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17562626 No.17562626 [Reply] [Original]

What books do you guys recommend for someone who never had a father figure? I want to learn the proper way of acting like a man. None of that beer, bacon le manly basedbean reddit shit

>> No.17562641

Your father doesn't teach you how to act like a man, you learn through life experience.

>> No.17562642

That's a ftm right?

>> No.17562644

Fantômas, the whole series.
You can compare a bad father figure (Fantômas) with good father figure (Juve).

>> No.17562645

Masculinity is genetic. If you don't have it, don't fraud it. Be who you are.

>> No.17562655

just watch men with cold detachment and identify points where they behave in dumb ways

>> No.17562656

The core of manliness is to choose yourself. Always. No books on it because nobody has ever been able to pull this off or think this through to the end.

>> No.17562661

>be who you are
>*becomes a cuck basedboy weak beta dude*

No, OP, read: King,Warrior,Magician and Lover and The Way of the superior man.

>> No.17562668


You need a role model. Most historical fiction or non-fiction is full of heroic men who did great deeds, or at least deeds worth writing about.

>> No.17562669
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Cien años de soledad.

>> No.17562675

>Wants to learn how to behave like a man
>Wants to learn how to behave
>Wants to learn
There it is. You really just need to identify your yearning for. And then hang on to that yearning with all your strength. That's what being a man is.

>> No.17562680

For fiction, a good starting point is Shogun by James Clavell, or Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet
For non-fiction, familiarize yourself with great men from history, take your pick

>> No.17562684

Most boring book I've read in recent time. I even read it in spanish. Did I get filtered?

>> No.17562688

True. Follow your desire and it won‘t lead you astray.

>> No.17562698

You're the idiot, you can't "teach" someone to be a man. Role models are just an ideal, but it doesn't "teach" you anything.

>> No.17562700

You look like a faggot dude

>> No.17562701

You kinda did, yeah.

>> No.17562714

They teach you how to behave, how to interact with the world in a positive way. This is obvious to anyone who isn't sub human.

>> No.17562737

This. Only women and faggots objectify themselves enough to go to the gym.

>> No.17562745

Evola - Ride the Tiger
Esther Villar - The Manipulated Man (disregard the occasional liberal bugwoman takes)
Cordoza & Starrett - Becoming a Supple Leopard
Tao Te Ching
Read that, plus the Trivium and pick up a martial art.
basedman takes
Good post but you're wrong that no one has done it.
Explaining an ideal goes a long way to help people emulate it. Ultimately, every man learns on his own, but the very reason learning can occur is because there is something to learn.

>> No.17562747

>They teach you how to behave, how to interact with the world in a positive way.
You can't learn this from a book you fucking retard, you learn this by being alive and interacting with people and using your intuition. Were there no "men" before the written language?
If you need a book to tell you "how to behave" you're the untermenschen.

>> No.17562758

Speaking of which, the Illiad is ripe with great examples of manliness. You can read that if you like.
(Diomedes is based btw)
Yeah, real men are rotting couch potatoes who watch TV whenever they want! Based!!!!
>t. retard

>> No.17562759

>you're wrong that no one has done it
Nobody i know of at least. Got any good examples?

>> No.17562771

There‘s a difference between being fit and muscular just because you really use your body vs paying money and wasting time multiple times a week just to look like you actually have a life.

>> No.17562777

>you learn this by being alive and interacting with people
hurrrrrrrrr durrrrr do you even know what a role model is?

>> No.17562779
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I recommend a cycle if you don't want to look like a twink

>> No.17562788

>Explaining an ideal goes a long way to help people emulate it. Ultimately, every man learns on his own, but the very reason learning can occur is because there is something to learn.
Yes you're correct in that it's useful to have an "ideal" for yourself but if you have to "teach yourself to be a man", trust me dude, you are a woman.

>> No.17562797

>he depends on other people to be a man

>> No.17562815

>he depends on other men to coom
it's obvious you don't have a male role model in your life

>> No.17562825

There‘s a very easy way to snap yourself back into being masculine. Find a feminine girl.

