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17562289 No.17562289 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is happening on /lit/, why is full of pro-Muslim here now? What the fuck? Is some kind of psyops by some jihadist group? Go back to fucking goats, Hassan, no one wants to practice a shit backwater medieval tier shit.

>> No.17562375

Shitposting, same as the edgy atheists and the Christians

>> No.17562500

The jihadi anon is qualityposting, not shitposting. I wonder if he's ISIS or CIA.

>> No.17562524

i haven't seen a single person refute the jihadposter yet

>> No.17562528

It's Constantine, the ex-orthodox/seraphim rose shill guy and his gay little discord.

>> No.17562531


Fell hard yeah, bro.

>> No.17562539

>refute something that can't be refuted because it can't be tested or argumented in a logical way.

Low IQ reply detected.

>> No.17562544

>I wonder if he's ISIS or CIA
What's the difference?

>> No.17562547

kaffir cope

>> No.17562595

Not based and dumb poster, go back to inbreeding with your ugly arab cousin Khajira, Hassam, and go have retard low IQ babies.

>> No.17562658

One is a paramilitary fighting to establish an Islamic state, the other is an intelligence agency working for the global power.

>> No.17562706

no one in the streets to run over or blow up because of rona, so the muzzies went online

>> No.17562792

I could've expected that reply. The former would come here to proselytize, the latter would come here to radicalized and entrap anons.

>> No.17562802

i havent been on this board for a few weeks, what does this jihadposter post?

>> No.17562818

schizo shit

>> No.17562830

He supports ISIS and quotes from terrorist literature on politics and theology and puts a lot of effort in making his posts interesting

>> No.17562837

For reference:

>> No.17562851

And he tries to appeal to things people who are disillusioned with society struggle with, just like tranny prop. It's effort posting though.

>> No.17562892


>> No.17562904

/lt/ doesn't have a password dummy

>> No.17562938

>The jihadi anon is qualityposting, not shitposting. I wonder if he's ISIS or CIA.
Mossad baby

>> No.17563016
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>> No.17563041

I argued with him about how ISiS’s decision to formalize into a state entity was a major blunder on their part, and I do t think he ever refuted me.

>> No.17563065


>> No.17563112

Who the fuck is this wop nobody trying to rob me of my sleep

>> No.17563127

The formation of Islamic State of Syria and Iraq or the turn from that into the Caliphate?

Or are we talking even earlier when the Islamic State of Iraq was founded?

>> No.17563218

Daesh was labelled as an organisation of bandits and the attempted caliphate was not accepted by the consensus of opinion of the ulema.

Daesh, a dead horse.

>> No.17563230

>a nobody

Well well, look at this loser right here.

>> No.17563234


Go back to fuck goat or your cousin, Adnan.

>> No.17563259

Weird how mentioning islam never fails to attract all the illiterates on /lit/

>> No.17563272

You need take a timeout go sit in the corner facing the bricks until you can learn some manners.

>> No.17563361

>doesn't understand what consensus is
>doesn't know that Malik was tortured for refusing to work for an actual caliphate as he wanted to stay honest but drools over scholars who embrace working for rump puppet regimes


>> No.17563390

Have you seen Awlaki on this? He says very clearly whether or not the state of Iraq and Shams lasts it's important to establish as a turning point because it takes it out of the realm of theory

>> No.17563422

Because islam is not worthy the time for a lengthy well thought out rebuke because islam is literally judaism + christianim fanfic written out by some arab merchant, and worst, islam today just devolved into a bunch of mentally unstable male dude larping as medieval jihadist wanting to go back to good ol' time, living like a medieval cousin fucker. Islam doesn't have a place in todays world.

>> No.17563439

I do actually know what consensus is, means, and entails.
As for Malik you are aware that a human man who is the ruler of the Caliphate and is not the Prophet (saas) is also not infallible.

There was another case where one of the Ottoman Sultans wanted to genocide the entirety of the Balkan Christians and his hand and mind was stayed by the scholars. There's a hadith about being rewarded a good deed after having intention to commit a bad deed but avoiding it, or not doing it.

>> No.17563452

That's a very cartoonish and wrong idea of Islam. Are you a victim of propaganda?

>> No.17563456

All I know is you'd have to be degenerate as fuck and stupid to think Islam will save the West from degeneracy.

