forgot the most important part, the fucking degree.
That's whats really counts, having a reputable association attest you're prepared in a certain field

>> No.17587663

I stopped taking it seriously once I grew over the age of 15 and realized it's just programming to make you trust shrinks when 99% of shrinks were subuman 1/10 con artists.

>> No.17587664

Like most american propaganda its surface level progressive, which is the standard american ideology to enforce the capitalist system.

>> No.17587685


pseuds getting BTFO

>> No.17587734

Yeah its making friends. But basically only making friends because you think you can use someone, or someone will be useful to you. In fact, if you can't use them, forming a friendship would be a waste of time. This is the strategy that will lead to success. Isn't the modern world greattt

>> No.17587742

>modern world
Pretty sure people did that all over the course of history, there were just different names for it.

>> No.17587751

Me too. Got exactly 0 pussy. I have had a conversation with a girl once though, so I'm not a giga-incel.

>> No.17587847

I still got my dick sucked. You needed to go out more and talk to more people. It's a numbers game.

>> No.17589314

Great for me personally. Most my mates in Australia did trades and definitely it's a different avenue that they didn't have

>> No.17589459

People goes to college to get a degree, not an education.
There's nothing new about this and I wonder why people find it so difficult to accept

>> No.17589505

Too late for that. I already graduated and never had sex once.

>> No.17590157

irl he would just shit on the floor and be like clean it up janny

>> No.17590201

>choose to be a vacuous soulless person
>b-b-but the modern world made me do it!

>> No.17590260

The point of the movie is that he was an insecure abused manchild and that's why he was acting like this. Skiing chad is in the right.