>> No.17562842

>it's obvious you don't have a male role model in your life
Yeah because I don't want to initiate other people lmao

>> No.17562848


>> No.17562855

The Buddha, unironically. He's self-awakened too, so he didn't even have a teacher. A lot of the great spiritual traditions of the world revolve around the idea of an uncompromising pursuit of freedom that can overcome the laws of cause and effect.
You are a coping, lazy faggot and you are probably either emaciated or obese. >>17562788
>Yes you're correct in that it's useful to have an "ideal" for yourself but if you have to "teach yourself to be a man", trust me dude, you are a woman.
"If you have room for growth and much to learn, you are hopeless." Not a good mindset. I am sorry anon, but not all of us have had a good family, good environment and good fathers. Modern society conditions people to be meek, cowardly cucks. It takes effort and will to attempt to break out of that mould and it's not nice to put people down when all they are doing is trying to live in a more authentic way. If there is nothing about manhood worth "teaching", be it to yourself or others, then manhood is a very shallow concept.

>> No.17562859

>doesn't have a dad
are you a nigger by race, or just spiritually?

>> No.17562896

Read the entire works of John Steinbeck.

>> No.17562939

>Not a good mindset. I am sorry anon, but not all of us have had a good family, good environment and good fathers. Modern society conditions people to be meek, cowardly cucks. It takes effort and will to attempt to break out of that mould and it's not nice to put people down when all they are doing is trying to live in a more authentic way. If there is nothing about manhood worth "teaching", be it to yourself or others, then manhood is a very shallow concept.
It's definitely not something you can learn from reading a book or listening to another person. If you are so malleable that society turns you into an effeminate fag then the truth is that it's just what you are. Being a man is about doing right by yourself, not letting other people mold you in their own image that is antithetical to what you desire.
My dad is not my role model, I don't need a role model. I only need myself.

>> No.17563030

>It's definitely not something you can learn from reading a book or listening to another person.
If you are living with profoundly limited horizons - as most people are today - a single book or even a single post can revolutionise your worldview, yes. If books can change our perception of humanity, why wouldn't they be able to change our perception of manliness as well?
>If you are so malleable that society turns you into an effeminate fag then the truth is that it's just what you are. Being a man is about doing right by yourself, not letting other people mold you in their own image that is antithetical to what you desire.
Anon, consider the modern world more carefully. Kids are born, sheltered and suffocated by helicopter parents, then their brains are bombarded with all sorts of stupid hogwash from popular culture, movies, tv series, video games etc. Severed from any true community, they only talk to other people like them. These people grow up completely isolated from anything truthful or authentic. It's not even a new phenomenon, this has been going since TV became mainstream. You are simply being too harsh. A young man can resist conditioning, but a child can not. The fact that some of these children grow up profoundly discontent and look to learn for themselves what concepts like manhood really mean shows that they are, in fact, resisting impositions from other people and from society. You just dismiss that because you assume that everyone has the same experience and knowledge from the start.

>> No.17563054

Asking on lit will always give you a wrong answer. Too many faggots on here.
Every man needs a masculine role model to teach them otherwise they mostly become lost and then criminal, imo.

>> No.17563087

What a faggot.

>> No.17563095

I wish jannies would clean this place up of all the filth and trolls. No recommendations in this thread, Just faggots

>> No.17563108

>did not read the thread

>> No.17563151

These are the saddest threads on all of 4chan.

