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17573861 No.17573861 [Reply] [Original]

Which of these four do you respect the most?

>> No.17573875

I don't respect people i've never met.

>> No.17573883
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i'm thinkin this guy right here

>> No.17573927

I respect them all equally as I do all children of god

>> No.17573936

The bottom right dude, he actually do some real hard science shit.

>> No.17573941

Hitch is the only acceptable answer

>> No.17573950

What the fuck is going on? Why are there so many christcucks posting bait threads?

>> No.17573970


>> No.17573981

Hitchens for being an excellent rhetorician and debater I guess. Sam Harris is completely talentless, Dennett doesn't even debate and his only contribution is his philosophically illiterate determinism, Dawkins is a real biologist I guess, but pretty much everything in evolutionary biology is speculative and probably false.

>> No.17574018

Hitchens. He had the dignity to die first.

>> No.17574050

Is this why you have insecurity issues since you never met your father? Is that why you hate women? You grew up with a single mother and she bosses you around by stop telling you to eat crayons?

>> No.17574197

Dennett and then Hitchens and then Dawkins

>> No.17574460

hitchens is comfy to listen to. dawkins actually does stuff. sam harris is yet another irrelevant philosopher trying to fit into a philosophical market gap. dennett either fundementally contradicts with empirical data or is a p-zombie.

>> No.17574487


Dawkins without a doubt
He may be responsible for the cringy atheism movement of the 2000s but his work isn't without merit and his sheer influence is undeniable

>> No.17574506

Hitch. Harris is hysterical, Dawkins spends too much time punching down, and Dennett I'm not sure about.

>> No.17574508

The one who was actually a turbo-woo vajrayana Buddhist but didn't let that stop him from dunking on 'hamics.

>> No.17574589

Hunny come downstairs. I hate to talk to you about this in front of your friends but i made your favorite meal - chicken, beans and the mashed potatoes you like with the garlic.
Give my boy time to eat, please everyone.

>> No.17574814

none they are all arrogant midwits.

>> No.17574897

Probably Dawkins, though his atheist rhetoric is cringe, his actual area of expertise is important and he is very knowledgeable in it. The way we use the word “meme” is greatly attributable to him. Also, people will decry evolution as being not that well understood when it’s in fact one of the few grand mechanisms of creation that we do understand quite well.
>inb4 muh Lamarck
University bio courses teach epigenetics and acknowledge Lamarck’s predictive work now, he’s in the process of vindication.
The others I know nothing about beyond their pseudery other than young Twink Hitchens being gay for Buckley
Based and kindhearted

>> No.17574911

Alcoholic boomer. Talks shit about God then gets cancer. Well done faggot.

NPC personified.

Midwit personified

Based Boomer who critiques religion in a fun, interesting and insightful manner. Is capable of civil debate with religious people on his level of intelligence. Tries hard to appeal to younger generation and falls flat but at least he doesn't consider himself above them like most entitled boomers with a self inflated ego. Produced 'Dear Muslima' which is one of the most important works of philosophical fiction of the 21st century.

>> No.17574916

Ayo, whitey where my reparations at? You racist or some shit?

>> No.17574938
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None of them

>> No.17574959

>Christianity bad and it's morals are bad!
Why are so many atheists like this?

>> No.17574971

Because most atheists are humanists who without irony follow Christianity’s most retarded moral properties

>> No.17574996
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 1390613257507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear Muslima

>> No.17575022

1. Dawkins, he's done real and important work in his field, is as critical of Islam as he is of Christianity which actually takes some backbone in this miserable world of ours
2. Hitchens, led a dissolute and unserious life, but at least he was entertaining
3. Dennett, intellectual coward who refuses to pursue his theories to their logical conclusions because it would be too pessimistic and sell fewer books
4. Sam Harris, this guy is a glorified Youtube personality, total nothing

>> No.17575091

Richard "where does god come from" Dawkins

>> No.17575102

Dennett is based af. Never read him, but someone that triggers /lit/ so hard must be based.

>> No.17575115

Richard "no faith in my wife" Dawkins

>> No.17575264


>> No.17575393

Hitchens is clearly the one with the education, the others are mostly making fools of themselves by talking outside of their expertise.

