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/lit/ - Literature

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17564657 No.17564657 [Reply] [Original]

Your favorite books
Your fetishes

Notes from the Underground, Ulysses, Der Untergeher
Cuckolding, SPH, feminization

>> No.17564678

That's a man

>> No.17564683

The Canterbury Tales
Femdom and 69ing

>> No.17564693


>> No.17564711


>> No.17564714

The God delusion, White Fragility and Das Kapital.
Trans and femboy porn, extreme bondage and scat.

>> No.17564750

Don Quixote
Spanish gf feet

>> No.17564764

Das Kapital
This faggots femboy asshole

>> No.17564780
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Journey to the End of the Night, The Red and the Black,
Watch girls in high places undress

>> No.17564813
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>Your favorite books
American Psycho, Fear and Trembling, Tragic Sense of Life, The Brothers Karamazov, Sun and Steel
>Your fetishes
A girl who will love me despite having a 3.5 inch penis.

>> No.17564830

>A girl who will love me despite having a 3.5 inch penis.
bad news for you buddy, women are not capable of love at all

>> No.17564844

Notes from the underground
Sexy real woman in office outfit

>> No.17564854

Partially correct

>> No.17564866

extraordinarily based.

sadism, bondage, raping girls, etc

>> No.17564870
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Confessions of a Mask
>pic related

>> No.17564881

Journey to the End of the Night, Master and Margarita
Lolis, dad/daughter rp, girls acting innocent

>> No.17564889

Odyssey, TBK and death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.17564900
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>Favorite books
East of Eden, The Bible, Walden
>Your fetishes
I have what I call the 'Mensch Fetish.' I've accepted that I have no luck in love, but I've noticed that all my friends and mothers love me. I no longer look for love, I just improve myself in ways where my gal friends mothers all think I am the bees knees and say to their daughters 'Why don't you date a nice boy like him.' Even though I have no interest in dating them, I just enjoy receiving the compliments and validation from their mothers and doing things which make them happy, such as baking, helping with handiwork, participating in community events, playing with the gospel bands, etc.

>> No.17564932

Walden, The Iliad, Dubliners

Crossdressing, Incest, Bukake

>> No.17564936

How's it going, Mishima?

>> No.17564964

Red or Dead, Tristram Shandy, Life: A User's Manual
knee high socks, gluteal sulcus, thigh gap, mons pubis, CP

>> No.17564970

No favorite books, I don't read.

TF, Traps, feet

>> No.17564983
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Based taste in girls fren
>Favourite books
Post Office, Factotum, A scanner darkly, A shadow over innsmouth
I read a lot of philosophy too but I wouldn't really call them my favourite in terms of books because it's one great idea for every 5 chapters of the author jacking themselves off.
>Your fetishes
Trans Joi, Gentle femdom, lesbian JAV bukkake and cumswapping
I guess you could say that you are..shitposting.
>Das Kapital
You could settle for sph

>> No.17565039

>You could settle for sph
Yeah, but the idea of a relationship having a basis of degrading the other seems shitty. Such fetishes also lead to cucking or cheating as well.

>> No.17565072

>>Das Kapital
>tfw someone responded to my meme reply but not my actual reply
Not saying it's a bad book, but Marx sure does love to torture his readers.

>> No.17565073
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>Tama Hero
Small world, you replied to my LARP cuckolding thread on /LGBT/ yesterday.

>> No.17565076
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critique of pure reason, notes from underground, the death of ivan ilyich, wuthering heights
gfd, taller and older women

>> No.17565090

Ubik, Moby-Dick, A Canticle For Leibowitz
Hairy (i.e. unshaven) women

>> No.17565125

based opinion on books

not sure about those fetishes though.

>> No.17565133
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>favorite books
The chymical wedding, the divine comedy, Seraphita, Gods of pegana and so forth

Eh, I don’t know if they classify as fetishes, I consider me impregnating my wife and my wife obeying me to be the only things that really get me going and if I am not the dominant force there is no point. I also do not see much point in it if I’m not going to impregnate her.

I took the bdsm test since I found my answer somewhat boring.

