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17577233 No.17577233 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ seems to despise New Age in general but are there any New Age thinkers, or thinkers assimilated in some way to that movement, that are worth looking into?

>> No.17577255

What is this image supposed to be?

>> No.17577260


>> No.17577284

Just look up whoever comes on Jeffery Mishlove's talk show and find out what books they wrote.

>> No.17577285

wow My dad raves about this book. Never read it. The closest thing I have read to new age thinking is alan watts.

>> No.17577500
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Course in Miracles

also checkout new thought

>> No.17577556

I really enjoy the new age sort of stuff mostly because it always feels to me like the last movement we had where we still felt like we were all going to make it.
That said, there isn't a huge amount of great thinkers. Alan Watts is unironically a great introduction to a lot of Eastern ideas especially for a layman's overview.
Having said that, I think he's a better speaker than he is a writer. But he's about the only New Age thinker who's left me with much to think about.

>> No.17578273

This wasn't bad
Other than this, probably not

>> No.17579011

>the last movement we had where we still felt like we were all going to make it.
It was naive but hopeful

>> No.17579128

Echoing this. I still think New Age is worthless nonsense but I find Pierre Grimes to have interesting ideas. They’re entertaining if nothing else.

>> No.17579132

>I still think New Age is worthless nonsense

>> No.17579163

William Irwin Thompson.

>> No.17579206

Bob Monroe's books are worth reading. I wouldn't consider him "new age" personally, but he gets lumped in with that.

Also Alejandro Jodorowsky's tarot book is entertaining

Maybe Ouspensky's In Search of the Miraculous? That probably doesn't count as New Age based on the time frame it was published. The astrological/numerological chapters seemed batshit to me, but the alternating chapters about self observation and self remembering connected very strongly for me.

>> No.17579277

They believe things like being gay and letting people be trannies, and egalitarianism and feminism are good when literally every other religion on Earth says otherwise. They also get stuff they rip from other religions plain wrong like thinking we are transitioning from Kali Yuga to Dwapara Yuga, and weird shit like crystal healing.

>> No.17580235

Ok, based this book got me laid back in uni

>> No.17580817

Ram Dass is like CIA shit.

>> No.17580858

Mitch Horowitz is a historian and new age thinker who I personally love, he's also a great gateway to other authors and thinkers.
PS, the Be Here Now Foundation has an entire backlog of Ram Dass's speeches, lectures, and radio shows.