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/lit/ - Literature

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17565282 No.17565282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

1.5 years since his death and woke liberals and leftists have successfully cancelled Shakespeare, Aristotle, Hume, Kipling and even fucking JK Rowling. When will /lit/ repent their sins, acknowledge that he's been vindicated and was absolutely correct about everything?

>> No.17565299

Oh nooooo! They’re canceled? Now we can’t buy, download, read and discuss them. I guess we better all just continue not reading before but now we have new names for props in our bullshit culture war. Better keep talking about stuff like this instead of just fucking reading good books. Because they’re canceled so we can’t. Fuck!

>> No.17565301

Literally nothing of value was lost.

>> No.17565303

pol sperging will never cease to amaze me. Unless a book is being ripped out of libraries and thrown into fires or banned then I'm pretty sure the authors are doing fine

>> No.17565311

>doesn't concern me ;^)

>> No.17565313

omg not jk rowling!!! what about my wizard books!!!!!

>> No.17565321

>culture war
Left has total hegemony. There is no war,What you are seeing is a genocide.

Give it a generation of two. Doesn't take much to put something in obscurity forever. Out of school, out of media, out of mind.

>> No.17565324

*tears welling up in my eyes* they canceled Shakespeare...

>> No.17565331

So read them and produce your own alternate culture of good shit, you whiny baby. This performative bullshit does nothing.

>> No.17565339
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>bbbut 4 Twitter leftists said "insert author" is problematic. That literally means I am unable to purchase or read their work. I am assaulted whenever I even think of reading their work.

>> No.17565347

Guys like this do not have the faintest interest in beauty or true culture. These names are just the current props in his poopy diaper performance. He will never read.

>> No.17565370

You're flippant, but you aren't wrong. For too long people have been listlessly watching our culture's destruction. It's time to actively preserve and protect it. Whether that means memorizing the classics or spreading them via the internet, or fostering positive discussion about them or even going full prepper and burying USBs with the Western canon on them around the country, action is needed now.

>> No.17565411

>So read them and produce your own alternate culture of good shit,

Culture is top down, how do you think it disseminates if not through power? You don't actually buy into propaganda about cream rising to the top or a "marketplace of ideas do you?" Anything remotely unpalatable, let alone threatening, is easily shut down. The right is going to need a very very long march if they hope to be anything more than dogs lusting for breadcrumbs their masters benevolent afford them. The neoliberal world order is remarkably stable and all encompassing, the only achilles heel I can find is dependence on technological society, so when that ship sinks they sink with it. Unfortunately the last man lives the longest so if such a collapse happens naturally their won't be any successors.

Be thankful this regime runs on an algorithm and not competent administrators or things would be getting much faker and gayer at an exponential rate.

>> No.17565419

>For too long people have been listlessly watching our culture's destruction
Gamers rise up!

>> No.17565424

You're a retard if you think a Shakespeare is born every generation

>> No.17565455
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>I'm just too cool to care about Shakespeare and Aristotle being removed from classrooms

>> No.17565470


>> No.17565494

Great quote.

>> No.17565522 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 828x893, F846737F-F3A9-46FE-AEC8-AAB1EB27339F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how the "virtue signaling" meme was originally used against leftists but now it went full circle and now the right is just as guilty.
>MUHH CIVILIZATION!!!!! CIVILIZATION IS COLLAPSING!!!! WE GOTTA SAVE THE WOOORLD *proceeds to masturbate all day and do nothing but shitpost on /pol/ and Twitter*
>THIS IS SO SHIT MODERN ART IS JUST RANDOM CUBES MUH REALISM *is staring at a painting made by Julius Evola, futurism literally influenced nazism*
>MUSIC IS ALL NIGGER GARBAGE NOW MUSIC HAS BECOME DEGENERATE *wants music to go back to dadrock instead, a genre largely influence by black people, has never heard a classical piece in his life, knows no music theory whatsoever*

>> No.17565543

Autodidact scholars... we must protect the canon. Its time we rise up

>> No.17565566
File: 266 KB, 828x893, F846737F-F3A9-46FE-AEC8-AAB1EB27339F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how the "virtue signaling" meme was originally used against leftists but now it went full circle and now the right is just as guilty.
>MUHH CIVILIZATION!!!!! CIVILIZATION IS COLLAPSING!!!! WE GOTTA SAVE THE WOOORLD *proceeds to masturbate all day and do nothing but shitpost on /pol/ and Twitter*
>THIS IS SO SHIT MODERN ART IS JUST RANDOM CUBES MUH REALISM *is staring at a painting made by Julius Evola, futurism literally influenced nazism*
>MUSIC IS NIGGER GARBAGE NOW IT HAS BECOME DEGENERATE *wants music to be dadrock instead, a largely black influenced genre, has never listened to a classical piece, knows no music theory whatsoever, has never listened listened to any modern music beyond the top 40*

>> No.17565603

Guys. What if /pol/ is the real SJWs?
As I write this in the year 2018, I have to say this changes everything.