>> No.17565180
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>favorite book
Crime and Punishment

japanese and feet

>> No.17565219
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Sun and Steel, which convinced me reading is gay and for homosexuals and thus it is the only book I have ever read in my entire life.

rough blowjobs in the vein of Mike Adriano scenes where in the girls gag on his cock and sometimes barf on it, BDSM (dominant), and pic rel

>> No.17565223

A Thousand Plateaus, Symbolic Exchange and Death, Thus Spoke Zarathustra

femdom, bdsm, rape

>> No.17565237

Main Currents In American Thought; "Man. Energy. Society."; The Tragedy Of Man. A Short History Of Nearly Everything.

Tall PAWG with a phone sex voice. Otherwise, petite, short & sweet enough to hoist on my shoulder

>> No.17565416

Crime & Punishment, Ice, ISAIF.
Feet, self-harm, mating press.

>> No.17565438

Hamlet by Shakespeare, Emma by Jane Austen, Augustine's Confessions
No fetishes

>> No.17565442
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pic rel
>Love and Affection

>> No.17565506
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I was shitposting anon. No one should want sph even if they have a smol pp. I don't know what you can do bro. Just go on as normal and hope they stick around? I spend too much time reading obscure bullshit to even talk to many people these days so I have a good sized pp but nowhere for it to go. Could be worse anon.
To be honest I've heard people complain about Marx but he is a god send compared to most of the post structural theorists I've read. At least he claims to have a logic to it all that is interoperable even if it's a bit autistic at times.
Yeah I liked that you posted a variation of the old one with more detail? lol. Anyway what was your reply to OP?

>> No.17565534
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The Eddas/Nibelungenlied/Sagas, Siddhartha, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Concluding Unscientific Postscript, Today I Wrote Nothing, Metamorphoses, Symposium, Zhuangzi, Faust, Antonin Artaud's Selected Writings, William Blake's Completed Works.

Femboy, Futa, Sudden Switching, Bondage, Mating Press, Petite, Pedarasty, and Theatrics/Costumes

>> No.17565553
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>> No.17565587

Plutarch's Lives, Blood Meridian, The Golem

Big butts, jeans, incest, deep kissing

>> No.17565598

neck yourself faggot

>> No.17565609
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>Anyway what was your reply to OP?
I am the OP.

>> No.17565630

Forgot to mention The Unique and Its Property and Philosophical Investigations on there.

Two further fetishes are Surprises and Thighs.

>> No.17565640

Get stuck in your modernist conventions you dumbo.

>> No.17565645

>Your favorite books
Ficciones, The Trial, War and Peace

>Your fetishes

>> No.17565692

>Just go on as normal and hope they stick around?
Nah, I already try that. There's a certain point in dick size where it really does matter, and that's below 4 inches.
>I have a good sized pp but nowhere for it to go. Could be worse anon.
I'd say that's better than nothing. Yes you have no one, but society isn't going to shame you for being big, nobody is going to look at it and feel bad for you, nobody is going to laugh and leave. If it wasn't a problem, it wouldn't be a discussion in the first place.

>> No.17565762
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all things by Vergil, Loeb's Early Greek Philosophy series, Theaetetus, All Things Are Possible by Lev Shestov
Ebony SSBBW, face sitting, chubby women with flat chests, thigh fucking, excessive kissing and licking, voluntary groping
too clean for this thread
pretty cool
interesting taste

>> No.17565763

Norwegian wood, Suttree, On the Heights of Despair, Better to have never been: the harm of coming into existence, Heart of Darkness, One Flew over the cuckoo's nest

handholding, being loved, rape, bdsm
>Trans and femboy porn, extreme bondage
haha comfy cat
>dad/daughter rp
so you just like being complimented? Same. Also, east of eden, my ex loved that. Are you a tranny? Walden is based though
>Incest, Bukake
based and walden
no one does and decent fetishes except feet
love seeing this cumdemon everywhere
based but hairy really? Also is Ubik that good?
godly pic rel bro
>bdsm, rape
based and thus spake
HOLY BASED except the 1st fetish
>Blood Meridian
gay, read suttree

>> No.17565849
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Me >>17565534 >>17565630

Absolutely delightful tastes in books. Not really into the whole ordering stuff. I prefer the chaos.
Based, also. Sounds to me that you are literally "that cool uncle" sort of guy.
Says the guy who likes Murakami. Otherwise your taste isn't too bad, not really into the whole incel/efelist thing though.
At least you know what you like and won't have it any other way.
A little too weird for me. Good book tastes though.
I hate body hair. Call me a naked monkey all you want. However, great taste in books though.
Boring, but atleast you know what you like.

