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/lit/ - Literature

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17574151 No.17574151 [Reply] [Original]

was he the true embodiment of /fitlit/?

right wing nationalist author who loved bodybuilding and tried to get his people to rise against (((the west))) and prevent them from becoing rootless people

he seems alright to me

>> No.17574157

Were you the true embodiment of inceldom? I think so.

>> No.17574159

He didn’t do any of that and didn’t even start weightlifting until he was 30.

>> No.17574166

Dunno, what does /fitlit/ has to do with politics? And the Greeks were into that too, anon.

>> No.17574168


>> No.17574171
File: 84 KB, 1400x1050, E36AEF5A-BA65-42E9-B422-8D5686F81622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gets an entire generation of young, disaffected, increasingly leaning right wing white men into Mishima*
Thank him

>> No.17574175


>> No.17574180

he's cute! CUTE!

>> No.17574182

So like most of /fit/?

>> No.17574185

OP demolished

>> No.17574187


>> No.17574193


>> No.17574221

Stop. I liked Mishima before I heard PewDiePie name dropped him. Stop joking about my favorite author.

>> No.17574229
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>> No.17574236


>> No.17574237

>can't refute facts
>posts basedjack
every fucking time!!!

>> No.17574251

Tiny little jap twink who dodged the greatest war in human history yet had the audacity to write about the warrior spirit. He was literally laughed at by real soldiers during his speech at his failed coup. Not to mention his embarrassing failed suicide ritual. Why do people like this guy?

>> No.17574271
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>every fucking time!!!

>> No.17574272
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>> No.17574273

he is gay but masculine which is like a beacon to gays who hate faggy gays

>> No.17574336
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We need a /bol/ - Books on Politics board

>> No.17574467

im a POC and love Mishima nigga. fuck you mean.

>> No.17574595

You post on an anime forum. Why should I like your opinion?

>> No.17574605

>He was literally laughed at by real soldiers during his speech at his failed coup.
Also, this part really gave it away just how far this went over your head.

>> No.17574635


>> No.17574644

temple of the golden pavillion was a good book

>> No.17574741

the commies REEEEEEEEEing and character assassinating are always a good sign. I'll get his books thank you for the endorsement.

>> No.17575113

I don't actually know anything about mishima and haven't read any of his books. I just read the wiki page and always try to bait people by calling him a war dodging faggot.

>> No.17575146

whats the truth?

>> No.17576395

Is /fitlit/ even real? I have never met a person who was well toned and muscular and also learned and intelligent. Nor have I known any learned and intelligent men who proceeded to become toned and muscular. In theory, being both formidable of body and mind is quite an endearing prospect and the world has no shortage of determined men—but yet its full form is hardly ever found. Genius and acumen are often in short supply but to build ones body only requires health and focus. Is it that these genius men are simply too devoted to mental tasks to commit to the exercise? I find that hard to believe. Light exercise is no doubt good for you, but sometimes I wonder if those people who pump iron until they are red in the face and bulking have dimmed a few neurons in their heads.

>> No.17576469

um hello..............................based department?

>> No.17576484

And you’re just some unpublished dyel

>> No.17576489

yikes at this projection. just suck a dick and be happy bro

>> No.17576503

I have never met a well-read gym chad but I’ve met ones who are intelligent with business and money.

>> No.17576506

All homos regret it in the end

>> No.17577066


>> No.17577076

based thread derailer

>> No.17577080

Pewdiepie quite literally browses /lit/. It's been proven a thousand times already.

>> No.17577083

He is I

>> No.17577462

your coping mechanisms are interesting

>> No.17577478

post physique

>> No.17577480

Yes he is very /fit/ because he was closet homo, and very /lit/ because he lived a crazy life filled with trad larping and writing about it.

>> No.17577487
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x2160, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he was and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. If they do, you can write them off as fat. And, as we all know, the opinions of fat people don't matter.

>> No.17577489

Looks like I've gotta shill The Book Club on YouTube. He is the man you seek.

