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17574990 No.17574990 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that promote an "ignorance is bliss" message? something that highlights the futility of pondering about metaphysics or even basic stress inducing life decisions, and just promotes passively living without giving it much thought?
I feel like this is the only way one can cope with modern life.

>> No.17575003

No books; reject words; embrace monke.

>> No.17575137

just change metaphysical beliefs every few days. I unironically do this and it's good for the brain. Become a radical nazi, then a muslim, then a deterministic materialist, then gay, then suicidal, ect ect. It's fun!

>> No.17575247

We call this schizophrenia, anon.

>> No.17575265

I call it intelligence and being an actual human. Schizophrenia involves involuntary hallucinations. I promote voluntary hallucinations. Realizing that metaphysical belief systems create hallucinations is a very important piece of knowledge.

>> No.17575282
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Candide from Voltaire is basically about how hollow civilization is, how Europeans are the dominant race (this was written centuries ago) yet are creating a world that will bring their downfall. How the New world people are dying out but through forced assimilation are giving birth to the ubermensch (mulattos who combine the best of all races). How religious institution is a corrupt fraud yet science is a dead end. And how life is only bearable if you keep your head down, shut up, and I quote "keep tilling your field"

>> No.17575347

I know of such a book, but I won't tell you which one it is, and because of that you will feel blissful.

>> No.17575459

>something that highlights the futility of pondering about metaphysics
Early Wittgenstein. Hume.

>> No.17575478

Infinite Jest by DFW

Trust me, it's called Infinite Jest cause the more you read the more DFW laughs in his grave at you for having spent time reading it.

>> No.17575918

No self respected authors would write such a stupid book

>> No.17577250
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>self respected authors

>> No.17577266

Sounds like stoicism, bug tier mindset though, then again you're probably some desk job wagie so I don't blame you

>> No.17577269

unironically camus

>> No.17577270

Now that he knows of its existence he cant be ignorant anymore. What a stupid answer

>> No.17577272


>> No.17577616

Technically what he's describing would be borderline personality disorder rather than schizophrenia. Those with BPD do not and cannot have a strong sense of self so they oscillate from one extreme to the next in the hopes of finding external definition that is truly worthwhile.

>> No.17577639
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>> No.17577998


Indeed, I don't have to. When the opportunity arises it thinks all by itself.

>> No.17578197

Kleist's About the Marionette Theater

>> No.17578385

ITT: Cowards
I bet you're "apolitical" as well, faggots

>> No.17578644
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>> No.17578683

Am I wrong in remembering Candide just being edgy satire on Leibniz’s theory of the perfect world?

>> No.17579106

based, fuck politics

>> No.17579174

This doesn't sound like a healthy way to live your life, you can't just ignore things that bother you, otherwise you'll never grow as an individual.

>> No.17579447

Wouldn't know since I only read Candide. But it was pretty nihilistic from my view.

>> No.17579746

So I have BPD?

>> No.17579796

>keep tilling your field
The whole "we must cultivate our gardens" isn't about embracing not knowing. It's about sticking to your little corner of the world which you can control and meaningfully contribute to rather than concern yourself with the chaos and violent irrationality of the world at large.

>> No.17579884

tao te ching, i think? at least for the masses.

>> No.17579933

'politics' is reality TV self-righteous shitflinging inbetween demoralisation and fearmongering. has nothing to do with how things are run, what decisions are made. and everyone you encounter is a braindead tribalist automatically hostile and inventing some bullshit enemy tribe from thin air that you are apparently a member of, most falling into a tribe not of their making but of the playing field's making. it's really bizarre.

>> No.17580215
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Socrates "I know that I know nothing" meme is pretty fitting.
The bible teaches this pretty well.
The (very) few buddhist and zen i've read do too.
If you wish for a straight forward answer to every question you might have then you will become miserable.
I can't think of a single objective truth.
Is murder wrong?
Is slavery wrong?

The oddest thing is that we all rationalize things only to the extent that our language allows.
If we didn't have a word for wrong, evil or immoral then how would we handle these concepts?
On what level of "thinking" are our base emotions?
When grug 15 thousand years ago wanted to kill someone for taking berries from his berry bush i doubt he had some form of philosophical battle in his head.
Violence and aggression is horribly frowned upon now but words that cut deep and leading people astray is not and is almost by definition what a lawyer is supposed to do.

In short "ingorance is bliss" or else you will start sporadically schizo post in your head like me without ever coming to a rational conclusion, only that something is wrong.

>> No.17580252

Gravity's Rainbow