>> No.17575408

Hitchens was rhetorically gifted but is an awful philosopher and historian, a misogynist and supported the Iraq war.

Harris is a downright moron.

Dawkins is a good evolutionary biologist I guess, but is retarded when it comes to philosophy. He coined the word meme, so that’s based I guess.

Idk anything about Dennet.

>> No.17575422

Dawkins for actually making valuable contributions to biology. All of them are retarded when it comes to philosophy.

>> No.17575428

Dawkins, because of his work as biologist, but it's been ages since he even tried to do anything but bask in his fame among the autists. Dennett is comically ignorant about philosophy, Hitchens is "just there", Harris is fucking insufferable, he has a textbook definition of a punchable face.

>> No.17575453

Htchens got a PPE with third class honours. He'd be scarcely capable of debating a theologian proper like Plantinga or Hart. Even in his debate with WLC, who isn't really that great, all he could do was fall back on shit understandings of Aquinas and non-arguments.

>> No.17575525

You misunderstand me, atheism is ridiculous. With Hitchens I'm mainly talking about politics, he was one of the five commies on the planet who had interesting things to say.

>> No.17575558

My apologies then, anon. God bless

>> No.17575578

All public Intelectuals are a total joke and have less influence than B tier celebrities.

For that reason Hitchen's, because he was entertaining and made me laugh.

>> No.17575729

Hitchens for sure. Great literary critic and essay writer. War correspondent and journalist. Ignore his writings on religion and he's absolutely based.

>> No.17575827

Dennett is the one interesting thinker of the bunch

>> No.17575842

None. All are horrible and all come from the Anglosaxon world which explains their stupidity.

>> No.17576234

maybe Dawkins but barely ...

i hate the rest, they're all cowards

>> No.17576239

>War correspondent
which war? was he ever embedded with a platoon in action?

>> No.17576251

He reported from several middle eastern and eastern european countries during wars.

>> No.17576254

Apparently advocating for the Iraq War makes him a war correspondent.

>> No.17576260

A *good* one anyway

>> No.17576278

>respecting an atheist

>> No.17576290

hmm...if you can source that he actually saw action, then i will have genuine respect for Hitchens. Otherwise he's just a sophist and a wannabe Orwell.

>> No.17576307

>is as critical of Islam as he is of Christianity which actually takes some backbone in this miserable world of ours

>> No.17576606

Dawkins and Dennett are the only ones with some pedigree in their respective fields. The other two haven’t contributed much and are just meme tier writers.

>> No.17576631

>It's tempting to say all religions are bad, and I do say all religions are bad, but it's a worse temptation to say all religions are equally bad because they're not. If you look at the actual impact that different religions have on the world it's quite apparent that at present the most evil religion in the world has to be Islam
He also said at one point that Christianity may well be the best defence against Islam.

>> No.17576642

Dennett’s the only one of interest

>> No.17576655

Dennett is the only real academic among them.

>> No.17576777

hitchens bc he hates religion and so do i religion is cringeee

>> No.17576902

1. Dennett. Despite his silly ideas about consciousness he actually has done good and original work on the philosophy of biology
2. Hitchens. He was a clever witty fellow and I appreciated his takedown of Kissinger.
3. Dawkins. He should have kept to biology. His smug, crude and historically uninformed atheism is tiresome.
4. Harris. He's a smart guy, but I don't feel that his contributions really stand up.

>> No.17576906

This but with Dennett below all of them.

>> No.17577151

Hitchens didn't live long enough to eventually embarrass himself the way Harris and Dawkins did.
And I don't think Dennett is big enough to be on this list.

>> No.17577161

Hitchens is nothing more than a cynic (insofar as he doesn't really care of think about what he says) rethorician.
Dennett is the only good answer, and even then, Dennett is absolutely terrible.

>> No.17577166


in that order

>> No.17577185

Dawkins is an actual genius, on par with Schrodinger and Hawking, and his concepts have been integrated into our lives so hard that you can completely fail to credit him for them because of how natural they feel due to being widely accepted.
You can cherry-pick some of the stupid stuff he said but nothing will change that.

>> No.17577879

Not everyone is an incel like you

>> No.17579329

and what exactly? memes?

