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17575066 No.17575066 [Reply] [Original]

itt post your favorite gay book

>> No.17575068

OP's diary

>> No.17575076

its pretty good indeed!!

>> No.17575081


>> No.17575108

confessions of a mask, easy

>> No.17575119

The Charioteer and Wingmen.

>> No.17575124
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>> No.17575136

What do you guys think of Call Me by Your Name? The part where Elio shits on top of Oliver's shit was pretty weird, but I liked the book overall.

>> No.17575199

Memoirs of Hadrian and The Persian Boy
I didn’t care for the book, but I thought the movie was okay for what it was and I enjoyed it

>> No.17575256

Do women really?

>> No.17575267

Beat me to it

>> No.17575364

naked lunch

>> No.17575947

Botany of Desire

>> No.17575987
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>> No.17576031
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>> No.17576110

my diary desu

>> No.17576116

>t. Teenage fujo who will never understand male friendship because of the coom-haze in which she lives

>> No.17576128

There is the part where Nick wakes up in bed with a guy he met at Tom's party in his underwear. Did you forget this part? It's at the end of the second chapter

>> No.17576137

The Importance of Being Earnest

>> No.17576155

The Desire and Pursuit of the Whole

>> No.17576157

>"All right," I agreed, "I'll be glad to." . . . I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the
sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.

>> No.17576172

>t. Has never been on a truly wild night out

>> No.17576174

F Scott Fitzgerald is a classic homosexual Mysogynist. Nick hates his cousin for some reason as this utterly inconsequential being who was based on Fitzgerald's wife Zelda, which seems a bit strange unless he was just a boomer who hated his wife I guess.

>> No.17576186

>it's not gay if you're just having a good time
I can agree to this

>> No.17576200

how? and don't mention the cuddle scene, shit ain't gay just a lil fruity,

>> No.17576212

I would hate my wife if I were married. This goes all the way back to Hesiod's Works and Days.

>> No.17576305
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>> No.17576511

I read Wingmen a week ago, and enjoyed it a lot, but was sad to find that the author hadn't written anything else. Have you read/found anything similar? gracias.

>> No.17576716
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He actually did write another book, Beach Head (1983). It was never re-released, but I think you can find an old copy on the web for a low price. I haven't read it yet, but as far as I know, it's a war story, but not a gay one.

I did read other war/military gay books (like The Charioteer, which I already mentioned, and Box 1663 by Alex Sorel, an indie release), but none of them have a much similar style to Wingmen.

>> No.17576832

cheers! I have read Charioteer (and plan to read Fire from Heaven) - I will give Box 1663 a try,

>> No.17576869

Head of a Sad Angel by Alfred Chester
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes
Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess

>> No.17576881
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this book is incredibly good

>> No.17578038

I question people's addicted lifestyle of LGBT and anti-racism

>> No.17579225

>don't mention the cuddle scene, shit ain't gay just a lil fruity,
I agree desu about the cuddling and Ishmael’s friendship with queequeg, it needn’t be gay. However, there is no way that a heterosexual man wrote “a squeeze of the hand”, it’s the gayest thing ive read that isn’t gay erotica.

>> No.17579250
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Women going “LE GAY XD” to every instance of male friendship ever pisses me off but this is the one book where I was like yeah this dude is definitely in love with this guy.
I read some stuff after I finished it saying that Kerouac was bi and I believe it.

>> No.17579258

Moby dick

>> No.17580733

My diary, desu.

>> No.17581055


A Book of Tongues (Hexslinger, #1) by Gemma Files

>> No.17581089
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Classic to understand the sodomites

>> No.17581652

Didn't read the book but i liked the movie

>> No.17581671

There are other parts when they work together that are described as they were connected and "one". I am half way through the book though

>> No.17581701
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Just one?