>> No.17577495
File: 91 KB, 452x640, mishima-speech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, niggers. Is there a pdf of Mishima: Aesthetic Terrorist out there for free? If not, I'll buy it and upload it myself. The word of Saint Mish needs to be spread.

>> No.17577498


>> No.17577505

Stop samefagging your posts. We can all see the poster count you know

>> No.17577522

Why do you guys hate him so much? Have you even read any of his books?

>> No.17577959

Do it bro.

>> No.17578004

This is what they do. There’s a population of people who hang out on this site, notice there’s a handful of authors who are commonly read by a few, they read the wiki and then just devote their posts to trash talking them. Pretty much everything they do is dedicated to discrediting authors they have never and will never read their books.

>> No.17578013

It’s hipsters who are seething that muh sekrit author has now experienced a big revival in popularity among young men thanks to Pewdiepie.

>> No.17578578

imagine being this much of a white knight. no, not all homos regret not eating stinky vagina fluid.

>> No.17578908

>The Book Club
Dyel detected

>> No.17579262

People who are physically fit tend to be "right wing". Direct correlation. There's also a correlation between leftism and mental illness.

>> No.17579291

>"hurr durr inceldom!!!"
>"he cannot refute my amazing facts!!! waow!!!!
Post physique
Based. Me too.
>/fitlit/ isn't real because everyone is as lazy as I am!!!
That's because you don't go to the gym.
Post physique.

>> No.17579297

>Literally all the greeks

>> No.17579303

>stages coup
You people are fucking retarded. Are you even self-aware that you are posting on an anime imageboard like I am?

>> No.17579308

he was gay too so yes. true fit lit

>> No.17579310

He was a closet homosexual ...... So yeah

>> No.17579362

This is me but I’m not a hipster. I just know how this goes when people find authors who can be interpreted as a based and red pilled fascist. Regardless of his politics, which I’ll admit I’m somewhat sympathetic towards, don’t know how you can like literature and not be bothered by videos like this:
Just check out the guy’s channel. They do this with all sorts of other good authors like another one, Ernst Jünger. They just have it so wrong and make it almost embarrassing to appreciate them even for just their fiction.

>> No.17579363

He revitalized my want for reading, amazing author and usually I don't like mainstream popping into muh sekrit author but if more people took ideals from Mishima the world would be a better place, so I say shill it into eternity.

>> No.17579369

Probably bait, but on the off chance it's not, it's quite obvious you have never exerted yourself physically in your life. If you do adult league sports, you'll notice quite a lot of professors, doctors, lawyers, engineers etc.

>> No.17579416

I have to agree with him. I’ve never met that person either. At best, they read a handful of authors like this and come away with really basic and probably wrong interpretations. Not exactly /lit/. You’re also not automatically /lit/ because you’re an engineer. I know some engineers who make you question if they’re even literate. Same for doctors and so on.

>> No.17579557

I used to be fitlit in HS. Ran a 5:00 1600m 11:00 3200m. Benched 155, squated 2pl8, had a six pack. Was at 5'9 145lbs. I was also valedictorian and had a 36 on the English part of the ACT.

But, I didn't talk to girls and everyone thought I was gay. I also never broke 5 in the mile so I ragequit working out, went to college, got burnt out, trooned out, and my grades dropped. Slowly trying to get my grades back up and get back in shape, but I am quite literally a castrated male, so it's rough. Now I take estrogen and grow my hair but I still live and present as a dude

>> No.17579571


>> No.17579612

Chemicals in the water, Jewish programming from media and schooling, and mental illness is a bitch anon

>> No.17579632

I do not understand, he had a wife -- are we really going to dilute the word incel until it is meaningless?

>> No.17579635

how has this been proven and what is that faggot doing here? doesn't he pretend to read nietzsche and pretends he understands?

>> No.17579651

that the soldiers came down from the balcony to stroke their cocks until they came onto Mishima's face in unison

>> No.17579673

And how much time did you spend on 4chan or elsewhere speaking with other troons?