>> No.17579587

Richard Dawkins won't even study his own enemy's subject material.


>> No.17579723

What has that to do with anything? You obviously don't like him and you're now fashioning some new standards by which to keep not liking him.

>> No.17579754

are you retarded? we don't need a god to intervene in that part for it to be "right", that is the difference, troglodyte

>> No.17579849

He "fashioned" a "fearless" persona all his life. It was his shtick. He earned his living that way. He pretended to be a "serious" war correspondent like that anon assumed but when you question his acolytes they shit their pants and start screeching like whales.

He had no sense of compassion and understanding of what religion actually is. Forget someone as sophisticated as Heidegger, even a Dostoevsky or even a fucking Montaigne would've respectfully tore him a new asshole. Religion = bad. Yeah whatever. Never read Kierkegaard, nor Dosto, nor Melville, not even Marx. Spouts vile nonsense after cherry picking on something that was written thousands of years ago and judges it by today's standards. Fuck off and die, you sophist. You call that intellectual integrity?

Also, his writings are terribly conceited and highfalutin garbage hiding his insecurities and frustrations at having to be a crowd pleaser. He almost as bad as DFW. If people like Bolano had read him, they'd have lacerated his personality to bits.

Yeah, i don't like him. I am happy you could tell that.

Also, he was the most gay person who denied it all his life. What a terrible bore! He was after the lowest hanging fruit when all he needed was some dick up his arse and some balls hanging from his mouth.

>> No.17580186

Unironically, yes. And also behavioral evolution.

You just spat out a bunch of ad hominems and appealed to the authority of a bunch of authors without actually presenting a single argument.

>> No.17580193

>Richard Dawkins won't even study his own enemy's subject material.
Yea I wouldn't waste my time with 'theology' either. It goes in the same bin with liberal arts and women's studies.

>> No.17580203

Way to completely admit your argument is trash and that you're unfamiliar with the vast majority of his writing.

>> No.17580278

Dawkins isn't the 'debate me bro' type, and in fact has done quite poorly against even lightweight theologians. It is clear that he isn't trying to work within a system to debunk it, he's poking holes into the system from the outside and appealing to the average person with basic faculties of logic and nothing more. And I don't fault him, why would anyone reallocate time from doing what they're principally interested into doing what they wouldn't do otherwise, all in an effort to 'one up' someone else in a formal debate setting? Would you stop what you're doing and study Islam and all its subject material for 4 years in an attempt to convince muslims against their dogmatic views? At least Dawkins acknowledges that someone studying theology to destroy theology (an assumption which itself is problematic) is a fair point which he says in the video, but its clearly not going to be him and he isn't pretending it is.

>> No.17580286

Books and even entire science fields are not worth shit when they are based on epistemologically bankrupt and outdated presuppositions. You do not read to read thousands of pages of Dostoyevsky trying to conflate moral behavior with religion in a reality where all quantifiable metrics show that it is either not the case or leads to the exact opposite outcome.

>> No.17580311

>hurrr read Kierkegaard and Dosto bro they will surely validate religion
Ok Jordan Peterson, we get it.

>> No.17580312

I think the issue is that he's certainly not acting like a person who is unwilling to pick fights. It doesn't make his arguments wrong but the smugness certainly rubs people the wrong way.

>> No.17580453

The fact that he's willing to pick fights he knows he won't win is commendable to say the least. But he probably sees those 'losses' as victories, as minds are not changed on the outcome of a formal debate stage. If I may elaborate the point earlier, a person like him probably feels that theology as is (not the anthropological one he envisions) seems like a stacked game and that simply adopting its conventions, while an interesting strategy, is like trying to disprove God with a dice that has 'God exists' on all its sides.

>> No.17580469
File: 218 KB, 1500x843, 21f0e5f8c74275e7fb3f52df4ed81f28439d21e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawkins was spot-on in many ideas from "The Selfish Gene" but his autistic atheism accidentally created a religion outta it.

>> No.17580490

His book The Extended Phenotype borders on genius. Too bad he then dedicated all his energies to the waste of time question of God's putative existence.

>> No.17580516

Yeah that book is brilliant.