>> No.17565879
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Urizen always walks with me. It’s really not a sexual thing, I just find absolute order in life to be key.

>> No.17565942
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Fair enough. I can understand the desire of order from the outset of being able to control matter in ways to which it can be dominated into form. Los fulfills what I desire though.

>> No.17565948
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firstly what's the latter word mean? next, whats incel about it? Lastly, the only pedo Murakami I read was wind up bird and she was 17 which is ok where I am

>> No.17565961

Marry a non-white, non-black, or non-hispanic. Most West Asian, East Asian, and South Asian women are not as sexually charged as white, black, or Hispanic women. The only time they cheat is for feeling deeply wronged and not out of horniness.

>> No.17565986

No longer Human

Clown girls, they get me hard like nothing else in this world

>> No.17566000
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The four should be balanced of course, but I cannot help but feel that reason harmonizes the four and should be king over them. But I think it’s fundamentally a question of man’s inherent composition you know? I see reason as a mirror to god, image of God, blessed demiurge, harmonizer of nature, key to the beautiful and so forth.

>> No.17566010

Conan the Barbarian, Illiad, Odyssey, Frankenstein
Musclegirls, wrestling (both domming and being dommed)

>> No.17566011

The reverence of fetishes is bad and one reason the West is culturally declining.

>> No.17566040

>clown girls
Do their asses honk when you fuck them?

>> No.17566046

>No longer Human
I heard this is just edgy and nothing more, what did you think? Also, been thinking about reading kokoro, how's it read?

>> No.17566100
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Naomi, the book of disquiet, the catcher in the rye

Qt autist social outcast girls like pic related or aggie

>> No.17566106
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>Cuckolding, SPH, feminization
yeah that checks out.
>it does matter
Sunk cost though right? You probably won't be whipping it out day one.
Based kink tastes anon.
no you.
>clown girls
I am so glad I haven't fallen for this fetish. Imagine telling a girl your biggest fantasy is to have her honk her horn and squirt selzer water in your face after popping balloon animals in her asshole.
No but their shoes squeak after every thrust and get more hilarious as you speed up. When you coom they throw a custard pie on your dick.

>> No.17566110 [DELETED] 
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Iliad, theogony, argonautika, parmenides (by plato), bacchae, also sprach zarathustra, jenseits von gut und böse, fröhliche wissenschaft, welt als wille und vorstellung

Rape, parents watching, exhibitionism, wrestling, crying, twinks, femboys and abuse of power

>> No.17566120
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David Benatar is associated with antinatalism. I'm an proponent of not really caring about the concept overall. Benatar's fans are typically incel or efilist. Efilists are people who believe that anything that becomes self conscious is a waste. Sentient life is worthless and should be annihilated and killed as a result.

Basically a bunch of them believe in some sort of Negative Utilitarian mindset. Where the reduction of suffering is preferable. And this leads to them advocating for destroying sentient life as a whole.

It is a little too edgy for my tastes. I can understand the existence of them and I'll leave them be. To be consistent with the ethics of this you'll have to commit sudoku once you believe your mission of advocating against life is right.

Actually idk if you are an incel or you are legit celibate. If you are voluntarily celibate than good for you, but idk if that's the case as you desire some sort of sexual pleasure.

