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File: 262 KB, 632x933, Emil_Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17583591 No.17583591 [Reply] [Original]

How come he hasn't been cancelled yet?

>> No.17583666


1) Literally no one knows or cares about him outside of us and a few other weirdos who don't post here. A few thousand people worldwide, tops. Consequently he doesn't have any real pull in the realm of ideas so the Cathedral doesn't feel it necessary to shut him up.

2) He didn't start from a place of positivity or social influence and then "descend" into edginess, fascist sympathy and the odd, relatively harmless anti-semitic remark. He was the textbook unlikeable-to-normies European nihilist philosopher all along, so none of his ideas are unexpected. Iunderstand that a few of you will quibble the epithet "nihilist" but where his pessimism is concerned, it's a distinction without a difference (no, it isn't) yes, it is. He is exactly the mental image that americans have when they think of some grim Euro writer guy.

>> No.17583700
File: 23 KB, 559x263, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi decent question.

Answer: because liberalism and nihilism are two sides of the same coin and feed off each other and strengthen each other because, in essence they are the same thing.

There are really only two options, you either worship The Creator, or you don't-(in which case your essentially worshipping something created- i.e. idolatry.)

t. Someone who formerly respected Cioran, read 5 or 6 of his works with great appreciation.

>> No.17583720

Also, to add to my previous point, because infantile whinging is the kind of disempowering narrative that liberalism loves and pumps into its subjects of necessity.

>> No.17583860

Why the fuck you're pretending like pessimism is a modern philosophy?
Fuck that careerist whore of Heidegger in your pic related.

>> No.17583892

Burger spotted. Everyone in France knows him.

>> No.17583918


No, they don't.

>> No.17583935

>The Creator

>> No.17583968

I unfortunately don't have time to discuss your idea of liberalism identified with nihilism but know that I disagree with you. That being said I mainly answer to you to know if you've read Bloy, who might be qualified as a "Catholic nihilist" and who is certainly not a liberal. If not I encourage you read him, and if you already did I would love to know your opinion on him and I will read it but the thread will probably have died.

>> No.17584648

Making a career out of it certainly is (and it also seems like the quintessence of liberalism imo), also I honestly dont think the ancients were all that serious about their pessimism. It seems more likely that for them it was just the results of hangovers from their debauched hedonic romps. Besides most of the ancients of note (i.e. the platonists) were certainly not pessimistic as far as I see it. If you want to talk about people like Schopenhauer, first address his seething bitterness and pointless vitriolic contempt for others (not that I care to talk of him.) Honestly 19th century pessimism just seems like a reaction to industrialism.
>"Catholic nihilist"
I certainly have not and won't be reading anything like that for as far into the future as I can forsee. As per my above post (>>17583700) christianity (as the root of liberalism- which is just the latest ideology of the cult of ceaser (glean "Mammon")) is just another idolatry imo. Just glaced this Bloy guy's wiki. Seems like a typical paris intellectual: a bitter fool, unhappy with industrialism who worships vacuous intellect as an escape, their own intellect or that of others. Trite bourgeois idolatry.

>> No.17584672


Everyone get a load of this guy holding court on a chinese porn cartoon website trying to sound smart lmao

>> No.17584678

Arendt is a hack

>> No.17584682

He was refering strictly to white french citizens.

>> No.17584736

>Consequently he doesn't have any real pull in the realm of ideas so the Cathedral doesn't feel it necessary to shut him up.
tout tout, slow down with the faggy reactionary buzzwords

>> No.17584786

lol fuck off

>> No.17584906

>I honestly dont think the ancients were all that serious about their pessimism
Hegesias wrote a book which persuaded so many people to commit suicide that he was eventually banned from teaching in Alexandria. The Buddha was serious enough about his own pessimistic conclusions that he ended up founding a whole religion.

Stop historicising everything and stop using the word "idolatry."

>> No.17584916


Don't you tell me what to do. I correctly explained why Cioran isn't canceled: he's obscure. No one cares. It's when you have some popular celebrity gaining traction with Crimethink (I threw that one in for the express purpose of annoying you) that the apparatus fires up.

Of whom, again, a large majority have never even heard of him, much less read him (or would want to). You massively overestimate the literacy and interests of the general population. Yes, even the educated white French.

>> No.17586071

Why would he? The world loves to whine and he was a master of the art

>> No.17586167

what the fuck was the point of his whole works?

>> No.17586260

Fair call about Hegesias. Buddhism is just a sect of vedanta as far as I'm concerned. I still think pessimism is retarded. Holding it as a perspective is about as wise as deliberately bashing your head against a brick wall.

>> No.17586275

Isn't he literally a globalist lol?

>> No.17586277

Kys you utter fucking pseud

>> No.17586285

Also Hegesias and Buddha clearly both made an idol of escaping suffering.

>> No.17586332

About what I expect from Cioranlets.

>> No.17586701

God, wish i have his hairline

>> No.17587482

he was cancelled after WWII

>> No.17587503


his earlier works, like the transfiguration of romania, are more idealistic in their essence. the war made him pessimistic. he always loved codreanu and the iron guard, which made him having to give endless statements of condemnation after the war.

>> No.17587511

they don't realize that he was blackpilled because Hitler lost the war

>> No.17587520

Go read his book On the Heights of Despair. It was written before his fascist phase.

>> No.17587760

I dont think this line is correct, or if it is, he back flipped like a pussy and is in no way worthy of any respect- not that he was on the merit of his pessimist works.

>> No.17587786

>a bitter fool, unhappy with industrialism who worships vacuous intellect as an escape
but this is also you with your little carefully crafted worldview
except Bloy achieved far more with his "idolatry" than you ever will - your worldview just helps you to waste time debating on 4chan

>> No.17587872

>he back flipped like a pussy
he grew up
maybe you will too one day

>> No.17587951

not him but what did you mean by this?

reactionary? buzzwords? where?

>> No.17587976


You can't cancel one who cancelled himself

>> No.17588259

IIRC when the iron guard fell apart the last of his idealism did

>> No.17588285

where do I start with him?

>> No.17588440

I found a unicorn, bros -- such a rarity that I'm scared of indirectly doxing myself.
I found a girl on a dating site listing Cioran and a few other rarepilled authors.
I've gotta try to pull. Looks-wise, I'm comfortable giving myself a 60-70% chance of being balls deep in this chick by the end of the month, but I don't know what the Chad market depth or the attention-whoring quotient is like.