>> No.17579674

>but I am quite literally a castrated male, so it's rough. Now I take estrogen and grow my hair but I still live and present as a dude


>> No.17580054

Which group of people are more likely to be well read, people who are high school dropouts or people with advanced degrees? Doctors and engineers aren't intrinsically /lit/, but they're more likely to be /lit/ than say, Tyrese who works at Walmart. Further, people with advanced degrees on average take care of their health better than their uneducated peers.

>> No.17580116

Thanks Pewds

>> No.17580160

Probably too much, but I wanted to be a girl since I was a kid. When I was 14 I was seeing a therapist about it, but my dad died shortly after and I stopped wanting to be a girl and stopping feeling anything really.
Ik im a fuckin joke lol

>> No.17580247

>Now I take estrogen and grow my hair but I still live and present as a dude

>> No.17580257

>doesn't he pretend to read nietzsche and pretends he understands?
you're so full of hate
hes just trying to do good by his community

>> No.17580293

Talking about the guy who made the post, not Mishima

>> No.17580340

>your opinion is invalid unless you die in a war before you're able to voice it
Very interesting, and interesting point.
Sad to see that you weren't dead while writing it so i can't take a cowardly fag like you seriously.

>> No.17580585

Where should I start with Mishima ?

>> No.17580717

First you go to his neck, then you start squeezing his ass.

>> No.17581134

I can't find these books. "His neck" and "Squeezing his ass" are those the titles ?

>> No.17581154

hehehe just came back to observe my work. Seems to be going well.

>> No.17581161

>da commies

I don't think you'll like Mishima. Ben Shapiro may be a better alternative

>> No.17581169

>true embodiment of /fitlit/
>gay manlet
checks out.

>> No.17581180

hi pewdiepie you pseud faggot

>> No.17581188

>t. Commie
Why would I watch that kike you doublespacing ledditor?

>> No.17581195

Well, I’m sorry you had to go through all that but in the interest of honesty, I have to wonder how much is a result not necessarily of just chemicals or programming but your own hanging out in these echochambers where people basically psyop each other into being trannies. We’ve all seen it happen.

>> No.17581207

Honestly, nowadays I would guess the high school dropouts with total sincerity.

>> No.17581220
File: 2.65 MB, 1089x1916, postBody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My opinion IS more valid because ive been to war, unlike BITCHima.

>> No.17581295

I'd accept your input on all of this but only if you're 6 feet tall, aka, not a manlet.

>> No.17581314

How new are you bro? He used to make /lit/ references all the time in his videos, and still does more rarely.

>> No.17581351

shows what you know, I'm loving the golden pavillion allready!
It takes good craft to make you sympathize with an utterly unlikeable character.

>> No.17581439

unfortunately, I'm 5'11.

>> No.17581488

Sorry bud, into the manlet pit you go.

>> No.17581611

He should meme useful stuff like insurance policies and gardening instead of wasting young people's time on literature 2bh

>> No.17581629

Who wants to fight in a war in which you get 2 nukes, your godlike emporer gets dicked in the ass and everything you've valued turns to shit ending in your future males marrying anime figurines

>> No.17581800
File: 436 KB, 1960x1000, The_golden_one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never met a person who was well toned and muscular and also learned and intelligent.

>> No.17581829

I honestly hate these fags and the fact that people have come to believe they represent the right or something. They are like a step away from Shapiro.

>> No.17581874
File: 72 KB, 500x500, Latsbrahthe+golden+one+is+about+the+biggest+you+could+possibly+_28981a1d374a15d1f9bb53eb753ea32b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this guy finds increasingly contrived ways to cover up his ugly af face.

>> No.17581999

>Light exercise is no doubt good for you, but sometimes I wonder if those people who pump iron until they are red in the face and bulking have dimmed a few neurons in their heads.

It takes 3-5 hours a week of lifting and a good diet to get a good physique. It's not that complicated.

>> No.17582018

What's your routine anon

>> No.17582441

Just your standard bro-split most of the time, but ill change it up every once in a while. Back/bis, chest/tris/shoulders, legs. Focus on deadlift, squat, bench at the beginning of the workout. A lot of running too.

