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/lit/ - Literature

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17582873 No.17582873 [Reply] [Original]

Shout out to the anti depression boys. We just want to read good books and work towards achieving our goals in a healthy and fruitful manner. God bless you brethren. Many of the ones here could use our leadership. Here’s a toast.

>> No.17582888


>> No.17582910
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this board is absolute fucking cancer but it got me into reading philosophy and in the span of 3 years I went from extreme onions to a chad. I never tought life could be this good. Thank you /lit/

>> No.17582941

How did you turn into a chad?

>> No.17582943
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A toast to you fren!

I love you all

>> No.17582945

Depressed wisp of tow ass nigger

>> No.17582961

>be me
>go on /lit/
>hide nietzsche threads
>hide 'start with the greeks' threads
>hide /pol/ threads
>hide 'any books for this feel?' threads
>hide [this] or [that] threads
>hide threads with too many buzzwords
>hide islam threads
>hide christianity threads

ah yes, /lit/ as it should be

>> No.17582967
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Based healthy anons gang

>> No.17582968

It really is brother. Glad to hear your life is on the up and up. Keep it up.

>> No.17582979

Love you too fren. Let’s finish this week out strong. Not time to waste.

>> No.17582984

wtf, I don’t believe reading philosophy could change you that much unless it was you that desired change

>> No.17582985


>> No.17582994

Happened to me as well after reading the Greeks unironically

>> No.17582995

anti-natalism or any philosophy isn’t genetic. you aren’t born with these philosophies, you find them on 4chan :p

>> No.17582996

No need for depression. Only happy. In. Out.

>> No.17583042

All I read was The Republic and I found it mildly interesting but not a big deal. Have a recommendation for me of another start?

>> No.17583043

Its a long story, but in summary I realized that lack of power, fear and shame/disrepute were the main causes of most of my problems. It might sound like platitudes but there's a big difference between knowing something and internalizing it "Spiritually"

thank you fren

I'm extremely sensible to art and philosophy, I take what I read very seriously all the time. Also it wasn't just reading philosophy of coursem but it was the starting point

>> No.17583115

I see! Would you share some of your biggest influences or recommendations philosophy wise?

>> No.17583123

I read the Republic and some other dialogues / Aristotelian works, then I read modern philosophers (Machiavelli, Hobbes, Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, etc.), then I spent 6 months reading Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, then I read some 19th century philosophy (Kierkegaard, Hegel, Nietzsche) then I went back to the Greeks and read everything from Homer until Hellenestic Greece. In the meantime I've been going to the gym regularly and worked on understanding life and myself clearly and reaching closer to Good/Truth/Beauty. I also started reading poetry every night after reading some Greek lyric poetry (but now I read Anglo poetry). My life has never been better.

>> No.17583144

blessed thread, beyond based

>> No.17583148

My biggest influence was probably Aristotle, then Spinoza and then Nietzsche. Other big influences was Cicero and Schopenhauer

>> No.17583367
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We may fall on hard times in the future but one thing is certain as long we have literature and frens it will be alright. A toast!

>> No.17583376

How do I achieve this mindset?

>> No.17583379

Read Dickens or Tolkien

>> No.17583386

you sound gay

>> No.17583459

stop being gay and repress bad feelings like any normal man does

>> No.17583464

Based. Depressed fags are annoying.

>> No.17583492

through pain

>> No.17583501
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>> No.17583516

become enlightened

>> No.17583544

>I’m not depressed frens! Life is good!
get the fuck off of 4chan you fucking normalfag

>> No.17583569

seethe loser

>> No.17583593

Philosophy causes you to become self-aware. Söyboys are the way they are because they lack self-awareness.

>> No.17583728

anon, it is incredibly refreshing to hear your perspective on this board.

>> No.17583736

may god bless you and your family brother

>> No.17583747

op here. unironically life is good. the world is opening itself to me. still have a lot of places i can work on which is exiting. I hope you learn from your suffering as i have.

>> No.17583750

I'm anti-depression but I feel a strong melancholy in terms of wishing I did not exist
How do I trick myself into being positive? Some days I just feel good for no reason, but then I go back down again

>> No.17583944

i would say that it isn't a trick and that I don't always feel positive. I'm understanding with myself and realize that I can't be 100% every day. Where do you think your desire to not exist stems from? I would urge to to really sit down on the edge of your bed and ask yourself that question. Try to get to the root of that question and examine what YOU think not what you think you are supposed to think. Do your best to not be afraid of the answer and to not lie to yourself. Go as deep as you can. I think you will be surprised at what you will find and once you articulate that answer you can make a judgement on it. Often times when we do that we realize how silly it really was and our inability / reluctance to articulate it was the major cause of pain. However, maybe there is something there beyond that. I would urge to look it dead in the eyes and and confront it. It could be an entire host of things. For instance, maybe you confront that fact that deep down you believe that life lacks meaning but upon further examination you realize that your belief in that stems from a lethargic attitude you've adopted and is more of a reflection of your own inadequacies than any real objective lack of meaning within the world. From there you could start small trying to be less lethargic and more prone to take on responsibility and see the result. See if by acting forthrightly your feeling of wishing you did not exist fade away as nothing more than an illusion.

>> No.17584119
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cheers m8s

>> No.17584437

You embrace existence, which necessitates that you embrace suffering also. If you do this, then even on your down days you will still feel existence is good, that your life is worth living.

>> No.17584548

>work towards achieving our goals
Cancel free will, this one has plans already.

>> No.17585990

It sounds like a meme but reading The Sublime Object of Ideology literally changed my life around. It helped me to see how much I had been clinging on to negative traits like depression and oneitis and allowed me to become my own person again. It's not even the point of the book, but simply reading about objet petit a / jouissance gave me enough of a wake up call that it was like a great fog was lifted and I have never been happier in my life than I have in the past 2 years.

>> No.17586164
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Consider it. I'm not memeing.

>> No.17586322

recognize your reflection in dialectical (post) post-ironic contrarianism OR enter mania

>> No.17586474

no such thing as depression
no difference between being depressed and not depressed
all illusory

>> No.17587662

Blessed thread

>> No.17587820

The trick (as a functioning straight male) is to browse here without images.
Porn corrupts the brain, even still images.
I will be fucking your wife and all I can think of is big bobbas I saw on /lit/ earlier kek

>> No.17587983

uhm, what's left?