Murakami's recent book Killing Commodore has implications of the MC having romantic feelings for a 12 year old. I also don't enjoy incest that much, but that's more of a preference thing.
I understand the idea of trying to harmonize all these aspects to find some sort of whole. The way I see it. Los and his representation for everlasting change and imagination allows for all the other facets of creation to have something to strive for through action. This can apply to any idea that becomes the representation of someones spirit or body. I find Los as the initial originator of the question "who am I?" And all of my self interested ideals are to understand what this initial "I" is. This "I" myself was split from in its origination. I think this originator had the apotheosis of willing itself to believe Los is separate from itself. Due to wanting to interact with something alien it had created. Obviously the question as to why? this being even done in the first place is the task for many to discover. Even though I know to be skeptical of even my positioning on the matter. Which is why I see that your way to figuring out the origination as in my original "I" is equally as valid as my own, even though I obviously prefer my own interpretation of this "I" over your own.

I also believe this original "I" is imperfect in its current state as it used part of itself to create my ego. It is only when I use my ego and interact with this original "I" that I will be able to harmonize it together to figure out if perfection does really exist. If it doesn't then, hey! I don't mind a world created through ignorance.

>> No.17566143 [DELETED] 


>> No.17566149

>I am so glad I haven't fallen for this fetish. Imagine telling a girl your biggest fantasy is to have her honk her horn and squirt selzer water in your face after popping balloon animals in her asshole.
sounds based to me

>> No.17566151

The Odyssey

>> No.17566156

Absolute Power Dynamics in MOTION. BASEDADETO

>> No.17566173

I'm sure most girls wouldn't think so.

>> No.17566179


>> No.17566182

who cares if it is a chick or a dude. I want to fuck a clown if I want them to play up the theatrics. I'm not that anon, but I love costumes and theatrics and drama. Also who cares about the most common denominator. I care about those rare individuals who are weird and spicy.

>> No.17566184

I'm a legit celibate, antinatalist. I am an antinatalist because it makes sense to me, Benetar makes it crystal clear. This is also most likely due to my depression. However, I doubt I will practice any sort of antinatalism when I get an arranged marriage. My selfish desire for fatherhood combined with our most primitive programming to procreate will overcome any ideological obstacles. Also, it is the duty of a Muslim, which I am, to have children.

Regarding the latest Murakami, I stopped after 100 pages because of anhedonia but plan to pick it up soon. I enjoy incest also.

>> No.17566190

dont kys, based furfag

>> No.17566197
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>> No.17566198

No, no
I'm talking real animals mounting real women. My fetish revolves around making women submit to the point where they are beneath the animals I own.

>> No.17566199

Ben Shapiro?

>> No.17566200

Germinale, War and Peace, and Gravity’s Rainbow

Fat fetish

>> No.17566201

You kys too.

>> No.17566202

Getting his bucci destroyed by facts and logic

>> No.17566204

Sensible decision. Just kinda weird you are voluntarily celibate when your customs are antithetical to those notions. Atleast your not as dumb as one of my friends where he is actually an efilist negative utilitarian. Weird fello, but w.e.

>> No.17566207

that is also b ased

no you kys

>> No.17566215

sorry, I'm not into this vain crap. I'm only aroused if it is physical and i can talk to them about ideas.

>> No.17566217

No, I'd rather ky.

>> No.17566225

Or if it is artistically meaningful, aka something i can consume which has qualities i enjoy such as art.

>> No.17566229
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>Fat fetish

So you're the one making those Hazbin Hotel threads.

>> No.17566249

Green eggs and ham


>> No.17566272

Why do you like Green Eggs and Ham?

>> No.17566300

Anna Karenin
Armpits and thighs.

>> No.17566317

well I guess you would just say I'm waiting for marriage and not "voluntarily celibate".
well, he likes kids...

>> No.17566318

how the fuck. she looks small as fuck. trannies never accomplish looking that compact

>> No.17566335


Your guess.

>> No.17566341

>so you just like being complimented?
Not exactly, of course I like being complimented, but it's more of that feeling of the older generation thinking that you're just the tops.
>Are you a tranny?
No, just a straight up guy, nothing special.

>Sounds to me that you are literally 'that cool uncle' sort of guy.
My friends describe me as the 'grandfather' of the gang, never been called 'uncle' though. I'm kind of sick of being called 'gramps.'

>> No.17566366
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>Your favorite books
The World of Yesterday
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
>Your fetishes
Hairy armpits

>> No.17566372

Asians and possibly manlets who are really into keeping skinny.

