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17568781 No.17568781 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read his prose? It's very vivid. Um, what's wrong with a protagonist who makes Rey from Star Wars look like an incompetent MAGA Chud? Are you a bigot or something? This is the greatest fantasy novel since Tolkien according to Reddit.

>> No.17568795

I knew there was no hope for the genre when I heard people recommending Rothfuss as one of the best fantasy writers (prose-wise and story-wise) in the genre

>> No.17568804

he was nr 1 on a 100 best fantasy writers list and I stroked out. what a fucking hack

>> No.17568806

You will get banned from every fantasy-lit related board if you criticize it.

I admit I haven't read it but the criticisms are so consistent that it must truly suck. Even the book defenders seem reluctant to talk about the (big fat) author self-insert sex scenes in book 2.

>> No.17568812

>he was nr 1 on a 100 best fantasy writers list and I stroked out. what a fucking hack
This is why I'm fascinated after just learning about him. If he was just a hack writing wish fulfillment for midwits, no problem. That's 99% of YA. It's the praise that is mind-boggling.

>> No.17568827

I haven't read Name of the Wind so I can't give criticism there, but I did read Slow Regard of Silent Things and I dropped it because it seemed like just more run-of-the-mill YA fantasy. It almost makes me question my own opinion: how is he constantly so highly-rated? Maybe he actually is a pretty good writer and its just my own biases getting in the way, I don't know anymore

>> No.17568921

yeah he's unspeakable, perfect gamma secret king fiction.

>> No.17568930

>almost makes me question my own opinion: how is he constantly so highly-rated? Maybe he actually is a pretty good writer and its just my own biases getting in the way, I don't know anymore

I assume he uses just enough flowery vocabulary to allow midwits to think "This is a huge step above Harry Potter. I'm a SERIOUS reader now." If he were truly a lot better than this he would bore the Redditors rather than wow them.

The wish-fulfillment is another big one. 50 Shades of Grey is the biggest seller of the last decade because it let wine moms dream. I guess this is the equivalent for fantasy neckbeards, though to be fair it seems to have a lot of female fans too.

>> No.17568978
File: 294 KB, 311x475, heir-of-fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked up this series thinking it was higher tier fantasy only to realize later it is YA. Keep having this problem, can anyone recommend some proper high fantasy?

>> No.17569077

Looking for something to listen to while I do chores, books I would actually want to read don't qualify so I'm mostly looking at genre fiction
Would this serve that purpose?

>> No.17569087

Radio dramas

>> No.17569096

I don't think I like it when they have different people doing voices and noises instead of narration, I would prefer audio books

>> No.17569137

I read it, all I can remember is the protagonist was a massive simp trying to fuck this random hoe. I think he also fucks a god for a bit.

>> No.17569148

I question the taste of anyone who enjoys modern literature.

>> No.17569163

The prose and story are simple, which readers like, and it flows very well. The tricky part is how seamlessly the story transitions between scenes.

>> No.17569189
File: 19 KB, 500x327, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read the books and I liked them a lot. Do you actually dislike them or are you just a contrarian turbofaggot?

>> No.17569292

No you don't.

>> No.17569325

Why do you believe this?

>> No.17569760

I enjoyed the books. He is the best prose in modern fantasy though. Fantasy doesn’t require amazing prose sadly.

>> No.17569933

His prose is literally on the same level as an average Forgotten Realms novel

>> No.17569982

I also liked them and I have to admit they're quite shit, I know it's shit yet It's palpable shit.

>> No.17570024

How's the prose? Would you recommend it?

>> No.17570211

no its horrible

I would only recommend reading it to feel better about your own writing skills and your reading choices

>> No.17570247

Not the same anon, but I found the same author over on Goodreads. Her newest book, House of Earth and Blood, was voted as top fantasy of 2020, so I checked it out and read the first chapter.

Her writing is hard to digest. She was overly descriptive in her character introductions to the point where I got lost. I thought some girl called Bryce was the MC, but then her friend got a lore dump even though the PoV was still on Bryce. And then there were 3 other seemingly important characters mentioned and a pet chimera who also got a lore check. All this within the first chapter. Too much info dumps for my tastes.

>> No.17570274

I almost forgot. She seems to hate the "said" tag. Rarely uses it.

>> No.17570348

Terry Pratchett audio books are peak comfy.

>> No.17570372

>Her newest book, House of Earth and Blood, was voted as top fantasy of 2020
If this vote was a true reader poll then it may be worth something, but any industry/critic/media award for ANYTHING these days is 100% far left virtue signaling.

>> No.17570422

It looks to be a public vote. She got 95k votes and Sanderson got 35k, coming 4th.

>> No.17570472

That’s not just her. It’s generally known that you should try to use tags as little as possible.

>> No.17570504


Then eventually you get to William Gaddis level.

>> No.17570569

I got through all of the wheel of time audio books. Trashy fantasy that's endless and has a few good twists.

>> No.17570636
File: 451 KB, 876x2142, Screenshot_20210218-035316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the abomination Sarah J. Maas writes because she doesn't like dialogue tags. Half way down the page and I don't know if it was Danika or Bryce that spoke, and Danika already spoke the previous paragraph.

>> No.17570638

Same anon here, sorry it took so long. I haven't read her other series but Throne of Glass is not too info dumpy in my opinion. She get's through things at a decent enough pace and info is introduced mostly when appropriate. Perhaps she lost that ability over time. I bought the whole series and plan to finish it, not that it means anything for your taste but if you aren't opposed to YA then I would recommend.