>> No.17565625

Twitter leftists steer history, moron. Some unknown associate professor getting into corporate PR seminars to make some side cash right now will be your grandkid’s idol and master. Unironically.

>> No.17565628
File: 39 KB, 500x433, just as bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed at how this ancient shitpost has stood the test of time. You'd think there would be some level of dissociation from the tired narrative by now.

>> No.17565638

Imagine thinking leftists have any power. It's literally just social media screeching wars. Even the trump to Biden jump is literally just going from right to centre right.

It never really changes

>> No.17565648

And here you are, perpetuating it.
Read my post again with your brain turned on.

>> No.17565659

Yes you literally are the same. Your brain is just wired that way. It was by pure chance you ended up a Nazi instead of a SJW. Please leave this site and kys.

>> No.17565661

>there are two groups of retards but you can't call one of those groups retarded because then you're secretly part of the other group
I see

>> No.17565668

>Imagine thinking leftists have any power

*Actual* leftists don't. The 'woke' media conglomerates do very much however, and are determining public narratives and suppressing dissent however they can.

>> No.17565672

>Imagine thinking leftists have any power
>I don't know what the left is

>> No.17565683

Not him but most leftists would agree with you here, do you think we have anymore patience for wokeoids than /pol/tards?

>> No.17565687

The hollowed out marionette-corpse of the left has absolute power, you fucking retard.
You think that being unpersoned for the high blasphemy of misgendering was just sociopolitical Brownian motion? Fuckhead.

>> No.17565691

He claimed to be able to read 400 pages an hour.

>> No.17565700

There’s no substantive difference between either group. The former’s just waiting in line to join the latter and hasn’t been let in yet.

>> No.17565736

/pol/ hysteria is pathological, both has been dead for like half a decade, bringing it up unsolicited is neurotic. Typically the motive is oversocialized pseudery. It is taken for granted that /pol/ caricatures are dumb, going on a tirade against them, especially after espousing something that deviates at all from establishment mantra, shows a lack of confidence that you would not be able to stand out from them otherwise, and a concern with how online peers view you. You shit up countless threads with this insipid posturing.

>> No.17565753

Sounds like someone’s a /pol/ SJW, which I’m definitely neither of.

>> No.17565754

Neoliberalism is the logical conclusion of the left. It was fake and gay at its very foundations, an entirely incoherent worldview based on unprincipled exemptions and atomization as he thinks in a shared language.

>> No.17565757

There is no grand conspiracy of leftists infiltrating institutions and destroying the West. It’s all just fucking liberalism. Liberalism has hegemony and it now wants to liberate humanity from the chains of white men or past historical sins that neglected diversity and international utopia. “The Left” is a part of this project, they’re not a separate thing, it’s all connected and has been since at least the 1960s

>> No.17565759

i don't see why this merits a soijak, the most ridiculous caircatures of leftism at time T are the reality in T+20 years or so.

>> No.17565782

>/pol/ hysteria is pathological, both has been dead for like half a decade, bringing it up unsolicited is neurotic.
Look at the fucking catalog right now, including this garbage thread. You faggots refuse to fuck off from every board. I will not stop making fun of you until I never see another Evola, Spengler and twitter /pol/bait screencap thread again.

>> No.17565790

this Tom guy talks like a fag

>> No.17565799

>“The Left” is a part of this project
Right. Which is why he brought it up. The amount of energy spent trying to differentiate The Left from Liberalism or Neoliberalism could’ve built three space elevators.

>> No.17565801

They aren’t going to cancel a man who has a chance of being gay and write about strange
He was already cancelled by people, Aristotle was extremely racist (and therefore too based for people for decades now)
Good, materialists don’t deserve remembrance
Yeah, it’s a shame