>> No.17566391

>My friends describe me as the 'grandfather' of the gang, never been called 'uncle' though. I'm kind of sick of being called 'gramps.'
the cool uncle stereotype is literally that guy who goes out of his way to support people who he cares about, but isn't too bossy and annoying like a karen would be. The Cool Uncle is the opposite of a Karen if you really need me to keep it simple.

Also being called 'gramps' isn't too bad. That could be an indication people value your wisdom.

>> No.17566419

Are you the same OP as the /mu/ thread from a while ago?

Fear and Trembling
Meaning of the Creative Act by Berdyaev
Simultaneous masturbation with full eye contact

>> No.17566449

i'd be looking at her pussy ngl

>> No.17566457

>>Your fetishes
>Hairy armpits
any books relevant to this?

>> No.17566458

The Castle
Vanilla coitus preceded by detailed, legally binding declarations of consent

>> No.17566469

Pushkin wrote a poem about feet and Huysman an essay about hairy armpits. Other than that I don't know.

>> No.17566476


You're all a bunch of faggots

>> No.17566479

What’s the appeal ? I am neither attracted nor disgusted by feet. And as for hairy armpits, it just doesn’t seem hygienic, seems masculine, smelly, uncaring and so forth. I don’t see the point.

>> No.17566512

>the cool uncle stereotype is literally that guy who goes out of his way to support people who he cares about
That is something I do just cause that's the way I was raised, and all the friends I met in college thought I was nut because 'we don't do that in New York.' I've never heard that stereotype though, all my uncles were drunks, most of them the mean kind. Though I had one happy drunk who was a crazy anarchist who lived in the woods, he was a great guy.

>That could be an indication people value your wisdom.
It isn't. It's a dig at me because they can't imagine someone liking books and the outdoors and showing compassion for people unless they were a grandpa. I love my friends, but they must be raising them really shallow down in New York.

>> No.17566514

what are you asexual?

>> No.17566582
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Ovid, Crime and Punishment, Illiad, Satyricon

Anythint beyond 6'7". If they're women, godly thighs. If men, I want them chubbier. If tranny, no.

>> No.17566625
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Hairy armpits is the pussy preview. It shows she underwent puberty and I think bush is hot af as well. ''Uncaring'' is the word, it's part of her body that wasn't meant for the world to see, so when it's not groomed it feels a lot more intimate. Flaunting those armpits strikes me as indecent. I don't think it's smelly in a bad way, it carries scents and the natural musk of a woman, pheromones and all that, drives me wild.

As for feet, I'm fairly new to this fetish, been developing it since the summer of last year. It was a seed in me that I chose to nurture. It's part of the female form, like her hands, collarbones, the nape of her neck, her belly. I sometimes fixate on details and examine what distinguishes a beautiful specimen from and ordinary one. After a while something just clicked. There's something to be said about a beauty which the subject is oblivious of, and I think this applies especially to feet.

>> No.17566697
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King Lear, Macbeth
raping, dominating

>> No.17566797

wtf? do you want your head to be crushed by godly thighs or be crushed by a chubby dude?

>> No.17566820

someone rec me some contemporary stuff

>> No.17566827

fauxcest seems to be in vogue

>> No.17566832

you wish, faggot
she isnt

>> No.17566883

>google it

>> No.17566902

>You probably won't be whipping it out day one.
I already have, people just refuse to do anything with it after a certain size. Some leave, some laugh and leave, some are apologetic and leave.

So I just now live in shame

>> No.17566930

not that anon.

you are associated with people with vain virtues. try to find individuals who are of those who believe in the realm of the forms instead. spiritually love you for who you are instead of something as worldly as your genitals.
Obviously if it were my perspective I would okay with it and think it were cute or something. Especially if you are a cute guy to begin with, however if cute is emasculating. Then I'm not the person for you as I don't believe in being so prideful of mine or others sexualities.