>> No.17580610

yeah ad hominem my ass
you either have 0 comprehension skills or i am a bad writer, but there is no ad hominem in there...and if there is i hope it insults Hitchens even more

you should read more instead of learning buzzwords like ad incognito hominem est

>> No.17580644
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I have to say anon, I agree with your opinion.

>> No.17580678

I think he does it because he knows that there's actually a rather limited amount of arguments that can be used to try and "prove" god's existence and he did a good job addressing all of them.
That's kind of the point behind The God Delusion. To provide everyone with an extremely simple set of tools designed to kill God, and those fights are just him trying to advertise this toolset, not unlike the guy who shoots himself to prove that his bulletproof vests are good.

This is also why we had to suffer through years of those euphoric fedoras. Because he made it all too easy for them to win arguments which lead to them aggressively scouring the internet for theological arguments to refute and feel that dopamine rush of being right.

>> No.17580703

>He pretended to be a "serious" war correspondent like that anon assumed but when you question his acolytes they shit their pants and start screeching like whales.
Ad hominem
>He had no sense of compassion and understanding of what religion actually is.
Ad hominem
>Never read Kierkegaard, nor Dosto, nor Melville, not even Marx.
Not ad hominem, just a lie.
>Fuck off and die, you sophist.
Ad hominem
>Also, his writings are terribly conceited and highfalutin garbage hiding his insecurities and frustrations at having to be a crowd pleaser.
Ad hominem
>He almost as bad as DFW.
Ad hominem
>Also, he was the most gay person who denied it all his life.
Ad hominem
>What a terrible bore! He was after the lowest hanging fruit when all he needed was some dick up his arse and some balls hanging from his mouth.
Ad hominem

>> No.17580775

and how is that bad, you idiot? i am presenting my opinion about him

should i talk about your mom instead? i dgaf about your rules...stick em up your cunt

>> No.17580789

worst thread on /lit/ rn btw...

you people are sick sycophants...god help my generation

>> No.17580811

Yeah the amount of science denying schizos and Nazis ITT is worrying

>> No.17580820

I don't respect any of them. I know of the top 2, I don't know the bottom 2.

>> No.17580828

You used ad hominem, dude says, "You just used ad hominem." You say "No I didn't." I prove very simply that you did. You admit that you did.
And here we are.

>> No.17580852

this is correct.

>> No.17580996

literally none of them

>> No.17581018

>Talks shit about God then gets cancer.

>> No.17581052

>Based Boomer who critiques religion in a fun, interesting and insightful manner.

>criticizes christians for not knowing the bible in excruciating detail
>fails miserably when the reverend he expects to destroy in a debate asks him to name the full title of his hero's masterpiece, the origin of species
he's a pathetic loser

>> No.17581066

Hawkins and Dennett. The trotskyist and podcaster aren't even worth serious discussion.

>> No.17581115

I like that he nearly got beaten to death by a group of Syriac Nationalists in Beirut. Thankfully god let him live to die a much more painful and pitiful death.

>> No.17581163

Dawkins, then Hitchens, then Rennet, then Harris. Dawkins is actually a fairly important biologist (not to mention he invented the term meme), Hitchens was a good journalist and literary critic, Dennet has done nothing of note afaik but Harris is a scammer so he's worse.

>> No.17581206

I think people grew to hate Harris because he can't help but go full NPC whenever he's talking about Trump, but I still can't help but respect him for his meditation stuff because it really helped me out. Easily the best way to get into it without having to deal with all the new-age trash that tends to come with the package.

>> No.17581399

He even joked about this himself:
>I got cancer in the very organ I used most for blaspheming.

>> No.17581522

Hitchens actually did good work in journalism before his fedora tipping career, Dawkins and Harris can hop in a ditch.

>> No.17581550

>I think people grew to hate Harris because he can't help but go full NPC whenever he's talking about Trump
Doesn't it have to do with the fact that he's a pro-war moron, that also wrote that dreadful book - The Moral Landscape?

>> No.17581683

In order.
1. Dawkins
2. Hitchens
9999. Dennet
9.999..*10^(10^10). Harris

>> No.17581697

Well, you know how it is these days. Your opinion on Trump transcends everything else about you.
And I personally find his arguments against ever letting Islamic states that preach Valhallesque garbage to own nukes, even it requires war, pretty compelling.