>> No.17563165

>If you are living with profoundly limited horizons - as most people are today - a single book or even a single post can revolutionise your worldview, yes. If books can change our perception of humanity, why wouldn't they be able to change our perception of manliness as well?
Being a man has nothing to do with ideology or "weltanschauung". Books can most certainly change your perception of the world, they can even change your perception on what a man is, but they certainly won't teach you how to BECOME a man, the only thing that can come close to "teach" you is lived experience and enduring hardship.
>Anon, consider the modern world more carefully. Kids are born, sheltered and suffocated by helicopter parents, then their brains are bombarded with all sorts of stupid hogwash from popular culture, movies, tv series, video games etc. Severed from any true community, they only talk to other people like them. These people grow up completely isolated from anything truthful or authentic. It's not even a new phenomenon, this has been going since TV became mainstream. You are simply being too harsh. A young man can resist conditioning, but a child can not. The fact that some of these children grow up profoundly discontent and look to learn for themselves what concepts like manhood really mean shows that they are, in fact, resisting impositions from other people and from society. You just dismiss that because you assume that everyone has the same experience and knowledge from the start.
All the better, sheltered coddled boys and young " men " need a reality check. The only way they can get that is through the aforementioned hardships and overcoming oneself, struggle is good and fighting is great. The mark of a true man is one who is able to take what it is that he wants, this is not something that can be taught nor is it something that the majority of men could ever do now or were even able to accomplish in the past for the fact of the matter is that most men have always been and still continue to be slaves.
>I have to be told what to do and let other people shape me

>> No.17563186

It's not sad for someone to ask for a better role model than what society offers, it's sad that they get all these deranged replies.

>> No.17563197

unironically this

>> No.17563214

>Being a man has nothing to do with ideology or "weltanschauung". Books can most certainly change your perception of the world, they can even change your perception on what a man is, but they certainly won't teach you how to BECOME a man, the only thing that can come close to "teach" you is lived experience and enduring hardship.
I feel like there is a contradiction of terms in your argument. Sure, books won't make you a man, but if you are intent on being a man in the fullness of what that means, then surely reading books in order to expand your understand of what it means to be a man is an indispensable step in that process.
>All the better, sheltered coddled boys and young " men " need a reality check. The only way they can get that is through the aforementioned hardships and overcoming oneself, struggle is good and fighting is great. The mark of a true man is one who is able to take what it is that he wants, this is not something that can be taught nor is it something that the majority of men could ever do now or were even able to accomplish in the past for the fact of the matter is that most men have always been and still continue to be slaves.
I don't see you disagreeing with what I said here.

>> No.17563235

I'm saying if you are weak and effeminate no amount of reading or role model worship will change that.

>> No.17563250
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You're acting like someone can't read and then apply what they've learned, thereby growing by force of habit.

Are we really going to live in a world where guys basically program themselves into being cocksucking sissies but somehow becoming a man is just a completely out of reach?

>> No.17563268

Are you coping for not growing up with a father or are you genuinely retarded

>> No.17563300

>it's so sad that 4chan won't help this guy ;_;

Fuck off. There are about 50 more appropriate forums than this one for this kind of shit.

>> No.17563333

Not in itself, no, but it's better than not even doing that, is my point.

>> No.17563348

All he did was ask for book recs, you freak. God damn you people are garbage.

>> No.17563393


>> No.17563470

Accept that you'll never be a real man and find a masc boyfriend to submit to. I'm sure you'll make a very cute twink-wife anon :)

>> No.17563474

>There are about 50 more appropriate forums than this one for this kind of shit
name 5

>> No.17564250

I think Marcus Aurelius' meditations are pretty good, or rather stoic philosophy seems to be what you are looking for
>inb4 "hurr durr he was a shit dad"
you try to find the time to be a good empereor and father

>> No.17564308

>never had a father figure
Accept that you've been consigned to a fate of homosexuality and find a "daddy" to sublate this missing part of your psychological development .

>> No.17564315

unironically treasure island

>> No.17564963

Il Galateo - Giovani Della Casa.

>> No.17565089

this except men don't act in dumbs ways unless they're ill-formed or womanish. identify the points where they act like men and are different to pseudo-men and women. there's a certain way of behaving and carrying oneself that you need to emulate before leading into your own masculinity. generally-speaking, most of masculinity is just the same as maturity and responsibility but because women don't really mature it is seen as a male thing.