>> No.17567022

Nah, I purposely lead women on and prolong the relationship to get an emotional attachment as much as I can without having sex. For many people having sex is a big deal, regardless of everything else because sex is as important as personality, looks, how you smell, etc. As I mentioned before, some women don't mind very big penises or small penises. But there comes to a point where it's unsupportable. And that's ok. Its not like I can hate them for having a preferences most people have.
>it were cute or something
Ah, I guess that's my problem. Im very average so I don't make it up in any way.

>> No.17567092
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Moby-Dick, The Ethics, The Malay Archipelago
Extreme thickness like in /d/‘s venus thread, sweat and body-odour (not braps or similar because that’s gross, I just like strong natural musk), being in the centre of mmf 3ways where I fuck the girl but the guy fucks me

>> No.17567109

unironically kys

>> No.17567128

you are such a downer. how do you keep yourself up everyday with thoughts such as these?

>> No.17567150

What’s so bad, just the faggot stuff? The picrew?

>> No.17567159

Lolita, Alice and Wonderland

>> No.17567168

>how do you keep yourself up everyday with thoughts such as these?
What other choice do I have? Lie to myself? Its just reality for me. Should I commit suicide? Well I'm dying anyways. Should I live? Well people depend on me anyways. Either way, It doesn't really matter in the end.

I'm not attractive, I'll never look like a model, I'll never know what it's like to be objectified, I'm never going to impress a girl with my size, people won't ogle over me for my dick size, I'll never be able to post myself nude online without being shamed, I'll never go a day without someone making fun of small penises, I'll never be someone's first choice, I'll never not be embarrassed for being the smallest in the room

So what? What can I do about it? Absolutely nothing. And that's all there is to it.

>> No.17567169

Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Tartar Steppe, Count of Monte Cristo

I gave up on loving many, many years ago. Pervasive paranoia, and the lack of ego has reduced my interpersonal relationships to one.

So, my “fetish” would be someone who can tolerate my existence, seeing beyond my inherently hostile and demeaning behavior.

>> No.17567180

the avatar put it over the top

>> No.17567209

Fair enough

>> No.17567217

what you can do is to do anything. be like the ancient greeks and build up your aesthetical ideal.
everyone has the ability to get strong.

>> No.17567250
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I already did lol. I got fit years ago because of anons telling me it was a golden ticket to success. Well, what can I say, it's nothing more than cope. Women will be even more disappointed to see a man who cares for himself, yet is a genetically failure anyways.

You can't win with a small penis. You just live, hope for the best knowing nothing will change. But also maintain yourself to a standard so if someone comes (in which I can say they won't) you are prepared.

>> No.17567280

The Brothers Karamazov, Heart of Darkness, Steppenwolf


>> No.17567291

I'm not trying to tell you to do anything. All I will say is that if I was in your position I would just be patient or become a hermit. How I found my longterm partner is from patience and being at the right time and place. Sounds like luck, but really that's the way i got success in a relationship.

>> No.17567363

>just be patient or become a hermit
Well that's the goal for now. Meet a womam that doesn't leave after sex and marry her even though she doesn't love me, but stays for monetary or societal benifit. Eh, it doesn't matter if it never happens. So what if nobody wants to be with me, if it wasn't meant for me, then it just want meant to be.

>> No.17567378

Rape and blackmail

>> No.17567381

>Trans and femboy porn

No one this based would have such horrible taste in literature. Try harder.

>> No.17567450

Forgot cuckolding

>> No.17567457

The God Delusion
Cuckold, Indian, Face Trampling

>> No.17567468

Illiad/Odyssey, Enneads, most of Schopie, Spengler

Dummy thicc goth bitches, architecture though I repress my inner brosnan

>> No.17567807

you all genuinely disgust me
you're all super cringe
you're all based

>> No.17567972

coward, not pointing out which reply was yours or doing what OP asked for.

>> No.17567984

not all of us have fetishes you degenerate lol

>> No.17568270

I can't see a reason not to anon. It is the only way my sexual imperative could be gratified. Who doesn't want thigh anyway.

>> No.17568512

Don't worry anon, you'll find someone someday who'll compliment you everyday.

>> No.17568571
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Difference and repetition, metamorphosis, on nietzsche

femdom, sph despite having a big pp, general humiliation

>> No.17568649
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The Decline of the West, Marching Through Georgia, Caliphate

Lolis, rape, raceplay, human toilets, breeding machines. Just women, faggots, trannies, and non-whites treated how they deserve to be treated.