>> No.17563458

Today's world doesn't have a place in Allah's. It is temporary, it fading, it is unsustainable, it is a long pyramid scheme doomed to fall apart. We will tear it down إن شاء الله but even if we did not it could not last because anything dissonant with the Eternal One is sure to crumble as it is at war the very principle of its own existence

>> No.17563472

>What the fuck is happening on /lit/, why is full of pro-Muslim here now?
the logical next step after rejecting modernity is literally eating shit

>> No.17563480

Wonder what Awlaki would have said about IS split from AQ and the other factions in Syria. Still a good idea to establish the State even if it means pitting IS against the rest?

>> No.17563503

Praytell explain what Shafi'i defines consensus as

Yes and the Ottoman state scholars also signed off on Ottoman legalization of homosexuality in the 19th Century "by consensus". State scholars are mostly corrupt, this has always been the case. The purest scholars are the ones who are imprisoned and persecuted. Not only are your jolly scholars not working for a khilafah, as those of the Ottomans, they are working for colonial rump states that facilitate invasion and occupation. How is it that Saud could send his son to London to get British assistance and then establish himself and then his scholars praise him and must be accepted while any he imprisons are khawarij?

>> No.17563519

He supported establishing it as a Khalifah very strongly. Rather he would have been confused why Zawahiri tried to sabotage this by division Shams from Iraq and putting it under Julani independently, which proved a major mistake as the guy now works for Turkey

>> No.17563544

If we're taking about corrupt scholars, which I wasn't, then there's a whole other discussion to be had. Furthermore, if you will only accept the opinions of scholars which you agree with then there's absolutely no point in wasting your time and mine with the discussion.

>The purest scholars are the ones who are imprisoned and persecuted.
Quite a claim.

>> No.17563577

Quite a claim? Three out of four of the great imams were imprisoned

You accept the word of shaykhs who are promoted by or work for the state when classically this was always known to be a source of corruption because it's an obvious conflict of interest. Any scholar who supports these collaborator states is obviously not to be considered a source to take from

>> No.17563593

Almost certainly CIA.
It seems based on the gestalt of propaganda we're receiving that the guys at the top are pretty worried about some sort of violent far right activity status post the corona shutdown, maybe there's enough liberal power in federal government to finally adjust the CIA's orientation toward preventing events like the """"""""insurrection"""""" from happening again.
But again, this is all me trying to extrapolate based on they're trying to shill.
Differentiating between actual retards and shills is hard, understanding motivation is hard, understanding where it's coming from is hard.
We should figure out a way to infuse some rigor and testability into this activity. Discerning organizational momentum based on their covert propaganda

>> No.17563614

The far right isn't going to do anything, you guys are already under feds and you can see this by the popularity of Evola who is promoted so much because he opposes violent action, this is even why now they are trying to push him with Muslims

>> No.17563642

You think he would have join IS?

Curious how he would react when the schism hits Yemen though and the wilayat are announced there too.

Julani is an interesting fellow, seems to want to turn HTS in Hamas. Constantly cracking down on the more hardline groups while also such a long history of infighting with the more nationalist ones.

>> No.17563654

The entire site is a psyop and we are so bored addicted and lonely that we don't care as long as we have bots pretending to listen.

>> No.17563666

Even if it wasn't all feds these people police themselves due to chilling effect.

>> No.17563684

I think Awlaki supported Baghdadi establishing Khalifah because he vocally did. I think Shaykh Usama would have as well

This is true too

>> No.17563696

I'm a leftist, actually.
I think the liberals in charge of the gobment might think the far right might actually do something.

>> No.17563849

>Three out of four of the great imams were imprisoned
And one wasn't, and many other scholars weren't, and some were.

Anyway, I can see that you're pushing a wheelbarrow of fertiliser. I'm not your enemy.

>> No.17563994

I think it's more likely they make it out like they will in order to gather eventual pretense for a Patriot Act 2.0

The puppet regimes are my enemy. These scholars were not even imprisoned by puppets collaborating with occupying crusaders, they were simply not sucking up to the Khalifah. Imagine what they would say about sucking up to rulers who welcome and facilitate Christian occupation

You are confused, you don't realize the rulers work for the crusaders and the crusaders spend to promote the Ulema they want. This is no different than the British appointing our Ulema (which they did). Any alim who dissents is tortured or imprisoned or killed. Then the ones who get to speak you say make consensus. No, infact majority opinion isn't even consensus,let alone popular opinion under these conditions

>> No.17564070

Now I'm not the ISIS poster, but he's been here for over a year now and consistently shilling his hardliner salafist ideology and a couple of islamist websites. My impression is that he's the real deal, and honestly his opinions aren't extremely rare in the islamic community.