>> No.17582454

How does a man remain so unbelievably HAIRLESS?

>> No.17582501

Be Nordic.

>> No.17582530


>> No.17582565

Did they finally begin reprinting Sun and Steel? I haven't looked at Mishima in awhile then when I looked at prices again Sun and Steel went down by a lot.

>> No.17583256

the secret is that you have to live on a farm or in the wilderness so that you stay in shape not by forcing yourself to work out but to survive and maintain your house. After a long day of work you eat dinner and read a chapter of a book before you sleep
this is the only way. Otherwise you would lack the discipline to stay fit and you can contemplate what you read last night all day as you work

>> No.17583388

>There's also a correlation between leftism and mental illness.
I'm mentally ill and I'm one of the few actual fascists on this site.

>> No.17583405

>proving that it's never too late to make it
Seems based to be

>> No.17583419

He's short by even Japanese standards. He didn't make it. He's just a manlet.

>> No.17583433

>worst Japanese writer is the most popular because some eceleb namedropped him
This is why the west must fall

>> No.17583440

They wax their face?

>> No.17583445

Mishima was an excellent writer.

>> No.17583523


>all the salty replies to this

And yet still no-one names anyone who fits the bill ('muh Greeks' notwithstanding).

Outside of speculation about ancient figures, only Mishima was both /fit/ and /lit/ (and redpilled). A true legend.

>> No.17583537
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>> No.17583552

Calling people incel is reddit tier. Might as well have called him a chud.

>> No.17583568
File: 237 KB, 2048x1823, 1611432094035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read a lot and I'm fit. I know a few guys who read and workout. I'm not sure what you want, here.

>> No.17583583

you have yet to commit seppuku over something you believe, post disregarded. also lose some weight and get a tan fatty

>> No.17583625


>I read a lot and I'm fit.

This is just a vague claim. I want to see a great writer who understood literature, whose work shone with soul and intellectual brilliance and who was also in peak physical condition, strong, athletic and full of physical vigour.

>> No.17583655

nice cope. post your face. guaranteed he looks better than you. and of course his body mogs you to oblivion hahah

>> No.17583667

But, you're placing requirements on /fitlit/ that don't exist. All it means is that one has both fitness and literature as hobbies. You're trying so shoehorn "intellectual brilliance" and the requirement of being a writer in where it's never been criteria, heretofore.

>> No.17583710

holy fuck OP destroyed

>> No.17583725
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>> No.17583731

Yes, right down to being gay

>> No.17584062

Bait thread. See the obvious bait OP and the instant 'owned' reply

>> No.17585353
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>> No.17585844

Just read Evola

>> No.17587114

It was a fetish for him. He was just a dedicated coomer getting off on his own suicide.
His views are interesting in the common ground between sane perception and his own set of aesthetics that never surpass his sexuality, but even at his best his foundations are broken.
Also quite the writer, worth reading for that alone.

>> No.17587469
File: 266 KB, 3000x3000, Indusrtial-America_Square-Dinner-Fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously hate forklift operators. Getting forklift certified isn't even that hard. I could totally do it if I wanted to. Here's the thing they dont realize: Forks aren't even that heavy!! I lift a fork three times a day, seven days a week. You better bet I eat three square meals a day using a fork. Sometimes when I I'm in a good mood I'll even have dessert, making that FOUR meals in ONE day, therefore lifting FOUR forks! But no buddy, you're a "forklift operator", so you deserve extra praise. Oh please. I'll tell you what: Not only can I lift forks just as well, if not better than you, I can also lift spoons and even knifes. Let's see your fancy certification for that one. And thats why I hate forklift operators.

>> No.17588761

yeah, it's called lip-waxing and people do it all the time.

>> No.17588960

Yep, it's sad

>> No.17590483


>> No.17590734

I find it funny how 4chan, or at least sections of it have a high conc of intelligent, yet mentally ill and feeble guys.

>> No.17590768

what caused you to become a troon

>> No.17590784

Meant to respond to this>>17579416