>> No.17568667

sorrows of young werther, the bell jar, journey to the end of the night

rape, snuff, tender love and care, thigh highs

>> No.17568682

100% french: The torture garden, The three musketeers, To the victors the Spoils

Very flat tomboys.

>> No.17568829

As far as fetishes go Clown girls aren't degenerate or scary, besides, I'm not going around telling every girl I know that I want her to dress as a clown a to let me fuck her to death. I've only ever told two of my past girlfriends about my fethis (and only one complied)

>> No.17568860

It's very edgy but at the same time there's a sense of genuineness in everything that's displayed and you get an sense that it's written from experience. I mean, at one point the main character tries to commit suicide using a the same method that the author used to kill himself a couple of year later. It's not for everyone but if it connects, it connects hard.
Kokoro is all around a great book. A beautiful story about the regrets that we withhold in our heart and how they can consume us. Just go for it, anon, it's quite short and very easy to read.

>> No.17568919

i hate this fucking board

>> No.17569002

>all these mass repliers

>> No.17569098
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I guess my original answer was pretty lack luster, since apparently we're not just giving a few answers for this OP. I'm >>17564683 but I guess I'll give my extended answer.
>Favorite books
The Canterbury Tales
Invisible Cities
Wallace Stevens : Collected Poetry and Prose
Terra Nostra
Creative Evolution
The Question Concerning Technology
The Poetics of Space
World in Fragments: Writings on Politics, Society, Psychoanalysis, and the Imagination
Femdom (not really gfd but definitely not sadistic)
Being tied up
But alternatively, I would also like to tie up a nerdy, paperbackdreams-esque girl and dominate her, horny girls make me horny
Uh and I guess my favorite lewd artist is deepbeef, you should look them up

>> No.17569142

>the canterubry tales

>> No.17569155


>> No.17569317
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>Very flat tomboys

>> No.17569391

>sorrows of young werther
There aren't enough discussions around this book on this board, wild how good that book is. Had a surprisingly large effect on Carlyle.

>> No.17569526

Goethe was a footfag, does this shine through?

>> No.17569559

I don't think so, though my my memory isn't perfect.

>> No.17569601

Ellul - The Technological Society
Castizo mommy gf

>> No.17569613

The only other based individual in this thread, my fuckin guy

>> No.17569961
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No, that's Aлeкcaндpa Гaйep

She's Jewish however. This pic is also like 10 years old. She's something like 30 now.

>> No.17570379

other possible answers include 'head'.

>> No.17570537

I mean, Ubik is one of my three favorite books so I'd say yeah it really is that good. I'll admit that Dick has his shortcomings as a writer, so if you've read any of his other stuff and disliked it, you might not feel much better about Ubik. But in terms of density of ideas, humor, and psychedelic sci-fi imagery (this extends even to the descriptions of the ridiculous outfits worn by the characters throughout the book), it hasn't been surpassed by anything else I've read, by PKD or anyone else.
And yes, something about hairy women really turns me on in a primal way that I can't really verbalize. To each their own, right?

>> No.17570591
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>> No.17571100

she isn't a trap and it's obvious from the bone structure

>> No.17571245

The Brother's Karamazov, Laurus, The Way of a Pilgrim.
Breast Expansion.

>> No.17571265

The stand, cyclonopedia, storm of steel
curvy/chubby women that seem real cuddly, mommydom/gentle femdom, inflation/expansion, women taller than me, women stronger than me

>> No.17571274


>> No.17571283

On the Road, Ulysses, Catcher in the Rye,
Giantess, mom-dom, femboys

>> No.17571299

Anna Karenina

>> No.17571475

Notes From Underground, Lolita

>> No.17572688


>> No.17572700

I don't have one;
accents and foreign languages (simultaneously).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myZkCjhw7AE This is what got me into it.

>> No.17572712

I need a pair of phones, anons. How can I go on without hearing such things?

>> No.17572713

Is she the russian girl who’s famous for cosplaying asuka?

