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/lit/ - Literature

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17570968 No.17570968 [Reply] [Original]

>b-but i cant possibly learn every language
lets assume youre around twenty and only know english (what have you been doing dumbass? why do you only know english at 20?), meaning you probably have around 50 years left to live. if it takes 3 years to learn a language (which is very generous because many wont even take that long), you can learn around 16 langauges in your lifetime, meaning you could learn
1 arabic
2 french
3 spanish
4 russian
5 portuguese
6 italian
7 chinese
8 japanese
9 latin
10 greek
11 german
12 persian
13 sansrkit
14 hindi
15 dutch
16 hebrew
>i-i dont have the time
yet you find the time browse /lit/ for several hours everyday
>b-but you cant learn a langauge when youre old and frail
more likely than not, its lack of access to quality content rather than age that prevents so many from reaching proficiency in other languages

>> No.17570975

I prefer translations frogman

>> No.17570983

Why would I learn another language when everything is translated into CHADnglish lmfao.

>> No.17571032

First, you have to convince me that original works are categorically better than translations because I'm unconvinced. Tell me why Junger in german is inherently better than Junger in english. Show me how Pushkin in russian is superior to Pushkin in english.

>> No.17571195

>Show me how Pushkin in russian is superior to Pushkin in english.
Did you really have to pick THE Russian poet who is widely known for being barely translatable?

>> No.17571203

Pushkin was black, he's a honorary american rapper

>> No.17571315

OP it takes more than 3 years to learn a language, don`t underestimate the complexity of a whole other grammar and vocabulary system inbound with a culture`s own nuances.

The only way to learn a language well enough to read literature in such a measly period would be to live in a country where its spoken and to dedicate a good portion of your life to studying said culture and language.

>> No.17571322

How is being lazy not an excuse?

>> No.17571342

Right but I want to read No Longer Human now, not when I can read Japanese in 4 years.

>> No.17571361

As a native English speaker I only learn dead languages. I spit on living languages.

>> No.17571377

Sure, but don't be one of the pseuds who learns how to say please and thank you in 20 languages and calls himself a polyglot.

>> No.17571387

Jünger sounds completely different in German. He's one of those you can't translate at all - at least not into English. Generally speaking things will be lost either way, certainly the aesthetics will suffer, specifically the rhythm( the writer is the genius here, not some random translator).+Russian into English is horrific, the whole thing just sounds wrong. I get the same sense from Japanese when I read it in German, English appears much better suited although I don't know that for sure since I don't speak Japanese.

>> No.17571438

this is correct. we anglos only need enough to know enough foreign to order food on holiday

>> No.17571485

Feels good having parents who took me and my siblings to Italy and France to vacation as children.

t. fluent in 3 languages without even trying

>> No.17571491
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Based and Miserable Worm pilled

>> No.17571551

I don't understand people like that. Any reader should know that the human being is a constant throughout time. Given the flag it's propably ideological in his case, more concerned about the skin colour, sex or sexual preference of the writer than quality of content. Which again I don't understand.

>> No.17571552

Lucky bastard, mine had me spend summers with grandparents, where the only "foreign language" was chicken clucking.

>> No.17571564

>read translations
>don't care what pseuds on /lit/ say

>> No.17571572


>> No.17571580

This is why people should only read non-fiction, essays, scientific papers, manuals etc.
Translations don't hinder those works.

>> No.17571620

well we would often vacation in the country too but there would be kids to play/talk with and we would watch cartoons in the native language

>> No.17571685
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>> No.17571708


>> No.17571716


>even I think the classics are shit for modern kids

How can he claim to be a master of language when this sentence is totally ambiguous?

Does he mean that the classics are shit and that modern kids like them because they have shit taste, or does he, conversely, mean that the classics are not good reading material for modern kids?

>> No.17571721

he's a pa-sood

>> No.17571729

Neither. He just thinks classics shouldn't be forced upon kids.

>> No.17571730


Based. You want a scotch egg or a packet of pork scratchings with that, my son?

>> No.17571731

Because you can't brag on 4chan how you know 10 languages like a pseud

>> No.17571748


>> No.17571749

I'm 20 and I can read in english, spanish, and portuguese. What should I learn next?

>> No.17571782


>> No.17571789


>> No.17571795

Old Babylonian

>> No.17571853

French-->Latin --> German

>> No.17571965

Thanks, I guess I'm going with french first.

>> No.17571972

This isn't true for romance languages or German, all are relatively easy to learn (at least to the point of reading literature) in a reasonable time frame and without living in the target country. Due to the internet you can speak to native speakers and listen to native speakers every day from your home.

>> No.17571976


>> No.17572029

"Sounds completely different" is not an argument. Blue is completely different from yellow, thank you for this amusing fact.

>> No.17572124

You think sound, including flow, is irrelevant to poetry? Does it not influence the picture that is drawn? Colours aren't a bad example, think about famous pictures but all the colours are off. Jünger in the original is hypnotic, a translator can't imitate that both for lack of talent and because a 'faithful' translation wouldn't allow it. I can only interpret people who think that reading in the original is irrelevant as the same who think the plot is the book when in reality the entire magic happens outside of it.

>> No.17572170

Muh reading originals only sounds like a pretentious appeal to authority
>its Original therefore better
As a kind of thought experiment, imagine that you live in a timeline where Herman Melville was actually German Melville, a german immigrant who travelled to America and worked on a whaling ship. Afterwards he wrote Der Mober Schlanger, a masterpiece of german literature to be later translated in english as Moby Dick by some random academic, the text you we all know and love. Now, in this timeline, which text do you think is accepted as the prime source? Obviously Mober Schlanger, right?

>> No.17572201

Oh boy i cant wait to avoid people in 5 languages.

>> No.17572216

this but unironically

>> No.17572235
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>bro...what if...

>> No.17572249

who can be fucked to learn all those languages? eventually they would all just be a jumbled up mess, you'd constantly be forgetting some of one language while learning and maintaining another, what's the point? you'd have to make language learning your full time job and fuck that

>> No.17572516

I'm too dumb for French.