I've personally been promoting for several years a synthesis of right wing traditionalism, islamist ideology, and third-worldism... alongside various calls to radicalization and conspiracy theories which I may or may not believe in. Several people have called me a glowie but really I'm motivated purely by a dislike of the united states and everything it stands for. Whenever I talk to an anon who seems sympathetic to Islam I engage him honestly and intelligently and I like to think I've changed a couple of minds through this tactic. I spent a lot of time when I was younger on white nationalist forums so I know how they think and what values to appeal to.

There were also several traditionalist and sufi posters here a few years back, and we would often have very fruitful discussions and threads, although they were driven out by low quality spammers. Islam posting is nothing new, although it it has seen an uptick this last month or two. The Salafist is a dedicated poster as far as I can tell, and used to be a lot more extreme and a bit of a takfiri but lately has adopted his tactics to appeal to more moderate posters while appearing more a neutral party.

My motivation is political, to help lay the intellectual groundwork for disillusioned conservatives to make a swing away from a lethargic and unpopular ideology towards one that's frankly better and closer to Allah. At the very least, I hope to convince some posters on here that such a change of course is desirable. The conservative movement has a lot of baggage, lots of it uncalled for but a decent amount self inflicted as well. At present, calling yourself a conservative limits your options, alienates most people, and forces you to engage in self censorship... when I want to present a radically right-wing idea to a crowd of strangers, for example, I always open by declaring myself a Marxist or Marxist-Leninist or some other disarming label, and suddenly my views on immigration, international finance, and eugenics become trendy. A conservative embrace of Islam allows for conservatives to keep their core values, unequivocally affirm them even, while also shaking off the baggage of racism that is currently holding the movement down. It also brings people to the true religion, and hopefully can help them find peace.

Hope that clears up questions of motivation. Maybe there are intelligence agents here too (probably, to be honest, although I'd imagine they mostly stick to /pol/), but I like to think that many of the people here are genuine. If political Islam can achieve the same online success that white nationalism achieved, well, maybe we can stop the suicidal death march of western civilization.

>> No.17564144

This is all very wrong. First of all communism is kufr so declaring yourself a communist is saying "I'm a kaffir", completely wrong. Second Islam is not a manmade ideology, it is absolutely nothing more neither less than submission to Allah, trying to blend it with other ideologies is totally incorrect. Thirdly, dawah if that is your aim never consists in tailoring Islam to appeal to kuffar, rather kuffar who embrace Islam do so because it doesn't pander. And Allah عز و جل says if you seek to please the people by displeasing Him, they will eventually be displeased with you as well, bit if you seek to please Him though it displeases the people, eventually they will be pleased with you regardless

>> No.17564172

Everything involving religion is bullshit one way or another, a way of coping.

>> No.17564175

Rather atheism is a cope

>> No.17564176

Lmao every time you argue with these people they spout things like "lol u kaffir" or "seething crosscuck''

>> No.17564208

You are disgusting. From your malnourished incest demeanour to your orcspeak.

Please leave, wog.

>> No.17564232

Arabic is the most beautiful language in the world

>> No.17564247

>we need an economic system based on ISLAM
*can't extract jizya anymore due to too many people converting*
>where did my empire go :(

>> No.17564258

Source: someone ESL whose native tongue is Arabic

>> No.17564267

Not him but the Salafiposter is a white convert

>> No.17564283

Not surprising as converts are the most zealous in their first years.
That being said, Italian is the most beautiful language and feet are the mist beautiful body part.

>> No.17564289

Islam doesn't rely on jizya, it is much better for someone to convert than pay it

>> No.17564293

Everything is cope one way or another, bro, just choose your cope.

>> No.17564297

>Is some kind of psyops by some jihadist group?
it's some kind of psyop allright but it's not the jihadists.
It's too dumb to be them.

>> No.17564301

Islam relies on raiding, slave taking, spoils of war etc
>where did my empire go... noooo not the goats :(

>> No.17564302

Imo Arabic is beautiful, never got why people think it sounds bad. But I actually am a Middle Easterner so I guess I'm used to it. Italian isn't even the most beautiful romance language, clearly that's French.