>> No.17572715

>catch 22
>the trial
>infinite jest

>thigh highs
>alt girls

>> No.17572721


>> No.17572726
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you guys are twisted

walden, after dark, oblomov, the pleague
a woman who will listen to me

>> No.17572737

anything by james joyce

scat, face farting, queening, etc.

>> No.17572778

Thus Spake Zarathustra
Crime and Punishment
Anna Karenia

Mommy thighs

>> No.17572781

Bible, Quran, Crime and Punishment
None, because I ditched my sexual needs after realizing that I'm lifelong incel due to my personality, I also don't want to lose gains I make while lifting.

>> No.17572853

you’ve only been at this shit for two weeks or so by my estimate but i am already so fucking tired of your k-pop whore foot spam and the gay prose that always accompanies it.

>> No.17572935
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God, I hope so

>> No.17573207

highly based
to each their own. But I recall trying to read Do Androids Dream... and wasn't a fan of the writing. That was years ago however, I may try him again

>> No.17573223

>Bible, Quran
explain. What religion do you belong to? Also based fetish

>> No.17573275

Call of the Arcade
Netorare, dick birth, guro

>> No.17573290

The Magic Mountain
Infinite Jest

Rapeplay, forced rimjobs, total domination

>> No.17573299
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>> No.17573317
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Vanilla? I just want kids.

>> No.17574052

>those shoulders
>those hands
That's a woman.

>> No.17574108

bible and book of concord
brown and short-haired (including buzzcut) women

>> No.17574156

to the lighthouse, angústia, no longer human
armpits, small girls who look like children

>> No.17575025

google PE, there are forums and subreddits for it
should take you about 2 years to get to the upper average range brother. I started at 5.5 and now I'm 7" after about that long. most important thing is to actually stay consistent. Good luck

>> No.17575386

Roadside Picnic
mtf Transformation

>> No.17576012

holy fuck so many fucking faggots on here, who knew.

>> No.17576344

Yeah, I don't get these people. How do they develop all of these fetishes? My best guess is porn. I just want a pretty nordic wife and children.

>> No.17576371

Kill yourself you pedo

>> No.17576414

i got it from reading the Greco-Roman culture. In particular Roman history.
If it is in The Forms there is no harm, or so I hope. If you're talking about the realm of the material that's a different story.

>> No.17576416

Will this grow my dick even if I'm already 8", or just make it floppier

>> No.17576485

No favorites.
No fetishes.

>> No.17576574

favourite books: atlas struggled, story of the eye
fetish: scat.

sincerely... nothing turns me on more than a woman who can shart.

>> No.17576587

Pride and Prejudice, To The Lighthouse, Ulysses
Diapers, abdl, mdlg, gentle mommydom, cross dressing, soft teasing, cuddling, affection

>> No.17576894

Born as Catholic Christian, but grew up as agnostic and am seeking knowledge. Knowing history from different perspectives really opens eyes and lets you know more about things. The sooner you learn about that, the better.

>> No.17576916

I honestly thought for a while that they were mocking the favorite books by claiming to have all of these nasty fetishes but, it seems most are being honest.

>> No.17576985

Is it me or the fetishes grew more extreme than the last time we had this thread

>> No.17576996
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The Magic Mountain

>> No.17577024
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King, Queen, knave
Mars trilogy
Stalingrad by Antony Beevor


>> No.17577026

maybe an indication that there is a rise in decadence in the modern era akin to the late 19th century and the american 1920s.

makes sense when most people in /lit/ are fans of writers in those periods. as demonstrated in this thread.

>> No.17577112

Brothers Karamazov, sickness Unto Death, LoTR, Shogun

Futanari, loli, feet

>> No.17577472


>> No.17577484

>tender love and care
the dooality of man

>> No.17577492

Favorite book
Emily Dickinsons Complete poems
I just wish I could work up the courage to ask a girl out, I just want cuddling.

>> No.17578067

everyone has always had weird fetishes, it’s just porn of every type is so accessible now that they can realise it

>> No.17578948
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Decline of the west, Revolt against the modern world, Beyond good and evil.

Loli, JC, Vanilla

>> No.17579016
