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File: 37 KB, 521x761, 1537244079294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17576863 No.17576863 [Reply] [Original]

You - you're a writer. Explain this time period we're living in.

>> No.17576922

Its was the bestest of times, it was the worstest of times

>> No.17577218
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, EE4D5898-61B8-44CA-9359-B0651A577FA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually pretty cringe
But there’s some based moments every now and then

>> No.17577292

Humans experiencing this reality are farmed by beings who have escaped life and death.

>> No.17577295

Our time is a cascade of cringe with specks of based glimmering every now and then, lucky if you catch a glimpse or air of one

>> No.17577618

lol. This.

>> No.17577675
File: 105 KB, 512x512, 1585825654140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long united, the empire must divide

We're witnessing an age of decentralization. Nation states no longer adequately serve their purpose, neither do big media outlets and entertainers. The election of Trump has ruined an entire generation of comedians and artists. Think about how many times you have heard jokes about his orange skin and tiny hands. "oh so brave" they'd congratulate each other, as if they weren't regurgitating the same stale material. Not just comedians, media outlets themselves have decided to "take a stance". Remember Rachel Maddow? Remember CNN and Fox? The issue was that they learned that they were no longer the purveyors of mainstream opinion. They revealed themselves as practicing kayfabe, just like the wrestling show host they oh so despise, all the while having to pretend that ratings don't matter.

Where does this come from? Why, the innate human drive for individuality of course. Nationalists in the past few years have spoken to a section of the population that felt entirely un-personed by the "liberal" global hegemony. They have regained an identy with the logic that it is better to be seen as evil, than to not be seen at all. We are entering an age of do-it-yourself. Whether the next hilarious meme or 3D-printed guns, anyone with enough willpower can become national news in a few hours. The DIY era lacks any sort of proper curation, for who are (you) bastards to tell me what I can do and watch and think?

The king is dead, his corpse lies naked in the streets, and there's a million counterfeit crowns in circulation that are almost indistinguishable from the real thing. The only reason corona bears its name is because God is a jester.

Or in other words
>I have no sense of humour, and I must shitpost.

>> No.17577678


>> No.17577684

Kali Yuga, /b/ro

>> No.17577727

>The king is dead, his corpse lies naked in the streets
Good. Kings are an artificial product of human fear. Serve yourself, serve the world, but don't serve some jackoff that's deified just because humans are afraid of not deifying someone

>> No.17577739

>”cringe”, he thought as the based coursed through his system and he looked over his shoulder warily, “there could be cringe anywhere.”
>there was, in fact, cringe. It was everywhere.

>> No.17577764

P good

>> No.17577768

If that's your take-away from that, you're not wrong but you're a slave nonetheless.

>> No.17577769

I'm not one of you /pol/-tier unironic "muh race" spergs, but man would I love to see your picrel come true for the trolling value alone.

>> No.17578083

Tell me more

>> No.17578201

We bear witness to the last moments of privacy, independence and freedom, the continuous erosion of which has left us but a tiny speck of dust to hide behind while the ever present Eye watches. The artificial needs of imposed humanity force us to leave behind our organic destiny to fullfill that of the machine whose purpose is to be driven forever at the expense of those who service it. Behind our wealth of information lies a vast intellectual void that grows ever wider and swallows any thoroughgoing soul. The virus is but the final blow to severe us from all else for eternity

>> No.17578307

Clown world.

>> No.17578346

Everyone is a gay retard except for me.