>> No.17570648

whats wrong with just using "said" again

>> No.17570658

She uses other actions in place of dialogue tags, if you pay attention to them I don't see how you can get confused about who is talking. I haven't even read this series and I followed it.

>> No.17570702

There's a paragraph with "Danika chuckled" and "Bryce complained." It's Bryce speaking in both dialogue. I had to read it twice.

>> No.17570720

maybe I'm just used to her style by now

>> No.17570772

>No, I'm too mature for YA. I prefer more serious fantasy
Sanderson fanboys in a nutshell.

>> No.17570974

are you making this thread because a thread on /a/ complained about the protagonist of this book being a cuck?

>> No.17571270

Read a translation in french and found the prose bland. Fantasy shlock bland. Is it really decent in english? That being said, I really can't muster the courage to begin the second book. A few decent "wordbuilding" moments here and there aren't enough to justify going through the rest.

>> No.17571286

You might not like to hear this but the only good living fantasy writer is GRRM

>> No.17571296

Oh hey, here's another fantasy epiclogy that directly steals ideas from the conveniently public forgotten classic: a wizard of earthsea. But I guess if harry potter could get away with it, anyone can.

>> No.17572114

First book and the first part of the second book is fine. However, the second half of the second book is bad. Also, Rothfuss will never finish the third book so it's an unfinished story.

>> No.17572420

Judging a book's prose by a translation is pretty fucking stupid, anon. A translation is practically a rewrite of a book, and an imperfect one at that. The rewrite can be so complete, that the translation can in some rare instances even be a better overall product than the original.

That being said, the English prose in this isn't very good. It's mostly overwrought purple prose a lot of the time that often distracts from the narrative, which itself is often meandering pointless. There's a few passages here and there where inspiration struck and the author was able to wrangle his worst tendencies, like the opening passages about the different kinds of silences that are actually pretty nice, but they are few and far between. The standards for prose in English fantasy are so fucking low, thanks in large part to the commercial success of hacks like Sanderson, that a lot of nerds actually think Rothfuss' prose is noteworthy.

>> No.17573190

>Judging a book's prose by a translation is pretty fucking stupid

Of course, which is why I asked if it was any better in english. And yeah, the standards for prose in fantasy are sadly low, with many authors openly admitting they do not care for it, as if good worldbuilding, good characters, and good stories weren't all vastly improved when written in... good prose.

>> No.17573388

Just bought this thing on multiple recommendations and it looks really nice with red pages on the side and a nice cover art. Will read it soon. Need to now just to justify buying it. I know that many look down on Fantasy but I find that the most pleasurable form of reading for me is history, short stories (folk tales, or whatever) /quick sci fi or fantasy book (starwars, warhammer, etc) and then either really big books like this or a classic. Hard to light reading helps keep you from burning out in my opinion.

>> No.17573550

/thread, rothfuss' editor said he hasnt given her an update in years. he's too busy begging for money from crowdfunded websites and posting about his crossdressing son on twitter to even write the third book, let alone finish it. it's been 10 years you fat fuck just give it to sanderson to finish

>> No.17573593

I like those books. They are fun.

>> No.17573659

Look, I don't hate the the series. I hate the fat fuck who effectively gave up on the series.
>Hurrr if I didn't care the book would already be released -PR
Bull fucking shit.

>> No.17573722

I don't know how I feel about the second part of book 2. I think I was fine with it until Ademre and shit started to go downhill from there. Also I'm not a fan of him actively spreading the word he and Felurian fucked and he lived to tell the tale. Also Denna can fuck off at this point, she finally won me with the Lute Case then tossed it out the airlock when she suddenly dislikes Kvothe because he got tired of playing her bullshit game and started to fuck other women

>> No.17573987


How can I tell he's a giant male feminist rapist just by looking at him? Today, the third and final volume remains unpublished, and everywhere Rothfuss goes, fans ask when it will be ready. “They don’t realize this is so wearying,” he said with a sigh when we spoke a few weeks ago. “It’s like asking, ‘When are you going to get married? When are you going to go to law school?’ It’s like, just fuck off. Just die. I don’t need any more of that in my life.”

>> No.17574072


>> No.17574212

I got the inkling to read some genre fiction, namely fantasy, that wasn't ASOIAF and Tolkien. I downloaded Gardens of the Moon, Gunslinger, The Last Wish, The Way of Kings, Mistborn, The Colour of Magic, The Darkness that Comes Before and The Name of the Wind. The latter being the first I read and it's okay but more YA than I was looking for. I'm going to finish it now I've started it but I'll probably try another author next and perhaps return to Rothfuss. I'm open to any suggestions.

>> No.17574217

>When are you going to get married? When are you going to go to law school?’ It’s like, just fuck off. Just die. I don’t need any more of that in my life.
the appropriate counter is
>You told everyone you were getting married and haven't called it off yet. You told everyone you're going to law school and we don't understand why you haven't fucked off yet. Just admit it already, you were never getting married in the first place, and you were never going to law school.

>> No.17574784

Don't bother. Read Gene Wolfe instead. Similar kind of story except actually good and with actually interesting concepts. Not exactly fantasy, not exactly sci-fi, but better than Rothfuss for sure.

>> No.17575506

Not really. I only rate really rate GRR Martin and fantasy generally seems to be shifting ever further down the plughole of YA and politically driven shite.

I tend to read historical fiction now.