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17560240 No.17560240 [Reply] [Original]

>For the ancient Aryan war had the general meaning of a perpetual fight between metaphysical powers. On the one hand there was the Olympian principle of light, the uranic and solar reality; on the other hand, brute violence, the titanic-telluric, barbaric element in the classical sense, the feminine demonic substance. The motif of this metaphysical fight resurfaces continually through countless forms of myth in all traditions of Aryan origin. Any fight, in the material sense, was experienced with greater or lesser awareness as an episode in that antithesis. But the Aryan race considered itself to be the army of the Olympian principle: accordingly, it is necessary to restore this conception among Aryans, as being the justification, or the highest consecration, of any hegemonic aspiration, but also of the very idea of empire, whose anti-secular character is very obvious.

>> No.17560278


>> No.17561458
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>> No.17561838

Jünger is available for anyone who is allergic to Evola’s occultism, mythology, whatever you want to call it.

>> No.17561858

Jünger's writing style is boring

>> No.17561865

Maybe Dr. Seuss is more your speed then.

>> No.17561866

>not occult or mythological
You haven't read him.

>> No.17561886

Lol that statue looks extremely Greco-Buddhist. So much for your pseudo-vedic larp

>> No.17561911

I specifically said “or whatever you want to call it” to contrast Jünger with Evola and only for that reason. If you mean to imply that they write the same, that’s not true.

>> No.17561939

Which of Dr Suess's books best embody the spirit of the Anarch?

>> No.17561963

Il Gatto inna degli Hatto

>> No.17561981

Just look what this system has created in India. You have a talented minority ruling class which produce great scientists, mathematicians, chess players, and so on; and then you have a majority population of literal sub 90-IQ serfs who are only good for physical labour. The genetic difference between these two is so large due to the caste system that they are basically separate races. As a result there is 0 social mobility in India, and the country is a shithole. This is not a good system to follow in any way, rightoids, despite the fact that it strokes your hierarchy-minded cocks..

>> No.17562148

Due to the Caste system or due to the proliferation of industry, technology, profit-seeking, and rent-seeking?

>> No.17562152

>As a result there is 0 social mobility in India
Explain why this is a tragedy. Or do you expect me to just accept that India should have more Jeff Bezos just because?

>> No.17562429

>Explain why this is a tragedy.
If your aim is to raise the level of the nation you don't create an extremely stratified society where the lower classes essentially become a separate race from the ruling classes. You have to have genetic diversity and then you can implement eugenic social codes which allow for the multiplication of those with desirable traits. The caste system doomed India forever because the lower classes now represent a racially separate -- and inferior -- population.

>> No.17562694

>due to the proliferation of industry, technology, profit-seeking, and rent-seeking

>> No.17562744
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>> No.17562790

You’ve drank the Kool Aid wholesale I see. Surely, nothing can go wrong with your eugenecist prescriptions.

>> No.17562827

>But the Aryan race considered itself to be the army of the Olympian principle
Does this refer to present day Europeans? It's a bit hard to tell without more context. I am assuming it's referring to present day Europeans.
This chart is not very good, because the top cast do not use "their brain", rather they are portrayed as the head because the head directs the rest of the body and is closest to heaven. The association between the brain and knowledge is more modern. Furthermore, the untouchables are lower than the Shudras since they have no caste.
In Storm of Steel, after being shot in the back by a German soldier (because he'd put on a British officer coat), Junger describes a spiritual experience which served as the basis for his worldview after the war. This is why Evola hotly recommended the writings of the young Junger, since he perceived in those writings the vigour of a genuine warrior spirituality.
>"b-bro, actually ancient Aryans did not exist, the European and Indian peoples just popped out of nowhere!"

>> No.17562831


>> No.17562835

Calm down faggot I'm not an Aryan-denier its a joke.

>> No.17562864

sorry anon it's hard to tell when half the people on these board are genuine schizos and the other half are only pretending to be retarded

>> No.17562866
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Jihad is better

>> No.17564322

Inner or outer?

>> No.17564341

this is actually a pretty good book but I wish it would go to more use than being mined for cool quotes

>> No.17564370

It's gone towards my intellectual development, at least.

>> No.17564434

Right you create niggermerica instead

>> No.17564466

hasnt 'Aryan' as a term for the ancestors of indo-european people been replaced by Proto-Indo-Europeans these days? im pretty sure aryan is now only used for the more specific indo-iranian subgroup (and used by idiots in neo-nazi thought ofc)

>> No.17564536
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>hasnt 'Aryan' as a term for the ancestors of indo-european people been replaced by Proto-Indo-Europeans these days?
mostly yes

>> No.17564603

good to see the retards also picked up on the terminology lmao

>> No.17564624


>> No.17564648

AFAIK Aryan specifically refers to Indo-European and the two terms are interchangeable. I am not sure how often people use it to refer to proto-Indo-Europeans.

>> No.17564651
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Iv always thought aryans specifically refers to the Indo Europeans who migrated to India

>> No.17564662


>> No.17564690

It does refer to them, but not "specifically" to them, AFAIK. It's why the whole "Aryan" movement existed in Europe. Aryan = Indo-European. So both the ones who settled in India and the ones that didn't.
Also, AFAIK, Vaishyas were not considered "Aryan" in the sense that Kshatriya and Brahmins were. It literally means "noble ones", derives from the same common root as the word "aristocratic".

>> No.17564782

Profoundly based

>> No.17564863

Most sources I looked at said that vaishyas were considered the aryans, but lowest of them, and did not have the same privileges as kshatriya and brahmins

>> No.17564901

What's this supposed to mean? There is no such division

>> No.17564940

The Caste System is an explicit movement AWAY from the PIE tripartite system. The idea of being "born" into a caste that you cannot leave is absolutely heinous and a complete rejection of the entire point of the tripartite system (a triplicity of energies to generate stability). A similar problem results from frontloading one caste with all of the power and might in society. In Rome, it was the fecundic caste, in Germania it was the warrior caste, in India it was the priestly caste. An actual functioning Indo-European society looks like the Celts, the Scythians, or the Persians, all of whom recognized the castes as being functions within man that do not consume him.

You might say "oh but anon in the earliest days the caste system wasn't rigid and people could move between them", but that's just demonstrating my point: the very idea of "being" a brahmin, or "being" a kshatriya, even if you can change between them, is a problem. All men contain within them all three functions, they just move towards one as needed. The tripartite system isn't a method of specialization but a means of generalization.

What has it gotten India? Shit in its holy river and a society that exports everyone with an IQ above 110 to work as nannies to Arabs or wageslaves to (((Google))).

>> No.17565053

You may be correct. I have not read in detail.

>> No.17565058

Yes, but the essays in the book were written in the 30s and 40s when the term was still widely used for Indo-Europeans in general.