>> No.17564309

Wait I don't even get this one, why would there being to goats to fuck crash the economy

>> No.17564327

Thank you for your notes brother. When I claim to be a Marxist, I mean it in the literal sense of using Marx's class analysis in society. It is a methodological tool, and wielding it garners a certain respect from a community among the kaffir. I am not a communist and would never claim to be one.
I do not claim that Islam is a man-made ideology, if i have implied this I retract it, that is a grave sin to imply such a thing. But you must understand that for westerners they do not have a framework of Islamic sciences and knowledge from which to draw from, their minds are set according to principles of rationalism, democratic politics, and philosophy. So when I perform dawah I try to appeal to the values that I know westerners already have, not to the quaranic sciences or scholars which require a depth of cultural context to understand. Nor am I trying to tailor Islam to kuffar, just to convince kuffar that Islam agrees with their fitrah. I think it's a shame that many brothers do not engage with philosophy in the classical sense, because as a revert being exposed to Plato as a child helped me to recognize the moral value of the Quran when I was later exposed to it.Yes they were pagans, but they were also virtuous men and Allah guided them as he saw fit, as he guides us. Allah enjoins us to use reason, so why should we shy away from philosophers simply because they were not exposed to Islam when so much of their reason led them to the same answers presented in the Quran?
You are right to call me out though, I have been very dishonest in my dealings with people, and I need to repent for that. I will try to do better from now on inshallah.

>> No.17564339

no goats*

>> No.17564340

Actually no, that's when our empire declined into decadence. Islam relies on Islam. The primary concern is to call people to it. Fighting them and jizya are only of they refuse and the latter is a token of their subjugation so they don't interfere with dawah. For internal adminstration there is zakah

>> No.17564343

Muslims pay zakat. Anyways you misunderstand the role of the state under shariah, it's not the leviathan we are used to in the west.

>> No.17564359

You said Marxist-Leninist

Do not try to appeal to democracy, it's also kufr.

No good deed done in a haram way is accepted, if you don't want your good deeds wasted don't lie for them

>> No.17564386

More like a result of a crashed economy.
Interesting thing to tread about: the effect of their herder lifestyle on the land. The arabs snookered their subjugates.

>> No.17564390

yeah I'm sure the future Muslim theocracy will be a libertarian paradise.
gooooooo fuck yourselffff

>> No.17564392

*gets bombed*
Muh strong state

>> No.17564395

The Muslims taxed less than the Romans and Persians

>> No.17564398

Of course, Allah is only satisfied with great sacrifice and faith and it must continue until the end of time

>> No.17564407

It’s the Tradzoomer —> Islamist pipeline.

>> No.17564413

Yes, and it's 202(one), not 200AD. If you want to engage in antiquity rules then go ahead, don't expect to be taken seriously though. Goatfucker.

>> No.17564423

Current year

>> No.17564437

I have no problem with those who want to larp as warring tribes from 14 centuries ago as long as they do it in their safe space (desert) and stop using technology since that's not consistent then.

>> No.17564441

Allah says use everything you can marshall for jihad

>> No.17564459

Just keep your hands off the fireworks, you guys love that a bit too much.

>> No.17564552

Lenin made many good points. It's not a lie to name drop a philosopher in a conversation, and it will make the kuffar respect you. Many scholars while making dawah took time to learn the culture and language of those they were talking to, it's a necessary part of jihad. 'Know your enemy', as Sun Tzu says.

As for democracy, that is debatable. Qutb I believe was supportive of engaging with democracy as a way to bring about shariah, as is Tariq Ramadan. Many scholars in fact have said this, are they all kuffar? As a path of jihad, democracy is less cruel than war, and less likely to cause pain and death to innocent people. What's more, for westerners 'democracy' is word that doesn't have a specific meaning, and means very little when you look at it-- very few people actually have a right to participate in the political process on a meaningful level, it's simply that the word has meaning within the context. In China there is the mandate of heaven. If all the lands of China join into dar-al-islam there will still be an Emperor and heaven will still have a mandate. It's the same with democracy, it is a name for the transfer of political legitimacy from one ruler to another within the western context, and while I am not a learned man on the issue I don't see how this would change under shariah.

I will try to do better however. Peace brother, you are doing good things on this board.

>> No.17564592

The leviathan is unique to the last few hundred years of western civilization, and it replaces the just law of Allah with the arbitrary rules of a unilaterally powerful state. Read your own history books, Islam is not the boogy-man you believe it to be.

>> No.17564673

>it will make the kuffar respect you
Just stop. سبحان الله If you are pandering to their beliefs for respect then you have lost.

Please listen to this

Qutb completely opposed democracy when he wrote Milestones and left the heresy of his earlier days. It's kufr, this is not debatable because Allah says anyone who submits judgement to anything but him and his messanger, this is kufr.



>> No.17564723

>the just law of Allah
Like killing apostates and diddling kids

>> No.17564777

>Please listen to this
Alternative link